After that, he followed the hunter king to look for the nearby sky fox in the desert.

No wonder the hunter said that Tianhu was not easy to track.

Jiang Lin walked with Hunter King for a short time, only to realize that the wind in this desert made his vision very poor, and it was not realistic to try to track Tianhu with a demonic energy.

Before long, they found an abandoned stone castle in a depression formed by a sand dune.

There were also screams of people inside.

Such a strong demon.

Jiang Lin looked at the stone castle below, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the demonic energy above the stone castle formed a cloud.

Hey, did you really meet a Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor?

Jiang Lin didn't expect his luck to be so good. When he came out to touch it, he found what he wanted.

"Beast! Die!"

The Hunter King took out his axe from his waist and threw it out. After that, he turned his head to Jiang Lin and said, "You hide to the side, there is a fiery fox inside, don't let me tie my hands and feet."

Jiang Lin nodded. Now that the Hunter King had launched an attack, he was ready to see the abilities of the Tianhu Clan.

If there is no Hunter King, he has restrained his spiritual power and can make a surprise attack. Now, the Fire Fox Demon Emperor inside is probably already vigilant.

Apart from this consideration, Jiang Lin didn't plan to make a move. Once he made a move, the hunter king knew that he concealed his strength and might turn his face and deny him.

At this time, the stone castle was hit by the hunting king's axe, and it collapsed into ruins in an instant. Then, a beautiful woman in a black dress rose from the ruins and landed on the opposite side of the hunting king.

"King Hunter, I didn't expect you to chase me as soon as I left the customs. You are really persevering."

"Nine-Tailed Fire Pipa, is that you? Oh, I see. It was the previous Sun Tribulation, which had a great effect on your healing. No wonder, you were injured like that by me back then, and you can come out now."

The King Hunter was surprised when he saw the beautiful woman Huo Pipa, but then he understood the key.

It turned out that this nine-tailed Tianhuhuo Pipa had already known the Hunter King for a long time.

Jiang Lin watched and nodded slightly, it seemed that his wife Yu Canhua was right.

The hunter king has already formed the Nascent Soul, and under normal circumstances, it is enough to deal with a demon ancestor.

But this fire pipa is only at the level of a demon emperor, and has been seriously injured by the hunter before.

In the hands of a Nascent Soul cultivator, Huo Pipa can escape the catastrophe.

The celestial fox, who is highly skilled, is indeed not easy to kill.

The first thousand five hundred and forty-four chapters of the Wei family, destroying the seal

"Hunter King, for so many years, you have hunted down countless people of my clan, and I, Huo Pipa, swear to the sky that you must pay a heavy price! And that Wei family, a family of six generations, has been my enemy from generation to generation, you They will die without a place of burial, their families will be destroyed, their children and grandchildren will be cut off!"

Huo Pipa looked at the Hunting King resentfully, and then, nine fiery red fox tails suddenly appeared on her waist and buttocks, and her face also turned into the appearance of a fox.

"Stop talking nonsense and die!"

The King Hunter recalled his axe and rushed over.

"Children, juniors, set up!"

Huo Pipa drank, and suddenly more than ten flaming red fiery foxes and pure white snow foxes rushed out from the ruins of the stone castle, and surrounded the Hunter King in the center.

These snow foxes and fire foxes exhaled icy cold and scorching demonic energy respectively, forming a great formation of yin and yang, trapping the hunter king.

"The little tricks of the eagle, how many die as many come!"

The Hunter King let out a sneer, and swung the axe in both hands, and a violent and unparalleled spiritual power light blade slashed out.

Immediately, the ten or so celestial foxes around burst out screaming and spurting blood.

However, Huo Pipa took advantage of the moment when the Hunter King broke the formation and sat cross-legged on the sand. She pushed her palms out, almost unconstrained by the space, and fell into the Hunter King's heart.

After that, she held her hands in empty hands, holding her heart, and recited a strange incantation in her mouth.

"Inner Demon Dafa? You really mastered the secret skills of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint!"

The hunter king covered his heart, and a sickly blood red appeared on his face.

He clicked towards his heart a few times, and then a large bow and a few magic arrows came out of his sleeve.

Draw your bow and arrow, shoot!

However, when Huo Pipa saw the Fa arrow flying towards him, he did not move at all, letting the Fa arrow pass through his body.

At this time, Jiang Lin clearly felt that there was a strange power flowing from Huo Pipa's body.

It's like the power to move space.

The innate supernatural powers of the Tianhu clan!

Only then did Jiang Lin truly see the power of the Heavenly Fox Clan's magical powers.

The Huo Pipa was shot through several vital points by the arrow of the Hunter King, but only some blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

This nine-tailed fire pipa is also ruthless.

Jiang Lin didn't expect that the battle between the Hunter King and Huo Pipa had just begun, so he went straight for it.

Huo Pipa intends to exchange blood for blood, fighting to hurt himself, but also to seriously injure the Hunter King.

At this time, the hunter king also discovered Huo Pipa's intention. He ignored the rapid expansion and contraction of his heart, and charged towards Huo Pipa with a flat axe.

However, Huo Pipa made up his mind to exchange blood with the Hunter King, and desperately let his nine fire tails extend together.

Every fox tail can bridge the space and directly greet the hunter king.

"Get out of here!"

The hunter king let out a violent roar, swung the axe, and spun at high speed together with himself.

The spiritual power in the body was released, forming a tornado directly with the Hunter King himself, moving towards the Fire Pipa with the might of collapsing mountains and destroying forests.

At the same time, there are dozens or hundreds of spiritual power drills rushing towards the surroundings.

After all, Huo Pipa is still not as good as Hunter King. Under such an offensive, her injuries became more and more serious, and she finally had to suspend her inner magic.

"Bah! Die!"

The Hunter King took a breath, and jumped up from the tornado, an axe slashed towards the top of Huo Pipa's head.

Huo Pipa didn't attack, just slammed into the sand with both hands, and with a "whoosh" sound, he got into the sand.

Then, her nine fox tails emerged from the sand again, shaking out countless fox feathers like steel needles.

The hunter snorted and spit out a mouthful of blood, and there were a lot of fox hairs in the blood.

Jiang Lin, who was watching the battle from a distance, squinted his eyes, and judging from the current situation, it would be very difficult for him to match this Heavenly Fox Fire Pipa himself.

Even the cultivation of the hunter king, from the battle to the present, has not taken any obvious advantage.

In the battle circle, the hunter had a cold face. He accumulated the spiritual power of his whole body, stepped on his feet, and shouted: "Get out!"

With a sound of "Boom", all the sand in a radius of [*] meters was shaken and exploded, flying into the air.

Flying out together, there is also a fire pipa hidden under the sand.

What the hell!

Really scary.

Jiang Lin's eyes widened. Don't look at this Hunter King's talent in other aspects. In terms of strength, he is not comparable to a cultivator at the level of Jindan.

The King Hunter stepped on the void and chased after the fire pipa that was spewing blood.

Furious attack!

The king of hunters has a lot of luck, and he dances wildly with an axe in his hand, as if he is about to slash eight streets with a fire pipa.

Until now, the hunter king has pulled the situation back.

However, many of his ultimate moves were evaded or carried on by Huo Pipa's supernatural ability to move in space.

In the end, the Hunter King only cut off half of Huo Pipa's fox tail, but he still escaped.

It seems that he really has a good plan.

Seeing the battle between the Hunter King and the Huo Pipa, Jiang Lin also had some ideas in his heart.

"Uncle Hunter, you are really amazing."

After the King Hunter came back, Jiang Lin gave him a thumbs up.

"You kid, you're not too timid, and you're not scared by this scene. This guy is a very powerful monster. If you want to destroy her, I'm afraid it's not easy. My heart is damaged."

The hunter king laughed, and then murmured: "It seems that I have to go to the Wei family and use the ancestral seal of destruction."

Break the seal?

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, listening to the meaning of the Hunter King, the Wei family's shattering seal seemed to be able to target the Tianhu family.

The Wei family mentioned by the hunter is probably the Wei family, the enemy of the Tianhu clan mentioned by Huo Pipa before.

But when the seal is broken, he has absolutely no idea what it is.

I don't know if it's a magic weapon or a talisman.

"The Wei family? It's the enemy of the Tianhu family? What's the use of his family's seal?"

Jiang Lin asked, because he had heard of the Wei family before, so he thought what he said as if he knew it.

The King Hunter glanced at Jiang Lin and said, "You know the Wei family, but you don't know the seal of the Wei family? The Wei family's seal of destruction is specially used to deal with the celestial fox, especially this kind of celestial fox. With the Seal of Destruction in hand, I can destroy that sassy fox, but it's much easier."

"It turns out that I really don't know this."

"Okay, I'm going to Wei's house next, you can go by yourself."

The King Hunter took away the fox corpse on the sand and the half fox tail of Huo Pipa, so he was not going to take care of Jiang Lin.

If it weren't for the damage to his heart, he would be able to take care of these fox corpses and fox tails by himself, but now that he is injured, he is ready to go to the Wei family.

Moreover, he also wanted to try to borrow the Wei Family's Destruction Seal, otherwise, it would probably take a lot of effort to deal with the Fire Pipa.

Jiang Lin said with a smile: "Uncle Hunter King, I'm going to meet the world too. Anyway, I'm fine, let's walk together all the way."

Since the Wei family has a special magic weapon to deal with the Tianhu clan, he must have gone over to inquire about it.

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