The first thousand five hundred and forty-five chapters

"what ever."

The Hunter King did not drag Jiang Lin to follow him, but led the way in front.

Jiang Lin followed behind, thinking about how to target Huo Pipa's innate supernatural powers.

The idea of ​​discussing with the Hunter King to deal with the Huo Pipa was directly passed by him. Even for a cultivator, a demon pill is a valuable treasure, and the Hunter King may not be willing to give it to him at that time.

And once he proposes an exchange and exposes his treasure, it remains to be seen whether the hunter king will see the treasure.

He had just arrived at Shahai in the Northern Territory, and he didn't want to cause more troubles.

Jiang Lin and Hunter King left the desert area together. After nightfall, the two arrived in a city where the Wei family was located.

Jiang Lin entered the Wei family compound with King Hunter, only to find that there were many people inside, many of them were rich people with luxurious clothes.

After asking the hunter, Jiang Lin learned that the Wei family used their fur to make fur coats or scarves when they hunted the celestial fox, and if those fox furs were from big demons and above, the fox furs contained the vitality of the fox demons. , was sealed by the Wei Family's Destruction Method, and the vitality inside would be of great benefit to the human body.

This is how the Wei family made their fortune.

It can be said that there is an endless stream of wealthy people who come to Wei's house to buy furs or coats.

"Yo, I said why so many people came to the Wei family this time, this Duke Wei actually took out his ancestral Qianlong Qiu and sold it."

The King Hunter looked up at the hall and was a little surprised that the contemporary head of the Wei family took out the ancestral treasure and let everyone auction it.

Qianlong Qiu?

Jiang Lin followed the King Hunter's gaze. In the hall, Wei Gong, with half-white temples, was greeting the guests.

Next to Duke Wei, there is a woman with a unique dress, with an iron hook in her left hand, holding a chopping board in her hand, which is covered with a layer of blue cloth.

Duke Wei smiled and said to the woman beside him, "Tie Shou, open it."

The woman immediately lifted the blue cloth, revealing a folded fur coat.

The fur is pure white and flawless, and the workmanship is extremely delicate.

Is this Qianlong Qiu?What a strong vitality!

Jiang Lin's eyes fell on Qianlong Qiu, only to realize that the Qiu Yi contained powerful life energy and a lot of demon power.

It's just that this kind of demon power is very gentle, and it should have been dealt with by the Wei family's shattering seal.

If this robe is given to Qing'er, it should be able to help her in cultivation.

Jiang Lin thought of taking away this Qianlong Qiu. Of course, it was also the kind of idea obtained by normal means.

"I'm sure you've all heard that the celestial fox is an extremely precious beast, and the Tianshan snow fox is even rarer, and the Qianlong Qiu only takes a small amount of fur from the snow fox's armpit, so a Qianlong Qiu, It takes a thousand snow foxes to make it. This thousand dragon coat contains a lot of vitality, and if it is often worn on the body, its effect is no less than that of human ganoderma."

"Gong Wei, this Qianlong Qiu is the heirloom of your Wei family. How can you give up your love and sell it?"

A wealthy old man asked Duke Wei. In the past, many rich people like him had the idea of ​​Qianlong Qiu, but Duke Wei was never willing to sell it, but this time he took the initiative to take it out.

Duke Wei sighed and said, "Alas! My nine sons passed away one after another. Not long after, my wife also passed away. Now I feel like my body is dying, and my only remaining son, Juro, has been frail and sick. The expert pointed me, saying that it is against this Qianlong Qiu, for the sake of the Wei family's blood, of course I am willing to give up my love."

Having said that, Duke Wei asked his servants to turn off all the lights in the hall.

In the darkness, Qianlong Qiu glowed brightly, and there was a thick mist floating above.

Just when everyone was amazed at the spectacle formed by Qianlong Qiu, the light on this Qiu Yi suddenly turned on and off, and then the tiles above the hall fell down, making everyone jump.

"It seems that your Wei family has come to this generation, and it really went against this Qianlong Qiu."

At this time, the Hunter King stepped forward and walked over.

"King Hunter? What are you doing here? We don't welcome you here."

A woman named Iron Hand beside Duke Wei stood in front of the Hunter King.

"You Wei family treat me as a competitor, and I'm not welcome. That's for sure. However, when I come here, I still have a few words to say. It is about the safety of your Wei family. You can listen to it or not. If you don't listen, you can Don't regret it."

The Hunter King didn't care about Tie Shou's attitude and looked directly at Duke Wei.

This hunter king, the brain circuit is really not very normal.

Jiang Lin watched, laughing in his heart, the hunter king came to the Wei family to borrow the seal of destruction from the Wei family.

As a result, this guy came up with such an offending attitude.

With such an attitude, who's brain is trampled by a donkey's hoof, and would borrow a family treasure?

However, the attitude of the hunter king made Jiang Lin quite like it.

He is also breaking the idea of ​​destroying the seal. If it is borrowed by the hunter king, it will be a little troublesome.

"King Hunter, you are a guest from afar. If you have anything to say, please say it directly."

Duke Wei did not show any disgust towards the Hunter King, and regarded him as a guest.

The King Hunter put the fox corpse on his shoulders on the table on the side, and said, "Wapo is a broken home, I am afraid some people will die, it seems that the Wei family is running out of energy. Now the nine-tailed Tianhuhuo Pipa has broken through Come out and meet me, your Wei family will also be his target. Your son Weijurou seems to be studying in Kyoto. If you don’t want him to be killed by Huo Pipa, it is best to recall him.”

"Huo Pipa is out? Didn't she suffer a serious injury a hundred years ago and hurt her fundamentally? Why did she leave so soon?"

Duke Wei immediately turned pale when he heard the words of the Hunter King. Now their Wei family is in the middle of the road. If Huo Pipa came to the door, it would be really bad luck.

The King Hunter nodded and replied, "That's right, and that fellow has also practiced the Dafa of Inner Demon. When I came here, in addition to telling you, I also wanted to use your Wei Family's Destruction Seal to deal with the Fire Pipa."

"It's really alarmist. The Wei family has the Seal of Destruction. Even if Huo Pipa breaks out of the gate, how can they dare to commit a crime? I think your report is false. healed."

Before Duke Wei could make a sound, Iron Hand scolded the Hunter King.

"King Hunter, destroying the seal is the foundation of my Wei family's existence, so I can't borrow it."

Duke Wei also shook his head. Now that the Hunter King said that Huo Pipa was out of the customs, it was even more impossible for him to lend out the Seal of Destruction.

"You don't believe it? Then the fox tail of this fire pipa will be used as evidence for you."

The hunter king slipped a fiery red fox tail out of his sleeve and threw it towards Duke Wei.

"Since you don't want to borrow it, I'm not shy. You can deal with those foxes with your French seal, and just send the money to me."

The hunter snorted and strode away from the Wei house.

Chapter [*] I also borrow the law

Seeing the Hunter King leave angrily, Jiang Lin did not stop him.

He was thinking just now that if the Hunter King was present, he wouldn't be able to show off his wealth and take down Qianlong Qiu.

And as soon as the Hunter King left, it would be more convenient for him to break the seal.

"This... this is really Huo Pipa's fox tail!"

When Duke Wei saw the half tail on the ground in the hall, his face suddenly became extremely ugly. It seemed that the Hunter King really didn't lie to him.

If it is true that Huo Pipa is out of the customs, then she has practiced the Dafa of Inner Demons, and it is also true!

Just when Duke Wei and Tie Shou were surprised, half of the fox tail on the ground suddenly jumped up, and the tail directly hit Duke Wei in the face, pulling it out all the way.

I'm going!

Is it that strong?

This time, even Jiang Lin's eyes widened. This half of the fox's tail was cut from the Huo Pipa by the Hunter King. Several hours have passed by now.

There is still the vitality of a fiery pipa on it.

Foxtail made a mess, and everyone in the hall immediately retreated in fright.

"court death!"

Tie Shou snorted, rushed over, raised his arm and hooked the fox tail wrapped around Duke Wei's neck with an iron hook, dragged it to the ground, and chopped it into two pieces.

But after half of the fox's tail was broken, it grew again.

"My lord, there are so many people here that it is inconvenient to fight, please allow me to ask for the seal."

Tie Shou looked at the half fox tail that was slamming around, and asked Duke Wei for instructions. With her Jindan level of cultivation, there was no problem in hoeing this half fox tail.

But the people present were all the guests of the Wei family. In case of accidental injury, it would not end well.

Duke Wei took a breath and said quickly, "Okay, let's go!"

After receiving the order, Iron Hand rushed behind the screen and took out a large square seal.

Then, she jumped up, hooked off the fox tail that was churning on the beam, and stamped it on it with the method of destruction.

Immediately, black smoke came out of the half of the fox's tail, and after a few wiggles, there was no movement.

It turned out to be a rather mysterious quasi-immortal weapon.

Jiang Lin saw the Seal of Destruction held by Iron Hand and nodded slightly. No wonder the Hunter King wanted to use this magic weapon to deal with the Fire Pipa.

"My dear guests, I really didn't take good care of you. In order to apologize, the Wei family is willing to compensate you for a piece of fur for free."

After apologizing to the guests, Duke Wei said, "Now that the remaining demon power of the enchanting evildoer has been suppressed, the sale of Qianlong Qiu is still going on. Everyone can bid at will, and the one with the highest price will get it."

Although a bunch of rich people were frightened, but fortunately they didn't suffer any harm, and with the compensation from Duke Wei, they didn't take this matter to heart.

At this time, Jiang Lin stepped forward and said, "I want this thousand dragon coats."

"What? You want it?"

"I haven't even asked the price yet. What do you want?"

"You're young and your tone is not small, are you rich?"

Jiang Lin's move directly made those rich people fry.

Even without shouting the price, some people said that Qianlong Qiu was going to be gone.

"This guest, Qianlong Qiu is not what anyone wants, and the one with the highest bid can take it."

Duke Wei glanced at Jiang Lin, feeling a little unhappy.

Jiang Lin's dress is very ordinary, he has never had any requirements for his clothes, and now he doesn't look like a rich child.

If it wasn't for being the master just now, there was trouble in the family, and Duke Wei was not easy to attack, he would not give Jiang Lin a good face.

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