Is this to smash the field?

"I have no money, but no matter how much money I have, I am richer than everyone here."

Jiang Lin laughed, reached into his arms and took out a burden from the ancient mirror.

"I'll put these things here. Who of you can bid higher than me, and who of you will take Qianlong Qiu."

After opening the bag and throwing it on the table, Jiang Lin looked at a group of rich people.

This bag contains all the fine gems, and in addition, there are some extremely rare gold and iron.

When his family passed through the bottom passage of the sand sea in the northern region, Jiang Lin borrowed the immortal power of Jade Cane Flower to collect a lot of gem spar along the way, and in order to keep the safflower from getting bored and bored, He also collected a lot of rare metals in the sand sea for his refining and casting.

This burden is only part of what he brought before his arrival.

But Rao is like this, and it is much more than ordinary people's family property.

Seeing a bag of gems and gold and iron on the table, all the rich people were dumbfounded. Some of the gems in it were priceless. How could they bid for it?

Jiang Lin laughed. These ordinary people are not in the same dimension as him. Fighting for wealth with him is like a joke.

Not to mention an ordinary person, with his current savings, even the Sanxian Island Master who occupied an island, he couldn't compare with him at all.

In terms of individuals, he can now be the richest man in Da Luo Xianjie.

The richest man in fairyland.

No one can compare to him, ghosts and gods, demons and gods.

If you compare, they are all paupers.

Jiang Lin glanced at Duke Wei and said, "Gong Wei, how is it? Can I accept this Qianlong Qiu?"

"Yes, yes! Please do as you please!"

Duke Wei's old eyes almost popped out his eyeballs. He was truly unbelievable, and the sea could not be measured.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Okay, Duke Wei, please greet them. I still have something to discuss with you, which is related to the safety of your Wei family."

"It has something to do with the safety of our Wei family? Well, honored guest wait a moment."

Duke Wei now knows that Jiang Lin is not an ordinary person. Just those gems he has never seen before are produced in the depths of the sand sea, and ordinary people can't get them at all. obtained.

Knowing this, Duke Wei didn't dare to delay, he hurriedly greeted the guests, apologized to them, and sent them away.

Those guests came for Qianlong Qiu. Now that Qianlong Qiu already has an owner, they received compensation from the Wei family, and they all left one after another.

"Honored guest, may I ask you something?"

"Gong Wei, I want to borrow the seal of destruction of your Wei family, but I won't borrow it for nothing. I have my own way for the safety of your Wei family."

At this time, Jiang Lin put forward his own request.

He must get the seal of destruction of the Wei family.

" also want to borrow my Wei Family's Destruction Seal?"

Duke Wei was a little speechless. The fire pipa was out of the gate, and it would definitely be detrimental to his Wei family. As a result, the hunter king in front had to borrow his family's shattering seal, and Jiang Lin in the back also had to borrow it.

We borrowed the French seal, what should we do with the Wei family?

To drink the northwest wind?

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Yes, I also borrowed the seal of the law."

Chapter [-] Heavenly Fox Demon Saint is not dead!


Duke Wei showed embarrassment and did not agree immediately. Destroying the legal seal was related to the survival of his Wei family. Of course he was unwilling to lend it.

But Jiang Lin had just used so many treasures to buy his family's Qianlong Qiu, which made it difficult for him to refuse.

"Gong Wei, it's normal for you to have concerns, give me your hand."

Jiang Lin held out his hand. Although Duke Wei didn't know what Jiang Lin meant, he still raised his hand.

If the guest wants to be unfavorable to him, there is no need to rectify these or not.

Moreover, he also has a strong cultivation base himself, and there is no problem in self-protection.

After touching Duke Wei's palm, Jiang Lin passed on his memory.

What he sent to Duke Wei was that he, Zhong Kui, and Xingtian were dealing with Wutian together.

The reason why Jiang Lin didn't say anything was because he didn't want anyone other than Duke Wei to know his roots, which would help him in his future plans.

As for revealing his true identity, Jiang Lin was not worried. When Heavenly Court was destroyed and when Heavenly Court went to sea to capture documents, the passage to the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory had not been opened, so he naturally did not know the specific situation outside.

All he needs to do is let Duke Wei know that he has the power of an immortal.

"you you……"

An incredible memory appeared in his mind, causing Duke Wei to widen his eyes.

Although the sand sea in the northern region where their Wei family is located is extremely remote, Wutian has ruled in heaven for thousands of years, so even Duke Wei has seen the law of Wutian.

Therefore, the memory that Jiang Lin passed on to him shocked him so much.

Jiang Lin can actually join forces with other angels to deal with Wutian!

That is to say, Jiang Lin at least has the strength of a god, a god!

"Gong Wei, how is it? Can you trust Jiang?"

Jiang Lin smiled, then took out two immortal artifacts from the ancient mirror in his arms, and continued: "If Duke Wei is still worried that this place will be attacked, these two artifacts are temporarily left here to protect your Wei family. , is more than enough."

Although there are two immortal artifacts missing for the time being, Jiang Lin doesn't care. If he really wants to smash the slag from the fire pipa, he can rely on the immortal artifacts now.

But if you want to kill it just right, so that the demon pill won't be damaged, and it won't make it escape, then breaking the seal is more suitable.

It can also save him a lot of trouble.

"Trust! Iron Hand, immediately send the Seal of Destruction to the honored guest!"

Duke Wei looked at the two immortal artifacts that Jiang Lin took out, and his heart was very excited. He had never eaten pork, and had seen pigs run. !

The former is more likely!

With these two powerful instruments, as long as the fire pipa attacks, it will never be good.

"My lord, this..."

The iron hand on the side was still a little cloudy. She didn't know what was going on. She didn't receive those memories from Jiang Lin. How could she think about the two magic tools Jiang Lin took out on the fairy tools.

"Send it if you tell me."

Seeing that Tie Shou was still in a daze, Duke Wei grabbed the seal in her hand and handed it to Jiang Lin.

Although the Destruction Seal of their Wei family can be aimed at Tianhu, but the cultivation of him and the assistant next to him is not enough to see, it is not realistic to want to kill Huo Pipa.

But if there is a fairy, it will be different.

Duke Wei's needs were exactly the opposite of Jiang Lin's.

Therefore, he was afraid that Jiang Lin would regret it, so he hurriedly sent the Seal of Destruction.

"Zunke, if you want to exert all the power of the seal of the law, you must drop it with hard work. How about Wei, as the contemporary head of the family, let Zunke temporarily become the seventh-generation seal holder of the Wei family seal?"

After sending out the seal of shattering, Duke Wei proposed to make Jiang Lin the official seal of the Wei family.

Their Wei family is about to run out of anger, and now they encounter an immortal-level thigh. If he doesn't hug him, he will be a fool.

"It's impossible."

Jiang Lin has nothing to refuse. His goal is Huo Pipa, and the Wei family's great enemy is also Huo Pipa. In a sense, what he has done can also help the Wei family continue their luck.

"Mr. Wei, I heard from that hunter before that your young son, Wei Shiro, is studying in Beijing. If that's the case, I'll set off tomorrow and pick him up."

Jiang Lin already knew that Huo Pipa was going to deal with the Wei family, and Wei Shilang might bear the brunt, so he planned to go to Wei Shilang first, and waited halfway, so as to save himself from going to Huo Pipa.

As for taking Weijurou back, it was just a pretense.

"Oh, that's great, that's great! I'm still thinking of writing a letter tonight and asking Juro to come back."

Duke Wei was overjoyed, and with Jiang Lin, the "celestial immortal" to pick up his son, there would be absolutely no problem.

Afterwards, Duke Wei burned incense and prayed for blessings, and invited out the ancestor statue. Jiang Lin also naturally became the one who broke the seal of the Dharma for a while.

After taking Qianlong Qiu, Jiang Lin announced his resignation to Wei and left the Wei house.

After he left, in a fox cave on the edge of the desert, Huo Pipa's face was ashen.

Jiang Lin's scenes at Wei's house were all seen by her.

Even Jiang Lin didn't expect that the half-truncated tail of the fire pipa was suppressed by the seal of destruction, and the inner vitality even had the ability to probe.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin informed Duke Wei of his identity by means of memory transmission, which made Huo Pipa somewhat confused about who he was.

Moreover, the two fairy utensils that Jiang Lin took out were also due to the problem of perspective, so that Huo Pipa did not find the extraordinary features of the two utensils.

What she knew so far was that Jiang Lin had become the new generation of the Wei family's imprinter, and that he would also pick up the Wei family's only son, Wei Shirou.


Huo Pipa clenched her fist and slammed against the wall. It was not without reason why she exchanged blood with the Hunter King so desperately before.

After experiencing the sun calamity, the corpse of her husband, the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, has benefited greatly. With nearly five hundred years of recuperation, it will not take long for her to be resurrected.

At this moment, there must be no accident.

That's why she fought a big price to exchange blood with the Hunter King, so that the Hunter King had to recuperate from his injuries, lest he find their lair.

As for the half-truncated tail, she also had a plan. Originally, she was planning to kill the Hunter King while he was recuperating, causing the Hunter King to be injured again.

Unexpectedly, the hunter king took her half of the fox tail to the Wei family.

However, although it is not overcast to the Hunter King, there is a high probability that the Hunter King will not disturb the resurrection plan of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

But at this juncture, another variable appeared.

Or something she couldn't figure out.

If Jiang Lin knew that the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint was not dead, he would definitely be very surprised.

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