And if he knew that Huo Pipa was the concubine of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, he would be more than surprised.

He will have a huge headache.

Chapter [*]: Snow Fox Hu Xueji

"Who is he? What exactly is he going to do with the Wei family's shattering seal?"

Huo Pipa thought hard, but she never had a clue. She didn't know Jiang Lin at all. She had never seen this person before.

However, this also made her feel that Jiang Lin was unpredictable. After all, when she was fighting the Hunter King, Jiang Lin was not far away.

At that time, she didn't find anything special about Jiang Lin, just like an ordinary person.

Therefore, now Huo Pipa can't figure out what Jiang Lin's purpose is and what is the origin.

And Jiang Lin borrowed the Wei family's shattering seal, and it is likely to target their Tianhu clan.

Forget it, let Xue Ji and Yin'er go find out the background and strength of that kid first.

After thinking about it for a long time, Huo Pipa decided not to act rashly. Originally, she planned to intercept Wei Shiro, the only seedling of the Wei family, in person, so that the Wei family would completely die, but now Jiang Lin went to pick up Wei Shilang, and she Changed the original plan.

The main reason was that she was very scruples towards Jiang Lin. With her eyesight, she didn't find anything special about Jiang Lin when she fought with the Hunter King, which made her unsure whether Jiang Lin was just an ordinary person or his level was already high. Make her invisible.

After making up his mind, Huo Pipa walked out of the retreat and asked a few Firefox juniors, "Have Xue Ji and girl Yin'er arrived yet?"

"Report to grandma, I just arrived."

"Let them come over, I have something to explain to them."


Not long after, two girls were brought over, one of them was dressed as a maid, with a little beauty, and the other was a woman with a tall figure, bright eyes and white teeth, as beautiful as a fairy, beautiful enough to be transformed by the surrounding celestial foxes. All overshadowed.

If Jiang Lin was present, he would definitely be extremely surprised. This beautiful girl was one of the two people he was looking for when he came to Shahai in the northern region.

It is also an illusion of Gu Mengxue.

However, this phantom body was not reincarnated as a human, but was reincarnated as a celestial fox, or a snow fox, named Hu Xueji.

Jiang Lin couldn't have imagined that this Hu Xueji had a close relationship with the Huo Pipa who he wanted to kill to get the pills.


Hu Xueji bowed to Huo Pipa Lianzhen, and said, "I don't know what my mother ordered?"

"Xue Ji, remember this person."

Huo Pipa waved his sleeves, and Jiang Lin's face appeared on the wall next to him.

"Now that the seal of destruction of the Wei family has fallen on this person, he has become the seventh-generation seal holder of the Wei family. Tomorrow, he should rush to Kyoto to pick up the only son of Duke Wei, Wei Shirou, to return to the Wei family. I don’t know his roots, and I don’t know if he is a capable person or just an ordinary person. If they return to Wei’s house from Kyoto, if they don’t choose to fly in the air, they must take a waterway and pass through the Huanhe River. You and Yin My son is in the Huanhe River, pretending to be a singing girl, and waiting for them to pass by. If you can't wait, it's fine. If you wait, you will wait for the opportunity to approach him and find out his details. This is related to the future destiny of our Tianhu tribe. Heart, not by temper."

Huo Pipa told Hu Xueji to seduce her with her beauty. If Jiang Lin and Wei Shilang passed through the Huanhe River, they would find a chance to get close to Jiang Lin.

"Once it is determined that he is impatient, take away the Seal of Destruction he is carrying, dig out his heart, and bring it here."

"But, mother, Xue Ji has never been down the mountain before, and has never gotten along with anyone, so I'm afraid this matter can't be handled well."

When Hu Xueji heard that Jiang Lin's heart might be dug out, she frowned slightly and resisted.

After all, she is an independent individual transformed by an illusion of Gu Mengxue, and the environment where she grew up is not as controlled by others as before Yu Canhua.

"You don't have to worry about this, how to do it, let Yin'er teach you, you are born upside down, and if you act like a baby, few men can control it."

Huo Pipa's palms connected with seals, and finally put a little on Hu Xueji's forehead, and continued: "Your own cultivation base has reached the level of a demon king, what your mother left for you is life-saving supernatural powers, if that person has great ability, you can explore Once you get to his roots, you can use this seal to escape. As for the destruction of the seal, you can steal it if you can. If you can't steal it, your mother will think of another way. Also, remember to keep your innocence, your Yuan Yin is right for you. For our Tianhu clan, it is equally important."

"Got it, mother."

Hearing what Huo Pipa said, Hu Xueji had no choice but to agree.

"Go, I'll explain a few more things to Yin'er."

"Daughter retire."

After Hu Xueji left, Huo Pipa said to the girl Yin'er: "Xue Ji is kind-hearted, you follow her and supervise. If she does as I say, everything will be fine. If your hands are soft, it's up to you to slaughter together with that Weijurou."

Yin'er nodded again and again and said, "Understood, grandmother."

Afterwards, Yin'er left the Fox Cave and went to the Huanhe River between Kyoto and the Wei family with Hu Xueji.

As for Jiang Lin, who was targeted by Huo Pipa, he still doesn't know anything, let alone pick up Weijurou by himself, and his plan to wait for Huo Pipa to take the initiative to send him to his death is already dead.

But even so, if he knew all this, he would be happy.

Although he couldn't get Huo Pipa's demon pill for the time being, he sent him a wife.

Saved him a lot of effort.

There is no need for him to go elsewhere to find this phantom of Gu Mengxue.

It was also Jiang Lin who first turned his attention to Tianhu Yaodan after he arrived at the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, so he didn't look at the maps marked with those phantom bodies.

Therefore, even he did not expect that Hu Xueji, one of Gu Mengxue's phantoms, had already arrived near the desert circle and would meet him soon.

It's just that this kind of encounter is a bit strange for him.

I want to kill him again, and even his heart will be dug out.

"Qing'er, see what my husband has brought you."

After Jiang Lin returned to the cave, he took out the Qianlong Qiu from the ancient mirror and raised it at Qing'er.

"What a beautiful fur coat."

Qing'er hurried up to meet her, and took Qianlong Qiu in her hands.

After looking at it for a while, she said, "Husband, the material of this fur coat seems to be fox fur."

Jiang Lin nodded and said: "Yes, this is a thousand dragon fur, which is made from the fur of the snow fox in the sky fox, and the materials are all at the level of the big demon and above, and the number is sufficient. There are a thousand of them. This thousand dragon coats contain a lot of gentle demon powers, which are helpful to your cultivation, so I bought them for you. Try them on.”

Chapter [*] This script is wrong!

"It turned out to be the fur of the celestial fox."

Qing'er was very surprised. Sky foxes are not easy to catch, and this fur coat is actually made from the fur of a thousand snow foxes. Just the rarity, it is not comparable to a golden thread jade coat.

Then she unfolded the Qianlong fur coat and put it on her body, a pure white and flawless fur coat, matched with Qing'er's glamorous face. Jiang Lin couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled her into his arms, kissing her on the lips.

"Qing'er, you are so beautiful."

"Husband, if you only praise Qing'er, the sisters will not agree."

Qing'er showed her face, smiled charmingly, and pointed to the red flowers and the others behind her.

"Husband, we want this fur coat too."

"Eccentric, just give it to Sister Qing'er."

"No part of us."

Honghua and the others either put their hands on their hips, or they made a small mouth.

Oh my God!

Jiang Lin patted his forehead. This Qianlong Qiu is a family heirloom of the Wei family. One of them is no longer easy, and there is no second one.

Everyone asked him for it.

"Don't make trouble, I'll settle down in the future, I'll buy you all the clothes you want!"

Jiang Lin comforted Hong Hua and the others, and said, "I need to go out during this time. I'm lucky today, I've found the Demon Emperor Tianhu, and I plan to wait for her to throw herself into the trap. I don't think I'll be back in two or three days. Huahua, you and I will strengthen the hidden magic circle around the cave with me, so that I can rest assured."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin informed them about his encounter with the Fire Pipa in the desert and the destruction of the seal in the Wei family, and asked Yu Canhua to accompany him outside the cave to deal with the surrounding magic circles and enchantments.

This time, he went to Kyoto in the center of the sand sea, and he didn't plan to go very fast on the return trip. If he could defend the fire pipa, after finishing his work, he would be able to find the two phantoms of Gu Mengxue in the sand sea in the northern region.

During the time he was away, he was still a little uneasy. There are a lot of fairy treasures in the cave, and there will still be a small amount of treasure escaping out. .

If he didn't take care of himself, he would leave Baoyi as well.

The sand sea in the northern region is no better than the outside. The mortal capitals outside are all under the protection of the heavenly court. Generally, there are few evil spirits and powerful monks, but the settlements in the center of the sand sea are different.

It can be said that Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger is not an exaggeration.

In this kind of environment, he had to bring his treasures to avoid getting himself into trouble.

After reinforcing the magic circle and barrier around the cave, Yu Canhua looked at Jiang Lin's worried look, and said, "Husband, don't worry, the safety of the sisters is left to me, but you, you must be outside. Be careful, the sand sea in the northern region is not a good place either."

"Huahua, during this time, you have worked hard for you."

Jiang Lin took Yu Canhua's hand. If there was no Yu Canhua, he would not feel at ease to leave the cave.

Holding Yu Canhua in his arms, Jiang Lin entered the cave.

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin took the family letter entrusted to him by Wei Bus and went to Kyoto, thousands of miles away.

Two days later, he arrived in Kyoto and found Weijurou according to the address given by Wei Gong.

What surprised him was that Duke Wei was also a cultivator at the Jindan level, while Wei Shirou was an ordinary young man who didn't even have the foundation for cultivation.

It's no wonder that the Hunter King said that the Wei family was running out of gas.

Jiang Lin explained the situation to Wei Shilang and told him to return to the Wei family immediately.

The next day, Wei Shilang followed Jiang Lin on the return journey, accompanied by Wu Hu, a reading friend of Wei Shilang.

Jiang Lin did not let Wei Shilang and the others rush on their way. Along the way, they walked relatively slowly. While waiting for Huo Pipa to appear, Jiang Lin often asked people such as vendors and shopkeepers to learn about the situation in Shahai in the northern region.

After walking on land for more than ten days, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at the Huanhe River and took a small passenger boat down the river.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Wei, come out and see, there is a lot of fog on the river."

That night, Wu Hu was standing on the bow of the boat, and when he saw the thick fog rising on the river, he let Jiang Lin and Wei Shirou go out to see the scenery.

Jiang Lin also opened his eyes at this time. After waiting for ten days, he finally got it.

The fog outside is made of demonic energy, and it is still the unique demonic energy of the Tianhu tribe.

When he reached the bow of the boat, Jiang Lin looked around. After a while, a painting boat floated over from the fog on the opposite side. Beside the boat, there was a young girl.

It was the fox demon girl Yin'er sent by Huo Pipa.

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