"Miss, they really arrived at Huanhe."

After giving a notification to the painting boat, Yin'er threw a few winks at Jiang Lin and the others, and tugged at the skirt of her body, revealing a little spring.

Seeing this, Wu Hu almost drooled: "Beauty."

"Boatman, get the boat over there."

Jiang Lin ordered the boatman and said to Wu Hu: "Brother Wu, if you don't want to die, you'd better go back to the boat, stay inside with Wei Shirou, and don't come out."

"Brother Jiang, you are really unkind. You let the boatman sail over and let Brother Wei and I hide in the boat. Go and be happy yourself?"

Wu Hu snorted and ignored Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin shrugged and didn't speak any more. His warning had already been said, and it wasn't his business whether others would listen.

In any case, as long as Weijurou's life is not in danger, he is not distrustful.

Looking at the two ships that were getting closer and closer, the murderous intention in Jiang Lin's heart was growing. Now he has the Seal of Destruction in his hand, and the innate supernatural powers that can block the Tianhu family. Above this Huanhe River is the burial place of Huo Pipa.

Jiang Lin didn't use his spiritual sense to probe because he was afraid that he would startle the snake.

He also didn't need to investigate, the radiant energy from this painting boat, although very slight, belonged to the fiery pipa.

When the two boats touched, Yin'er handed over her hand with a charming face, and pulled Wu Hu onto the painting boat.

Afterwards, she deliberately distanced herself from Jiang Lin and said to him, "This son, the lady on the second floor is my young lady, who is waiting for her beloved, so go in."

Oh, and your lady, she's an old woman, and she's a woolen lady.

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, and when he thought about what kind of lady Huo Pipa was wearing on the second floor, he felt a chill.

A handful of years old, but also put there to pretend to be tender.

However, although he understood in his heart, Jiang Lin didn't show it. He turned to Wei Shilang and said, "Since there are only two beauties, Wei Shilang, you should just live in a boat and study."

I'm going, you two are merry, let me read in the boat?

Weijurou was speechless.

"If you don't want to live and think your life is too long, just come out, here is the enemy of your Wei family, the fox demon."

At this time, Jiang Lin sent a voice over. As soon as Wei Shilang heard this voice transmission, he immediately shivered, and he dared to have the idea of ​​boarding the ship.

Jiang Lin smiled and said to Yin'er, "Your lady is on the second floor? She should show her face."

After saying that, Jiang Lin smiled and looked towards the second floor of the painting boat.

As soon as Huo Pipa showed up, he hoeed her with lightning speed.

At this time, footsteps came from the second floor of the painting boat, and then a human face was revealed.

give me death!

Jiang Lin placed his foot on the ship's board and was about to rush over.

First, cover the face of the fiery pipa with the broken dharma seal, and then give her a sword to pierce the heart.

With the momentum of thunder, behead Huo Pipa!

However, when he saw Hu Xueji's face clearly, his body froze, and he stumbled to grab the painting boat.

What is this situation?

The script is wrong!

What about the fire pipa?

Fire Pipa!

For a while, Jiang Lin was stunned.

Really confused.

Chapter [*] full of question marks

Jiang Lin shook his dazed head vigorously, and the situation completely exceeded his expectations.

It doesn't matter if it's not Huo Pipa, it's his wife!

If he hadn't temporarily suppressed the murderous intention and reacted quickly just now, he would have staged a bloody plot of manslaughtering his wife!

He really did not expect things to take such a completely unreasonable turn.

How could he have thought that Huo Pipa would know about the fact that he had borrowed the Seal of Destruction, and he never thought that Huo Pipa would not dare to come, and sent Hu Xueji to check on him.

And Hu Xueji is also one of Gu Mengxue's phantoms.

No, she is neither Hua Hua nor Meng Xue!

However, although Jiang Lin's mind was confused, it only took a moment for him to react.

The woman above, like Yu Canhua, is Gu Mengxue's phantom body.

After all, he has experienced similar situations several times, and it is normal logic for him to have such thoughts.

In order to confirm it again, Jiang Lin deliberately raised his head and glanced.

It is not changed, nor is it easy.

The face of the girl above is absolutely original.

However, after confirming it, Jiang Lin was confused again. The fox girl above exuded the breath of a fiery pipa, because there was an intractable seal on her forehead, and the seal had the fiery spirit of a fiery pipa.

This doubt was resolved, but he was still confused and full of question marks.

How could Gu Mengxue's phantom body appear here?

If he hadn't confirmed it again, Jiang Lin would have really doubted whether he was making a movie, and then... the actor went to the wrong set.

Jiang Lin had a general impression of the location of Gu Mengxue's two phantom bodies in the sand sea of ​​the Northern Territory, but there was still a long distance from here.

At this time, on the second floor of the painting boat, Hu Xueji giggled when she saw Jiang Lin's appearance.

Because Jiang Lin temporarily stopped the murderous intention, he retracted the [*]-meter long sword that was about to be unsheathed in an instant, so some blood was not smooth, causing his face to turn a little red and sweating.

In addition, he looked dazed now, and he was a little cute, which made Hu Xueji laugh.

It seems that he should not be a capable person, otherwise, where would he be so embarrassed.

Yin'er, who had been observing, saw Jiang Lin's series of actions, and her vigilance relaxed a little.

If she was really capable, she wouldn't have seen her young lady behave like this.

It's like I've never seen a beautiful woman.

So, Yin'er pulled Wu Hu into the painting boat and prepared to have a full meal.

"Son, come up."

Hu Xueji smiled at Jiang Lin, her eyebrows and eyes full of seductive charm.


Jiang Lin did not continue to doubt, he entered the painting boat and climbed the stairs, trying to clarify the doubts in his heart.

Jiang Lin had already seen that Hu Xueji was a snow fox transformed into a human being, but what he couldn't understand was why this fox girl took him as a target, and the Tianhu girl over there also found Wu Hu, The only thing is not to go to Weijurou.

Tianhu has a grudge against the Wei family, but for the time being, he has no grudge against him.

Although Jiang Lin didn't want to see the fox girl above to seduce Weijurou at all, the fact was that it didn't make sense.

"Dare to ask what the girl's name is, what is her last name?"

On the second floor of the painting boat, Jiang Lin gave Hu Xueji a greeting.

"Xueji, Hu Xueji from the slave family, the son can call me Xueji, what about the son?"

"Xiao Ke Jianglin."

Jiang Lin smiled and reported his name.

"It's been a long night, Young Master might as well come over and have a long talk with Xue Ji."

Hu Xueji slumped on the side of the embroidered bed, raised her hand and patted the bed.


Jiang Lin nodded and walked over.

I'd like to see what script this plays.

Jiang Lin made up his mind and wanted to find out who Zi Chou Yin Mao was, so he had to behave like a normal person.

A real actor can act even without a script!

Hu Xueji is a snow fox and belongs to the Tianhu clan. Even if Huo Pipa does not personally take action against Wei Shilang, it is reasonable to send Hu Xueji over.

But Hu Xueji and the others targeted him and Wu Hu, but directly left Wei Shilang, the only son of the Wei family, aside.

There's definitely something wrong here.

Moreover, the appearance of Hu Xueji also made Jiang Lin wonder what medicine was sold in this gourd and what script he was playing.

Hu Xueji looks the same as his wife.

All this seems to be directed at him.

But at this moment, a scream of Wu Hu suddenly came from the first floor of the painting boat.


Hmph, I told you not to listen to the persuasion, did you really die now?

Jiang Lin didn't need to investigate, he knew what was going on below.

Wu Hu was killed by that fox girl.

Hu Xueji hurriedly explained to Jiang Lin, "Young master, my girl is very naughty. Your friend is fine."

"I'd better go and see what happened to him."

Jiang Lin turned around and pretended to go to see what happened to Wu Hu.

"Hey, Young Master Jiang."

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