Hu Xueji got up and took a step, grabbed Jiang Lin, and when he was pulled and turned around, Hu Xueji's mouth spit out a fragrance.


Jiang Lin was rushed by the aroma, his eyes were blurred, his body swayed, and he threw himself on the bed.

Then, Yu Canhua began to rummage through him.

"What about the Seal of Destruction? Why not? Didn't he say he became the sealer of the Wei family?"

After searching for a while, Hu Xueji took out the ancient mirror in Jiang Lin's arms and put it aside, and found nothing else, so she was a little anxious.

Can't find it.

What's the matter with me?

How do you know I have the Seal of Destruction?

How did you know that I became the sealer of the Wei family?

When Jiang Lin pretended to be lethargic, his head was full of question marks.

There are more question marks on his head.

Even Wei Shirou didn't know about him becoming the seventh-generation seal holder of the Wei family, only Duke Wei and Tie Shou knew.

It is impossible for Duke Wei to tell the Tianhu clan about this, and it is also impossible for Iron Hand.

But now Hu Xueji knew.

Wei Zai strange also.

"Miss, what's the matter? Hey, he fell in love with your fox? It seems that grandmother's concerns are superfluous, he is not a capable person. Now we have discovered his strength, kill Take him out, dig out his heart, go back to grandmother, and return to her."

At this time, the girl Yin'er came to the second floor, and she was even more relieved when she saw Jiang Lin who was "fascinated".


Hu Xueji made a silent gesture to Yin'er, and then said softly, "Go, go outside and talk."

After Hu Xueji and Yin'er left, Jiang Lin thought hard, but still didn't know where he showed his flaws.

The "grandmother" that Hu Xueji and the others referred to, Jiang Lin guessed that it should be the Huo Pipa. After all, he came to the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, and only the Huo Pipa had an intersection with the Tianhu clan.

Others, except Duke Wei, no outsider knew that he had a cultivation base.

But this Hu Xueji and that Tianhu girl seemed to be sent by Huo Pipa to investigate him.

But Jiang Lin still couldn't figure it out, he didn't show the bottom at all, and even telling Duke Wei was through the transmission of memories.

He hasn't revealed the bottom, so what are you trying to find out about him?

Jiang Lin didn't care about the question marks all over his head, he just let out his spiritual sense and eavesdropped on what Hu Xueji and Tianhu girl were saying.

If it is not clear, he has to deal with Huo Pipa, and he has no clue yet.

If Huo Pipa has the ability to predict, he doesn't know how long he will be busy before he can take down the demon pill in Huo Pipa's body.

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-one chapters are more than routines, you are a stinky brother

Hu Xueji and Yin'er went to the outside of the painting cabin. In the passenger ship not far away, Wei Shirou saw them and hid in the corner as if he had seen a ghost.

Even if Hu Xueji was more beautiful than a fairy, and Yin'er was a little more beautiful, he didn't have any other ideas.

He could clearly hear Wu Hu's screams just now.

"Miss, why didn't you kill him? Are you soft-hearted? Let me tell you, none of these stinky men are good people. You have never had contact with humans before, so you don't know their hateful nature. Grandma knows, and she will scold you. Miss, if you can't bear to do it, Yin'er will go and dig out his heart. "

"Yin'er, I... It's not that I can't bear to kill him, it's that I haven't found the Seal of Destruction. If I kill him casually, the Seal of Destruction will not be found. Besides, he was caught by my fox fragrance just now without being noticed. Whether he has the ability or not has yet to be determined. Well, I also learned a lot from you, so let me coax him, maybe he will give me the seal by himself."

Hu Xueji made an excuse to fool Yin'er.

In fact, what she said is not a small loophole.

On the surface, at least, Jiang Lin had already been fascinated by her fox fragrance, and now it has become a piece of fish on the plate.

At this time, whether Jiang Lin has the ability or not is not a big problem. If she wants to find out the information about breaking the legal seal, she can completely catch Jiang Lin and serve him with a big sentence.

However, Hu Xueji was really unwilling to harm others, so she found such a reason.

Jiang Lin was on the second floor of the cabin and heard the conversation between Hu Xueji and Yin'er. However, this conversation did not provide him much information.

It just gave him a little understanding of Hu Xueji.

"Then I'll kill Weijurou first."

"Yin'er, don't worry about it, I've been pestering that Young Master Jiang these past few days, dragging the time for a while. When we find the Seal of Destruction, it's not too late for you to act. One, we can't lie."

Hu Xueji spoke again to stop Yin'er, and she did not let her do anything to Wei Shilang for the time being.

"Alright then, Miss Yi you."

Yin'er nodded, but didn't insist any longer.

Not long after, Hu Xueji returned to the cabin and reached the second floor.

With a wave of her long sleeves, Hu Xueji rolled up Jiang Lin, threw him to the side chair, and slept on the bed by herself.

After about an hour of touching, Jiang Lin listened to Hu Xueji's gradually long breathing, and got up with both hands.

After using the incarnation of telekinesis, he concealed his stature and aura, and approached Hu Xueji.

As soon as he pointed at Hu Xueji's forehead, Jiang Lin began to read her memory.

He must know more about Huo Pipa, and he needs to know how Huo Pipa suspected him.

However, even though it was reading memory, Hu Xueji had a decent cultivation base after all, and Jiang Lin could only browse Hu Xueji's memory during this period of time in a reverse-speed manner.

Only when the progress of his memory reached Hu Xueji and Yin'er talking, did he slow down a little.

After quickly browsing to Hu Xueji's memory more than ten days ago, Jiang Lin saw the scene of Huo Pipa meeting with Hu Xueji, but in the picture, it was only Huo Pipa waving his hand, which made his face appear on the wall.

Jiang Lin continued to check the previous memory, but there was nothing he needed. It was all about Hu Xueji's life on the road or living on the snowy mountains.

Just when Jiang Lin was about to make progress to hear what Huo Pipa and Hu Xueji said, Hu Xueji's brows began to wrinkle.

Jiang Lin probed her memory, which made her feel a little stressed.

At the moment, Jiang Lin did not continue and returned to his position.

After a while, Hu Xueji opened her eyes, a little sleepy. She looked around and found nothing happened, so she fell back asleep.

Jiang Lin didn't go to investigate Hu Xueji's memory anymore. He browsed it just now. Although it was played at double speed, he had already seen what he should watch. Even if there was any conversation between Hu Xueji and Huo Pipa, he would probably be relieved. Doubt provides little help.

However, he did know something from Hu Xueji's memory of the conversation with Yin'er. Huo Pipa didn't know his true roots, so he sent Hu Xueji over to show him a beauty trick, trying to find out his details.

Once it is known that he is an ordinary person, or that he is not very capable, he will be killed.

It's just that Hu Xueji didn't find the Seal of Destruction this time, and her heart wasn't as bloodthirsty as other celestial foxes, so she didn't do anything to him.

You fiery pipa, no matter what the reason is for doubting me, but since you dare to trick me, I'm sorry.

Bi routine, you are a stinky brother.

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, since his debut until now, no one can compare to him in terms of playing tricks.

Come on, let's make a routine with each other.

Jiang Lin began to figure it out in his heart. Since Huo Pipa came to trick him, he would do the opposite.

Anyway, he still doesn't know where the Huo Pipa is located. With the help of Hu Xueji, he can figure out the location of the Huo Pipa.

Moreover, in the next time, he is also preparing to disguise as an ordinary person. As long as this information is known by Huo Pipa, maybe Huo Pipa will come over in person.

In any case, he now occupies the initiative.

In addition to these considerations, Jiang Lin also planned to give Huo Pipa a countermeasure, and turn Hu Xueji, who led the beauty plan, to the opposite.

Hu Xueji is Gu Mengxue's phantom body, and he doesn't need to pretend to be affectionate, so he can treat each other with sincerity.

Then he can let her know.

With a lover, maybe even the mother forgot, let alone the clan.

Even if he can't rebel, he can also use Hu Xueji to counter the Huo Pipa army.

With such a plan, Jiang Lin meditated and rested.

At dawn, Hu Xueji woke up, she moved Jiang Lin back to the bed again, and poured a little of the two bottles of wine beside the table on her clothes.

After giving Jiang Lin a coat and a quilt, Hu Xueji took off his coat and cried while hugging the quilt.

What are you doing?

Jiang Lin suddenly felt a little weird in his heart. Seeing Hu Xueji's appearance, did he want to stage a fairy tale for him?

"Miss Hu, why did I pass out? Did I pass out last night? Why are you crying here? What happened?"

Jiang Lin opened his eyes, shook his head, and asked Hu Xueji as if he didn't know anything.

" still ask me, you don't even remember some of the things you did! Last night, you drank a lot of alcohol, and you smelled of alcohol, and you... put me... woo woo woo..."

With tears in her eyes, Hu Xueji looked at Jiang Lin with aggrieved expression, buried her face in the quilt again, and whimpered, "People thought you were a righteous gentleman, but I didn't expect have to be responsible to others!"

Chapter [*] Add drama, add drama!


Jiang Lin was very speechless in his heart. He originally thought that what Hu Xueji said about pestering him was the kind of beauty who wanted to welcome and refuse.

Unexpectedly, his future wife would actually give him such a scene.

You really dare to make up, you really dare to act!

The corner of Jiang Lin's mouth twitched slightly. He has a lot of wives, but no one has ever played this kind of trick for him.

Even the original Shu Ning just told his family in a fit of anger that he was his boyfriend.

This Hu Xueji, who was even more advanced than Shu Ning back then, came directly to a couple who "has already become a de facto couple".

You're forcing a person who loves you to improvise, you know!

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