Although he complained in his heart, a very surprised expression appeared on Jiang Lin's face, regretting, pity, secretly delighted, and somewhat disbelieving.

Anyway, there should be.

He doesn't lack acting skills at all.

If nothing else, he is a man who has been the leading actor in the movie.

Still the box office champion and the movie that broke the box office record.

Back then, at the invitation of the fat director Carl, he went to the United States and acted with his foreign wife Anya in a movie that shocked the film industry.

At that time, Anya was asking him for acting skills.

"But, why don't I remember?"

"You don't remember, you don't remember! You forgot the sweet words you said to me! What do you mean, I lied to you? I'm really blind, if I had known... If I had known, I would have died. From!"

Angrily, the tears on Hu Xueji's face increased again.

If it was someone else, he would definitely believe it, even if he had no memory at all, he would still believe it.

"Okay, don't cry, I believe it, but I don't have much impression."

Jiang Lin reached out and wiped the tears from Hu Xueji's face.

Seeing Hu Xueji's teary eyes, Jiang Lin felt a little distressed.

That... Since you're acting and I'm acting, let's add a scene.

Jiang Lin suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

Anyway, Hu Xueji will be his person sooner or later, so it doesn't matter if he takes advantage of it now.

Taking advantage of the wife, can that be called taking advantage of it?

Do whatever you want.

Jiang Lin took Hu Xueji in his arms with a loving look on his face.

Hu Xueji: ? ? ?

Being embraced by Jiang Lin, Hu Xueji was also taken aback, she was actually embraced by Jiang Lin.

But now that Jiang Lin has been "taken", she can't struggle.

How come this is a bit dry, sprinkle some sugar!

Jiang Lin took advantage of the opportunity to kiss Hu Xueji on the forehead again, and said, "Hu Gu... Xue Ji, I will definitely treat you well in the future."

This time, Hu Xueji was dumbfounded again, Jiang Lin didn't even bother to hug her, and kissed her on the forehead.


Hu Xueji groaned and pushed Jiang Lin aside.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Yin'er ran up and looked at Hu Xueji pretending to be surprised. In fact, she had been listening to the voice on the second floor.

"Young Master Jiang, can you do this! It's good for my young lady to treat her beloved, but...but you have to wear a wedding dress and become a bride before you can dedicate yourself to others, make my family How do you go to meet people in the future, miss!"

Yin'er glared at Jiang Lin angrily and scolded him.

A lady, a girl, you immortals? Zhao is playing real 6.

It fits really well.

I have never done anything!

Jiang Lin slandered for a while, then pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Jiang Lin is ashamed to read the book of sages and do such a shameless thing."

After speaking, he swore with three fingers to the sky: "I, Jiang Lin, will definitely be responsible for you, Xue Ji, and I will never make you shameless."

"Jiang Lang, I will go wherever you go from now on, you can't abandon me."

"Never abandon it, otherwise people and gods will abandon it, and the sky will be struck by thunder!"

Jiang Lin made a serious oath and said it decisively. In the future, Hu Xueji would also swear to him, and swearing a poisonous oath would have no effect on him at all.

Play hard and you're done.

One by one, showing off his acting skills in front of an actor like him, hehe, playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong.

"Xue Ji, this painting boat is not suitable for sailing. Let me tell my friends about renting a larger passenger boat. You can go back with me first, and then I will come to propose marriage."

With that said, Jiang Lin put his long gown on his body and prepared to go to the adjacent passenger boat on the water.

Now the situation has changed, Weijuro, he still has to arrange it, after all, last night, he told Weijulang that the ghost on the boat was the celestial fox.

Hu Xueji nodded and said, "Then you can sell this painting boat too. Yin'er and I must follow you, otherwise, if you run away, I don't know where to cry."

At this time, Yin'er also said, "By the way, Young Master Jiang, another friend of yours, because I asked him for a name last night, he already ran away, and you don't need to look for him anymore."


Jiang Lin responded with a sound, then turned around again, and under Hu Xueji's unpreparedness, he took a sip on her cherry lips.

The male protagonist in this play is handsome, and the female protagonist is beautiful. No kissing scene is any kind of acting.


After taking a sip of Hu Xueji, Jiang Lin got off the second floor of the painting boat.

The dazed Hu Xueji and the stunned Yin'er were left behind.

After Jiang Lin went down, Yin'er's face changed and she said, "Miss, I can't stand it anymore, he... actually took advantage of you! Let's kill him!"

"Don't, he thought that what we said was true, so he would have such a reaction, and since he has already decided to investigate the whereabouts of the seal from his mouth, how can he kill him? This time I didn't expect him to. With such a move, it will be impossible next time.”

Hu Xueji shook her head, but even though she said so, she was still quite uncomfortable. She wanted to design Jiang Lin, but she was taken advantage of again and again.

"It's really cheap! But, Miss, what grandmother said is true, you are born with such beauty, even if you are a little coquettish, there is no man who can control it. Although Yin'er has contacted many men, compared with the young lady, It doesn't even compare."

Yin'er smiled at Hu Xueji, Jiang Lin was really dazed.

"You didn't teach it."

Hu Xueji also showed a smile, Jiang Lin was actually fooled by him like this.

Jiang Lin didn't have any doubts about many doubtful places.

The two of them were laughing, and Jiang Lin was also snickering. Why did these two girls think they were in control.

As everyone knows, he has several good plays in the future.

Play later.

There is absolutely no shortage of the kind of blood-sucking drama that the audience likes to watch the most.

Chapter [*]: The Angry Heavenly Fox Demon Saint

"Brother Jiang..."

Not long after, Wei Shirou got out from the corner of the passenger boat when he saw Jiang Lin's return, and wanted to ask about the situation on the painting boat.

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Lin patted his shoulder lightly, making his throat hoarse and unable to speak.

"Girl Hu in the painting boat and her maid Yin'er are going to travel with us. Last night, I drank some wine, and I have become husband and wife with Miss Hu. I'm going to rent a bigger passenger boat. Take them with you."

"Um... um... ah?"

Wei Shirou's eyes widened, his face stunned, but his throat was blocked by the corpse poison Jiang Lin had just shot, and he was unable to speak.

"Don't ah ah ah, last night I saw that there were only two women in the painting boat. If they were not enough, I lied to you. You can't even speak. I was going to prepare two The girl wanted it, and it scared Brother Wu, but he didn't listen. But after the guy was happy, the girl Yin'er asked him for a name, otherwise he would commit suicide, and he would be buried with him, so he scared him. Diving and running."

Jiang Lin showed a very unkind smile, and fooled Wu Hu's affairs.

What the hell!

You are so stupid!

I was so scared that I almost peed my pants a few times a night!

You are so cheap!

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Wei Shirou rolled his eyes with anger.

He was about to lose his daring courage last night. As a result, today Jiang Lin told him that he lied to him last night.

There is no such thing!

It was Jiang Lin's remarks that made Wei Shirou think that he couldn't speak because he was overly frightened, and he no longer doubted about Wu Hu.

So, on the same day, Jiang Lin found a large passenger boat and let Hu Xueji and Yin'er ride on the same boat with him and Wei Shilang.

Because Hu Xueji wanted to find out the whereabouts of Shattering the French Seal from Jianglinkou, she asked to see the scenery on the Huanhe for a few more days.

Jiang Lin also agreed because he wanted to delay the time. The passenger boat was traveling very slowly on the Huanhe River.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, he is going to see if he will attract Huo Pipa, and on the other hand, he also wants to get along well with Hu Xueji.

As Gu Mengxue's phantom, Hu Xueji took the initiative to appear here, saving him a lot of time to search. This time, he was going to take the Yaodan and his wife together.

"Jiang Lang, go ahead and drink."

After nightfall, in the cabin of the passenger ship, Hu Xueji poured wine into Jiang Lin as usual.

Although she deceived Jiang Lin, she could never really share the bed with Jiang Lin. Every time she made Jiang Lin drunk and let Jiang Lin sleep on the chair or the floor. Move it to the bed again.

Moreover, when Jiang Lin was drunk, she also wanted Jiang Lin to tell the truth after drinking, and asked about the whereabouts of the broken seal.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that Jiang Lin had never been drunk.

All are fitted.

After another seven or eight days, Hu Xueji became a little anxious. She heard a lot of information from Jiang Lin's mouth, but the whereabouts of the seal was destroyed. Jiang Lin never hesitated and never said anything about it.

Even after being "drunk".

The next day, Jiang Lin let the passenger ship temporarily dock, saying that he was going to buy wine.

In fact, he heard the conversation between Hu Xueji and Yin'er at night. Yin'er went to the fox cave to pass the news and brought back the order of Huo Pipa.

Huo Pipa has something to delay and will not come, so let Hu Xueji start as soon as possible and use the torture directly.

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