How can there be such a girl?

After tangled for a while, Jiang Lin was really convinced. Since Hu Xueji was Huo Pipa's daughter, Huo Pipa actually let her daughter play her beauty trick.

What kind of resentment does this have with his own daughter, sending her daughter into the tiger's mouth?

Jiang Lin really felt that his three views had been refreshed again. If Hu Xueji was taken down by Huo Pipa and the others, it would mean that the sheep had entered the tiger's mouth.

It was sent by his own mother on his own initiative.

Although Jiang Lin had seen such a situation in Yu Bixin before, but Yu Dahai and his wife were both human beings, and they sent their daughters for the sake of money.

What is the picture of the fire pipa?

If he really has the ability, and Hu Xueji is not Gu Mengxue's phantom body, then he may kill.

This is also for the daughter to die.


Suddenly, just when Jiang Lin couldn't understand, a light flashed in his mind.

Huo Pipa is Huohu, Hu Xueji is Xuehu, how could they be a mother-daughter relationship?

Although Firefox and Xuehu are both celestial foxes, the two subspecies of the same race, although they can intermarry and reproduce offspring, are still born from the dragon and the phoenix.

In other words, Firefox can only give birth to Firefox, and Xuehu can only give birth to Xuehu, it doesn't matter whether the biological father is Firefox or Xuehu.

Could it be the foster mother?

Jiang Lin continued to investigate Hu Xueji's memory. After a while, although he did not have enough information to corroborate it, he felt that his guess was [*]% correct.

And according to Hu Xueji's memory, the relationship between Huo Pipa and Hu Xueji is not too deep.

In previous years, Huo Pipa was fundamentally injured by the Hunter King in his early years, and he was basically in retreat to recuperate, and he didn't spend much time with Hu Xueji.

Since it's not my mother, don't blame me.

Jiang Lin smiled. In that case, the original plan was still the original plan.

He relaxed a little bit. If the relationship between Hu Xueji and Huo Pipa was not deep, then he would let Hu Xueji have a man and forget about his mother.

Chapter [*] How can there be such a mother? (Down)

That night, a few celestial fox monsters from the Huo Pipa faction rushed to Huanhe, contacted Yin'er, and asked her and Hu Xueji to return to the fox cave.

When Yin'er received Huo Pipa's call, she returned to the passenger ship and pushed open the door of Jiang Lin's room, saying, "Young Master Jiang, where's Miss? Why haven't we seen her for a day? We have something to do at home and we need to hurry back."

"Need to go back? But she was drunk and never woke up. I couldn't wake her up even if I called her, and I couldn't let her go home with you."

Jiang Lin pointed at Hu Xueji, who was still sleeping on the bed, and spread out his hands.

Was drunk?


Yin'er hurriedly walked to the bedside, even she couldn't have been drunk and unconscious, let alone Hu Xueji, who had a higher cultivation base than her.

"Miss, ma'am!"

"What's the matter, go back by yourself, she hasn't woken up yet, what's your name?"

Jiang Lin frowned and scolded Yin'er, his wife was sleeping right there.

Shake your second uncle!

"Then I'll go back first. Miss if she wakes up, tell her and let her go home immediately."

Yin'er checked Hu Xueji's situation and found that the latter was in a state of greatly increased cultivation, and she was unconscious like a retreat, so she did not continue to call her.

Huo Pipa also didn't tell the Tianhu Demon who came to contact the specific situation of Hu Xueji, so Yin'er didn't know that Hu Xueji had been slept by Jiang Lin.

And what she thought was Hu Xueji's state, if she encountered danger, Hu Xueji's demon body would still have a stress response and would automatically wake up to avoid danger.

Therefore, even if Hu Xueji was left here, she didn't think anything would happen to Hu Xueji.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Got it."

When Yin'er was leaving, he took out a mysterious light stone from the ancient mirror in his arms, and with a flick of his finger, it stuck on the edge of Yin'er's shoes.

When Yin'er went back last time, Jiang Lin didn't know about it, so this time, he kept the means, so he could feel the location of the fox cave and learn about the situation of the fire pipa.

After Yin'er left, Jiang Lin set up a small circle on the ground, using Xuanguang Stone as a medium to record Yin'er's progress.

It wasn't until the next morning that Yin'er and the others arrived at the Fox Cave, and Jiang Lin also grasped where the Huo Pipa was.


When Yin'er arrived at the Fox Cave and saw Huo Pipa, she quickly knelt down.

"Where's Xue Ji? She didn't come back with you?"

"Report to grandma, Miss, she doesn't know the reason, her cultivation has advanced greatly, she is in a state of retreat, and she fell asleep. Grandma is in a hurry, so I will come back first."

"Idiots, they're all idiots!"

When Huo Pipa heard Yin'er say that Hu Xueji hadn't come back, she immediately exploded with anger.

She sent someone over in order to call Hu Xueji over.

The demonic energy on Huo Pipa's body swelled, and Yin'er, who was kneeling, was blown away, hit the wall, and gushed blood.

The Xuanguang Stone next to Yin'er's shoes also fell into the corner of the wall because of such a collision, but it was not easy to be found.

"That's true, it's true!"

Huo Pipa was so angry that blood almost overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Hu Xueji was in a state of drowsiness, and it should not have been caused by the surge in her cultivation.

What's more, she may be all willing.

"Where's the Seal of Destruction? Where's the heart of the sealer?"

Forcibly suppressing the anger, Huo Pipa asked again.

Yin'er, who got up, shivered and said, "This is what the young lady said she would do. Presumably when the young lady wakes up, she will kill that Jiang Lin and get the Seal of Destruction."

"Fart, it's all fart! She wakes up, that Jiang Lin has become her man! You are such a waste, sending you over can make Xue Ji lose her life, hurry back to me! Even if you carry it, take Xue Ji Bring that bitch back to me!"

Huo Pipa's mouth was crooked in anger. Now it seems that Hu Xueji has never done anything. Most of the time, she joined Jianglin by herself.

"I can go to your second uncle!"

In the cabin of the passenger ship, Jiang Lin had been checking the situation of the Fox Cave with Xuanguang Stone, and when he heard Huo Pipa scold Hu Xueji as a bitch, he uttered a foul language.

What about his wife's mother?

Can you scold his wife?

However, after the blast, Jiang Lin wondered again. He only won Hu Xueji last night, how did Huo Pipa know again?

known again.

What kind of ability does this fire pipa have?

Jiang Lin really didn't understand that some of the things he did were not known by outsiders, and it was even less likely that they would be probed.

As a result, Huo Pipa knew again.

After pressing down the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin continued to investigate the situation in the fox cave.

After Huo Pipa scolded Yin'er and the others, they went to the depths of the Fox Cave again.

Jiang Lin also ordered the Xuanguang Stone to roll up, followed by the Fire Pipa.

"Husband, my concubine is inappropriate, and I already know it's wrong. Yin'er and the other idiots didn't bring Xue Ji."

Huo Pipa knelt down in front of Tianhu Demon Saint's skeleton again, and she continued: "Husband, please rest assured, the person who tarnished Xue Ji's body is an ordinary person. After you are resurrected with the help of the broken seal and the heart of the palm print, I will take care of you. Using the wedding dress method of the Tianhu clan, let Xue Ji borrow a pure and clean body to be reborn, and you can still take her Yuan Yin. This should be the best remedy. At that time, even if the husband cannot recover to the peak of cultivation. , can still return to the level of demon saint."

After Huo Pipa's words were heard by Jiang Lin, he was stunned.

There is so much information in these words.

Demon saint?

Demon Saint!

Could it be the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint?

The Heavenly Fox Demon Saint really didn't die!

After being shocked by this guess, Jiang Lin was surprised again.

Huo Pipa is the wife of Tianhu Yaosheng? ? ?

"Damn, what kind of plot is this?"

After being shocked and surprised, Jiang Lin called out.

Second uncle's, Huo Pipa said just now that Hu Xueji will be reborn by using the wedding dress method, and then... TMD, Hu Xueji is to be given to the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

Is this really a loss of morality, or a distortion of human nature? ? ?

Jiang Lin saw each other for a long time again.

Not only is it a long time to see, I am afraid that I will never see such a thing in the future.

Hu Xueji is Huo Pipa's daughter, Tianhu Yaosheng is Huo Pipa's husband, and Huo Pipa will give Hu Xueji to Tianhu Yaosheng...

Where is such a girl?

Jiang Lin held his head in his hands, his head duangduang.

What kind of mother can do such a destructive thing.

Although the Tianhu clan are demons, the demons also have their own nature, just like the tiger's poison does not eat its children.

But Huo Pipa is simply crazy.

At this moment, Jiang Lin had already determined that Huo Pipa could never be Hu Xueji's biological mother, not even her adoptive mother.

Now he feels that he no longer needs to have any scruples, this fire pipa, he is going to slaughter for Hu Xueji!

However, all of this has to be reconsidered in the long run.

Now that he knew that the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint was not dead, and that he still needed to be resurrected with the heart of the person who destroyed the seal and the person in charge of the seal, he couldn't directly kill him in the fox cave.

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