The first thousand five hundred and fifty-six chapters are not installed, and the showdown is over

After that, Jiang Lin heard the sound of the skeleton of the celestial fox and talked with Huo Pipa.

Because of this, he finally determined that the person who communicated with Huo Pipa was Tianhu Yaosheng.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, who once disturbed his wife Yu Canhua, was besieged by many male immortals, and in the end only the bones were left.

Seventh Uncle and Grandpa, these two foxes and dogs, I will kill you all with my own hands!

Jiang Lin's heart was full of murderous intentions. According to what he heard, Tianhu Demon Saint and Huo Pipa had been attacking Hu Xueji's idea very early.

After the people of the Tianhu clan are born, they will be irradiated by the treasure mirror of the Tianhu clan to show their cultivation talents, so as to focus on training, and serve as a container to carry the cultivation origin of the Tianhu Demon Saint, and they will be fed back when they become successful in their cultivation in the future. past.

Therefore, after Hu Xueji was irradiated by the Heavenly Fox Treasure Mirror, her cultivation talent was reported to the past. That is, at that time, the half-dead Heavenly Fox Demon Sage discovered some characteristics of Hu Xueji that he was very familiar with.

After using the secret method to explore Hu Xueji's future, he discovered that if Hu Xueji changes shape in the future, it will be exactly the same as the jade remnant flower that he coveted.

Since then, Hu Xueji has become the preparatory banquet of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

This is also the reason why Hu Xueji was only eighteen or nineteen years old when she had the level of cultivation as a demon king. It was all because Huo Pipa obeyed the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage and took special care of her.

"You fiery pipa, just wait to die!"

Jiang Lin really could not have imagined that Huo Pipa, a fox-slutty demon, would be outrageous enough to send his daughter sheep into the tiger's mouth to come to him, but it wasn't even outrageous to the end, and he actually had such a destructive idea against Hu Xueji.

This made him really want to die soon.

In addition to this information, Jiang Lin also learned from the conversation between the two why Huo Pipa always knew his situation.

Huo Pipa knew that he became the seventh generation of the Wei family's palm print because the fox tail that was cut off was brought to the Wei family by the hunter king.

As for the person who knew that Hu Xueji had become him, it was because the origin of Tianhu Demon Saint's cultivation was in Hu Xueji's body, which made Tianhu Demon Saint feel a sense of it.

It's not that the Huo Pipa has any ability to predict the future.

After solving the doubts in his heart, in order not to frighten the snake, Jiang Lin did not continue to investigate, and directly turned the Xuanguang stone in the fox cave into powder.

After that, he got out of the cabin and let the boatman speed up the sailing.

He already has a plan in his mind, and he needs to avoid Yin'er and the others who are coming for the time being.


At this time, Wei Shilang stopped in front of Jiang Lin. During this time, he became dumb. Jiang Lin also used the medical skills he knew as an excuse to fool him.

"Don't put it there and make a fool of yourself. I've already let the boatman speed up the sailing, and I'll be back soon."

Jiang Lin pushed Weijuro away and let this guy stay on the side.

In order to explore the fox cave, he had spent a lot of energy to control the Xuanguang Stone across thousands of miles, and now he will continue to sleep with his wife.

Sure enough, after the passenger ship speeded up, when Yin'er and the others returned to Huanhe, they could no longer find Jiang Lin and the others.

Two days later, Hu Xueji woke up.

The medicinal power of the immortal wine in her body has been completely dissipated, which has increased her cultivation a lot. Therefore, when Hu Xueji woke up, she felt very comfortable and only felt a little uncomfortable.

After stretching her arms in the quilt, Hu Xueji's movements suddenly froze. She suddenly realized why she was a little uncomfortable, and then she quickly lifted the quilt on her shoulders to check.

Then, a scream broke out in the cabin.

"woke up?"

After Jiang Lin heard the sound, he pushed open the door.

But in an instant, a snow-white fox tail jumped out, wrapped around his neck, and lifted it into the air.

Where there is still the shadow of Hu Xueji in the cabin, there is only a snow-white nine-tailed snow fox left.

Jiang Lin didn't pretend to be surprised anymore, and quietly looked at Hu Xueji, who had transformed into a real body.

He stopped pretending and was ready for a showdown.

Sorry, I used to pretend, I always acted.

It's all my improv.

Jiang Lin thought it was very interesting, and wanted to say: I was too deeply involved in the play, and it was because the plot was too touching.

"Last night... what did you do to me last night?"

"What, you slept for three days last night and slept with me."

Jiang Lin smiled, now that the doubts in his heart were gone, and Hu Xueji had already been captured by him, he was ready to talk.

"I... I slept for three days?"

Hu Xueji screamed in surprise, and then she raised her claws and pulled the clothes beside the bed over her body and turned into a human shape again.

", why didn't you faint?"

At this time, Hu Xueji realized that Jiang Lin was not at all afraid when she saw her manifest her body and turned into a monster.

Jiang Lin raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Of course I won't be frightened. From the beginning, I knew you were a demon, and you were also a snow fox among the celestial foxes. I also knew that you came here because of the fire pipa. Order, in order to steal the Seal of Destruction, and at the same time to explore my details, to see if I have any skills. If not, you will kill me and dig my heart out."

Seeing Hu Xueji's shocked expression, Jiang Lin continued: "You still haven't put me down? How about a couple hundred days in one night, are you really going to kill me? My cultivation is much higher than yours."

"This this……"

Hu Xueji suddenly felt that her mind was completely confused, and she didn't know what was going on.

She put Jiang Lin down, looked at Jiang Lin, and asked, "Since you know I'm here to kill you, why don't you deal with me? Are you deliberately letting me approach you?"

Jiang Lin looked at Hu Xueji's eyes and said seriously: "Because, I like you, I fell in love with you at first sight, I love you."

" are talking nonsense."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Hu Xueji's cheeks blushed.

"What nonsense is there, do you know that the wine you drank a few days ago was not bought by me, it is a fairy wine that only exists in heaven, otherwise, you are a demon king, how can you get drunk after drinking wine? It's down. If I don't like you, why should I give you that kind of immortal wine that is rare in the world, and make your cultivation soar?"


After hearing what Jiang Lin said, Hu Xueji realized why she drank some wine, and she was so drunk that she was unconscious. It turned out that she was not drinking ordinary wine, but a fairy wine that only exists in Heaven!

But knowing that she was drinking immortal wine, Hu Xueji didn't know how to respond to Jiang Lin.

That is immortal wine, the nectar juice and jade brewing that can only be tasted by heavenly gods, Jiang Lin actually gave it to her to drink.

Don't deal with her, don't kill her, but give her immortal wine to drink, so that her cultivation base will increase.

Moreover, this was when Jiang Lin knew that she was going to murder him.

Even if he had other plans, Jiang Lin would not be able to pay such a high price to give her the rare immortal wine in the world.

Unless Jiang Lin was willing to do that at all, that is to say, Jiang Lin really fell in love with her.

Chapter [*]: Intimidation and coercion, successfully instigated

"So... you were all pretending before, pretending to be an ordinary person, and letting me approach you on purpose."

For a time, Hu Xueji felt that she was the same as a singer.

Acting, acting, everything is seen by Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin's heart is still like a mirror.

It's like she's been playing monkey tricks all the time.

"You're still wronged? You and that girl Yin'er didn't see you being wronged when you and that girl, Yin'er, acted together to earn me. Well, now that I'm actually doing a fake show, I'll pay it back."

Jiang Lin laughed, then stretched out two fingers to Hu Xueji, and continued: "Now, the fact that you and I have become husband and wife, whether you accept it or not, I will only give you two ways to go. "

"What way?"

"The first is to live with me in the future, don't think about your clan and Huo Pipa's orders. If you follow me, I will treat you well. What I have treated you in the past ten days is nothing at all. Hypocritical, I want to marry you as my wife, that is, you will become my wife in the future. After following me, I will spoil you for sure, and I can make you be a lot of treasures you have never seen before. eat."

With that said, Jiang Lin took out portions of immortal grass, immortal fruit and immortal pills from the ancient mirror in his arms, and put them on the table on the side.

Hu Xueji looked at the immortal treasure and even wondered if she was dazzled.

Those immortal treasures all have the glow of radiance and auspiciousness, and none of them are things that only exist in the world!

Looking at the stunned Hu Xueji, Jiang Lin put away those immortal treasures and continued: "As for the second way, that is, you don't care about my sincerity for you, or the one-night husband and wife between us. Still have to deal with me. In that case, I can only hold back my heartache and kill you. Even if you have a life-saving seal on your forehead, you can't escape."

A murderous intent suddenly appeared on Jiang Lin's face. Of course, this was all faked by him.

Even if Hu Xueji didn't want to live with him, he wouldn't kill him.

In the future, even if Hu Xueji doesn't want to, he still has a way.

Love for a long time.

At the beginning, Yu Canhua had no emotional foundation with him, but in the end she didn't give up on him.

Yu Canhua was a cold and arrogant fairy, and in the end, she was too attached to him. How could Hu Xueji, who was also transformed into a phantom of a masculine girl, escaped from his palm.

After some lure, Jiang Lin threatened Hu Xueji again.

It's just that this coercion is fake, it's just pretending.

But in Hu Xueji's view, it was different.

Jiang Lin discovered her identity and purpose early in the morning, which means that Jiang Lin's cultivation is far beyond her.

Moreover, Jiang Lin can still come up with so many treasures, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

It's too easy to kill her.

"I...I...I don't seem to have a choice, do I?"

There was a pitiful expression on Hu Xueji's face. Now her body belongs to Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin's cultivation level is far beyond her. If she doesn't want to, then she will die.

In addition to these reasons, Jiang Lin also said just now that although he pretended to play with her before, the feelings he gave were all real.

During the time they spent together, Jiang Lin was really kind to her.

Moreover, there are still a lot of immortal treasures in Jianglin, and she will have to serve her as a meal in the future, so she has no reason not to agree.

In fact, the most important thing is that she has developed some attachment to Jiang Lin. On this Huanhe, at least in her opinion, there are many opportunities to murder Jiang Lin, but she did not do it.

At the beginning, she was indeed soft-hearted, but later, she couldn't bear it anymore.

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