Hu Xueji put the fox tails together to form a large hollow ball, taking a step of more than ten feet, and gliding away at a low altitude, Yin'er and others followed closely behind.

After Hu Xueji and the others walked away, Jiang Lin rolled over from the ground, chuckled lightly, he hid his figure and aura, and rode the golden wheel, following Hu Xueji and his party.

When they arrived at the fox cave, Hu Xueji transformed back into a human form and entered the cave with Yin'er and the others.

"Mother, Xue Ji did not disgrace her mission and brought back the heart of the person who broke the seal and the palm print. However, it took too long, please punish your mother."

After seeing Huo Pipa, Hu Xueji knelt down and presented the fake Fayin and Jiang Lin's heart.


Huo Pipa looked at Hu Xueji coldly, but she didn't tell Hu Xueji for the time being that she lost Yuanyin. The most important thing now is to resurrect the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

"You follow me to the depths of the cave."

After taking pictures of the fake seal and heart in Hu Xueji's hand, Huo Pipa asked Hu Xueji to enter the cave with him.

During this period of time, she had already found a mother Xuehu who was completely intact. As long as the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint was resurrected, she would perform the wedding dress method, exchange Hu Xueji's body with the mother Xuehu, and then reshape it. .

At that time, the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint can still use this method to take away the Yuan Yin of Hu Xueji's new body and all her cultivation talents and achievements.

In the depths of the fox cave, Huo Pipa knelt down in front of the skeleton and said, "Husband, Xue Ji has already taken the heart of the person who broke the seal and the palm print. Today, you can be completely resurrected!"


The Heavenly Fox Demon Sage laughed wildly, and then two groups of firelight appeared in the empty eye holes, which greedily shone on Hu Xueji's body.

Hu Xueji lowered her face, but she felt disgusted in her heart.

Don't you want my man's heart?

Just wait and enjoy!

Now, Hu Xueji is quietly waiting for the disgusting Heavenly Fox Demon Saint to receive the two great gifts prepared by her man.

At this time, Jiang Lin had also been hiding in the fox cave, and was observing not far away.

He is also waiting for Heavenly Fox Demon Saint to accept his gift.

Huo Pipa approached the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint holding the Seal of Destruction and Jiang Lin's heart.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Sage opened his jaws and sucked Jiang Lin's heart, and he also recruited the Seal of Destruction.

"Husband, come back to life! Lead our Tianhu clan to restore the glory of the past!"

Huo Pipa's face was full of hope, waiting for the scene she wanted to see the most for hundreds of years.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Sage let out a low roar, and he was also extremely excited, hundreds of years, hundreds of years!He was finally about to be born again.

And when he is resurrected, he can enjoy Hu Xueji, who has the same face as the jade remnant flower that he could not ask for.

With his jaws closed, the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage bit down on the heart he ingested in his mouth.

I thought it would be chicken, crunchy, but - Boom!


After the heart burst, the Fayin counterfeit also exploded almost at the same time.

Immediately, in the big explosion, the extremely angry roar of the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage and the screams of the fire pipa were heard.

The heart that was sent was transformed by Jiang Lin, and later Yu Canhua participated in the transformation process. As for the fakes that destroyed the French seal, they were made for bombs when Safflower was casting, and not only did they contain a lot of extremely rare gold and iron, It was also injected with enough immortal power by the jade residual flower, and Jiang Lin also arranged a small magic circle in the hollow place inside.

The two great gifts exploded at the same time, causing the cave wall in the depths of the fox cave to collapse immediately.

The volume of this area has even expanded several times.

Not only that, the entire fox cave was shaken continuously.

When Hu Xueji exploded, she had already turned around and rushed to the rear, but the blast was so powerful that it still sent her flying.

However, because she was wearing a defensive fairy robe, she didn't suffer any damage.

"Xue Ji!"

Jiang Lin suddenly appeared and caught Hu Xueji, who was blown away.

"Are you injured?"

"No, it was affected and flew up. Husband, are they dead?"

After Hu Xueji stood firm, she looked behind her. With this level of explosion, if it wasn't for the body-protecting fairy clothes on her body, I'm afraid she wouldn't have died.

"It's not that easy, the higher your cultivation base, the more difficult it will be to kill."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Although his hand was well arranged, it was not realistic to want to kill Tianhu Demon Saint and Huo Pipa in one fell swoop.

However, even if they didn't die, the blood bar would drop sharply, directly entering the residual blood state.


The Heavenly Fox Demon Sage roared wildly in a cloud of smoke, and when he suffered a big explosion just now, he was forced to forcibly resurrect himself.

But even so, after his resurrection, just like Jiang Lin thought, he lost his blood.

Residual blood after resurrection.

Chapter [-] The times have changed! (superior)

However, Tianhu Yaosheng forcibly resurrected, and he also paid a lot of money. He forcibly collected the vitality of the cultivation source and those containers that he had scattered, resulting in his lack of source. His body made his current state of life extremely unstable.

At this moment, the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, although forcibly absorbed a lot of life force, is no longer a skeleton, but his body can be said to be a pile of rotten meat, and some places are either bald and hairless, or the flesh is not replenished.

Not only the body, Tianhu Demon Saint's cultivation has not recovered to the peak level at all, not to mention the peak level, even the Demon Saint level is not at all.

Moreover, because this resurrection was a forced act, the cultivation of Heavenly Fox Demon Saint could no longer advance an inch in the future.

The prospect of Huo Pipa's rebirth of the Tianhu clan's glory all came to nothing.

Just now, in the Celestial Fox Clan, the excellent Celestial Fox who carried the origin of the Celestial Fox Demon Sage's cultivation, whether in the Fox Cave, outside or in other places, all died in an instant just now.

However, only Hu Xueji was excluded.

When Jiang Lin returned to the cave, he discussed with Yu Canhua about Hu Xueji, so the hidden dangers in Hu Xueji's body had been completely eliminated, and it was not affected.

"What's going on here? What's going on here!"

The Heavenly Fox Demon Sage roared wildly, and he still hadn't figured out what was going on.

The heart of the handprinter actually exploded!

The shattering seal, an extremely important item to him, was also blown up!

Just when Tianhu Yaosheng was confused and didn't know what was going on, Jiang Lin had already moved.

He moved out instantly, took out the real Seal of Destruction, and suddenly appeared in front of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

Cover your face!


Covered by the seal of destruction in Jiang Lin's hands, black smoke suddenly rose from the fox face of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

The inherently unstable vitality of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint has been absorbed a lot.

The Seal of Destruction has a restraining effect on Tianhu, mainly to seal the transfer of Tianhu's vitality, and at the same time, it will absorb a lot of it and enter the seal.

This is why the resurrection of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint needs to obtain the Seal of Destruction.

If he can release the life force stored in the Dharma Seal, which is exclusive to the celestial fox, and replenish him, then he can truly be resurrected, not like he is now.

Not only was a part of his vitality sucked away, but some of Tianhu Demon Saint's innate magical powers were also blocked at this moment.

"court death!"

The Heavenly Fox Demon Saint was furious, and slapped it with a paw, but after Jiang Lin succeeded in his strike, he moved out in an instant.

Then, Huo Pipa, who was bombed half to death, also didn't know what was going on, also had a stamp on his face.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Saint was branded by this "branding iron", and the Fire Pipa would definitely not be able to escape.

Brand one pair.

After solving the problem of Tianhu Demon Saint and Huo Pipa's innate supernatural powers, Jiang Lin was completely relieved.


Even if the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint at this time still has the cultivation of a normal demon ancestor, the problem is not too big.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin teleported back to Hu Xueji's side, quietly watching Tianhu Demon Saint and Huo Pipa.

"It's you? It's actually you!"

Huo Pipa covered her branded face with one hand and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with the other. Seeing Jiang Lin appearing, she was almost stunned again.

Jiang Lin chuckled and said, "Hey, I didn't expect it, it's me."

"You... are you a cultivator? Xue Ji, what the hell is going on?"

It was only at this time that Huo Pipa discovered Jiang Lin's cultivation, so he looked at Hu Xueji and asked.

"Huo Pipa, don't talk to me in this tone, you're not worthy! You're not my mother at all, you raised me just to give me to that Heavenly Fox Demon Saint!"

Hu Xueji stopped pretending now, and looked directly at Huo Pipa and Tianhu Yaosheng with hatred.

"Jiang Lin is already my man. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't even know you are such a disgusting and dirty godmother!"

"Old Goddess, aren't you surprised? You are very puzzled, right? I'll tell you what's going on. I have such a clever design. If I don't let you know, I feel like the pearl has secretly voted."

Jiang Lin took Hu Xueji's words and prepared to chat with Tianhu Demon Saint and Huo Pipa.

There is still no movement outside. It is estimated that the Hunter King and the Iron Hand have not arrived yet. He needs to delay here for a while.

"The heart you received is mine, but I took it out and remodeled it, and the seal of destruction is also fake, so it will explode. The real seal is with me. I am from From the beginning, I knew that Xue Ji's appearance was a conspiracy, but I didn't act rashly. I deliberately pretended to be an ordinary person and asked that girl to come over and pass on the news. Later, Xue Ji was taken down by me, and also by me. Successfully instigated the rebellion. Without her help, it would not be easy for you to suffer a big loss."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he laughed.

On the opposite side, Tianhu Demon Saint and Huo Pipa had angry expressions on their faces after hearing Jiang Lin's words.

"I didn't expect that my dignified Heavenly Fox Demon Saint would be planted in the hands of a kid like you."

There was a low roar from the throat of Demon Saint Tianhu. At the critical moment of his resurrection, he was actually destroyed by a Jindan cultivator like Jiang Lin.

What he planted was not ordinary ruthlessness!

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