Moreover, his preparatory ban, Hu Xueji, whose Yuan Yin was actually counter-designed by this kid, took it directly!

"It's actually planted in my hands? Demon Sage Tianhu, I'll tell you plainly, times have changed! It's a kid like me who has already married the Lengao flower in the heaven back then - Jade Remnant Flower. I'm not only It's Hu Xueji's man, or Yu Canhua's man. Hey, it's still a boy like me who can hold a beauty back. What kind of fairy, what kind of demon saint, is it rare? What you have been pursuing so far has not fallen to me. in the hands?"

"You married Yu Canhua? You actually married Yu Canhua!"

When Tianhu Demon Saint heard what Jiang Lin said, his mentality went wild.

It's just that Hu Xueji was taken away by Jiang Lin. The jade remnant flower that he had been thinking about for so many years was actually married to such a boy as his wife.

What the hell is this shit!

I just rested for a little thousand years, and all the fairies outside have become like this?

Willing to marry an ant? ? ?

At this time, Demon Saint Tianhu really doubted whether what Jiang Lin said was true and whether the times had really changed.

Chapter [-] The times have changed! (Down)

"Hey, what? Don't believe it? Don't you think the immortal power pervaded in that explosion is a little familiar? That's my wife Yu Canhua. He knew that I was going to kill you, and he deliberately talked about it."


Listening to Jiang Lin's words, Tianhu Yaosheng recalled the previous bombing situation, and there was indeed a familiar atmosphere to him. At that time, he didn't have the heart to think about it. Now, when he recalls it, the immortal power, Indeed, it belongs to Yu Canhua who was entangled by him back then.

"Are you finished? If I were you, there wouldn't be so much nonsense, I would run earlier, and I wouldn't be chattering here. It's just courting death!"

The eyes of the Heavenly Fox Demon gleamed coldly, and continued: "It is indeed very shameful that I am planted in your hands, but do you really think I am a disadvantaged master? Now, in my eyes, you are already There is a corpse, even if you can't even keep a corpse, this saint will make you turn into powder in an instant!"

Feeling the killing intent of Demon Sage Tianhu, Jiang Lin squinted his eyes. He stayed here to delay time and said so many words. Demon Sage Tianhu was able to endure the anger in his heart. It can be seen that this guy is definitely a capable Enduring stuff.

And such a character who can endure his anger will not be easy to deal with.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's ears moved slightly, and he heard the sound of killing outside the fox cave. Now! I can not only marry fairies, but also kill angels! I don't know how many angels died in my hands. Do you really think I'm waiting to die here? Today, you have to die in my hands!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

Tianhu Demon Sage grinned, saying that Jiang Lin married a fairy, this is still possible, after all, there are also fairies marrying mortals in the Daluo Immortal Realm.

But Jiang Lin actually said that he could kill the angels, which is simply a joke!

"Xue Ji, let the Hunter King and Iron Hand come in quickly, I'll block them both first."

Jiang Lin completely released the Yang Yan and Immortal Fire in his body, directly blocking the way out of Tianhu Yaosheng and Huo Pipa, and let Hu Xueji go outside to let the Hunter King and the others come in quickly and join hands with him.

After turning into a wall of fire together with himself, Jiang Lin transformed his bone sword and charged towards the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint. At the same time, he also let Rijin Lun fly out, separate out his mind control, and ordered him to attack and kill him. Fire Pipa.

Jiang Lin will temporarily use his own power to fight against the couple, Tianhu Demon Saint and Huo Pipa.

This time, he went all out, even if he could kill the peak demon emperor, but the demon emperor and the demon ancestor are still incomparable.

To deal with Tianhu Demon Saint, a powerhouse whose cultivation base has fallen, he can't help but use all his strength.

Even if Heavenly Fox Demon Saint's innate magical power is sealed, it is the same.

"What's going on? How is this possible!"

Shortly after the battle started, the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage screamed, Jiang Lin's strength was beyond his expectations.

Although he suffered heavy injuries after being resurrected, there was a fire pipa next to him. With the cultivation of a Jindan cultivator, Jiang Lin was able to deal with both of them at the same time, and they were stretched too thin.

Are the Jindan cultivators outside now so fierce?

Is the body so tyrannical?Can it carry such a terrifying flame?

Have times really changed?

"This saint still doesn't believe it!"

The Heavenly Fox Demon Sage screamed, gathered spiritual power in the fox paws, and bombarded Jiang Lin.

"The times have changed, you idiot! You're still there worrying about your physical condition, who are you looking down on!"

Jiang Lin instantly made the corpse poison enter the flesh and blood, and strengthened the defense on the fist surface, and directly confronted the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

With a "bang", the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage directly smashed Jiang Lin into the cave wall in the distance like a cannonball.

A big hole was smashed out of the stone walls of the Fox Cave.


"What are you calling! Die for me!"

Jiang Lin teleported over, and the bone sword in his hand made an eighteen consecutive slashes, directly forming a sword net, and slashing the fire pipa into the big hole smashed by the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

At this moment, Hu Xueji had entered here with the Hunter King and Iron Hand.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Saint and Huo Pipa in the big hole also rushed out from the pile of rocks.

"Damn, you kid, beat them both like that alone?"

When the Hunter King saw Tianhu Demon Saint and Huo Pipa rushing out, his eyes were about to fall out.

Jiang Lin was able to deal with the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint and Huo Pipa by himself, and it seemed that he still had the upper hand.

This is a joke with him!

Are the young people outside now so terrifying?

The iron hand who came with him also had a look of shock on his face, which was simply incredible.

Even if she knew that Jiang Lin's magic weapon temporarily left in the Wei family was two immortal weapons, she still didn't know Jiang Lin's strength and cultivation level, and she didn't know until the Hunter King informed her.

However, it was also at the golden core level, and Jiang Lin's strength simply left her several blocks away.

"This guy is worried about his injury and didn't use his full strength. You two, use all your skills. This guy, Tianhu Yaosheng, was once attacked by several angels and escaped a disaster, even now Not in the state, the innate magical power has been banned, and it should not be underestimated."

Jiang Lin glanced at the Hunter King and Tie Shou, and continued: "Uncle Hunter King, you will go with me to deal with the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, Tie Shou, you seem to have an immortal weapon on your body, go deal with the Fire Pipa. Xue Ji, you Go outside, so as not to be taken as a hostage and make me worry."

After all, he should take the first step, and once again rushed to the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

Although this product is still bloody, the blue bars are still growing. It is not easy to win this battle.

It was also out of this consideration that Jiang Lin did not let Baoyi show up.

If the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint lost his innate supernatural powers, it would be easy to deal with, then the immortals of that year could not have completely killed him.

He kept Treasure Intent just as a backup method. Once the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint used some kind of surrogacy technique or escape technique, or even wanted to kill a fish like Wutian, the effect of burning the Treasure Intent would be reflected.

"it is good!"

The Hunter King, Tie Shou, and Hu Xueji responded in unison, and then acted independently.

After Jiang Lin rushed over, the Hunter King carried his own axe and formed a tug-of-war with Jiang Lin to deal with the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint together.

As for Huo Pipa, although Tie Shou has a slightly inferior cultivation base, he has an immortal weapon in his hand, and Huo Pipa is not seriously injured. Even if he can't kill it, he can still gain the upper hand and suppress it.

The war has really begun!

Chapter [-] Double kill! (superior)

Demon Saint Tianhu's face is very ugly, the truth is as Jiang Lin said, he has been worrying about his injury, so he has not done his best, but now Jiang Lin has two more allies, and one is Yuan An infant-level cultivator, if he was concerned, it might be really dangerous.

Therefore, the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint did not care about his own unstable vitality and fought with all his strength.

Demon Ancestor's strength, coupled with Tianhu Demon Saint's battle-hardened experience, as well as his calm and cunning mind, suddenly made Jiang Lin and Hunter King, who had joined forces, step back.

"You're still upside down?"

After Jiang Lin was forced to retreat, he immediately teleported out and appeared directly in front of Tianhu Demon Saint, with his palms lined up.

Teleport Turtle School Qigong!

Immediately, the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage was blasted back by Jiang Lin again, and the Hunter King also took the opportunity to swing his axe, and one after another spiritual force attacked the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage.

After Jiang Lin pushed back the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, he teleported over again.

He dodged behind the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, took out an iron immortal stick from his arms, and swept it towards the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint's head.

The timing that Jiang Lin grasped could not be described as inaccurate, it was the moment when he grasped the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint to deal with the King Hunter's attack.

Seeing that the immortal stick landed on the back of Tianhu Demon Saint's head, and when his head could blossom immediately, Tianhu Demon Saint's body instantly became an afterimage.

He didn't teleport out, but he manifested his body in an instant, turning into a fire fox about the size of an ordinary fox.

It was such a transformation that the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint escaped Jiang Lin's sure-kill attack, but his long tail was hit by a stick, which was directly interrupted, and the hair on it was scattered.

This product is really experienced!

Jiang Lin exclaimed in his heart that it was a pity that he had not used the Immortal Artifact before, just to see the opportunity to give Heavenly Fox Demon Saint a ruthless attack.

However, it is empty!

With a sigh in his heart, Jiang Lin hurriedly retreated, and the four fox tails of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint had already attacked him.

"There is still a fairy weapon, you bastard, you are really lucky!"

The Heavenly Fox Demon Saint was still in shock, so he let his eight remaining fox tails release countless needle-like fox feathers and attacked Jiang Lin and the Hunting King.

Jiang Lin turned the iron stick in front of him to resist these extremely sharp fox feathers, and the hunter also swung the axe like a windmill, backing up while blocking.

Although the two of them blocked, their palms were not protected. When the fox fur approached their hands, their trajectory suddenly changed and they got into their pores.

"not good!"

Jiang Lin and Hunter King realized that something was wrong at the same time, and immediately began to dodge and protect themselves.

The body of the Hunter King turned directly, causing a tornado of spiritual power to form a protective shield, blocking the attack of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint.

Jiang Lin continuously teleported out to dodge, and at the same time used the Yang flames in his body to burn the fox fur in his body.

However, just after one of his teleportation, the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage actually appeared in the spot where he flashed.

A claw like electricity!

The sternum in Jiang Lin's heart was smashed by the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, and his body was like a cannonball, slamming into the stone wall.

It crashed directly into more than ten meters.


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