"Just leave this fox corpse to me. You can take the demon pill and take it. I guess I won't be able to snatch it from you."

"You want this fox corpse?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows and looked at the Hunter King with a strange expression.

Do you want to take advantage of the heat?

"Fuck you, second uncle, what kind of eyes do you have? My brother died in her hands. I will take this fox corpse to worship."

The hunter glared at Jiang Lin with his beard blowing, and threw the willow blade at Jiang Lin.

After Jiang Lin took the fairy sword, he said to the hunter: "Uncle hunter, how much do you know about the center of the sand sea in the northern region? I'm going to go deep into the center and go to the northernmost part, and I want to know about you. understand situation."

The matter is over, the demon pill that Qing'er needs has also been found, and Hu Xueji's phantom body has also become his wife, and he will find another wife next.

After Jiang Lin came to the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, he also worked in the desert area. Although he asked some vendors and shopkeepers some time ago, the information they provided was limited, and not much was useful to him. .

Therefore, he wanted to take this opportunity to ask the Hunter King.

The hunter king's own cultivation is not low, and he is a native of the sand sea in the northern region. The information provided should be of great reference value.

This time, he was going to find another phantom of Gu Mengxue, and he had to go deep into the center of the sand sea in the northern region.

"What, you're going deep into the heartland?"

The Hunter King glanced at Jiang Lin, then shook his head, and said, "I think you'd better not go. The central area of ​​the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory is no better than this desert area. Although you are quite capable, if you want to stay in the Northern Territory. Walking in the sand sea is not enough. Don't talk about you, it's me, when my cultivation base was still at the peak of Jindan, I also provoked a loose cultivator for no reason, so I had to leave my homeland and come to this place with my family."

"Oh? Even you took refuge here?"

After listening to Hunter King's remarks, Jiang Lin was shocked. With the strength of Hunter King at the peak of his golden core, he was forced to avoid his enemies and come to the desert area.

Is it really that terrifying in the sand sea in the northern region?

"Isn't it true, the sand sea in the northern region, if you only talk about the human-traveled areas, at least [*]% of the areas are places that eat people and don't spit out bones. You and I have been in trouble together. Listen to my advice, don't spit out bones. Go to the heartland, the most northerly, let alone think about it.”

The hunter king seriously advised Jiang Lin that with Jiang Lin's strength, he might not even know how he died when he arrived in the central area.

"No way?"

Jiang Lin was once again surprised. If you only count the territory, the area of ​​the sand sea in the northern region is not too big, but because of the terrifying sandstorm and the proximity of the boundary wall, there is a lot of space folding in this place. Measured in the form of walking, the central area alone may have a length and width of [*] to [*] miles, and the area is definitely not small, but the Hunter King actually said that [*]% of the area is a place that eats people and does not spit bones. It's too messy.

The hunter king smiled and said, "No way? Do you think I'm joking with you? Ordinary cultivators and cultivators mostly go for immortality in order to seek longevity, and here [*]% Even [*]% of the cultivators ran in from outside. Why did they run in? If they were to avoid hatred, the outside world was much larger than here, so why can't they run away? Therefore, most of the people who come here are unacceptable under the kingship of the heavenly court. If the heaven can't tolerate them, then becoming immortal is basically hopeless. You still expect those guys, will they be good birds?"

Chapter [*] The road ahead is dangerous

Jiang Lin nodded. He had thought of this before, but he did not expect that [*]% of the sand sea in the Northern Territory would be purely based on the law of the jungle, which was much more chaotic than the outside world.

Seeing Jiang Lin's thoughtful look, the hunter continued: "Let's not say anything else, it's the Tianhu clan, didn't you realize that most of the fox demons here are female? The foundation of the Tianhu clan is not here. It's just that after the death of Tianhu Yaosheng, their situation is very bad. There is no shelter in the clan, and I don't know how many female foxes have been captured as fox pets. Therefore, they gradually moved here. The old nests are still far from the center.”

And this reason?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. The Tianhu clan appeared near the desert area, and there was actually a reason for this.

Afterwards, the hunter told Jiang Lin about some of the information he had. What surprised Jiang Lin was that there were still many monster corpses in the sand sea in the northern region.

That is, zombies.

These zombies couldn't get along outside, and many of them ran into the sandy sea in the northern region.

Immortals and Buddhas all have the five declines of heaven and man, but zombies do not. In a place with abundant spiritual power like Daluo Xianjie, as long as zombies get old, their cultivation can almost always improve.

After Wutian became the Lord of the Heavenly Court, he had cleaned up the zombies, lest there would be a stubborn one among them.

Therefore, over the past two years, Jiang Lin has seen many monsters and ghosts outside, but he has not seen a single zombie.

Those who are not enough to worry about are mostly caught and raised by some who have the means and ability.

Dangerous road ahead.

Jiang Lin pressed his eyebrows. Some of the information the Hunter King said was very useful to him, which also made him feel that his road for a while in the future might be more difficult.

Not to mention the rest, it is the monster corpse here, if there is a stronger one, maybe they will take a fancy to the fortune of the corpse emperor on him and scramble to snatch it.

For a period of time in the future, on the way forward, he must guard against monks, guards against demons, guards against ghosts, and guards against corpses.

I don't know how much danger I will encounter.

However, no matter how dangerous it was, he had to go.

This is understandable.

"Hey, you kid, you have a few immortal artifacts in your hands, and you have a lady who looks like a fairy. If you go to the central area, hehe...hehe..."

The hunter king let out a few weird laughs and gave Jiang Lin an expression that someone who understands would naturally understand.

Maybe the baby will be robbed, and the wife sleeps with others.

"Fuck you, what's your expression like?"

Jiang Lin gave the hunting king a middle finger, your wife and children sleep almost like others!

"That's all I said. If you have to go, find some more reliable information and try not to cross those turbulent areas."

After the king hunter finished speaking, he picked up the fox corpse and flew out from the collapsed hole above the fox cave.

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment, then picked up the Firefox leather jacket from the pile of rocks, put it into the ancient mirror, and left the fox cave.

"Husband, you finally came out and scared me to death."

When Hu Xueji saw Jiang Lin come out, she immediately flew over.

The time she waited for made her anxious.

"I'm fine, Heavenly Fox Demon Saint and Huo Pipa were both killed by my husband."

Jiang Lin comforted Hu Xueji in his arms, and then said to the surrounding celestial foxes: "I only deal with Huo Pipa. You are all from Xue Ji's clan. If you don't fight against me, I will not embarrass you."

Hu Xueji said: "Husband, I have already informed them about the death of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, and they will not stop us."

"That's fine."

Jiang Lin embraced Hu Xueji's waist, released the golden wheel, and flew away.

"Xue Ji, this is the demon spirit of the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage. The spirituality belonging to the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage has been completely refined by me. Now you have the cultivation results of the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage in it. You already have the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage in your body. The source of cultivation, just devour it. Over time, the inner cultivation results will gradually disappear."

On the way, Jiang Lin took out the demon spirit of the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint and let Yu Canhua swallow it and refine it.

With this group of demon spirits and the help of Immortal Treasures, it shouldn't be a problem for Hu Xueji to break through to the level of demon emperor. As for Qing'er, the demon queen who devoured Huo Pipa should be able to break through.After all, Qing'er has been supplemented for much longer than Hu Xueji.

If Qing'er and Hu Xueji both broke through, with the help of the Tianhu clan's innate supernatural powers, and Jade Remnant Flower to reconcile them, even if the cave was discovered, they would be able to move away safely without causing any movement.

No matter how dangerous the road ahead is, he can face it calmly, but as long as there is an accident in his family, he can't maintain his mentality.

That's why he wanted Qing'er and Hu Xueji's cultivation to rise to the level of demon emperors as soon as possible.

Hu Xueji hummed, took the demon spirit from Jiang Lin's hand, and swallowed it.

"Husband, what are your plans next? When will you leave?"

After refining the demon spirit in her body, Hu Xueji asked about Jiang Lin's next plan.

She already knew that Jiang Lin was going to find another phantom body in Shahai in the northern region. She was not surprised that Jiang Lin would travel far away, but she and Jiang Lin had not been married for a long time, so she was reluctant to leave.

"I guess it will be in a few days."

Jiang Lin looked at Hu Xueji apologetically. After listening to Hunter King's story, he wanted to go there as soon as possible to find the future wife.

Otherwise, Gu Mengxue's other phantom body was in such a messy place, and he would still be anxious.

"Don't be so reluctant, just wait for me in Dongfu with Mengxue and Huahua at ease. Even though you have only become my person, they will not bully you."

"And they said not to bully, they... They always laugh at me and Sister Huahua, it's all you. If you get drunk, you will... treat them..."

Hu Xueji pursed her lips and couldn't help blushing when she talked about this.

"Haha, they are just joking with you."

Jiang Lin smiled and scratched Hu Xueji's nose, and then said: "Let's find a secluded place first, you have completely refined the demon spirit, then take some fairy treasures and try to break through. Don't cause too much damage near the cave. The momentum, if Qing'er breaks through, I have to find a safe place for her."

The first thousand five hundred and seventy chapters are unfavorable

After half an hour, Jiang Lin found a suitable place and flew to a group of mountains with Hu Xueji.

After setting up the magic circle, Jiang Lin protected Hu Xueji and guarded her breakthrough.

Because of taking a lot of immortal treasures and material treasures that can avoid the catastrophe, when Hu Xueji completely refined the medicinal power and demon spirit, her cultivation level skyrocketed again, reaching the peak of the demon king.

Subsequent breakthroughs were also quite smooth.

After stopping for another hour, after Hu Xueji stabilized the spiritual power in her body, Jiang Lin went to Wei's house with her.

There is still a fairy weapon left in the Wei family, Jiang Lin needs to retrieve it, and he also needs to explain to Duke Wei about the death of Iron Hand.

Duke Wei learned about the death of Iron Hand and the explosion of the Seal of Destruction. It's better than the absolute best.

After taking away the fairy weapon in Duke Wei's hand, Jiang Lin didn't delay any longer and went back to the cave.

The next day, Jiang Lin took Qing'er to a place far away from Dongfu, and gave her the demon pill collected from Huo Pipa, and stayed by her side, waiting for her to break through.

Compared with Hu Xueji, Qing'er's breakthrough process is a little more troublesome. Qing'er's talent is not as good as Hu Xueji's, and her bloodline is pure, but after taking two elixir, she also succeeded in breaking through.

"Qing'er, you have already transformed the demon pill of Huo Pipa, and you will take some more fairy treasures in the future, and you will have Qianlong Qiu. It is estimated that you will soon be able to complete the natural powers of the Tianhu clan that appeared on your own. Xue Ji also has a You can also wear a fire fox fur coat. If you have any questions about your training, you can ask Xue Ji more, communicate with her, or ask Hua Hua. Husband, I’m going to leave today.”

Jiang Lin stroked Qing'er's face and decided to set off today, heading for the depths of the sand sea in the northern region.

Yesterday, several of his wives here knew that he was going to leave in the next two days, and none of them were willing to let him have a good meal at night.

If he didn't leave, the wife in the cave would be so coquettish that he couldn't bear to leave.

In fact, he didn't hide it, and told his wives something about the sand sea in the northern region, which made them very scared.

"Qing'er, in my house over there, Min'er is also very knowledgeable. You are just like her. During my absence, you and Huahua should take care of Qiaoyin and Chuchu, and don't let them get into trouble because of anxiety. happy thing."


Qing'er hugged Jiang Lin, her eyes reddened. Jiang Lin left this time, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to return in a short time, which made her very frightened.

"Okay, my dear young boy, don't cry. My husband doesn't want to leave you, but I have to go for it. I don't have much desire for my husband to become an immortal, but I don't want to go and experience it now. ."

Jiang Lin sighed. In Middle-earth, there will be a catastrophe in the future. Before he came to Daluo Immortal Realm, he felt that he should be able to protect his family, but after experiencing this in Daluo Immortal Realm, let him Changed my mind.

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