From Zhong Kui, he learned that the catastrophe in Middle-earth in the future may spread to the Daluo Immortal Realm, and it may also use the Daluo Immortal Realm as a springboard. At that time, there may be unexpected things, such as - the barrier between the two realms is broken.

Once such a thing occurs, his wings will not be enough to see.

Although the possibility of this kind of thing is very small, Jiang Lin also has the backstage to rely on, but his own ability is still very important.

With this level of consideration, and the need to find Gu Mengxue's phantom body, no matter how dangerous the road ahead is, he must go for it.

"Husband, Qing'er knows that the looks of our sisters, as long as a man is nostalgic for Wenrou Township, you will naturally have a reason to go, and most of the reasons are for us. Don't worry, I will take care of it here. of."

Qing'er held back her reluctance and nodded, so that Jiang Lin didn't have to worry about things between them.

After the two returned, Jiang Lin comforted Gu Mengxue and the others, brought two immortal weapons, and disappeared into the sky while driving the golden wheel.

This time, he is not going to set up any teleportation circles along the way. There are many spiritual masters in the sand sea in the northern region who have nothing to do. If he leaves the teleportation circle, it will put Qinger and the others in danger. among.

The safety of his wives was also the reason why he only took away two fairy artifacts, one for body protection and one for attack, and the rest were left to Yu Canhua and the others.

Jiang Lin Xiaosu traveled at night, and after flying [*] miles, he no longer used magic tools to travel, but like ordinary people, he bought horses and went all the way north.

Although he did not listen to the advice of the Hunter King, he still listened to some of the Hunter King's suggestions.

In a city where humans gather, he also spent a lot of money to buy a topographic map of the sand sea in the northern region. On the way forward, he also deliberately avoided more dangerous areas.

But even so, he was still in danger.

It's really a disadvantage.

Jiang Lin came across a large sand sculpture named Pengzu Chuitian.

"Jiang Lin, the speed of this stray bird is too fast, we can't deal with him at all, if it goes on like this, we will be completely planted. If you return to the cave, you should be able to take it with the strength of Yu Canhua and Qing'er. Down."

Baoyi in the ancient mirror sent a voice transmission to Jiang Lin, and now, she really has no choice.

Chuitian Pengzu has the cultivation base of the peak of the demon ancestor, and with the spread of his wings, it is more than a thousand miles, and the speed is extremely fast.

Previously, when Jiang Lin was being chased and killed, she also let her take a surprise.

But unfortunately, the surprise attack didn't work, and she was seriously injured by this Chuitian Pengzu.

"Don't even think about it when you go back, just bite the bullet and go forward."

Jiang Lin directly rejected Baoyi's proposal.

The big sand sculpture that was chasing them behind was extremely fast, and even if the demon saint wanted to catch up with it, he had to constantly use the escape technique.

Even if he turned back, returned to the cave, and joined forces with Yu Canhua and the others, he might not be able to take him down.

Once escaped by this big sand sculpture, the situation will be very unfavorable.

"Don't go back, your injury..."

Baoyi was very anxious. Jiang Lin had been fleeing for seven days and seven nights in a row, and he didn't even take food treasures to replenish his physical and spiritual power.

This is nothing, there is not a single piece of skin on Jiang Lin's body, especially on his back.

Chapter [*] If you have the ability, you can chase after it!

"I can still hold on."

After Jiang Lin passed the sound transmission, he quickly drilled into a dense forest.

As soon as he got into the dense forest, the trees behind him were uprooted, and even the ground was lifted up.

"Marler is a chicken!"

Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm and cursed.

This big sand sculpture never gave up at all after seeing Baoyi and Immortal Artifacts.

Thinking of the reason for being chased and killed by the big sand sculpture, Jiang Lin felt unlucky in his heart.

After leaving the city and entering the wilderness, he has always been cautious. As a result, when passing through a mountain forest, several black eagles kept harassing him and pecking at the butt of the horse he was riding.

In the end, Jiang Lin couldn't take it anymore, and he happened to have a very small mouth, so he caught the black eagles and roasted them.

Didn't expect this to happen.

That area happened to be the blind spot of the topographic map and belonged to the territory of Chuitian Pengzu, and by coincidence, the large sand sculpture was in the sky nearby.

Jiang Lin's barbecue skills caused him trouble.

During this time, he could say that he did not know how much life and death he had experienced.

Chuitian Pengzu had absolute air dominance, so even if Jiang Lin wanted to escape, he would not be able to use the Japanese Golden Wheel.

Can only run on the ground.

But his speed, compared to Chuitian Pengzu, is completely insignificant.

Even if his power is fully turned on, he can only reach the level of twice the speed of sound. Compared with Chuitian Pengzu, it is still similar to a snail.

It was because of his powerful spiritual sense, his own reactions, and the several escape techniques he mastered that he repeatedly avoided the big sand sculpture's attack.

Jiang Lin hid for seven days and seven nights in a row, but he still carried it hard.

He didn't have time to take food treasures at all.

If he devotes his energy to refining chemical treasures, he can't maintain full speed.

Once hit, the injury is still a trivial matter, and it is almost impossible to avoid Chuitian Pengzu's follow-up ultimate move.

If it wasn't for the fact that his body had been kept by the immortal treasure, he would not have been able to support it for such a long time.

have water!

After fleeing for another hour, Jiang Lin saw a large river in front of him, and he burst out at three times the speed of sound, rushing forward.

"Baoyi, now we are grasshoppers tied to a rope, we are in a hurry, and you have harmed a lot of good things for me, so let's take some losses. What kind of immortal wine, cold marrow elixir, etc. are you using , swallowed it all and put it in your mouth."

While charging, Jiang Lin gave Baoyi a sound transmission.


"Don't be stunned, hurry up!"

"oh oh."

After being drunk like this by Jiang Lin, Baoyi didn't care about his doubts and did as Jiang Lin said.

"Blind your corns!"

Jiang Lin roared and let the little spiritual energy left in his body surge rapidly, directly turning his body into a powerful light source.

Even though Chuitian Pengzu had seen Jiang Lin's method, he still had to close his eyes.

Jiang Lin took advantage of this extremely short period of time to forcefully cast the Escaping Essence Technique.

After a fierce man burrowed into the water, Jiang Lin turned over again, expelling Yang flames toward the water with both palms, and with the help of the recoil, he quickly sank.

After sinking more than a thousand meters below the surface of the water, Jiang Lin pointed to his chest and called Bao Yi out.

With his lips facing Baoyi's small mouth, Jiang Lin directly inhaled the fairy treasure in Baoyi's mouth.


Baoyi pushed Jiang Lin away, and some blisters came out of his mouth because of his voice.

"Don't open your mouth!"

Jiang Lin passed the sound transmission, and then immediately sent Baoyi back to the ancient mirror.

Before, he didn't take food treasures. In addition to the lack of time, he was also worried that the fairy treasures he was carrying were discovered by Chuitian Pengzu.

Once Chuitian Pengzu finds out that he has an immortal treasure on his body, it is absolutely impossible for him and Baoyi to have another chance to escape.

The temptation of immortal treasures is definitely greater than that of immortal weapons.

The former is a baby that can directly increase its own hard power!

Especially for a monster like Chuitian Pengzu whose cultivation base is at the peak of a level.

After getting the fairy treasure, he can go further!

Jiang Lin didn't have time to take it. Even if he had time, he wouldn't necessarily take out the fairy treasure easily.

"You take advantage of me and take advantage of me!"

Baoyi's face flushed red in the ancient mirror, mad with anger) (bu fluctuated for a while.

"Stop screaming, calm down for me!"

Jiang Lin continued to sink, while voice transmission scolded Baoyi.

Then, he continued his voice transmission: "You don't even think about it, why is that stray bird chasing us, he has such speed and strength, once he has another fairy weapon in his hand, it is probably a powerful demon saint. You have to be afraid of him for three points. If you let him know that we have immortal treasures here, he will be desperate, and it is estimated that he will have to drive us to death. Could it be that you still want to run away from him for seven or eight years?"

After listening to Jiang Lin's voice transmission, Bao Yi suddenly lost his voice.

It was only then that she realized that what Jiang Lin said was true at all. Once the demon ancestor knew that Jiang Lin still had the Immortal Pill and Immortal Grass on his body, he would definitely go crazy.

It will really go after them desperately.

"I don't know if the blisters formed by your exhalation will be discovered by the stray-haired bird, and the immortal treasure in it will not be discovered.

"According to you, do you still blame me?"

Bao Yi was aggrieved, she was taken advantage of, and she was scolded by Jiang Lin.

However, her retort was a bit lacking.

If Chuitian Pengzu really discovered the immortal treasure in those bubbles, then she and Jiang Lin would not have to do anything.

Run for a million miles.

"I won't blame you this time, let's run away first, I'll go down to the bottom of the water, dig a hole with corpse claws, and abscond from the ground. Prepare yourself mentally, if you don't escape, you will encounter other rivers, lakes and seas. , it has to be like this.”

" still want to do this?"

"What do you say?"

Jiang Lin responded angrily, and immediately refined the medicinal power in his body while resisting the powerful water pressure caused by the rapid dive.

After reaching the bottom of the river, Jiang Lin didn't care about anything, and directly showed the appearance of a corpse, turning into a humanoid pangolin.


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