At the same time, he also forcibly squeezed his own thoughts, causing the Nippon Gold Wheel behind him to rotate at a high speed.

With the help of Xianyi's defensive power, Jiang Lin used the recoil force of the laser cannon to force the rotating Japanese golden wheel to open up a passage.

The passages opened up by him before were filled with this laser cannon, and the huge beam formed by the thunder and fire, wrapped in the power of destroying the dead, slammed into the two undead mothers at a lightning speed.

The blue veins on Jiang Lin's forehead were like the roots of an old tree, and blood was oozing out from his nose and mouth.

With the Willow Leaf Immortal Saber, Baoyi failed to repel the two undead mothers. If he wanted to do this, he had to seriously overload his load.

The thunder and fire beams bombarded the two undead mothers almost instantly, causing them to burst into sharp screams.

The two were directly blasted into the underground magic cave space, and were pressed on the ground of the magic cave by the thunder fire beam. Not only that, the bombardment force of the thunder fire beam continued, and the ground they were backed against was blasted through.


The pair of necromancers let out a sharp roar, and they absorbed a large amount of dead aura, and they actually recoiled against the thunder and fire beams together.

To deal with two witches at the same time, Jiang Lin still couldn't do it.

And although he bombarded them, he didn't cause much damage to them.

With the aura of death in the devil's cave, they almost possessed an endless source of power in a short period of time.

"That's too late."

Jiang Lin visually measured the length of the tunnel he had dug out and took a deep breath. The two undead mothers below had already sensed the breath of the fairy treasures. Even if they were on the verge of death, they probably wouldn't give up.

He took some treasures from the ancient mirror and swallowed them. He put his forehead against Baoyi's head, and passed on the source of Yin fire and Lan Xinyan in his body.

Handing the ancient mirror into Baoyi's hands, he summoned the Japanese golden wheel to return to his body. Jiang Lin took off the fairy robe and put it on Baoyi's body, and said to him, "Protect yourself, don't let me worry. I appear. If there is an accident, you hide it in the ancient mirror."

After that, Jiang Lin's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and the Yang Yan in his body made a roaring sound because of the rapid surging.

"Jiang Lin, you...what are you going to do?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's words similar to his last words, Baoyi felt at a loss.

Then, in her eyes, Jiang Lin's whole body began to glow red from head to toe. At the same time, the extremely blazing high temperature caused the flames such as the blue heart flame in her body to automatically release, and the fairy clothes covering her body surfaced. superior.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Lin turned into a human-shaped fluid made of magma.

His wrists came together again, but this time, what was ejected was no longer a beam of light, but magma.

To be precise, it is a fluid many times hotter than magma.

With the help of the recoil of the jet again, Jiang Lin's body went vertically upward. Once those soil layers and rocks touched his back and body, they melted into liquid like ice and snow met boiling water.

What Jiang Lin used was an escape technique that he had never used before—melting body escape technique. In the past, Yuanyuan escape technique was used to speed up his use, but this time, it was an escape technique.

Just using this kind of escape technique would cost too much, so Jiang Lin never dared to use it.

His body can accommodate Yang Yan, and he can also release Yang Yan, just like a human-shaped oven.

But even an oven has a limited upper flame temperature limit.

Jiang Lin's escape technique is to use a secret technique to double or even increase the temperature of his own yang flames by a factor of ten, which is much higher than the surface temperature of Da Ri.

Melting Escape Technique is to break the shackles imposed on the caster's body in this way to achieve the purpose of getting out of trouble.

However, such a temperature has already exceeded the upper limit that Jiang Lin's body can withstand. Even if he has the true fire of the sun, it is very dangerous.

This caused Jiang Lin to not even consider using it until the moment when he was in an extremely critical life-and-death crisis.

When the two necromancers saw where the magma passed, the soil layer and the stone wall were deformed and melted, and they dared to chase after them.

After screaming in fright, they avoided it like snakes and scorpions and quickly retreated.

Jiang Lin and Baoyi flew vertically upward at extremely fast speed.

It was also Jiang Lin who resolutely performed the technique. The location where they were located was exactly pressed by a ten-thousand-zhang mountain on the ground. If Jiang Lin still dug the passage in the same way as before, he would definitely explain it here.

After going straight out of the mountain, Jiang Lin used all the spiritual power supplied by the fairy treasure, turned it into a rocket, and shot towards the distance with extreme speed.

Fortunately, he flew into the distance from a high altitude. If he was close to the ground, it was estimated that a fire would break out wherever he passed.

At this time, the two Necromancers also chased out from the vertical passage in the mountain.

"Sister, stop chasing, that direction is Wangdi's territory, that fellow is not easy to be with, its territory must not be intruded. We rush over there, and we can't protect ourselves if we don't get it right."

The witch with a higher cultivation base wanted to pursue, but was stopped.

"Wangdi... ah!"

After hesitating for a while, a strong look of fear appeared in her demon eyes, and finally she gave up the idea of ​​continuing to hunt down Jiang Lin and the others with a look of hatred and pity.

Chapter [*] All kinds of things are wrong

Jiang Lin didn't know that the two undead mothers didn't dare to pursue them, and still held on to the pain of melting their internal organs and flesh, and used the escape technique to flee.

In the end, his consciousness completely disappeared, and the fiery red body and the treasure in his arms flew forward in a parabola.

Baoyi's consciousness also gradually slackened. She was seriously injured in the passage of the underground magic cave, and she was also attacked by the undead spirit of the undead mother, and she was almost unable to move.

The two gliding down in the sky, and after a while, they fell into a big river.

Jiang Lin's body encountered the cold water, causing a cloud of white smoke to rise from the river.

Baoyi was stimulated by cold water, and his consciousness recovered a little.

However, she did not dare to take out the treasures such as fairy treasure and cold marrow from the ancient mirror to recover from the injury.

Now she and Jiang Lin are both extremely weak, and if something evil is brought in again, they will be powerless to resist.

Baoyi dragged Jianglin in the water, followed the tide, and drifted to the shore.

After going ashore, Baoyi looked at Jiang Lin's tragic state, as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

Jiang Lin now has no hair, and the flesh on the top of his head, face, and other parts of his body has exploded, and there is still a lot of burnt ash in the cracked parts.

It looked terrifying.

too frightening.

Bao Yi had lingering fears. If Jiang Lin hadn't left her the source of blue heart flame and yin fire in her body, and put the fairy clothes on her, I'm afraid she would have been vaporized to death by the high temperature.


Bao Yi wanted to check Jiang Lin's injury, but only then did she realize that Jiang Lin's clothes had long since turned gray, and then she saw what she shouldn't have seen.

She quickly took a piece of Jiang Lin's clothing from the ancient mirror, wrapped it around Jiang Lin's waist, and then turned into a streamer into the ancient mirror.

After coming out of the ancient mirror, Bao Yi contained some immortal wine and immortal juice juice and fed it to Jiang Lin.

Shaking his body, Baoyi took a storage magic tool from the ancient mirror and put the ancient mirror in it.

After stuffing the magical storage tool into Jiang Lin's waist again, she slipped into the ancient mirror of the magical storage tool again.

This ancient mirror is the body of Jiang Lin's wife Jing Yuanying, which is equivalent to Jing Yuanying's body.

If she was touched by a woman, it would be fine. In case a passing man touched her, Jiang Lin's character would definitely explode in anger.

After that, Bao Yi was recuperating in the ancient mirror. Now she has almost lost her immortal energy and can't hide the breath of her immortal body, and she is too beautiful to lie down with Jiang Lin. .

As for Jiang Lin, after being fed the fairy treasure by her, he should be able to recover gradually.

In case of any unexpected situation, it would not be too late for her to come out again.

On the river bank, because Jiang Lin was transported by Bao Yi to send some immortal treasures, the terrifying wounds on his body and the flesh and blood of his internal organs were slowly healing.

Half a day later, an old man with a medicine basket and a young man passed by the river and found Jiang Lin.

After seeing Jiang Lin, the old man said to the young man behind him, "Hut, there is someone there, go and see what's going on."

"Dad, is it a drowning person, and I don't know if he is dead or not."

The young man named Hut looked around and followed the old man.

"Oh, this guy has only one breath left. Hut, carry him back quickly and see if he can be rescued."

"Father, he's unknown, and he doesn't look like a local, so take him home?"

"Don't talk nonsense, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda."

The old man scolded Hut, and after scratching his head, Hut picked up Jiang Lin and took him back to a town several miles away.

After that, Jiang Lin stayed at the old man's house, and he woke up after half a month. After that, he stayed for a while.

"I said you kid, because you don't need money for your Uncle Wei's herbal medicine, right?"

Ten days later, in the early morning, Jiang Lin left the room where he was temporarily staying and tried to push the grinding wheel in the yard, but was scolded by the old man who entered the door.

Jiang Lin laughed dryly and said, "Uncle Wei, I've been weak for too long. I want to see how my recovery is going."

The old man who scolded him was a mortal doctor who settled in Heyang Town here and specialized in practicing medicine for patients. Outsiders called him Doctor Wei.

Since being rescued by Doctor Wei, Jiang Lin's body has not recovered well until now.

Even if he was fed some immortal treasures by Baoyi on the day he fell into the water, it only slightly improved the situation.

This is not to say that the medicinal effect of Xianbao is garbage, even if it is a Da Luo immortal, it is unrealistic to ask him to save a person who was thrown into the big sun and then fished out.

What's more, Jiang Lin was equivalent to kissing the sun, and he even ate a part of the sun into his body.

If only immortal treasures can fully recover, then the immortals will jump.

In addition to the huge sequelae of the escape surgery, there is another reason why Jiang Lin has not recovered so far, that is, he has not taken any more immortal treasures and cold marrow.

It's not that he doesn't want to take it, but the Heyang Town where he is located makes him feel very wrong. As for what's wrong, he can't tell, but his intuition feels something inexplicable.

All in all, there's something wrong here.

Except for Doctor Wei and his neighbors, there was something wrong with everyone in the town.

Not only the people are wrong, but the buildings, sculpture totems, and even the air and water sources here seem to be all wrong.

In addition, the biggest mistake is that he has been living too ordinary during this time.

You must know that the two undead mothers who are nearly ten thousand miles away know that he has fairy treasures and fairy artifacts, and there are thousands of monsters under the ground over there.

Even if he and Baoyi escaped at the time, the two undead mothers should have searched nearby, and even expanded their scope to find out their whereabouts.

There are so many monsters, even if the radius is ten thousand miles, they can be found.

However, there was no movement.

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