Why don't the devil mother and those devil sons and grandsons come here?

This kind of puzzlement made Jiang Lin feel that there must be something strange about the place he was in that he couldn't even notice.

That's why Jiang Lin didn't take out the magic weapon and the immortal treasure in the ancient mirror, let alone let Baoyi show his face.

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-five chapters one after another strange things

"It would be good if your condition didn't worsen. Now you are thinking about recovery. You are really thinking too much. However, you are a real life boy."

Doctor Wei was amused by Jiang Lin's words. When they brought Jiang Lin back, they almost thought that Jiang Lin was dead.

Jiang Lin didn't know how many extremely serious burns he had on his body, and the situation in his body was even more serious.

Just like that, Jiang Lin came back from the gate of hell.

But it had only been so long, Jiang Lin wanted to see how much he had recovered, it was like a joke.

Doctor Wei treats Jiang Lin as an ordinary person, which is why he has such thoughts.

From saving Jiang Lin to now, Dr. Wei and his family have never thought that Jiang Lin has the status of a monk.

Heyang Town belongs to Liang State, and Liang State has not had a monk for thousands of years. Even if the newborn child has the talent for cultivation, he cannot cultivate in Liang State. If you want to become a monk, you must leave.

And as long as you embark on the path of cultivation, even if you have learned something, you are not allowed to come back.

The monks and spiritual masters outside will not cross the border to Liang Guo.

This created the current situation of Liang Guo.

As for why such rules are maintained, almost no one knows.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Understood, I will rest well, thanks to your medical skills, Uncle Wei."

"Take medicine on time, rest assured, and don't think about anything."

After telling Jiang Lin a few words, Doctor Wei entered his own medicine house.

It seems that this is not a place to stay for a long time.

Jiang Lin pressed his eyebrows. For some reason, he always had a vague sense of unease.

However, now that his body has not recovered, he can only take a step by step temporarily.

After another half a month, Jiang Lin's injury recovered seven to eighty-eight, and he was ready to say goodbye to Dr. Wei and the others in the next day or two.

During this period of time, when he chatted with Dr. Wei's son, Hut, he learned from his mouth that the region he was in was Liang.

When he knew this, he was shocked.

When he got the topographic map, he had inquired about some information that this Liang country was an absolutely forbidden place for monks and evil spirits.

Still very dangerous.

No wonder he fled here, and the two undead mothers did not chase after him.

Dare to love the Liang Kingdom, it is even more dangerous than the Devil's Nest.

So, at that time, he planned to leave as soon as possible.

In addition, during this time, he also encountered several strange things, which made him feel a little bad.

The first is that the corpse poison in his body gradually began to become restless, as if he was threatened by something.

The second is that sometimes, he will be nauseated for no reason.

For him, this is something that has almost never happened.

In the end, he realized that the Wei family he was in was being watched.

After a few strange things happened, Jiang Linzhen was like a confused monk.

Therefore, he wanted to leave Liang Guo as soon as possible.

"Dad, it's not good! The patients from Zhenkou who came to see a doctor a few days ago have problems. Their faces are pale, and they flutter when they see anyone. Did you use the wrong medicine?"

On this day, Hut burst in from outside and shouted.

"How is this going?"

Dr. Wei heard Hut's cry and didn't know what happened. The patients he treated in the past few days were not seriously ill. How could such a change happen all of a sudden.

"I do not know."

"Let's go, go and have a look, Jiang Lin, you also come over and help."

Just then, Jiang Lin heard Hut's voice and came out of the room, and Doctor Wei waved at him and asked him to go with him.

Since Jiang Lin's injury was basically unharmed, Doctor Wei asked him to help him a little. Jiang Lin's hands and feet were very quick, saving Doctor Wei a lot of trouble.

After the three went out, they went straight to the town entrance.

When they got to the town entrance, they saw three or four young people rushing around like crazy.

This... is this a corpse transformation?

Jiang Lin frowned when he saw the state of the young people.

Also shocked was Doctor Wei, but there was still a bit of disbelief and fear in Doctor Wei's expression.

Several young people fell to the ground one after another because they lost their strength, as if they were suffering from epilepsy. Doctor Wei stepped forward to check their condition.

"Alas! There's no help."

Looking at the faces of several people, Doctor Wei shook his head.

Not right.

When Jiang Lin saw this scene, he felt a little strange. Doctor Wei was just an ordinary doctor. Just now, he didn't ask about the pulse, so he was sure that these young people were helpless?

What made him even more puzzled was that these young men had no wounds at all, and there was no corpse poison left on their bodies, so their bodies had changed for no reason.

It's a miracle.

At this moment, several young people who were crooked found Jiang Lin behind Doctor Wei, got up, and let out a howl at Jiang Lin.

"My emperor saves you!"

Hearing these half-human, half-corpse calls, Jiang Lin was very shocked.

They actually begged him for help in corpse language.

Also called him King.

At this time, Jiang Lin was really full of big question marks.

Since he arrived in Heyang Town, he has been hiding his aura, including his own corpse emperor's aura.

However, at this moment, these few young people who did not know why they turned into corpses in the daytime were able to recognize his identity as the corpse emperor and asked him for help.

Just when Jiang Lin was puzzled, a group of officers and soldiers came outside the town. Doctor Wei hurriedly said to Jiang Lin and Hut, "It's not about my medication, but in order to avoid misunderstanding, let's withdraw first."

After speaking, Doctor Wei took the lead and ran into an alley. Although Jiang Lin was very strange, he ignored the young people and went with Doctor Wei.

After a group of officers and soldiers rushed into the town, they used some special ropes to wrap the limbs and necks of several young people, and then used long sticks to clamp their knees back and forth, and lifted them up.

Binding a corpse?

So smooth?

Jiang Lin's eyes widened, this group of officers and soldiers were just ordinary people, but they picked up a few half-human and half-corpses, but they were very smooth and professional.

What is this situation?

Jiang Lin was once again surprised. In addition to medical books, Dr. Wei's family also had many other types of books. During this time, he had also borrowed and read books, so he had some understanding of Liang Guo.

This is a country made up of ordinary people, but there are very few traces of monks and evil spirits. Now it is not a problem for a few young people to change into inexplicable corpses. Even the officers and soldiers know how to clean up these half-human and half-corpses, and they are very familiar.

Weird and weird.

"Continue to search, it is estimated that there are others."

The leader of the officers and soldiers gave a drink, and a group of officers and soldiers quickly dispersed.

"Quick, go back!"

Doctor Wei seemed to be very afraid of those officers and soldiers, and repeatedly asked Jiang Lin and Hut to go home quickly.

After returning home, Doctor Wei closed the door directly and warned Jiang Lin that they were not allowed to go out.

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-six chapters

"Father, we're closing the door, are you really using the wrong medicine?"

"Stinky boy, your father and I have practiced medicine for more than [*] years. When did I miss the medicine? A few of them have problems, and it has nothing to do with me. Now the officers and soldiers want to investigate the murderer. If your father and I are regarded as suspects, I will be caught. Don't beat me, do you want me to die? I have to discuss this with your mother, don't disturb us."

Dr. Wei glared at Hut, Hut wanted to speak out, but Jiang Lin grabbed his shoulders and persuaded: "Uncle Wei is right, although we are innocent, but the official word is two words, if they can't catch them. When we get to the real murderer and find someone to top the tank, we really find it here, so aren't we just making trouble for ourselves."

In fact, Jiang Lin said this to find a step for Doctor Wei. Doctor Wei must be hiding something. According to the current situation, it is estimated that he will discuss the situation with his wife. Doubt, figure out what's going on.

Otherwise, in this strange and strange country, he still doesn't know what unexpected things will happen.

After hearing what Jiang Lin said, Hut stopped talking.

"Look at Jiang Lin, why are you so straight?"

After training Hut, Doctor Wei went to Yaolu, and Jiang Lin also returned to his room.

"Master, you look flustered, what happened?"

"Be quiet."

Dr. Wei closed the door and told his wife what happened in the town.

Then he added: "Most of our traces have been discovered, and the master is probably around Heyang Town, she is still refining Zombie Pills, the young people at the town entrance should be arrested for experiments, and then escaped."

Zombie pills?

Something to do with zombies?

In the room, Jiang Lin put his hearing to the maximum and heard the conversation between Doctor Wei and his wife.

It seems that the matter in Zhenkou has something to do with Doctor Wei.

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