Jiang Lin stole slightly, and then continued to listen to the movement in the medicine house.

"Ah? Master, she found us? Then what should we do? We stole Master's prescription together with Senior Brother Wang, and her plan was a complete failure. If we were caught by her, she would definitely not let us go. Master , what are you going to do?"

In the medicine room, when Mrs. Wei heard the news, her face also became anxious.

"Those officers and soldiers are already investigating, and it is estimated that we will be found soon. I want Hut to escape from us. Once our family of three is captured at the same time, even if we don't want to hand over the prescription, Master she will use Hut's. To persecute us with our lives. Moreover, I don’t intend to let Hut know about this matter, lest he be involved in this whirlpool.”

After pondering for a while, Dr. Wei continued: "We can't take the prescription with us, otherwise if we get caught, we don't know how many people will die. Similarly, we can't leave it to Hut, that way we will give it to him. Bringing the calamity to death. Now, looking at the situation of those young people, Master may have restored the contents of the prescription to seven or eight, and this prescription cannot be burned. Once a large number of people are poisoned by zombie pills, someone will have to follow the prescription. Develop an antidote. That's what I planned. I'm going to let Jiang Lin bring the prescription and go to the Jiangnan area to find Senior Brother Wang."


Jiang Lin was stunned when he heard Doctor Wei's words in his room.

This Doctor Wei really didn't treat him as an outsider.

However, Jiang Lin has nothing to resist. Heyang Town here is located in the southernmost part of Liang State, so the Jiangnan area is still in the north.

If he wants to leave Liang Kingdom, he has to go north. There are monsters rampant on three sides, east, west, and south. There are two undead mothers, and he can't retreat.

As for the areas on both sides, they might have a close relationship with the two extremely prolific sows, so even if Liang Guo was not safe, Jiang Lin still felt that it was a little safer to go straight to the north.

Therefore, after knowing that Doctor Wei had something to support, Jiang Lin didn't mind dropping by.

However, Doctor Wei's next words left him speechless.

This Doctor Wei wants to be his father.

Depend on!

In order to ensure the safety of his son Hut, Dr. Wei decided to use a method of Li Daitaozong to let Jiang Lin pretend to be his son temporarily. In this case, once Jiang Lin was caught, as long as he explained the truth, the arrested person would not follow him. Difficult.

In this case, the prescription on Jiang Lin's body is naturally safe.

Li Dai peach is stiff, just Li Dai peach stiff.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while and didn't care much.

In Liang country, he has no legal identity, and it is not a bad thing to pretend to be a Hut for a while.

With this identity, he can avoid a lot of trouble on the way forward.

As for what Doctor Wei said next, he took it as a joke.

Because Dr. Wei felt that this move would make him take risks, if he agreed, Dr. Wei would write a letter to his senior brother and ask his brother's daughter to betrothed to him.

as compensation.

Tell me about the matchmaker?

It depends on how beautiful your brother's daughter is.

Jiang Lin laughed, his eyes were high.

After listening to Doctor Wei and the others, Jiang Lin felt less doubts.

Those who were watching were probably aimed at Dr. Wei, and some people turned corpses for no reason, probably because of the zombie pills that Dr. Wei said.

It's just that he still didn't understand why there were so many things wrong in Heyang Town.

However, Jiang Lin thinks that these are not very important, and he will hit the road tomorrow.

It's a pity that Jiang Lin didn't expect that Doctor Wei's master was not near here at all. The reason why the young people in Zhenkou turned into corpses was entirely because they had close contact with him.

The corpse emperor's aura in Jiang Lin's body leaked because he breathed in the air of Liang's country and drank the water here.

Even Jiang Lin himself did not notice this.

Those young people were shocked by the corpse emperor's imposing manner that he leaked, and they turned into corpses, but this was not the root cause.

And they will call him the emperor after the corpse is transformed, because of the totem sculptures in the home and the statues in the shrine.

It was the places that made Jiang Lin feel that something was wrong.

If he discovers this, and then finds the source of what makes him feel wrong, Jiang Lin will definitely think carefully.

This Liang Guo is not at all what it seems on the surface, there is only something wrong.

Cultivators and evil Jedi, that's no joke.

After nightfall, Doctor Wei came to Jiang Lin's room and told him that he wanted to ask Jiang Lin to ask Jiang Lin, that is, let Jiang Lin Li on behalf of Tao Zong.

Jiang Lin didn't think much about it, and after saying something Guang Weizheng said, he agreed.

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-seventh chapter cross with me, touch the porcelain and kill you!

"Oh, Jiang Lin, I really don't know how to thank you, you child has a really good character."

Doctor Wei was very happy. Jiang Lin agreed to this matter, which made him feel more at ease.

"By the way, don't drink the soup at dinner time. I will put some sweat medicine in it. After you leave, we will take the Hut in a sack and let him go to another Direction. There are prescriptions and tokens in this bag, and I will give them to you."

"Understood, Uncle Wei, don't worry, I will definitely bring the things."

Jiang Lin nodded and took the burden.

After dinner, as expected by Dr. Wei, Hut was knocked unconscious.

Jiang Lin put on the clothes prepared by Doctor Wei, and dressed like Hut. Under the cover of the night, if you didn't look closely, you really couldn't see that he was fake.

"Son, you must bring your daughter-in-law back to your parents."

After Jiang Lin left the gate, Doctor Wei and Mrs. Wei shouted loudly at the gate, for fear that the neighbors wouldn't hear it.

"Don't worry, I promise to bring one back for your second elder."

Jiang Lin also responded with a loud voice in the tone of a hut, and then he left Heyang Town on his way.

As for how Doctor Wei and the others deal with Hut and how to leave, it is not something he has to consider.

However, he could also feel that many of the eyes that had been monitoring Doctor Wei's family were staring at him.

Later, it is estimated that the watchers rushed into Dr. Wei's house and found that the man was long gone, so they all stared at him.

Jiang Lin didn't care about it, as long as the target wasn't him.

He still drove all night, and it didn't take long for those who followed behind to disperse.

Five days later, Jiang Lin came to Barbarian City, a relatively prosperous capital of Liang Kingdom.

"This Liang Guo is really weird."

Jiang Lin was walking on the street, muttering to himself. After this period of observation, he found that strangeness not only existed in Heyang Town, but all places made him have that kind of inexplicable wrong.

Thinking about it, Jiang Lin suddenly let out a muffled groan. Now his body has almost recovered, but the sequelae in his body will still occur from time to time. Every noon, his body will feel a kind of pain that burns all over the body.

Even someone like him who can endure pain can't bear it.

I'm afraid this situation will disappear only after he fully recovers.

That's why he didn't ride a horse during this time.

Moreover, Dr. Wei didn't give him a lot of entanglements. After buying horses, it is estimated that there are not many left.

"Don't run away, you thief! Get out of the way!"

Just as Jiang Lin endured the pain, the sound of running and horses' hooves came from behind him, as well as the coquettish shout of a young girl.

Jiang Lin didn't use his spiritual sense to visit. He guessed that someone was chasing the thief, and there was still time beside him. He was not prepared to give way in a hurry like other pedestrians.

Mainly because he is in pain and really doesn't want to move.

After the young man who was chased by the girl on the horse ran over, the girl did not expect Jiang Lin to dodge. Seeing that she was about to hit Jiang Lin, she hurriedly pulled the reins of the horse.

Although she made the horse raise its two front hooves in time, once the hooves fell, it would have to step on the river forest.


The girl could only hurriedly pull the horse's head to one side, and it was because of this that she herself fell off the horse because of inertia.

I'm so...

Such a wide road, you have to find me?

Jiang Lin was very speechless now, he was almost crushed by the mouth, and on his back was the girl's delicate body.

"You are sick! Are you blind? Don't need the cornea, please donate it to someone else!"

After the girl got up, Jiang Lin got up and covered her chest, pointing at her nose and scolding.

If it was normal, he wouldn't be so angry, but now it's noon, he already has sequelae in his body, he doesn't even want to move when he is uncomfortable, and then being hit by a girl with a ball, it's like a slam dunk .

Now Jiang Lin's internal organs are shrinking sharply, just like ten thousand needles, but he is so angry.

Even if the girl on the opposite side had a beautiful appearance, he was not polite at all.

"You are deaf!"

The girl was also very angry, pointed at Jiang Lin and greeted him.


Still messing with me?

Jiang Lin was so happy that this girl bumped into him and was so coquettish, so don't blame him.

He was grief-stricken.

Jiang Lin patted the dust on his body, looked at the girl, and said, "Are you in a hurry to reincarnate? Horse racing on the street, this street is yours?"

"I caught the thief, what's the matter? Now I suspect you are with that thief!"

Being so accused by Jiang Lin again, the girl suddenly became unhappy, and fought with Jiang Lin with her hands on her hips.

The surrounding pedestrians also gathered around to see the liveliness here.

"You... poof!"

Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood stasis to one side. The blood was metabolized by the internal organs of the body after being hit and pressed just now.

Seeing Jiang Lin vomited blood, the girl was stunned for a moment.

"I'm so dizzy...I'm dying...I can't live anymore!"

Jiang Lin vomited blood while hunched over, pointing at the girl, while touching the porcelain there.

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