Hit me, but also cross with me, hit the porcelain to kill you!

Jiang Lin directly staged a big show of touching porcelain with the girl.

He was just worried that he didn't have much toll.

The good things in the ancient mirror are inconvenient to take out and exchange for coins, and he has no time to work in exchange for the entanglement.

So, he simply came to touch porcelain.

Grab some money, buy a good horse, and go faster.

Of course, these all had to fall on this coquettish girl.


"Look, he's vomiting blood!"

"It was just hit."

At this time, the surrounding spectators all shouted.

The coquettish girl was already panicking at this time, this person was bumped and was about to die?

"She was a robber. She has been chasing after me on horseback, and now she is going to cause another life."

The young man who was chased by the girl just heard the situation here, turned back, pointed at the girl and shouted.

The girl was so angry that she looked angry and shouted: "You are bloody, you are a thief, you are a thief calling to catch a thief, if you are not a thief, what are you running for?"

The young man snorted and said, "I came out of the silver horn and saw you chasing me, I thought you were going to rob."

"Look, everyone, I killed someone, and I don't want to lose money."

Jiang Lin grabbed the girl's sleeve and sprayed her with blood.

"I...I...I will pay."

The girl was so frightened that she quickly took out a large amount of gold and silver from the purse around her waist and stuffed it into Jiang Lin.

Hearing the pedestrians around calling to report to the official, the girl said to Jiang Lin anxiously: "My name is Jiang Ting, plumber Jiang, I was reckless just now. If the money is not enough, you can come to me again."

After leaving a sentence, the girl led the horse out of the crowd and hurried to the street.

She was really afraid that someone would report for Jiang Lin.

"It's really unfortunate that I'm still my own family."

Jiang Lin murmured, and then let out a long hiss. Although he vomited blood, it was not that his injuries had worsened, but the impact just now had caused him a lot of pain.

Chapter [*]: Fate!

After putting the gold and silver in the baggage, Jiang Lin declined the help of a few pedestrians and walked out of the crowd.

It's really refreshing to deceive a stubborn girl.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to feel better.

He found a girl with short eyes and let out his breath, and he vomited some blood stasis due to the impact and pressure, which made his body feel less stagnant.

This was beyond his expectations.

He estimated that as long as he had a good rest and recuperation in the future, it was estimated that this situation would not happen again.

"This girl helped me out."

Jiang Lin smiled. If Jiang Ting, who was from his own family, knew that she had done him a favor and was corrupted by him, she would probably be so angry.

However, Jiang Lin didn't know that that girl would appear here just to find him.

To be precise, to find the Hut he pretended to be.

At this time, Jiang Ting had already arrived at the city gate of Barbarian City and was about to leave the city. However, just after leaving the city gate, she happened to meet a few people who knew her.


A strong man in the lead walked up to Jiang Ting, gave a salute, and then said, "Why did the young lady appear here?"

Jiang Ting said: "It's you, I was ordered by my adoptive father to come and check the progress of the matter. If it is not successful, I will also participate. How is it, have you got the prescription?"

The strong man shook his head and said: "No, Dr. Wei and his wife have been caught by us, but the prescription is not on them, it is estimated that it was on their son Wei Shengke. We have been following them and can confirm this. I know why, that Wei Shengke seems to have not only the prescription but also Zombie Pills. Wherever he has passed, those who have been in contact with him have all changed their corpses. We didn't dare to push too hard, for fear that he would notice and destroy the prescription. Now, he should have arrived in this barbaric city."

"He arrived in Barbarian City? What does he look like, does he have a portrait? I almost left here."

"Painting or not, I can describe his attire."

The strong man told Jiang Ting about the clothes on Jiang Lin they had been following.

"Is it him?"

After Jiang Ting heard the strong man's words, she was stunned for a moment. According to the strong man's description, it seemed that it was the young man she had just met who had corrupted her.

"You don't have to follow him anymore. Next, leave it to me. I should have seen him and vomited blood after hitting him."

Jiang Ting gave an order and then turned back to look for Jiang Lin's whereabouts.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already asked for a room in an inn, where he refined the corpse poison in his body.

After half a day, he spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"I didn't expect that I had been raising it with my own corpse poison essence, but I didn't fully raise it. When I was bumped, it stimulated the activity of the internal organs."

Jiang Lin felt a little dumbfounded. Originally, according to his prediction, it would take five or six days for the pain that appeared in his body at noon to disappear. He didn't expect that today's injury would increase, but instead, his internal organs absorbed a lot of his own corpse poison essence. .

After today, this will never happen again.

After leaving the room, Jiang Lin went down to the lobby of the inn.

His sequelae disappeared, and he also touched some money, which was just enough for him to improve his meals.

After ordering some good wine and food, Jiang Lin ate happily.

However, when he was eating and drinking, Jiang Ting, who had been blackmailed by him before, happened to come to this inn.

found it!

Glancing at Jiang Lin, Jiang Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this person is not dead. If he did, it would be really troublesome.

However, when she saw that Jiang Lin was eating and drinking, she was stunned.


Didn't he vomit blood when I hit him?

Why don't you stop eating?

Still drinking? ? ?

"you you!"

Jiang Ting rushed to Jiang Lin's table, gasping for breath.

Jiang Lin is alive and kicking, eating and drinking, how can he look like someone who has been injured and vomited blood!

"Huh? It's you, fate!"

Jiang Lin didn't expect to meet this girl again, he showed a very sunny smile, and now his mood is indeed very good.

If this Jiang Ting made trouble with him again, then he wouldn't mind taking all her money.

It was a lie before, but now, he wants to steal it.

However, the premise is that Jiang Ting is still coquettish.

"You liar! Liar!"

Looking at Jiang Lin's sunny smile, Jiang Ting's mood to find someone disappeared instantly.

She was hit hard.

What vomited blood, what dizziness, what could not live, what was going to die, were all fake.

"So you ran horses on the street to catch thieves? What's this?"

Jiang Lin looked at the girl across from him, stretched out two fingers, and continued: "Your eyes are quite good-looking, but they are not useful, what kind of eyes do you have? What is this? Let me tell you. , this is two."

"Get my money back!"

Being deceived and mocked again, Jiang Ting reached out to grab Jiang Lin's collar, but Jiang Lin grabbed a chicken leg ahead of time and stuffed it into her mouth.

"You girl, if you give me another slap, you still suffer, do you believe it or not? If you bumped into me, you put on your hips and quarreled with me. It's not bad for you to lie."


Jiang Ting grabbed the drumstick in her mouth. Although she was angry, she could only take a big bite on the drumstick.

It was good for her to be angry, but she had seen Jiang Lin's speed just now. If she really fought again, she would definitely suffer.

And now, it is not appropriate for her to have a conflict with Jiang Lin again.

"Can you finish eating!"

Jiang Ting sat down in anger, these meals were definitely bought with the money she had been embezzled.

Do not eat white do not eat!

Jiang Lin didn't have the same knowledge as this girl anymore, and the corruption was also corrupted. Jiang Ting didn't flirt with him again, and because he was crushed once, he was a blessing in disguise.

After checking out, Jiang Lin went upstairs, while Jiang Ting went to the counter and asked for a room.

When the shopkeeper heard Jiang Ting's surname, he was surprised and asked, "Hey, girl, your surname is Jiang too? Are you siblings with the guest officer just now?"

"Who is brother and sister to him!"

Jiang Ting glared at the shopkeeper, but then she became confused.

Why is his surname Jiang?

Shouldn't it be Wei?

In fact, Jiang Lin used his real name after he left Heyang Town and had no followers.

"Which room does he live in? I live next to him."

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