After asking for the room, Jiang Ting also went upstairs.

At this time, Jiang Lin held his arms at the door of the room, his expression a bit ugly.

His room was patronized by thieves!

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-nine chapters lead to the clues of the longevity lock

Since having the ancient mirror, Jiang Lin will put anything he wants to carry with him.

He has been in this habit for over twenty years.

This time, the contents of the burden were not his, and Liang Guo didn't have any storage tools at all, so, in order not to attract attention, he didn't put the burden in his arms.

Just now, when he went down, he put the burden in the room.

Over the years, Jiang Lin has almost lost his awareness of theft.

Then, this is what happened now.

When he went down to eat and drink, the lock of the guest room he rented was unlocked, and the luggage inside, along with the money in the luggage, were stolen.

"Stealing your grandfather's things, I think you are tired and crooked."

Jiang Lin was angry and wanted to laugh. He was a real person with a golden core, and the things he carried with him were stolen by ordinary people.

"Yo, what was stolen? Hahaha..."

At this time, Jiang Ting happened to arrive on the second floor, and when she heard Jiang Lin's angry words, she felt a sense of joy in her heart for no reason.

Walking quickly to the door of Jiang Lin's room, Jiang Ting glanced at the room, and then the pleasure in her heart disappeared.

What Jiang Lin lost seemed to be a burden.

When arguing with Jiang Lin on the street before, she had seen the burden that Jiang Lin was carrying.

And in that bag, most of the things she was looking for!

At this moment, the shop assistant in the inn came up.

Jiang Lin moved his nose and grabbed Xiao Er's collar, "You kid, you are guarding yourselves, opening my door and stealing my things?"

His nose is very smart, and the smell left on the iron lock of the door is exactly that of the second shopkeeper.

", I don't know what the guest officer is talking about."

"If you don't tell me, believe it or not I'll break your leg?"

Jiang Lin stared at Xiao Er's eyes fiercely. Although the prescription that Dr. Wei gave him was kept in his arms, the letter from Dr. Wei to his senior brother and the token of longevity lock were all in the baggage. .

He has to rely on these two things to find someone.

Seeing Jiang Lin's ruthless eyes, Xiao Er was taken aback and confessed, "I was forced, it was a few hooligans in the city who said you had a lot of money in your baggage, and asked me to steal it for them, otherwise hit me."

After listening to what Xiao Er said, Jiang Lin realized that most of the time when he was blackmailing Jiang Ting on the street, those hooligans were present, and then he came up with his idea.

"Take me there!"

After a drink, Jiang Lin asked Xiao Er to lead the way to find those hooligans.

Jiang Ting rolled her eyes and followed.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin, led by Xiao Er, found the den of the hooligans, but those hooligans were not there for the time being.

When Jiang Lin saw his burden, he kicked away Xiao Er and went in to check, only to find that the longevity lock was gone.

Just then, the hooligans came back from outside.

"Hey, he still dares to come looking for it, is he looking for the longevity lock I'm wearing? Brothers, come on! He probably still has a lot of money on him."

When the rogue leader saw Jiang Lin, he directly let a few accomplices rush over.

"It's really breaking ground on Tai Sui, you don't know how to write dead words."

Jiang Lin was not polite at all, he kicked a rogue away with a single kick, knocking over several rogue accomplices in a row.

If he didn't want to cause more troubles, he really tried his best, and these goods couldn't even breathe.

Seeing this, the hooligan leader also knew that he had encountered a stubborn stubble, so he turned around and ran away.

However, this guy was kicked over by Jiang Ting who was following him, and cried on the ground.

Jiang Ting tore off the longevity lock from the head of the gangster and threw it to Jiang Lin.

"You don't even say thank you."

Seeing Jiang Lin staring at the longevity lock and leaving immediately, Jiang Ting complained.

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at her and said, "Thanks."

Then, he continued to look at the longevity lock in his hand.

I don't know if this longevity lock was touched by a few rogues, but a mysterious power escaped.

And this mysterious power actually has a good purification effect.

Touched by this power, the corpse poison in his body disappeared out of thin air and was directly purified.

It's just that the amount of corpse poison that has been purified is not large.

Looking at the rogue leader lying on the ground again, Jiang Lin raised his brows, then approached Jiang Ting and said, "Put it on."

With his arms around him, he fastened the silver chain from the longevity lock to the back of Jiang Ting's neck.

"You...what are you doing!"

Being so close to Jiang Lin and wrapping her arms around her neck, Jiang Ting immediately pushed Jiang Lin away and looked at him defensively.

That's right!

That's right!

Jiang Lin looked up and down motionlessly at the girl with the longevity lock on the opposite side. Ever since he arrived in Heyang Town, he found that there was something wrong with the people there, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Except for Dr. Wei's family and the two surrounding neighbors, all of them were abnormal.

All the people he has met along the way are also average.

Even the girl Jiang Ting, who was blackmailed by him, also made him feel that something was wrong.

But now that Jiang Ting was wearing the longevity lock, the feeling that made him feel abnormal gradually disappeared.

I'm way!

Jiang Lin was a little stunned, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

The people of the entire Liang Kingdom seem to have corpse gas and corpse poison on their bodies.

Or the corpse gas and corpse poison that he, a zombie expert, could hardly notice.

People are like this, what about the water source?What about the air?

"What are you looking at!"

Just when Jiang Lin was thinking about it, Jiang Ting, who was looking up and down, frowned.

This man is also rude!

Look at her without blinking her eyes.

"No...nothing, just let you wear it, it looks pretty."

Jiang Lin found a reason at random, then quickly approached Jiang Ting and took off the longevity lock on her neck.

"You stay away from me!"

Jiang Ting gave Jiang Lin another push. It's inexplicable to see if she looks pretty!

Jiang Lin ignored her reaction, walked directly to the wall, and put the longevity lock in his hand into the grass.

Then, like Jiang Ting, these weeds became normal.


Jiang Lin froze in place.

If his expectations were correct, the Liang Kingdom he was in, whether it was human or beast, grass or wood, was probably nourished by corpse qi and corpse poison!

As soon as this idea appeared, Jiang Lin felt his whole body froze.

In a country with a population of hundreds of millions, all living things in the country, whether animals or plants, or even water and soil, contain corpse gas and corpse poison!

I rely on!

Isn't this a joke?

The first thousand five hundred and eighty chapters

In order to confirm his guess, Jiang Lin took a pinch of weed and put it in his mouth.

This time, he is really careful.

After smashing it for a while, Jiang Lin finally realized that there was indeed corpse poison in the grass juice.

At this moment, he really felt that his cognition had been impacted, even if it was a dagger and a general, he probably wouldn't be able to do this.

The corpse poison is completely integrated into a country with an area of ​​several million square meters, and it has completely become an element in the ecological circle of a country, and these corpse poisons are also controlled to an extremely subtle amount, which is almost imperceptible.

This kind of ability should not be able to be achieved by drought and generals.

"No wonder I had nausea before."

Jiang Lin murmured. When he was in Heyang Town, he often felt vomiting. Now that he thinks about it, it is because of the corpse poison in his diet and breath that he cannot detect it. The corpse showed a stress response.

Moreover, this corpse poison cannot be assimilated by his corpse, otherwise, it will become the nourishment of his corpse.

This also explains why the corpse poison in his body felt threatened at the beginning, because it was affected by this corpse poison.

Now, a word appeared in Jiang Lin's mind, that is pigsty.

Second Uncle's, this Liang Guo, let alone a huge and vast pigsty.

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