There was another speculation in Jiang Lin's mind that the creatures in Liang Kingdom might be raised like pigs.

As for what the purpose of the rearing was, he did not know for the time being.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin gradually understood why Liang Guouo was marked as an extremely dangerous place.

In this country of Liang, it is estimated that there is an extremely terrifying monster corpse that controls the entire country of Liang.

Otherwise, these corpse poisons will not last, and they will not be able to cause the current effect.

Jiang Lin felt a little regretful, but also a little fortunate.

What he regretted was that he had never paid attention to this token longevity lock along the way, thinking it was an ordinary person's thing, just a very ordinary silver jewelry.

Fortunately, now he has discovered something wrong with Liang Guo.

Moreover, until now, he has not encountered any danger.

Hopefully, there will be no problems in the future.

Jiang Lin frowned. Now, he is really walking barefoot on the edge of a knife.

An accident could make him doomed forever.

Now, it is impossible for him to change his plan or change his route forward. Even if he wants to change it, the road is not close, and there is a demon domain where all the demons gather.

It is not wise to change direction.

"Hey, you are really strange, what do you eat grass for?"

Jiang Ting came behind Jiang Lin and looked at Jiang Lin strangely. She really didn't understand what Jiang Lin was doing.

"It's nothing, I ate too much oil and water, chew two grasses to change the taste."

After Jiang Lin got up, he responded and left the rogue den.

Next, he wants to study the recipe for making zombie pills that Doctor Wei gave him. At the very least, he needs to know what kind of ruthless character this demon corpse of Liang country is.

Jiang Ting also followed and went back to the inn with him.

Along the way, she was looking for topics with Jiang Lin, and wanted to inquire about Jiang Lin's information to confirm whether Jiang Lin was the person he was looking for.

But Jiang Lin was all thinking about other things, so he didn't pay much attention to her at all, or he just responded perfunctorily, making her feel like her fist was hitting cotton.

Back in the inn's room, Jiang Lin closed the door and took out the prescription for Zombie Pills to study.

What surprised him was that the medicinal materials used in the refining recipe for Zombie Pills were all ordinary medicinal materials.

When Jiang Lin was at Doctor Wei's house in Heyang Town, he also read some medical books, and he still knew about Liang Guo's medicinal materials.

Even if the medicinal materials are ordinary, there is nothing special about the refining process.

"Could it be that these medicinal materials contain a lot of corpse poison, so they can be extracted by this method?"

Jiang Lin could only think of such an explanation. Judging from the few grasses he chewed, the corpse poison here had already become a trace element, and it was within the organization of weeds.

Not only weeds, but also people and animals.

This kind of corpse poison that spreads all over the Liang country, I don't know how long it takes to completely integrate into the biosphere, unless it is extracted, otherwise, there is no way to make people corpse.

After researching the prescription, Jiang Lin went to rest early.

In the early morning of the second day, he checked out of the room, went to the major pharmacies in Barbarian City, and bought a few copies of most of the herbs on the prescription.

After inquiring about which cities have rare medicinal materials, Jiang Lin did not delay, bought a horse and left the barbaric city.

Continue north.

It happens that the north is close to the Jiangnan area, and there are many prosperous towns.

After he left, Jiang Ting woke up. She had been looking for an opportunity to steal Jiang Lin's baggage last night, but she never found an opportunity.

As for Jiang Lin's skills, she had seen it before, and she could kick several people with one kick, so after struggling for a long time, she still did not act rashly.

This also caused her to go to bed very late, and naturally wake up late.

Finding that Jiang Lin was no longer there, she hurried downstairs. However, at this time, a situation happened in the inn. First, the second inn, and then the innkeeper, the corpse poison accumulated in the body broke out and turned into a corpse.

It was still caused by the impact of the corpse emperor's breath escaping from Jiang Lin's body.

Jiang Lin still didn't know about it.

After all, he didn't stay much every time he went to a place, and basically left the next day.

What happened after he left, he naturally didn't know.

When Jiang Ting saw this scene, she felt that there was no need to confirm, Jiang Lin was the person she was looking for.

After that, she hurried to the city gate on the other side and went north to catch up with Jiang Lin.

Seven days later, Jiang Lin was in a dense forest with a pitch-black pill in his palm.

As he expected, the method of refining zombie pills is refining, but this also involves some pharmacological knowledge.

The gram effect of some medicinal materials can completely extract the corpse poison from itself or other medicinal materials.

Jiang Lin looked at the zombie pill in his palm and frowned. With his eyesight, he could not see the details of this zombie poison.

After pondering for a long time, he decided to try the poison on his own.

He had to.

On the road ahead, Jiang Lin couldn't guarantee that he would not have any problems. Once something changed and he was targeted by this terrifying existence in the country of Liang, he would not be able to deal with it at all.

So, in any case, he had to learn about it so that he could be prepared.

After making up his mind, Jiang Lin jumped into a big river beside him.

After taking this zombie pill, he didn't know what kind of reaction he would have. The corpse emperor's breath in his body might leak out, revealing his whereabouts.

Therefore, even if he tried the poison by himself, he had to go to the safe water before doing it.

When he reached the bottom of the river, Jiang Lin prepared all the Sun Fire and Immortal Fire in his body, and put the Zombie Pill into his mouth.

Chapter [*] Wang Di, Wang Tian

As soon as the zombie pill entered his body, it quickly dissolved, and then the corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body instantly became stressed and directly entered his flesh and blood.

Jiang Lin also completely showed the appearance of Mao Zong, and Mao Zong's momentum was completely exuded.

If he hadn't entered this deep river bottom, I'm afraid his corpse aura would have reached a height of [*] meters.


At this moment, an extremely terrifying corpse roar appeared out of thin air in Jiang Lin's mind, which shook Jiang Lin's spirit almost to the point of laxity.

"This... is this Wangdi or Wangtian?"

Jiang Lin's heart can be said to be extremely shocked at this time. The corpse poison in this zombie pill actually belongs to a different kind of zombie - Ji!

No wonder I couldn't see the details of the corpse poison in this pill, but it turned out to be a poisonous poison.

At this time, Jiang Lin finally solved the doubts in his heart.

Over the years, he has only encountered one thousand-year-old red scorpion, which is much rarer than zombies.

If you count the murderer, the predecessor of Ji, Jiang Lin still encounters very few.

When he and his ninth uncle went to deal with the murderer back then, it was not long after he started cultivating Taoism.

On the one hand, the few encountered were the source of the corpse poison. The level was too high for Jiang Lin to understand the details of the corpse poison.

The latter is the main reason.

Wangdi or Wangtian?

Jiang Lin wanted to carefully analyze the source level of the corpse poison.

But only the corpse poison extracted from some medicinal materials, and it is not fresh corpse poison, made him unable to judge.

But whether it's Wangdi or Wangtian, he can't deal with it.

There are not as many rank as zombies, mainly because there are too few such corpses.

If a dead person is breathed out by an animal, after the corpse is transformed, it is a murderous person. If it grows again, it will show the appearance of scorpion, and the hair on the body turns red, which is the red scorpion. corpse.

Moreover, a red horn can deal with several zombie kings at the same time.

If Hongxian advances, it will become a golden hairy, which belongs to the same level as Jianglin's current Mao Zong. The next level is Wangdixian, and above Wangdixuan, it is at the same level as corpse ancestors. The Wangtianjian.

Although it is of the same level, one Wangtianjian, if nothing else, is able to deal with the Dao corpse that Jiang Lin may have advanced to, he can fight three or even four.

That is to say, if it is a general who has not opened his mind, if he encounters Wang Tianjian, the two will either not fight. If a fight occurs, the general will be tortured with blood.

Only after a scorpion or a general with an open mind has transformed the soul that cannot be separated from the body into an alien soul, and only one step away from the ancient ancient who appeared in ancient times, can he fight Wangtian.

Of course, that is only the power of a battle, and it is still unknown whether it can be opened up.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was so surprised in his heart that even if there was a Wangdi in the Liang Kingdom, he was a stubborn stubborn who could call Banshizu.

After judging for a moment, Jiang Lin felt that the other party was more likely to be Wangtianjian. After all, the animals and plants growing on Liangguo, as well as the water source soil, contained corpse poison, so it was estimated that only Wangtianjian could do it. done.

If Jiang Lin knew that Liang Guo had both, he would be speechless.

Liang Guo not only has a Wangdi, but also a Wangtian!

However, Jiang Lin didn't bother anymore. Now is not the time for him to be bothered. The corpse poison of Zombie Pill in his body has melted away and must be dealt with quickly.

Now, he has a tendency to become scorched, and scaly epidermis has appeared on his head and face.

After forcibly stabilizing his mind and gathering all his spiritual thoughts, he stabilized his state.

This is also because his soul level has advanced greatly, so he can do it.

Using all his Yang Yan and the immortal fire in his body, Jiang Lin gradually gathered the dissolved corpse poison into one place and used real fire and immortal fire to strengthen it.

After a whole day and night, Jiang Lin completely finished burning the corpse poison.

This is also because those corpse poisons are not very active. If they were taken from Wangdi or Wangtian just now, or even [*]% new and [*]% new, he would not be able to refine them, and he would be backlashed.

After swimming up from the bottom of the river, Jiang Lin sat on the bank, gasping for breath.

Fortunately, during the time he traveled from Heyang Town to here, he never used his abilities that were not ordinary people.

Otherwise, once he's found out, it's definitely going to be gg.

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