
I'm going!

At this time, Jiang Lin's hair exploded all over his body.

Only now did he discover the aura of the corpse emperor in his body and confiscated it all.

Part of it escaped out!


Jiang Lin continued to restrain the corpse emperor's breath in his body, but what made him speechless was that he couldn't take it back.

There is always a part that escapes the body.

"It's water and soil!"

Jiang Lin realized that the reason for this problem was that he had taken food and drinking water with corpse poison during this period of time.

After trying several times, but to no avail, Jiang Lin didn't dare to continue to delay here, and hurried away from here.

For today's plan, he can only strive to get to Jiangnan as soon as possible. After that, he can leave the Liang Kingdom as soon as possible.

However, three days later, Jiang Lin found out that he was being followed.

After sensing that someone was tailing, Jiang Lin arrived at a mountain forest. He tied up the horse and walked straight into the dense forest.

After a pause for half a moment, Jiang Lin quickly rushed out of the dense forest, kicking in the air and kicking the person who was chasing on horseback on the shoulder.

After a kick, he realized that the person who came was actually Jiang Ting.

"What about you? Are you following me?"

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and stared at Jiang Ting who was rubbing his shoulders on the ground.

"Who... who is following you! If I didn't want to protect you, I wouldn't be too lazy to come!"

Jiang Ting stabbed Jiang Lin, the kick from Jiang Lin just now almost dislocated her shoulder.

"Protect...protect me? You're here to protect me?"

Jiang Lin seemed to have heard a very funny joke.

The girl Jiang Ting is just an ordinary person, but she has good fists and kicks.

However, in his eyes, the Nizi's kung fu was simply not enough.

But now, Jiang Ting actually said to protect him.

Since I beat him to practice Taoism, I have never heard a girl say such a thing.

It's really interesting.

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-two chapters pester me, then take you as a specimen

"I'm here to protect you, you heard that right."

Jiang Ting got up and patted the dust on her body, and continued: "I am from the Zhennan Security Bureau. I am entrusted by others to protect your safety. You can really run, and I don't know how hard it is to chase."

"Entrusted? Hehe, come here to protect me? Do you know who I am?"

Jiang Lin shook his head with a smile. He didn't believe what the girl said was a punctuation mark.

Although he had an intersection with Jiang Ting, he didn't even mention his name to the other party.

Now Jiang Ting said that she was entrusted to protect him, she was really talking nonsense with her eyes open.

Jiang Ting put her hands on her hips and said, "Aren't you Wei Shengke? I don't believe I have found the wrong person!"


Looking for Wei Shengke?

The corner of Jiang Lin's mouth raised slightly, Jiang Ting didn't say it was okay, this exit let him know what Jiang Ting's goal was.

It came for the prescription that Doctor Wei gave him.

Because it is impossible for Doctor Wei to hire a bodyguard from any security bureau for him to be his bodyguard.

If this is true, then no one else has had any interaction with him, so it would be impossible.

Then, Jiang Ting has been following him for this trip, and its purpose, apart from the prescription on his body, I am afraid there is nothing else.

"Don't stop talking about it here. If you came to protect me, when you were in the barbarian city, you could still hit me on a horse?"

Jiang Lin put on an expression like "I believe you are a ghost." Jiang Ting, this girl, speaks without thinking.

"What happened when I bumped into you? At that time, I had just arrived in Barbarian City, and I didn't know it was you who I wanted to protect. The people there told me after I arrived at Barbarian City's Escort Branch."

After a pause, Jiang Ting looked at Jiang Lin with a sincere look, and continued, "If I didn't go looking for you, how could you and I meet again at the inn?"

"Don't look like this. Who you are looking for and who you are protecting has nothing to do with me. I'm not Wei Shengke, my real name is Jiang Lin. I came out this time to pretend to be Wei Shengke. I'm really sorry, you have to protect It's not me, who should you go to?"

Jiang Lin didn't plan to talk to Jiang Ting, this girl. Since Jiang Ting said she was going to protect Wei Shengke, then let her find someone else and it had nothing to do with him.

It was directly pointed out that he was Li Daitao stiff this time.

When Jiang Ting heard this, she was immediately stunned. The person she worked so hard to chase was actually a fake?

Could it be that his surname is Jiang?

At the inn, did he leave his real name?

"Don't lie to me, this girl is all set to protect you."

Although he was dubious, Jiang Ting still didn't want to leave like this. If Jiang Lin played tricks with her, she would be slandered.

Jiang Lin teased her, but there was a precedent for it.

Corrupted her a lot of money.

"I don't change my name, I don't change my surname, my name is Jiang Lin, and I was entrusted to act as someone else temporarily. Don't pester me, otherwise I'll be rude to you."

Jiang Lin's face became less friendly. He didn't want to get involved in any kind of entanglement now. It would be best to leave Liang Guo as soon as possible. If this girl really kept pestering him, then he wouldn't understand the meaning of pity.

Jiang Ting refused to obey, stood in the way, and said, "I don't, what Jiang Lin, you lied to me, you even asked for the same surname as me, isn't this lying to me? Besides, I am also subject to others. Entrusted, entrusted by others, loyal people, how do you tell me to go back to the bodyguard?"

Jiang Lin took a deep breath, and when he was about to speak badly, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind - it's really good to have someone with you.

The reason why he made such a completely opposite decision is because his body exudes a corpse emperor aura, and this aura cannot be completely restrained due to the foreign corpse poison he eats and breathes in his body.

But if he adjusts his body to the same as the people of Liang country and adapts to the corpse poison here, then it is estimated that this situation will disappear.

To put it bluntly, he now needs a living experiment, which is specially used for research.

Hey, pester me, then treat you as a specimen.

Jiang Lin felt that he was truly blessed. He couldn't stay in one place for a long time. At this moment, it was impossible for him to spend a long time to study the physique of Liang Guoren and how to get along with those corpse poisons. .

Well now, someone has delivered it to the door.

This Jiang Ting, who has been pestering him, is still unwilling to leave, so it is just for him to do an experiment and use it as an experimental sample for him to study.

If Jiang Ting knew about Jiang Lin's thoughts, she would definitely jump like crazy.

I came here hard to protect you, but you are full of crooked minds and want to study my body?

"You girl, well, I allow you to follow me, but I have two requirements."

"any request?"

Jiang Ting blinked her eyes like butterflies and looked at Jiang Lin.

"First, you have to wear this longevity lock. You have to wear it when I want to see you wearing it. Second, I'm very interested in medical skills, so I need to check your pulse often."

Jiang Lin told his request. In fact, why did he want to see Jiang Ting wearing the longevity lock, it was purely because the mysterious power in the longevity lock could purify the corpse poison. He probed more clearly.

As for the pulse number, that's even more of his nonsense.

He needed to use this method to use his spiritual sense to investigate the accumulation and distribution of corpse poison in Jiang Ting's body.

Now, he has told Jiang Ting the fact that he is not the person the other party is looking for, so he is not worried that Jiang Ting will keep pestering him.

If the power behind Jiang Ting finds out the facts, then it is estimated that he is pulling this girl, and she is not willing to entangle with him.

"Okay, it's up to you, but if you dare to touch me, I will definitely make you look good!"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting agreed, but she also warned Jiang Lin.

Before, Jiang Lin stared at her for a long time without even blinking.

She also said that she was beautiful in the longevity lock.

"Then let's go."

Jiang Lin took the horse aside and continued to hurry, while Jiang Ting also mounted the horse and rode with him.

For the next period of time, the two of them walked together, heading north.

Jiang Lin treats this Nizi following him as a human specimen every day, and puts it there to study hard.However, even though it is research, he is just taking the pulse, not some kind of crooked research.

But even so, Jiang Ting's body was fat, thin, and fat, and he could feel it clearly through his pulse.

Chapter [*] is still up for grabs (on)

"Hey, hey, you're a strange person. After taking my pulse, you just sit for a long time without even moving. What are you looking at? What's so beautiful over there."

On this day, after Jiang Lin took the pulse, he was still sitting on a stone like before, like a statue of a thinker, Jiang Ting came to him and waved in front of him.

Every time Jiang Lin investigated the distribution of corpse poison in Jiang Ting's body, he would leave a little time to use his own corpse poison to transport the foreign corpse poison in his body.

This method is indeed effective. The people of Liang Guo have been able to coexist with those corpse poisons in their own constitutions over the years. If there are no accidents, they will not have any effect on themselves.

Therefore, after Jiang Lin imitated like this, the corpse emperor aura around him gradually subsided again.

It's just that it is not convenient for him to do this kind of body adjustment work in a cross-legged position, just like a thinker, which makes Jiang Ting feel very strange.

"Hey? I'm sitting here, can I provoke you?"

Jiang Lin raised his head and gave Jiang Ting a big white eye, and continued: "You care about what's good-looking over there, I want to see it? Or, I'll stare at you?"

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