As he said that, he also glanced at Jiang Ting a few times.

"Take your tricks away! Otherwise, I'll never finish with you!"

Jiang Ting was scrutinized by Jiang Lin's different eyes, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"You're young and have a good temper. When you arrive in town, buy some barley and lotus seeds and bring them with you. You can drink some porridge when you have nothing to do. It's good for your body."

Glancing at Jiang Ting, Jiang Lin shook his head slightly. This girl is usually coquettish and has a temperament of the eldest lady, but she is too angry.

Jiang Lin's wife, Jingjing, often studies pharmacology, so he also has a little understanding of some symptom conditioning.

The reason why he reminded him was not because he cared about this girl, but because Jiang Ting's internal organs were a little out of tune. When he was investigating the distribution of corpse poison, it was easy for him to lose sight of what the normal state should be like.

"Nonsense, this girl is in good health."

Jiang Ting didn't take Jiang Lin's words to heart at all. She felt that Jiang Lin turned around and said she was rude.

Moreover, she is a martial arts person, and she usually eats a lot. If she eats porridge, she will have strength.

Jiang Ting just took a crispy pear from her bag, and Jiang Lin, who was sitting beside her, said again, "Don't eat pears these two days, it's cold food."

"Why can't you eat it?"

"You are a girl, don't you know that you will have menstruation in the past two days?"

Jiang Lin pouted, this girl didn't even know about her own body.

I don't know when to stop.

It's like a man's wife.

" checked my pulse for something!"

Jiang Ting's pretty face immediately turned red. If Jiang Lin didn't tell her, she would have forgotten about it.

But Jiang Lin was a man, and being reminded of such a thing by a man made her feel embarrassed.

Angrily biting into the crisp pear, Jiang Ting left Jiang Lin's field of vision to avoid embarrassment.

After disappearing from Jiang Lin's sight, she walked two or three miles and found a remote place.

In the past few days, when Jiang Lin was away, she also turned over Jiang Lin's burden, but did not find the prescription she was looking for.

This made her wonder if what Jiang Lin said earlier was true.

Now, she needs to send a letter to her adoptive father, explain the situation to him, and confirm Jiang Lin's identity.

After taking out a glass mirror and laying it flat in front of her, Jiang Ting placed a few crystal stones next to the glass mirror in a specific orientation.

If Jiang Lin were here, he would find that the objects Jiang Ting took out were all magic tools that only practitioners could use.

For thousands of years in Liang, there were almost no practitioners, but now, Jiang Ting, an ordinary person, can actually take out several instruments.

It didn't take long for the spar to emit a bright light, the mirror surface of the glass mirror also changed, and a phantom appeared in the sky.

What appeared in the image was a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes. The middle-aged man stroked his beard and said to Jiang Ting, "Jiang Ting, how is it? Have you got the prescription? Doctor Wei and his wife have been caught by me. Zhennan Wangfu is gone, but they don't have any prescriptions on them."

The middle-aged man in this image is the younger brother of the King of Liang, the prince of Liang, the King of Zhennan.

Jiang Ting bowed to King Zhennan and replied, "Foster father, I met Doctor Wei's son in Mancheng, but he denied that he was Wei Shengke and said his name was Jiang Lin. According to her daughter's observation during this period, What he said may be true, and he doesn't seem to have a prescription on him. Doctor Wei probably realized something long ago, and let others pretend to be his son and run away. "

"What? Doctor Wei's son was impersonated?"

King Zhennan frowned, the news surprised him too much.

Now he only lacks the prescription for refining zombie pills, so he can carry out his plan, but at this moment, the prescription has not been found.

"Will you be deceived by him?"

King Zhennan wanted to confirm, but as soon as the words came out, he felt that he had asked too much.

This righteous girl of his is clever and clever. If the other party lies and denies, Jiang Ting will not fail to find out.

King Zhennan didn't expect that the person his righteous daughter met was Jiang Lin. In front of Jiang Lin, any cleverness or extravagance would be of no use at all.

When he was a clever and scheming righteous daughter, when he first met Jiang Lin, he was severely blackmailed.

"Probably not. Jiang Lin's martial arts are very high, and he doesn't seem to match Wei Shengke's age. By the way, adoptive father, do you have a portrait of Wei Shengke? I will compare it and I will know immediately."

"I'll ask someone to find Wei Shengke's portrait immediately."

King Zhennan hurriedly instructed his subordinates to fetch the portrait prepared by the painter.

After Jiang Ting made a comparison, she immediately confirmed that Jiang Lin was right, he was not Doctor Wei's son at all.

"What he said is really true, he is not Wei Shengke. However, adoptive father, there is one thing that makes me very puzzled, the places Jiang Lin walked, the people who had contact with him, the next day for no apparent reason, all of them were dead. change, and finally die.”

Although she was sure that Jiang Lin was not the person she was looking for, Jiang Ting still reported her doubts to King Zhennan and asked him to analyze it.

"What? Everyone he's touched has changed? Zombie pills are on him?"

"No, when I was in Barbarian City, I lived next door to him, and I didn't see him poisoning, and he had no reason to poison at all."

Jiang Ting shook her head. She had been with Jiang Lin for a while, and Jiang Lin was not like the kind of person who would harm people at will.

Even the thieves who stole their baggage were not killed by Jiang Lin, let alone the other people who only met a few times.

"Let's turn people into corpses without poisoning them?"

King Zhennan wondered for a moment, and suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Is it possible...

"Jiang Ting, you don't have to worry about the prescription. For the rest of the time, you can follow that Jiang Lin and don't separate from him. Where is he going?"

"It should be Jiangnan."

"Then I'll go over in person and explain some things to you when the time comes."

King Zhennan interrupted the communication and immediately prepared for the trip.

Now he doesn't think about the prescription of the zombie pill for the time being. If the facts are as he guessed, then he will have made a great contribution.

Three miles away, Jiang Lin was still taking care of the foreign corpse poison in his body. He didn't expect that he was already careful enough, and the corpse emperor's aura in his body was about to completely subside, but at this moment, he still had trouble.

Chapter [*] is still a matter of business (below)

"Where did this girl go?"

Looking at the sun, Jiang Lin stood up and looked around.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, still no one came, Jiang Lin left the open space and looked for Jiang Ting's trace.

He is now about to complete the transformation of his own physique. At this moment, if Jiang Ting, the human specimen, runs away, it will be purely a response to him.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to see Jiang Ting covering her belly with one hand and supporting the tree with the other.

At this time, Jiang Ting's face was extremely pale, and beads of sweat the size of beans continued to seep down from her forehead.

Before, after she had collected the glazed mirror and a few spar stones, she was about to turn back on the same path, but halfway through, she felt that her abdomen was cut by a sharp knife, and the pain was incomparable.

These few days, it was her menstrual period, but she didn't stop talking, and she happened to run to the remote and cold place just now, which caused the cold evil to invade the body, even if she had martial arts, and her body was weak. Weak, I can't take it anymore.

Jiang Lin stepped forward and grabbed her wrist, probed for a while, and said, "I told you to be disobedient, now you're suffering?"


Jiang Ting's abdominal pain was like a needle and a knife, and she couldn't even speak.

"If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you. Don't talk about riding a horse, you can't even walk. I told you in advance that I will be on my way. There seems to be no one around here for dozens of miles. What if you want to heal? , I'll take you away. Otherwise, you can ride your own horse, or I'll go alone, and you can stay in this barren mountain."

Giving Jiang Ting a choice, Jiang Lin folded his arms and waited for her to respond.

Either he will take him away, or ride a horse, if you are unwilling or unable to do so, just stay here.

Although Jiang Ting was a little reluctant, she finally nodded her head.

Jiang Lin directly picked him up, went back to the original place and untied the horse rope, and ordered him to follow, running ahead with the girl in his arms in his arms.

If it weren't for the fact that this girl was not feeling well and would delay the trip, he wouldn't have put so much effort into it.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin came out of a pharmacy in the town and grabbed some medicine for Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting has been placed in the inn in this small town by him.

Carrying a bowl of soup, Jiang Lin walked into Jiang Ting's temporary guest room, looked at Jiang Ting with her lips closed, he laughed and said, "Tell me, is the pear crispy? Sweet? Delicious? Do not?"

During the day, he warned Jiang Ting, but the girl didn't listen. No, it directly led to physical disorders and a big problem.

Just walking, this girl has to support the wall and the tree.

"Don't get up, I'll give you medicine, open your mouth."

Seeing that Jiang Ting looked like a pissed off daughter-in-law and wanted to sit up, Jiang Lin walked over directly, raised the pillow behind her neck, and gave her medicine.

"Thank you very much."

After drinking the soup, Jiang Ting murmured after the pain in her body was relieved.

If Jiang Lin hadn't helped her, she would have fainted in the wilderness.

"There's no need to thank me. I'll give you medicine for a purpose. When you get better and walk for a few more days, we can part ways. I'm not the person you're looking for."

Now, Jiang Lin has almost adjusted his physique to that of Liang Guoren. In five or six days, the corpse emperor aura on his body will completely subside again. At that time, Jiang Ting, a tool person, will not be able to. No more needed.

Each goes back to his own house, each find his own mother.

"You...what's your purpose?"

Jiang Ting looked at Jiang Lin. When she was helpless, Jiang Lin carried her and ran for more than [*] miles before arriving in this town.

So, in her heart, she was still a little moved.

She felt that Jiang Lin was not as unreasonable as she had imagined.

But now Jiang Lin said that helping her actually had a purpose, which made her feel a little lost for no reason.

"You don't need to know, I won't hurt you anyway."

"Actually...actually I..."

Jiang Ting hesitated, since Jiang Lin had explained that she had a purpose in helping her, she also wanted to tell Jiang Lin her purpose.

"You didn't come to protect me at all, did you? You've been following me all the time, and you have the same purpose. I already knew this. You and I each take what we need. However, I told you in advance that I will treat you. There's no malicious intent, I hope you don't mistake yourself, otherwise, if I turn my face, I won't tell you anything."

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