After leaving this sentence, Jiang Lin returned to his guest room and continued to take care of the corpse poison in his body.

He is not Wei Shengke, so his adoptive father should not be against him.

Jiang Ting looked at the wall next door and felt a little embarrassed. Since Jiang Lin had already spoken out, she could no longer do anything bad to him.

But in case she received an order to do something unfavorable to Jiang Lin, she really didn't know what to do.

Three days later, after Jiang Ting recovered, she continued on the road with Jiang Lin. During this part of the journey, she also restrained her young lady's temper, and her attitude towards Jiang Lin was much better.

After all, Jiang Lin helped her when she was in trouble.

This afternoon, the two went to a dilapidated temple in the deep mountains to rest. The area of ​​nearly a thousand miles was deserted, and they could only take a break.

As soon as Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting entered the temple gate, there was a sinister laughter from behind the statue. After that, all the doors and windows of the temple were automatically closed, and there was an extremely tyrannical spiritual force covering the surrounding area. Just like a barrel.


Jiang Lin's heart suddenly burst, and he immediately felt bad.

In this ruined temple, there is actually a powerful evil cultivator.

He is still an evil cultivator who is only one step away from the level of God Transformation!

Moreover, the evil cultivators in this temple seem to know how to use the corpse poison unique to Liang Guo to practice.

Isn't Liang Guo the Jedi of the monks?

Jiang Lin was very surprised. He never thought that he would meet a terrifying evil cultivator here, and he didn't expect that he didn't find any abnormality in this ruined temple.

Along the way, he was always cautious, and he hardly even used his superhuman abilities, just for fear that he would be too conspicuous, and if something unexpected happened, he would be targeted.

But even so careful, he is still in trouble now!

Bad luck!

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-fifth chapters have never seen a dog licking

In the blink of an eye, a strange man with golden hair and long beard jumped out from behind the statue.

There are also various chains made of rare gold and iron on the body of this strange man, and some of them have passed through his body.

"It's been a long time since I ate people, it's really been a long time since I ate people!"

The eccentric stared at him, glanced back and forth on Jiang Lin and the others, grinned, revealing a mouthful of fangs.

Not evil repair?

When Jiang Lin saw the strange person's face, his heart suddenly froze.

The strange person in front of him has no evil power in his spiritual power, but it is quite pure, and it does not mix with the corpse poison on his body.

This guy didn't use any corpse poison to practice, but was infected by the corpse poison!

So much so that he now has the characteristics of golden retrievers.

Although Jiang Lin had previously known that Liang Guo's corpse poison was an extraordinary subordinate, but now seeing a monk with a cultivation base approaching the level of God Transformation, he was still extremely shocked by being infected by the corpse poison here.

Even if his corpse has reached the level of flying zombie, it is not an easy thing to infect a monk like the Hunter King.

Heavenly Masters can be infected by zombie kings of the same level, but after breaking through to Jindan, the powerful spiritual power in the body is enough to resist the invasion of corpse poison, unless the level difference is too high.

Otherwise, the Daluo Immortal Realm would have long since become a country of demon corpses.

In the Da Luo Immortal Realm, there were still many monster corpses a long time ago. If the corpse poison could ignore the cultivation level and the cultivation level of the same level, and could infect casually, the number of monster corpses would have increased exponentially.

"You... who are you?"

Jiang Ting's face turned pale when she saw the strange man's fangs and hair all over his body.

She is an ordinary girl who has never even seen a real zombie. Now that she encounters such a man-eating monster, her thighs are shaking.

"You don't care who I am, you only need to know that I'm going to eat you all, Jie Jie Jie... Who will eat first? Who will eat first!"

The eccentric laughed, and then stared at Jiang Lin and the others.

Jiang Lin was stared at by the weirdo, so he quickly took a few steps back. The corpse emperor's breath around him could not be completely restrained. Once he was discovered by this guy, it would not be easy to escape.

This guy has the spiritual power of Haohan in his body, and his body is almost comparable to that of a golden retriever. Even if he does his best and recruits Baoyi, he may not be able to fight against this guy.

If you want to clear the siege, you have to make a surprise attack.

Jiang Lin retreated because his identity was not discovered, but in Jiang Ting's eyes, it was different.

Jiang Lin's retreat was equivalent to giving her up.

Let the weirdo eat her first.

"you you……"

Jiang Ting looked at Jiang Lin with disappointment. In the small town, when she was unwell, Jiang Lin took care of her very carefully, but now, in the crisis of life and death, Jiang Lin pushed her out.

After disappointment, Jiang Ting said to the strange person: "Senior, eat him first, he is tough and tough, and it tastes chewy."


There was a question mark on Jiang Lin's face. He was thinking about how to get out of trouble. As a result, Jiang Ting, a girl, suddenly came here for no reason.

"Why didn't you say eat you first, white and tender."


Before Jiang Ting could refute, the weirdo laughed and shouted, "Since the two of you are not lovers and don't love each other, then I won't have any burden when I eat you."

Then, he threw off the chains on his body, and almost instantly tied Jiang Lin and the others together with the statue.

What a quick move!

Jiang Lin clenched his fists, this strange guy's movements were so fast that he didn't have time to deal with it.

Moreover, the chain seems to have the power of ban, so that he can't do it if he wants to mobilize his spiritual power.

"Senior, don't come here! Before eating us, the junior wants to ask you, have you ever been abandoned by your lover?"

Just when Jiang Lin was about to call Baoyi and the weirdo strode over, Jiang Ting suddenly spoke.

After being asked by Jiang Ting, the weirdo suddenly stopped, he looked at Jiang Ting with a very painful expression on his face, and said, "Yes, I was locked here by my lover, and you will all be eaten by me. , it's okay to tell you."

"She loves eternity more than me!"

"She betrayed me in order to seek longevity!"

"I was locked here by her!"

The strange man wailed loudly with a pitiful face, and clods fell off the walls of the roaring ruined temple.


There seems to be something wrong with this stuff.

Jiang Lin raised his brows, he was about to summon Baoyi to come out to make a clearance, but this eccentric was a little unstable.

He thought about it for a while, and then said: "Cough...that...Senior, if I were you, I would seek revenge for that heartless girl."

Now that the weirdo was stimulated, Jiang Lin was ready to try to escape.

It would be better if he didn't expose it.

Who knew that the eccentric glared at him fiercely and shouted: "What do you know! Love is unconditional, even if she is sorry for me, I still love her deeply, I still love her!"

I'm so... so you're just a licking dog.

No wonder it's locked here.

A dog can't be housed!

Not to die!

Jiang Lin had heard a lot about dog licking, but it was the first time he had ever seen a dog licking like this weirdo.

Second uncle, he has been killed like this, and he has to continue to be a licking dog.

"Then senior, since you love her so much, why did she abandon you?"

At this time, Jiang Ting felt that she had a door, and she took the opportunity to fight the snake and give herself a chance to survive.

The eccentric looked sad again, and said, "This Liang country has a beast, maybe two. My lover and I are going to check the truth. If it is true, we will go outside and report it to heaven, in exchange for heaven's favor. Amnesty. But she, after she found out what was wrong with Liang Guo, changed her mind and wanted to obtain immortality in an alternative way. I opposed her, so she attacked me and locked me here. "


Why is there more than one scorpion?

Jiang Lin was once again shocked. There was a devil's nest near Liang Guo, but compared to Liang Guo, it was nothing but scum.

This Liangguo Nima is a nest!

Chapter [*] There is even greater danger!

The information provided by the weirdo made Jiang Lin further realize how dangerous Liang Guo was.

According to the strange person, this guy and his lover came to Liang Guo to investigate, to leave the sand sea in the northern region and go to the heaven to report. Jiang Lin is not quite sure why he should report, but he can be sure that if it is just a golden retriever, the heaven will not be at all. It won't take it seriously, let alone pardon the sins of the sinners in the sand sea in the northern region because of a golden retriever.

Therefore, the two beasts mentioned by this eccentric should at least start from Wangdi, and maybe even two Wangtian.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the weirdo to be infected by the corpse poison, and the characteristics of a golden retriever appear.

But why did the people of Liang Guo know nothing about it?

Jiang Lin had doubts again in his heart, not to mention two Wangdi, even one, was enough to do whatever he wanted in Liang.

But whether it's an ancient book or a topic that the people of Liang Guo usually discuss, there is no such thing as strange power and chaos.

Jiang Lin couldn't figure out the reason for this.

In fact, this has something to do with the whistleblower's accusation.

Back then, in order to maintain his position as the Lord of the Heavenly Court and ensure that his own strength was superior to that of all the immortals, Wutian once carried out a cleanup on the demon corpse, such as the red and golden hairy, of course, were no exception. Arrived at the sand sea in the northern region.

It’s not enough to get here, Wutian also needs to prevent the emergence of powerful corpse evils. After all, powerful corpse evils, if there are no accidents, can live forever, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years, what level will they become The terror exists, no one can say for sure.

Therefore, in the sand sea of ​​the Northern Territory, as long as someone discovers a very high-level corpse evil, they can go outside and report to the heavenly court.

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