He really has no strength at all.

Even when he was rounded up by the angels, he was never so tired.

At that time, he could still drink blood bottles and blue medicine, and he knew where the danger was.

But in this country of Liang, he couldn't even take out the treasures, and he didn't know where a crisis would suddenly appear around him.

God knows if the creatures here can act as the corpse eyes of Wangtianjian.

Jiang Lin's current mood is only fortunate. Fortunately, when the temple was broken, he didn't expose his means, and he didn't get involved with that dog-licking freak.

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as exhaustion.

Now that it is completely safe, even if it is ten times more tired than this, he is willing.

Although Jiang Lin did not use the spiritual power of the Dao body and the corpse poison of the corpse, the foundation was still there, and the body would not be harmed in any way.

After encountering crises one after another, each one is more dangerous than each other, and it is already an excellent result to pass through at such a small price.

Chapter [-]: The first time in my life I was relied on

It seems that the monks and demons who entered the Liang Kingdom should all end up like this.

Jiang Lin lay on the ground, guessing the reason why Liang Guo became a cultivator Jedi.

The monks and evil spirits who came here are probably similar to that eccentric person. They were locked up and used as stoves for carrying corpse poison. Once the corpse poison was almost raised, they would be sucked up by Wangtianjian to devour the essence of life and their bodies. Parasitic corpse poison.

In fact, it is basically no different from raising pigs.

There is still a small thousand miles, this road is really difficult to walk.

Jiang Lin felt heavy in his heart.

Before entering the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, the Hunter King had warned him that the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory was not an ordinary danger, and he had been psychologically prepared, but he did not expect that this experience would be so difficult.

"Jiang Lin, how are you? Don't die."

Jiang Ting got up from Jiang Lin and was at a loss for a while.

Jiang Lin was panting like a cow, and it was really possible that he couldn't change it in one breath, and he died directly.

No one can run [-] miles in a row at a super high speed.

It is the most excellent horse, and I don't know how many horses are going to die from exhaustion.

Not to mention people.

"I can't die yet, you stay around. If there is any movement, wake me up immediately."

After Jiang Lin instructed Jiang Ting, he closed his eyes and slept directly to relieve the fatigue of his whole body.

Fortunately, there is still treasure in the ancient mirror, otherwise, he really dare not even sleep.

Seeing the sweat dripping from Jiang Lin's head, Jiang Ting took out the silk scarf and wiped it for him.

It's like a little daughter-in-law taking care of her husband.

"I...what do I take care of him? I'm not his wife."

After reacting, Jiang Ting's face immediately turned red.

Even if it wasn't his wife, he saved me.

However, after seeing the sweat on Jiang Lin's body, she still didn't stop and continued to take care of Jiang Lin.

A day later, Jiang Lin's fatigue eased a little and he woke up.

After going to the stream not far away to wash off the stinky sweat, Jiang Lin sat down beside the sleeping Jiang Ting when he came back, and his fingers caught her pulse.

Now, the corpse emperor's breath that cannot be completely restrained on him is a hidden danger after all, and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there is no telling when he will be planted on it.

It didn't take long for Jiang Ting to wake up from her sleep and find Jiang Lin sitting beside her. She quickly got up, folded her arms in front of her, and scolded: "You...what do you want to do!"

Jiang Lin ignored Jiang Ting's questioning, and threw the changed clothes in front of her, saying, "Just wake up, you have nothing to do anyway, go do the laundry for me."

Now, he is too lazy to move his fingers except for rushing and necessary things.

"Do the laundry? You can't do it yourself?"

Jiang Ting frowned and stabbed Jiang Lin. No matter what she said, she was the righteous daughter of King Zhennan, where would she wash clothes for others?

And these rough jobs, she doesn't know at all.

"Let's not say that I saved you, just say that you are my newly married daughter-in-law, and it is only right and proper to wash my clothes. Go quickly, or you will be divorced."

"Who... who is your daughter-in-law! If you dare to mention this again, I will not finish with you!"

Jiang Ting jumped up immediately, and then she remembered what Jiang Lin said in the ruined temple yesterday, she rolled up her sleeves, and asked: "You said, I have a mole on my body... how did you know about it? of?"

"Yo, you still want to fight with me? Not only do I know that you have moles on the soles of your feet, but I also know where the birthmarks are on your body. Put away your temper and wash it off for me. Otherwise, I will execute it against you. Family law. With the skill of your three-legged cat, seven or eighty more won't be enough for me to fight."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he sat on the side. He had already thoroughly figured out the distribution of corpse poison in Jiang Ting's body. Now, as long as he worked harder, the problems that plagued him could be completely solved in less than three days.

No reason, no reason!

Looking at Jiang Lin, who had settled down again and almost turned into a statue, Jiang Ting stomped her feet frantically.

But no matter how angry she was in her heart, she didn't come out.

Even if she really did it, she wasn't Jiang Lin's opponent at all.

Moreover, even if Jiang Lin's request made things difficult for her, it wasn't too much.

Without Jiang Lin, she would have died at the bottom of the crack.

Grabbing Jiang Lin's clothes, Jiang Ting went to the stream.

Half a day later, Jiang Lin recovered from the state of meditation, looked at the clothes hanging on the branches, and he said to Jiang Ting: "Today, you and I will part ways here, I asked you to follow me before because you have feelings for me. Useful, now I don't need you anymore, I've got what I need. As for you, don't even think about hitting me."

After putting away the dried clothes, Jiang Lin asked Jiang Ting not to follow him.

Later, he no longer needs to detect the corpse poison in Jiang Ting's body by means of pulse number, and naturally he does not need Jiang Ting to be with him.

"You let me go?"

Jiang Ting was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Jiang Lin to say such a thing. For a while, she didn't know what to do, and she always felt a sense of emptiness.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "I didn't tell you when you were sick. In a few days, you and I will part ways. The person you are looking for is not me."

Seeing Jiang Lin walking away without looking back, carrying the burden, Jiang Ting hurriedly chased after him.

"What are you doing with me?"

"You man, I am useful to you, you let me follow, and now it is useless to you, you let me go!"

Jiang Ting's words were a little sullen. Although Jiang Lin had already said that walking with her was purposeful, but now they have experienced life and death together, Jiang Lin still said this, which made her angry and uncomfortable.

"Why not?"

Jiang Lin looked at Jiang Ting with a "what did you say" expression.

If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to adjust the accumulation of foreign corpse poison in his body, he would not have let this girl follow him in the first place.

"I... I don't care. You said before that I was your newly married daughter-in-law, and I did laundry for you. You didn't let me follow me."

"Don't tell me, you don't understand I'm joking."

Jiang Lin was amused. In order to follow him, this girl actually admitted to being his new daughter-in-law.

With a pretty blushing face, Jiang Ting pursed her lips and said, "Who told you to joke with me, I take it seriously."

Without waiting for Jiang Lin to speak, she continued: "Even if you don't let me follow, you don't want me, at the very least, you have to go to Fengyun City in front of you and give me a letter of divorce in the yamen. You said it before. , I'm going to rest."

"You're clearly relying on me."

Jiang Lin laughed when he said that. He has many women, but it was the first time he met someone like Jiang Ting who depended on him not to leave.

This is the first time in his life that he has been cheated on.

Chapter [-]: The Conspiracy of King Zhennan ([-])

Jiang Lin really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, if you really want to be reasonable, there is nothing wrong with Jiang Ting. The two of them worshipped only yesterday. Although they didn't enter the bridal chamber, Jiang Ting was already his wife in terms of status.

"Yes, I'm relying on you. I know you're not Wei Shengke, you're Jiang Lin, but you worshipped me. You asked me to wash your clothes, and I washed you. If I didn't want to, According to my temper, what can I do for you? I don't care whether you like me or not, and whether you take me seriously or not, if you want me to go, it's ok, you can bring it over."

Jiang Ting's meaning is very clear. It's okay to ask her to leave or part ways. Let Jiang Lin give her a letter of divorce that the government recognizes.

"You want to take a break from the book, okay, let's go."

Jiang Lin didn't talk to Jiang Ting any more, and didn't chase her away.

When he got to the next city, he would go to the government office and put the new daughter-in-law off.

Jiang Ting has already admitted that he is not Wei Shengke, and he has not found a prescription at all during this time, so he did not expect Jiang Ting to have other purposes.

Jiang Lin is not omniscient. Of course, he did not expect that Jiang Ting insisted on following him, not because of Doctor Wei's son or the prescription of Zombie Pill, but because of him.

Jiang Ting followed behind without saying anything. The more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved. Yesterday, after she fell asleep in Jiang Lin, she wiped his sweat for him and stayed there until late, when Jiang Lin's breathing became steady and long. Just fell asleep.

But today, Jiang Lin turned his face.

Let her go.


After traveling for a day, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at Fengyun City, which already belonged to Jiangnan.

Doctor Wei's senior brother Wang is in this city.

Originally, if they were on their way normally, Jiang Lin and the others would not have arrived so quickly.

However, the day before yesterday, Jiang Lin ran wild, almost running for [-] miles in one breath, and only arrived a few days earlier.

"Go to the government and ask someone to write a divorce letter. Don't follow me. I have something to do. When you're done, go to the inn to find me."

Jiang Lin asked Jiang Ting to go to the government first. He wanted to send a letter to Dr. Wei's senior brother on the way. Jiang Ting was originally here for the prescription. Of course, he couldn't let Jiang Ting continue to follow him.

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