Jiang Ting didn't say anything, and after a light snort, she went in another direction.

And Jiang Lin, according to the address given by Doctor Wei in the letter, went to a more prosperous street in the city.

However, what surprised him was that there was no doctor at the place where the address was located, and there was no one surnamed Wang. There was only a Fengyi Inn.

After inquiring about the nearby residents, he learned that Doctor Wei's senior brother Wang had disappeared more than ten years ago, and several members of the whole family had disappeared without a trace.

"It's not something I can control."

Jiang Lin had nothing to worry about when he didn't find the person Doctor Wei asked him to meet.

This is not because he has no loyalty. The information provided by the entrusted person is asymmetrical with reality, and it is impossible for him to find someone from all over the country.

He had just stopped by the way, but now the person he is looking for is not there, so it has nothing to do with him.

He has to leave as soon as possible.

Therefore, Jiang Lin stayed at the Fengyi Inn and waited for Jiang Ting to come find him.

On the other hand, Jiang Ting arrived at the official mansion, and after finding someone to draw up a divorce letter, she showed her identity card. Fengyun City is a famous city in Jiangnan. If her adoptive father, the King of Zhennan, came to Jiangnan, he would probably be there. Set foot here.

After asking, the response she got was exactly what she had guessed.

With someone leading the way, Jiang Ting went to the place where King Zhennan stayed in Fengyun City.


"Jiang Ting, what's the matter? Did you come with that Jiang Lin? Speaking of which, you two are really destined to be from your own family."

King Zhennan smiled and asked about Jiang Lin's whereabouts.

"Don't mention him, it's maddening me. By the way, adoptive father, what do you want me to do? Jiang Lin is in the inn in Fengyun City, and I am temporarily separated from him."

"It's like this, when you get to the inn where he is, put this packet of medicine in the meals in the kitchen."

Having said that, King Zhennan took out a packet of medicinal powder from his sleeve.

"Foster father, you... are you trying to harm him? But why? He is not Doctor Wei's son, and he doesn't really have any medicine on him."

When Jiang Ting heard that King Zhennan asked her to give Jiang Lin medicine, she panicked.

Along the way, what she feared most was that her adoptive father wanted her to do something bad for Jiang Lin.

Not to mention that Jiang Lin once rescued her when she was ill, and even made it clear to her that he was honest with her. Even a few days ago, Jiang Lin risked his life by jumping out of a crack and saving her life. .

Now let her go to murder Jiang Lin, how can she do it.

King Zhennan shook his head and said, "It's not some poison, it's just some powder, I just need to confirm some things."

"Really? Adoptive father, don't lie to me."

Jiang Ting still doesn't quite believe it, it's just an ordinary powder, and it's not poisonous. Why should she ask her to prescribe it?

"What's the matter, daughter, you did everything that your adoptive father told you before."

Jiang Ting's attitude changed, causing King Zhennan to frown.

Then he chuckled lightly, looked at Jiang Ting with a special look, and said, "Oh~ my adopted father knows, this precious daughter who dares to love me is in love with that Jiang Lin. I really want to. Let's see what kind of character that young man is, whether it is two noses and three eyes that make Ting'er, who is taller than the sky, favor him."

"Father, what nonsense are you talking about! Who... who likes him? I... I hate him before it's too late."

Jiang Ting hurriedly denied it, but even though she said so, she had mixed feelings in her heart, and she still had Jiang Lin's divorce letter from her in her hand.

As soon as the divorce letter was delivered, it was estimated that she would have nothing to do with Jiang Lin in the future.

"If the foster father has nothing else to do, the daughter will leave first."

After taking the medicine powder packet in the hands of King Zhennan, Jiang Ting immediately resigned and left the temporary residence of King Zhennan.

"Whether it's true or not, we'll see tonight. If that kid is really that kind of guy, I won't worry about anything. Hahaha..."

After Jiang Ting left, King Zhennan started talking to himself, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed.

If things really went as he expected, then there would be no need for any zombie pill prescriptions or meticulous planning.

Chapter [-]: The Conspiracy of King Zhennan ([-])

What does the father-in-law want to do?

Jiang Ting was still a little apprehensive as she walked on the street. She really couldn't think of what King Zhennan was going to do to Jiang Lin.

In her opinion, Jiang Lin is a person who has nothing to do with King Zhennan at all. If you really want to talk about it, it is Doctor Wei's prescription.

But Jiang Lin just pretended to be Doctor Wei's son, and the prescription was not on Jiang Lin's body. She really couldn't figure out what King Zhennan wanted to be sure of.

And let her go to give Jiang Lin medicine.

It was precisely because he couldn't understand King Zhennan's thoughts that Jiang Ting had a bad premonition.

Anyway, it's still early before dinner time, so try the effects of these powders first.

Jiang Ting took off the water bag from her waist and poured some of the medicinal powder into it.

After that, she wandered the alleys and alleys on the street.

As long as she encounters any rogues or rogues in the market, she will use them as experiments first.

It didn't take long for Jiang Ting to meet a few local ruffians who molested the lonely girl.

She went up a few times and turned over three or five ruffians, pinched their necks and poured the medicine mixed with medicinal powder into it.

After a few ruffians ran away, Jiang Ting followed behind.

After observing for more than an hour and confirming that there was nothing unusual about the ruffians, she felt relieved.

After inquiring about several inns, Jiang Ting found the Fengyi Inn where Jiang Lin was located after half an hour.

Jiang Lin in the guest room saw Jiang Ting approaching the door, and asked, "Where's the book break? Are you ready?"

"No...no. The officials who manage this area are not on duty these days."

Jiang Ting shook her head and didn't take out the divorce letter at all.

On the way here, the more she thought about it, the more she felt wronged. She was still a big girl, how could she be willing to become a woman who was divorced like this.

Moreover, when she went to church with Jiang Lin at that time, she was not willing.

This divorce book is really about to be taken out, and she will suffer a lot.

After the big deal, she and Jiang Lin will have nothing to do with each other. Anyway, when she gets here, even if she doesn't have a divorce book in her hand, Jiang Lin will not let her continue to follow her.

"Okay, then, I'll go get a piece of paper, sign it, draw it, and leave it to you. You can write whatever you want. I'll leave tomorrow, and I probably won't meet again in the future."

"up to you."

Jiang Ting glared at Jiang Lin, then turned around and went to the kitchen of the inn.

After a while, the shop assistant in the inn came to inform Jiang Lin that the shopkeeper was back.

Jiang Lin left the room and went to ask the shopkeeper about Senior Brother Wei.This Fengyi Inn used to be the residence of Senior Brother Wei Doctor. If the innkeeper knows where he lives now, he can also send letters and prescriptions by post.

Coincidentally, Jiang Lin happened to pass by the kitchen and saw Jiang Ting mixing the medicinal powder with water and pouring it into the rice pot for cooking.


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect Jiang Ting to poison the kitchen.

Also, put it in the rice pot.

Is this indiscriminate poisoning?

Jiang Lin frowned. The people who live here have never had anything to do with Jiang Ting. Logically speaking, they will never have any grudges with Jiang Ting.

What is this girl doing with poison?

Could it be that you want to hurt me?

As soon as this idea appeared, Jiang Lin's expression became a little weird.

He admitted that he had never shown any malice towards Jiang Ting, and even though he had already married, he never thought of making Jiang Ting his de facto wife.

Now his situation is still extremely unoptimistic, where is he in the mood to hug his wife.

But if Jiang Ting is really poisoned, then the target can only be him, and the others are innocent victims.

I'd rather see what you're up to.

Jiang Lin didn't even go in to dismantle Jiang Ting. When he smelled the food, he would be able to detect something unusual. If this girl harmed his plans, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

Even if it's Mongolian sweat medicine, he won't show mercy.

When he saw the innkeeper, Jiang Lin didn't ask anything. As soon as the other party asked three questions, he went back to his room and resumed his work of restraining the corpse emperor's breath.

In the evening, the guests who stayed here all went to the hotel lobby to have dinner.

Jiang Lin looked at Jiang Ting, who had just come in from outside, to see what she was going to do.

"Jiang Lin, this is the biscuits I bought. It's delicious. Try it."

Jiang Ting pushed aside the tableware and chopsticks in front of Jiang Lin, and took out an oil-paper bag full of sesame seeds.

Although in the afternoon, she was sure that there was nothing wrong with the ruffians who took the medicine powder, but she was still worried that the medicine powder would be some chronic poison.

Therefore, in order to prevent Jiang Lin from being hurt, she went to buy some biscuits.

As long as Jiang Lin didn't eat this rice, there would be no surprises.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Jiang Lin looked at Jiang Ting for some unknown reason. Although this girl was covering up well, she definitely didn't want him to eat the poisonous food on the table.

Put medicine in the rice pot, and don't let him eat it.

This is really strange.

"I...I didn't want to do anything, just eat it."

Jiang Ting didn't care whether Jiang Lin wanted it or not, she picked up the sesame cake and stuffed it into Jiang Lin's mouth.

"Are you two young couples? There are still so many people... Ah! Ah~~~"

A middle-aged man in the same seat was about to warn Jiang Lin and the others when he suddenly screamed.

Then his face quickly turned blue and white, his eyes filled with blood) (blood, his hands also began to freeze in front of him reluctantly.

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