In the blink of an eye, the middle-aged man bleeds from his seven orifices and falls to one side.

The reason for such a situation is that he ate the rice in the inn, and these rice were all potioned by Jiang Ting.

The medicinal powder that King Zhennan gave to Jiang Ting was not poisonous in itself, it was just a powder made from some medicinal materials used to make Zombie Pills, and the content of corpse poison was high.

In terms of the physique of Liang Guoren, there will be no big problem if they take it. Those ruffians who were poured by Jiang Ting with the potion will be fine.

In the same way, this middle-aged man with seven orifices bleeding should not have any problems, but Jiang Lin was by his side.

Until now, the corpse emperor's aura in Jiang Lin's body has not completely subsided, and these auras radiate out, which quickly triggers the change of the corpse poison accumulated in the middle-aged man's body.

directly lead to its corpse.

It's just that this kind of corpse transformation is not a corpse transformation in the true sense. To be precise, it is similar to the situation of poisoning.

The purpose of King Zhennan asking Jiang Ting to come to the inn to dispense medicine is to use this method to determine whether Jiang Lin can really change the people of Liang who he has come into contact with.

Although Jiang Ting has followed Jiang Lin all this time, she has a magic weapon on her body and wears a longevity lock every day, so there has been no abnormality.

Therefore, the king of Zhennan asked her to go to the inn where Jianglin lived to be poisoned.

Once Jiang Lin came into close contact with these drug addicts, causing them to mutate, then Jiang Lin's identity was a certainty.

Originally, in King Zhennan's plan, Jiang Lin would also be poisoned by the potion in the rice, but Jiang Ting was worried that he would have an accident, so she kept it privately.

Chapter [*]: The Conspiracy of King Zhennan (Part [*])

"What's the matter? What's wrong with him?"

After the middle-aged man slumped, several residents present quickly retreated in fright when they saw his tragic state.

"How could this be? Why is this?"

Jiang Ting was also taken aback. In addition to being shocked, she was more puzzled.

Although she had put medicine in the rice pot, the medicine powder was not poisonous, and she had deliberately tested it on others before.

Glancing at the middle-aged man on the ground again, Jiang Ting suddenly realized that this man's death was very similar to the shop assistant and shopkeeper she saw when she was in Barbarian City.

At that time, it was because they had been in contact with Jiang Lin that they turned into corpses, and finally died of exhaustion.

But after this idea appeared, Jiang Ting was even more confused.Jiang Lin can make the people around him change, and it will not appear until the next day.

At this time, Jiang Lin also squinted at the middle-aged man who died on the ground. This is not the first time he has encountered this situation. When he was in Heyang Town, he personally witnessed several of Dr. Wei's family at the entrance of the town. Patient corpses.

Is it because of the corpse emperor aura on me?

Suddenly, Jiang Lin's eyes widened, and now he thought that he realized that the corpse emperor's breath in his body had leaked, and it was time for him to take the zombie pill by himself.

What about before that?

Thinking of this, he involuntarily clenched his fists.

Those young people in Heyang Town at the time may have changed their corpses because of the corpse emperor's aura scattered inside and outside his body!

"You've been following me, what's your purpose?"

Jiang Lin looked at Jiang Ting with a cold face. If Jiang Ting hadn't let him eat the meals provided by the inn before, his face would not have only been cold.

would be murderous.

"I do not know."

Seeing Jiang Lin's disbelief, Jiang Ting explained, "I really don't know, I just follow orders and follow you."

At this moment, another pair of father and daughter appeared in the same situation as the middle-aged people, screaming in horror from all the guests and the shop assistant.

Coincidentally, there were just a few yamen outside patrolling as usual, and they rushed in when they heard the screams of the inn.

As a result, the innkeeper and Xiao Er, as well as Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting, as well as a group of guests were identified as suspects by them and were not allowed to leave the inn.

Jiang Lin didn't go to be a thorn, and stayed in the courtyard behind the lobby of the inn, just like the rest of the guests.

Judging from the current situation, he should have been concerned for a long time. As for the specific situation, he is not clear yet, and he needs to ask Jiang Ting to find out.

Jiang Lin guessed that the person who delivered Jiang Ting's order from behind should be not far away, and it was very likely that he would use this incident to make a fuss about it.

The reason why he didn't leave was because he wanted to wipe out the people or forces that were staring at him in the dark.

According to his analysis, most of the opponents are not practitioners.This is not his random guess. First, Liang Guo is a Jedi of monks and spiritual masters. Even if there are, they are raised as pigs. Second, if the monks staring at him are like monks, they should have done it. After all He basically showed no ability.

As long as he is not a cultivator, with his ability, even if he has other abilities without relying on the results of his practice, he is enough to deal with it.

Just relying on his physical quality, he is also an invincible stubborn stubble.

"Jiang Ting, come here."

Jiang Lin walked to the corner of the yard and asked Jiang Ting to come beside him.

"Who is the person who asked you to stalk me? I'm going to tell you the ugly story. I told you a while ago that I have no ill will towards you. If you mistake yourself, I won't be polite at all. So, you better tell the truth."

Jiang Lin's face is not very good-looking, if Jiang Ting is not honest, he doesn't mind using tyrannical means.

"It's my adoptive father. He is the King of Zhennan of Liang. I really have no ill will towards you, Jiang Lin, please believe me."

Facing Jiang Lin's current attitude, Jiang Ting felt an indescribable discomfort in her heart.

She really didn't think that it would be bad for Jiang Lin, otherwise she wouldn't have asked someone to test it before prescribing the medicine.

"The King of Zhennan of Liang State? That is to say, he made you poison the food provided by the inn?"

" do you know?"

Jiang Ting was very surprised that Jiang Lin knew about the fact that she had given medicine in the kitchen of the inn.

She quickly explained: "But it's not poison, it's just some medicinal powder. Before I came, I also found a few ruffians, tried them on them, and observed them for an hour, and they didn't show any abnormality. You knew I was drugging in the kitchen? How could you..."

"You don't need to know how I found out, you just need to know that if you hadn't pushed away my bowl and chopsticks just now, you might have been strangled by me now. You don't have any ill will towards me, but the people and forces behind you Not so. Come on, why did he let you put medicine in the kitchen?"

Jiang Lin interrupted Jiang Ting's words. Jiang Ting had no intentions of him. He knew it just now, but it was not his concern.

"He... He told me that those medicinal powders were not poisons, and he let me put them in the meals in the inn to confirm something, and I didn't understand what he meant."

Jiang Ting didn't hide it either. What she was worried about was that her adoptive father would be detrimental to Jiang Lin, but now it seems that the situation is not what she thought.

Her adoptive father might really be plotting against Jiang Lin, otherwise, Jiang Lin's attitude towards her would not have changed like this.

"Confirm something?"

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, and from Jiang Ting's mouth, he finally understood why the King of Zhennan asked Jiang Ting to come over and prescribe medicine.

I just wanted to see if the inn's resident Liang Guo would be turned into a corpse because of him.

To be precise, will those people become corpses because of the corpse emperor's breath on him.

"Is he in Fengyun City?"

"Yes, it is."

"Okay, I'll wait for him to come."

Jiang Lin smiled and was ready to wait for the King of Zhennan to come.

Although he didn't know the specific purpose of King Zhennan, but after thinking about it with his heel, he could know that the ignorant guy must have no good intentions.

In order to confirm one thing, the guest of this inn was directly treated as a chess piece, so that he died in vain.

Such a thing, will it be a good bird?

The guests who ate with him in the hall just now should not be able to make it through tonight, so they all have to burp.

"You...what are you going to do?"

When Jiang Ting heard something was wrong in Jiang Lin's tone, her heart suddenly froze.

From the looks of it, Jiang Lin and her adoptive father would definitely not be good-natured.

"What can I do? Isn't he your adoptive father? Then you are his daughter, and I am his son-in-law. I will wait for him to come and see him well."

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin sat down on the stone platform on the side.

"Great, great!"

On the other hand, when King Zhennan heard the announcement from the prefect of Fengyun City, he was overjoyed.

Next, he only needs to take Jiang Lin back to the imperial city and leave it there, to use it as a great tonic for his master in the future.

When his master comes back, he will definitely have what he wants.

Go straight to the sky and live forever.

Chapter [*] The situation has changed

"Come on!"

King Zhennan did not delay, and directly led a large number of guards to the inn where Jianglin and the others were located.

According to the information Jiang Ting gave him, Jiang Lin should have always acted like an ordinary person, otherwise, Jiang Ting would definitely report to him.

And if Jiang Lin has always been like a normal person, it means that Jiang Lin mostly knows that there is a terrifying existence here, so he dare not reveal anything.

In this way, King Zhennan felt that even if he met Jiang Lin, he didn't have to worry about anything.

Even if Jiang Lin has the ability, but he doesn't dare to use it, then he has nothing to be afraid of.

In the Fengyi Inn, Jiang Lin was sitting leisurely on the stone platform, while Jiang Ting was pacing back and forth. Since King Zhennan asked her to prescribe medicine, and now there is a result, then King Zhennan estimates that it will not take long. coming.

But Jiang Lin was waiting here.

Unfortunately, Jiang Linrong could really tell about the relationship between the two of them - they have already worshipped.

This made Jiang Ting not sure what to do.

However, in her opinion, this is still a trivial matter, and more importantly, Jiang Lin and King Zhennan may have a head-on conflict.

One is a man who has worshipped with her, or a benefactor, and the other is a foster father who raised her, which made her very embarrassed.

"Your Highness is here!"

Not long after, a shout came from the door of the inn.

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