Afterwards, King Zhennan and a line of guards entered the Fengyi Inn.

"My lord?"

"King Zhennan?"

"Why is your lord here?"

The innkeeper and all the guests were a little stunned, and the King of Zhennan actually came here.

Everyone present, except Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting, all knelt down to meet King Zhennan.

Jiang Lin didn't even move, let alone the King Zhennan of Liang, even Wutian, the ruler of the Heavenly Court, was not qualified to make him kneel.

"Let's all be flat. This king is here in Weifu. I heard that there was a strange murder here, so I came to check it. Come on, carefully search the inn to see if there is anything suspicious."

King Zhennan asked the shopkeeper and Xiao Er and others to be leveled, and he deliberately asked his guards to cooperate with the official yamen to inspect the inn. After that, he glanced at Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting.

Jiang Lin's eyes also fell on King Zhennan, but at this time his brows were wrinkled.

Things have changed.

Things were a little different than he had imagined.

King Zhennan was just an ordinary person, which did not surprise him.

However, under the robe of King Zhennan, there is a powerful vestment, the quality of which is even higher than the Emei Three Treasures he owns.

In this case, with his current situation, he can't be killed.

Without the ability of spiritual power and corpse, this King Zhennan wore a defensive vestment, and he had nothing to do.

And if he uses the hidden power, he can obliterate it, but his own spiritual power will definitely leak out.

Knowing that Liang Guo had a Wangtian, and also witnessed the dog-licking weirdo who was raised as a pig, Jiang Lin would not reveal anything.

Now, even if he is extremely careful, it is not too much at all.

God knows that the strange person was slaughtered by Wangtianxuan, was it because he used his spiritual power to expose his own condition, and was slaughtered by Wangtianxuan.

After weighing it for a while, Jiang Lin decided not to attack for the time being.

Without using his spiritual power, he really couldn't do anything to this Zhennan King.

However, this does not mean that he has no means.

The vestment on King Zhennan is immune to physical and magical attacks, but it is only immune to attacks. Other methods, such as poisoning and drowning, can still kill him.

"Ting'er, who is this?"

King Zhennan approached Jiang Lin and deliberately asked Jiang Ting, pretending that he did not know Jiang Lin at all.

"Foster father, he...he is Jiang Lin, the friend that my daughter met on the way."

Jiang Ting didn't react for a while, but she still introduced Jiang Lin to King Zhennan.

"Hello, King Zhennan, so you are Ting'er's adoptive father, and I am her husband."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and said hello to King Zhennan.

Since he couldn't kill this guy for the time being, he accepted his hostility for the time being.


When Jiang Ting heard Jiang Linzuo's self-introduction, she immediately blushed.

King Zhennan was even more stunned. When did his righteous daughter have a husband?

"Ting'er, what's going on?"


"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. You have already worshipped the world. Now that the elders are here, are you still going to hide it?"

Jiang Lin laughed, and he could guess that Jiang Ting's character would never tell King Zhennan of such a thing.

In the next time, he had to tie Jiang Ting by his side, so that King Zhennan could not figure out what he had in mind.Therefore, it is still necessary to clarify the relationship between yourself and Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting has seen his attitude just now, so once King Zhennan finds out, he will definitely take precautions.

"Hahaha, Ting'er, you are true, the male should be married, the female should be married, you are already married, and you still don't want to tell the foster father, isn't this sad for the foster father. You two belong to the family, and now you are a family again, and it is really fate."

King Zhennan laughed. Although he didn't know the specific situation, since Jiang Ting and Jiang Lin got married, he was relieved a lot.

In this case, if he wants to bring Jiang Lin back to the imperial city, it will be justifiable, and there is no need to use other means.

Later, King Zhennan asked Jiang Ting again: "Tinger, how did you and Jiang Lin get married? Come and tell your foster father what happened to you."

"Father, we are..."

Jiang Ting told Zhennan King about the weird person and the natural disaster that he didn't report to King Zhennan before.

"So that's the way it is. Since you have already worshipped the heavens and the earth, although you were forced to do so, Jiang Lin will save your life regardless of the danger to your life, so the foster father will be the master, and your previous worship will be counted. already."

King Zhennan nodded, and directly agreed to Jiang Ting and Jiang Lin's marriage as an elder.

"But foster father, we... we are..."

"Hey~ You two are both talented and beautiful, and you have experienced life and death together. After adversity, there must be true love. It is easy to seek priceless treasures, and it is rare to have a lover. What else do you want to do?"

King Zhennan interrupted Jiang Ting's words, it was about his own plan, how could he allow Jiang Ting to be willing or not.

Then he looked at Jiang Lin and said, "Jiang Lin, I didn't expect you to be so heroic and have a very high level of martial arts. Now that you have worshipped Ting'er, she is my righteous daughter after all. I don't have any children, so this marriage still needs to be done. Well, you go to the Imperial City of Liang Kingdom with me, and I will hold a big wedding for you. In addition, I will play the Holy Spirit and give you a mighty title. General do it."

"Thank you, King Zhennan."

Jiang Lin agreed directly. The imperial city was located in the north of Liang State, which coincided with his previous route. It was not impossible to walk with the King of Zhennan.

On the way, he found another opportunity to kill King Zhennan, and then left directly.

Chapter [*] What a big game of chess!

"Haha, okay, then I'll go see if the captors have found any clues."

After receiving a positive reply from Jiang Lin, King Zhennan was in a good mood, so he went to check the progress of the guards and the yamen's investigation.

The murder case in the Fengyi Inn was originally caused by him, so the yamen will definitely find nothing. When the time comes, he will directly conclude the case and say that it was caused by the infection of the plague.

As for how many more people will die, he can also blame it on this plague.

"Jiang Lin, what are you trying to do?"

After King Zhennan left, Jiang Ting questioned Jiang Lin, she didn't understand what Jiang Lin sang.

Originally, she thought that Jiang Lin would have friction or even see blood with King Zhennan, but who knew that Jiang Lin did nothing and would return to the imperial city with King Zhennan.

I have to go to a wedding and become a general.

Jiang Lin flicked his fingernails and said, "You don't need to know, but for the rest of the time, you have to live with me and don't leave me half a step."

"Why do I want to live with you and leave you half a step away?"

When Jiang Ting heard the words, she became very angry.

"First of all, your adoptive father has admitted that you and I are married. It is natural for you to live with me. Second, I am very possessive, so I won't let you leave me."

Seeing that Jiang Ting was about to go crazy, Jiang Lin smiled and continued: "I advise you to think about it, I just told you to live with me and not leave me for half a step, and I didn't say I want to treat you. What do you do? You, you better listen to me, or else, we both have the title, and your adoptive father has agreed. If I want to be your real husband, what can you do? Besides, I am a lot stronger than you, but I have nothing against you, I just let you cooperate, nothing else, don't force me to bow to your overlord."

" rascal!"

Jiang Ting's handsome face was the same color as red paint, and she couldn't say anything.

Jiang Lin's analysis for her was so eloquent that she couldn't refute even if she wanted to.

Baitang had paid her respects, and Gaotang had agreed to the marriage. Jiang Lin, as her husband, asked to live together, which was only natural.

Even if the trouble comes to her adoptive father, she will not take care of it.

If she doesn't agree, then Jiang Lin will take advantage of all these reasonable things to use force on her and the people who want her.

"Okay, I promise you, but I hope you will keep your promise, otherwise I will kill myself and keep myself innocent."

Jiang Ting hesitated for a moment, but she could only agree, she had no choice.

Not long after, King Zhennan returned to the yard and told everyone that what happened was not a murder case, but a plague, and asked the residents, shopkeeper and others to go to the doctor quickly.

After that, he took the guards back to the temporary residence, and Jiang Lin and the others naturally followed.

As for the residence, Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting naturally lived in the same wing.

The next day, Jiang Lin followed the carriage and horses of King Zhennan and continued northward, heading straight for the imperial city.

"Come on, let's go up the mountain."

On this day, after the carriage and horses rested, Jiang Lin called Jiang Ting again to climb the mountain with him.

Since leaving Fengyun City, Jiang Lin will take Jiang Ting to the high mountains on the grounds of climbing high and looking far away.

Of course, the mountains he chose were places that could only be climbed along one side, and the other side was a cliff.

Otherwise, King Zhennan would definitely not let him out of sight.

The reason why Jiang Lin climbed the mountain was because he wanted to choose a suitable terrain, such as a place with strong mountain air or a place where the mountain potential could be arranged.

King Zhennan has been guarding him all the time, so he planned to use the momentum in the mountain and river formation to kill this guy directly.

Once he finds a suitable place, as long as he makes some arrangements and uses the five elements of some spiritual stones to generate energy, it can be activated.

This method does not require him to output any spiritual power at all, but once activated, its power is enough to destroy the vestment on King Zhennan.

King Zhennan looked at Jiang Lin and didn't say anything. He just sent two guards to follow Jiang Lin as before.

After all, he was just an ordinary person. How could he think of what Jiang Lin wanted to do?

"Why do you always climb high and look far?"

Following behind Jiang Lin, Jiang Ting was very puzzled. Every few days, Jiang Lin had to climb a mountain when he passed a place with cliffs and cliffs, and looked at it from above.

Only once or twice is fine, but Jiang Lin doesn't know how many times he has boarded this way.

"No reason."

Jiang Lin responded and continued to climb to the top of the mountain.

Hearing Jiang Lin's unsalty response, Jiang Ting felt very uncomfortable.

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