Since leaving the Fengyi Inn, Jiang Lin hasn't said much to her. In the past, when she was still coquettish, Jiang Lin would scold her a few times and occasionally bicker with her on the way.

Although she often suffers from bad words, at that time, Jiang Lin would at least not alienate her.

But now, Jiang Lin treats her as a stranger almost completely. The things they have experienced together before, the past of common adversity, to Jiang Lin, it seems that it has never happened.

She and Jiang Lin lived in the same room, and they looked like a couple to outsiders, but in fact, Jiang Lin sat together all night, don't say anything bad, and didn't even look at her.

Now, Jiang Ting really hopes that Jiang Lin can still get along with her as before.

Even if the relationship is not too close, but even if they can become ordinary friends.

As long as Jiang Lin doesn't treat her like air, she is even willing to change her temper in the future.

Jiang Lin naturally didn't know what Jiang Ting was thinking behind him. After he reached the top of the mountain, he hurried to the edge of the cliff and looked from afar.

it is as expected!

What a big game of chess!

Jiang Lin frowned. Since he discovered something strange a while ago, after successive confirmations, he finally figured out what was going on.

The city of Liang Kingdom, and the houses where its people live, are all part of a great formation!

Moreover, not only that, there are sculptures or stickers of monsters in front of the doors or on the window lattices of the people of Liang. Incomparable.

This sculpture and stickers or statues are all the same thing, that is, a dog-like animal with wings on its back.


Jiang Lin only noticed it not long ago.

When he was in Heyang Town, he felt that some buildings or totems were also wrong.

It's just that he hasn't paid attention anymore.

It wasn't until he thought of climbing high and looking far, and after watching, these things reappeared in his mind.

Therefore, the few times he was near, in addition to finding a suitable place, he also wanted to confirm it.

Now, he's really sure.

This Liang Kingdom, such a vast country, is actually a great formation.

An extremely large teleportation formation, but it is not people, but the power of belief.

The power of faith belonging to the corpse!

It was not until he discovered this that Jiang Lin completely understood why the corpse poison was accumulating in Liang's body.

The reason is that the belief that belongs to people is replaced by the power of belief of the corpse in the form of stealing the sky for the sun, and it is gathered into the eyes of this great formation.

Chapter [*] Opportunities are precious, and the price of life is higher

After confirming the speculation in his heart, Jiang Lin felt more and more that he had to stay away from Liang Guo, the cultivator's Jedi, as soon as possible.

The fact that Liang Guo's creatures were raised as pigs had surprised him, and even the entire country had been arranged into a super array.

Make the most of your pigs.

"Wang Tianqi..."

Jiang Lin murmured softly. He had never seen Wangtian's real face. The reason why he knew that the sculptures and stickers of Liang Guo belonged to him was because he had seen a lifelike statue, so he could react.

When a murderer or a red scorpion advances to the late stage of the golden retriever, the body will be completely beast-like, and it will no longer have a human form as before.

After the animalization, the terror level of Ji has completely increased in a straight line.

Whether it is flying in the sky, running on the ground, or swimming in the water, as long as it is the same level, there is no creature that can resist it, and even a level beyond it, it is difficult to fight against it.

Taking Wangtianjian as an example, one Wangtianjian can fight three real dragons and two Jiaochi at the same time. The real dragon is the immortal beast Long Dawei killed by Jianglin in the past, and its state before becoming an immortal. .

Even if it is three Long Dawei, before becoming immortal, if they encounter Wangtianjian, the dragon tendons can be pulled out and eaten as noodles.

Even if a real dragon who has become an immortal has become an immortal beast, it is estimated that he will have to be cramped and skinned.

And this Liang country may have two Wangtianxian, and using the great formation on this Liang country's land, as long as it takes time, there may be a third one.

Even if it doesn't appear, the two existing knuckles may go further.

Jiang Lin's corpse emperor's breath, if it is combined with this great formation, it is really soy milk with fried dough sticks.

Perfect match.

Once he was caught by Liang Guo's two knuckles, the result would be predictable.

Therefore, Jiang Lin's current situation is really not very good.

If you can run early, run early, that's right.

However, although the situation is not good, fortunately, until now, he has not reached a precarious point.

Although King Zhennan was plotting against him and knew his identity, judging from the temporary situation, it is estimated that the goods were not reported.

The whole country of Liang is a big pig sty. To say that the royal family and the king of Zhennan have nothing to do with Wang Tianjian, it is simply impossible.

But there is a relationship, but for some reason, his situation is still not known by the two terrorist beings in Liang.

"The system reminds that there is a large amount of faith in the imperial city of this country, which can transform the corpse emperor's momentum. It is recommended to obtain it."

Just as Jiang Lin carefully observed the mountains in the distance, the sound of the system prompt came in his mind.

Can these gathered powers of faith transform the corpse emperor's aura in me?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment when he heard this reminder.

The aura of the corpse emperor on his body gave him the capital to become a corpse. If the aura of the corpse emperor was further improved, would it allow him to travel unimpeded on the road beyond the corpse ancestor?

This chance is definitely not small.

Jiang Lin's eyes flashed brightly.

Even in this Daluo Immortal Realm, there is only Wangtianjian of the same level as the corpse ancestors in the Middle-earth world. If you can go further, you don't know what level it belongs to.

Free, free, free.

After fantasizing about it for a while, Jiang Lin felt a rejection in his heart.

Opportunities are precious, and life is more valuable.

He still doesn't know what to do next, and what he wants to do now is just a meaningless fantasy.

At this moment, he still doesn't care about any moths, and it is the kingly way to leave this Liang Kingdom as soon as possible.

Everything else is fake.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Jiang Lin really found the place he was looking for.

Next, as long as he gets there, he will continue to climb as he did today, let Jiang Ting move the guards away, he will make some arrangements, and finally find a reason to invite King Zhennan to go up to watch the scenery.

If King Zhennan is killed, he will be able to escape and leave Liang State as quickly as possible.

And his own information will not be exposed.

After a short pause, Jiang Lin descended the mountain and continued to follow King Zhennan and his guards to the imperial city.

Two days later, the group arrived at the foot of the mountain that Jiang Lin had identified.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to prepare to climb the mountain, a whistling sound suddenly came from afar.

An old woman was galloping over in the sky at extreme speed.


Jiang Lin frowned. He was still cautious and cautious in this Liang country, but now, someone dares to fly in the sky with a swagger in mid-air?

However, what happened next made him know what was going on. This old cultivator was in the same group as King Zhennan and belonged to King Zhennan's friendly army.

Seeing King Zhennan and the old woman getting together to talk, Jiang Lin also understood that the defensive vestment on King Zhennan should be given by the old woman.

It hurts!

Jiang Lin was numb in his heart. Originally, his plan was about to be implemented, but at this moment, another change occurred.

The old woman who arrived, whose cultivation base has directly reached the level of God Transformation, is stronger than the dog-licking freak he met at the beginning.

Not only that, this old woman also has corpse poison in her body, but the corpse poison in her body is very stable and does not seem to be infected.

Not only does this old woman have the cultivation level of God Transformation, but she doesn't know what method she used to make her body into a corpse.

Second uncle's!

Jiang Lin was very tired and crooked. He had encountered a powerful weirdo before, which had already caused him a great headache, and now he has met a stronger one.

After calming down the anger in his heart, Jiang Lin amplified his hearing, wanting to hear what King Zhennan and the old woman were talking about.

I just heard the old woman say to King Zhennan with a smile; "King Zhennan, now I have re-refined the zombie pill, and I have given it directly to your army of [*] people. Now the master is about to return, you hurry up and get up. If you overthrow the emperor, at that time, it is estimated that the master will come back. At that time, if you directly ascend the throne, you will be able to transfer qi to the master. Once this matter is completed, both of us will be a great achievement. "

Because now the aura of the corpse emperor in Jiang Lin's body has completely subsided, and King Zhennan hasn't told the old woman about Jiang Lin, so the old woman didn't notice Jiang Lin at all.

He didn't even notice that his conversation with King Zhennan was being eavesdropped by Jiang Lin.

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-six chapters play again under the black light

It turned out to be the way to obtain the imposing manner of the corpse emperor.

Hearing the old woman's words, Jiang Lin immediately understood why King Zhennan had something to do with the Liang Guo's two scorpions.

King Zhennan can use the people of Liang to provide the fortune of the corpse emperor.

Although 犼 is stronger than zombies, it cannot obtain the fortune of the corpse emperor on his own. The emperor is only a human being.

Therefore, even if there is a magic array like the Ninety-five Corpse Raising Array, if it is used by Ji, it is still ineffective.

Zombies are changed from people, and they can be regarded as mutated people, but Ji is not.

If a large formation similar to the Nine-Five Corpse Raising Formation is arranged to raise the Corpse Emperor and then capture it, the feasibility is too poor, and the time-consuming is too long.

The principle is similar to the power of belief.

However, the way to gather the power of faith also takes a long time, and the year is calculated in ten thousand years or even one hundred thousand years.

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