King Zhennan laughed out loud when he saw the bloody head in the guard's hand, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Lin intentionally or unintentionally.

Hehe, I'll just watch you happily.

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, now King Zhennan is very happy, but next, there will be times when this guy will cry.

Although he thought so in his heart, Jiang Lin didn't show anything except a hint of surprise on the surface.

Chapter [*] It hurts today, and it will pay back a hundred times tomorrow!

"Since ancient times, the emperors of the world have been inhabited by capable people. When the lord of the country was in power, he did not have any outstanding achievements, and the people's lives did not improve in any way. He was really mediocre. Today, this king will replace him.

King Zhennan turned to look at all the civil and military officials at the banquet. Today, he wants these civil and military officials to call him emperor.

Because he is going to deal with Jiang Lin next, he still doesn't know what level of Jiang Lin's real strength has reached before that, so in order to avoid accidents, he needs to become emperor as soon as possible.

"King Zhennan is a talented person, a sage and great virtue. When it comes to governing the country, he is much better than the previous lord."

"Yeah, Zhennan Wang is a talented person who is only my king. It's really overkill."

"I have no objection."

He has already gone to the Hongmen Banquet, and his life has been pinched by Zhennan King. How dare these people have any opinions.

"Long live my emperor!"

For a time, all the civil and military officials present knelt down and took the king of Zhennan as the emperor.

"Okay, very good. Tomorrow, the king will hold the enthronement ceremony, and you will go back and send someone to announce it to the world. By the way, let everyone know that this king's army of [*] should have guarded the imperial city at this time. These are the mutant soldiers you have seen, and each of them can be worth one hundred, and any force that wants to crusade against this king will be completely wiped out! Those who obey me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish!"

King Zhennan looked at the courtiers coldly and gave them a warning.

"Come on, do it right away!"

All the ministers ran away from the palace one by one, as if they had been granted amnesty.

"Congratulations to the foster father's long-cherished wish."

Jiang Ting congratulated King Zhennan. King Zhennan always wanted to be emperor in Liang. She knew this.

Then she asked again, "The foster father, is the wedding between Jiang Lin and I still going ahead?"

Now that all the guests are gone, and King Zhennan's purpose has been achieved, Jiang Ting doesn't know if the second wedding between herself and Jiang Lin will go ahead.


King Zhennan laughed, and then he squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Lin: "Tinger, don't blame the adoptive father for being ruthless, your husband, he doesn't have the life to stay with you and grow old with you. "

"What do you mean?"

At this time, a look of consternation appeared on Jiang Lin's face, and then he took a few steps back with a defensive look on his face.


King Zhennan shouted, and the old woman outside the palace appeared in front of Jiang Lin almost instantly.

"Hey hey hey..."

The old woman made an extremely hoarse and unpleasant voice, and then two dark chains burst out from the cuffs, directly piercing the pipa bones on Jiang Lin's shoulders.

For a time, the spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body and the corpse poison in his body were completely blocked. The tadpole-shaped inscription on the chain seemed to be alive, moving from the chain upstream and down, all over Jiang Lin's body. table, and infiltrated into its body.

"Ah! Ah~~~"

Jiang Lin's whole body seemed to be slashed by a thousand knives. He bent down and landed on one knee.

This scream was not faked by him, but it was really painful.

Even he couldn't eat it.

Oh shit!

Jiang Lin really didn't expect this old woman's methods to be so vicious. Now his physical body's perception of pain is quite low, but even so, being pierced by these two iron chains still makes him feel unbearable pain.

What a fucking pain!

Jiang Lin sighed and looked at the old woman and King Zhennan, today's pain, tomorrow, he will double or even a hundred times to return it!

It has been a few days since he came to the imperial city, and there is still no sign of Wang Dixian, so tomorrow, as long as he is not too reckless, Wangdixuan should not come back so coincidentally.

In that case, tomorrow he will be able to unleash his powers.

This old woman and King Zhennan will definitely not end well!


Jiang Ting, who hadn't reacted yet, saw that her husband's pipa bones had been pierced, and she immediately screamed.

"Father, what are you doing?"

Jiang Ting quickly ran to Jiang Lin's side, supported him, and looked at King Zhennan again.

The thing she was most worried about happened. From when King Zhennan asked her to poison the Fengyi Inn, she felt that King Zhennan might be bad for Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin's performance later confirmed this.

It's just that King Zhennan didn't do anything during this time, which made her have a little fantasy.

But now Jiang Lin's screams directly indicate that her fantasy has been completely shattered.

Her adoptive father, King Zhennan, would not only harm Jiang Lin, but also kill Jiang Lin!

King Zhennan was in a good mood, so he explained to Jiang Ting: "What do you do? Why do you think I asked you to poison? Do you think I brought him back all the way to marry you? He has something in him. What I need is enough for me to obtain the reward of immortality. Get out of the way, or else I will delay the important affairs of my adoptive father, don't blame me for not caring about my father and daughter!"

"No! Foster father, please let him go! He is my daughter's husband, and he is my husband!"

Jiang Ting stood in front of Jiang Lin and begged King Zhennan to let Jiang Lin go.

Although she knew that Jiang Lin had always been aware that King Zhennan might want to murder him, but now that Jiang Lin's pipa bones have been penetrated, no matter how clear it is, it can't change anything now.

"Humph! It's really worth raising you! Mammy, seal her in the room, so as not to spoil our affairs."

King Zhennan snorted coldly and asked the old woman to lock up Jiang Ting.

"This girl, when a man forgets her father, I will teach you a lesson for you, mother."

The old woman grinned and showed her yellow teeth. She reached out and grabbed Jiang Ting. After that, two red palm prints appeared on Jiang Ting's cheeks, and even the corners of her mouth overflowed with blood.

As soon as the arm moved, the old woman pushed Jiang Ting into a firewood room through the air, and cast a spell to arrange a barrier on the door.

Jiang Lin's eyes flashed with chills, Jiang Ting was his wife in name no matter what, and now she was slapped in the face by this dead old woman.

"Mommy, he shouldn't be able to escape, right?"

"Don't worry, my Elemental Separation Chain, even a cultivator who is at the same level as my mother and me, is difficult to break free, not to mention that his shoulder blades are pierced and his spiritual power is locked, so he can't escape. However, in order to avoid There are many dreams in the night, it is better for you to act as soon as possible."

"Great, I have ordered the enthronement ceremony to be held tomorrow, and then the good fortune for the master will be stripped from him. Come on, put him in the sky prison, and send heavy troops to guard it!"

After hearing the old woman's assurance, King Zhennan was overjoyed and immediately asked the guards to escort Jiang Lin down.

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-nine chapters borrow chickens to lay eggs

A group of guards immediately stepped forward, bound Jiang Lin with shackles and iron chains, and escorted him to the Heavenly Prison in the imperial city.


Jiang Ting was at the door of the firewood house, clutching at the door and window and crying hoarsely.

Now that Jiang Lin is gone, she will never be seen again.

Jiang Lin turned his head and glanced at Jiang Ting in the firewood room. He didn't expect that he had no communication with Jiang Ting during this period of time, but this girl had a real affection for him.

From Jiang Ting standing in front of him just now, begging to King Zhennan, and now the performance of tears bursting, all of which have been able to explain this matter.

When the results come out tomorrow, let Baoyi come over.

Jiang Lin planned to ask Baoyi to come to pick up Jiang Ting and take her out of Liang Country if things went well tomorrow and when the overall situation was decided.

After Jiang Lin was escorted away, King Zhennan and the old woman also left the palace. King Zhennan needed to command his army around the imperial city, so as to prevent someone from violating the law and sending letters to the surrounding generals, sabotaging his enthronement ceremony tomorrow.

Even if no one sent the letter, once the notice was passed on, it would inevitably cause turmoil.

The old woman needs to deploy some work to let the eyes of Liang Guoda's formation work, so as to deprive Jiang Lin of the corpse emperor's fortune.

After Jiang Lin was taken to the Heavenly Prison, he sat in the corner of the cell, studying the inscriptions on the iron chain that ran through his shoulder blades.

Although he gave this job to Baoyi in the ancient mirror, once Baoyi didn't do enough, it would delay his work.

So, taking advantage of this time, he has to spend some energy on his own.

"Jiang Lin? Is that Jiang Lin?"

At this time, a voice appeared from the opposite side of Jiang Lin's cell.

Jiang Lin followed the sound, only to realize that the person who was locked opposite him was actually Doctor Wei from Heyang Town.

It's just that the current Doctor Wei looks very miserable, with disheveled hair and blood all over his body, so when he entered the prison, he didn't realize that there were actually acquaintances in the prison.

"Doctor Wei? Have you been caught here?"

"Yeah, I still haven't escaped. What about you? You were also caught by King Zhennan? Alas! It's all my fault, I'm the one who got you involved."

Doctor Wei saw that Jiang Lin was wearing chains on his shoulders, and he blamed himself on his face. Jiang Lin was arrested in this prison, and his relationship with King Zhennan was basically a certainty.

"Jiang Lin saved Dr. Wei's life. It's only right and proper to be entrusted by you to do some things, and it's not all because of you, Dr. Wei, that I was arrested by King Zhennan."

After that, Jiang Lin told Doctor Wei that he went to Fengyun City to find his senior brother, and learned something from Doctor Wei.

It turned out that the old woman at the level of transformation was actually Doctor Wei's master, but Doctor Wei never knew the real identity of the old woman.

"Doctor Wei, now that your master has re-developed the prescription for Zombie Pills, let's return this prescription to you."

Jiang Lin took out the prescription of Zombie Pill from his arms and threw it through the gap in the cell.

After tomorrow, he was going to leave Liang Guo, and the prescription he took with him would be useless. He left it to Doctor Wei.

After inquiring about some information about the Liang Kingdom's throne alternation ceremony, Jiang Lin stopped chatting with Doctor Wei.

Because of the information previously provided by Doctor Wei, a flash of inspiration appeared in his mind.

He found that he seemed to be missing some information.

It's the weird guy I met in the ruined temple.

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