At that time, the eccentric once said that his lover betrayed him in pursuit of longevity.

But now it seems that this old woman of Liang Guo should be the lover of that weird person.

Jiang Lin guessed so, not only because the old woman had the corpse poison of Wang Dijian in her body and turned herself into a corpse, which was in line with the strange person's description, but also because the old woman's chain of separation was very similar to the golden iron chain that bound the strange person.

"If this is the case, then this bracelet is estimated to be able to play a role at a critical time."

Jiang Lin took out a gold bracelet from his arms. When the eccentric handed it to him, he said that it was a token of love between himself and his lover.

If his guess is correct, the old woman's mind will definitely fluctuate when she sees this golden bracelet.

That way, his plan will have a greater chance of success.

Putting the gold bracelet back, Jiang Lin continued to ponder the inscriptions on his body.

On the first day, King Zhennan, wearing a yellow robe, appeared in the square in front of the Liang Kingdom's palace, and was crowned emperor under the witness of civil and military officials.

Even if there were some twists and turns yesterday, he still relied on the army of those who had taken Zombie Pills to clear everything and stabilize his road to the emperor.

After ascending the throne, the courtiers dispersed, the old woman appeared in the square, and Jiang Lin was also brought over.

"Mommy, let's get started."

King Zhennan couldn't wait. Once Jiang Lin's fortune was stripped away, mixed with the power of faith gathered by the people of Liang's country, it must be a super gift for Wang Dijian.

Once Wang Dijian returns, he will definitely be rewarded greatly.

Now the most likely period of change has passed, not only the king of Zhennan, but also the old woman and Le's yellow teeth.

"Got it!"

The old woman chanted a few incantations in silence, and then shook out a few devil-headed magic flags from her sleeves. The magic flags stood around the square and immediately connected with the formation materials buried under the square floor tiles.

The large array quickly formed a huge black hole, and a powerful suction force erupted.

After that, the old woman flicked her arms, and dozens of chains flew out of her cuffs again, shooting straight at Jiang Lin.

In an instant, Jiang Lin's whole body was pierced by these iron chains, and the blood was like a fountain, shooting wildly outwards, and was sucked in by the suction force formed by the black hole.

Not only the blood essence in the body, but also the corpse qi and corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body were also exported out of the body.

The blood essence, corpse poison and fortune that left the body were wrapped in the black hole. At the same time, the power of belief that was formed by the worship of hundreds of millions of Liang people and was transformed into corpse evil also converged into the black hole at a very fast speed. .

The power of massive faith is simply endless.

Jiang Lin endured the severe pain and pretended to be struggling. The old woman and King Zhennan laughed when they saw his helpless appearance.

However, they could never have imagined that these things were precisely because Jiang Lin was borrowing chickens to lay eggs.

With the help of Liang Guo's great formation and the power of faith supported by hundreds of millions of people, he can improve his fortune of the corpse emperor.

It has to be said that Jiang Lin's use of the chicken to lay the egg is the biggest gamble in his life.

If he wins the bet, in the future, he will definitely be the pinnacle of life and corpse. After entering the corpse of the same level as the ancestor, he will be able to go further.

This will not only allow him to successfully condense the alien soul from the corpse, but also be truly equivalent to the generals and dry scorpions with open minds, and can even directly surpass the corpse ancestors and surpass Wangtianxian in strength.

But if he loses the bet, then his future road will not know how bumpy it will be.

For a long time, Jiang Lin has everything he is now, of course, he has his own efforts and tenacity.

But more than that, he was lucky.

This, even Jiang Lin himself had to admit.

Especially after obtaining the fortune of the corpse emperor, the great luck on his body has kept him lucky, and he can do almost anything he wants.

Not to mention, there are so many beautiful wives in the family who are more beautiful than gods, and many of them are met by his luck.

But if he loses the fortune of the corpse emperor this time, it may not be bad luck in the future. Everything he has may be lost step by step because he loses the protection of this great fortune.

Therefore, before the result is clear, his plan of using the chicken to lay the egg may turn into killing the chicken to get the egg.

Chapter [*]: Blood Debt and Blood Repayment! (superior)

Although it was a big gamble, Jiang Lin was actually forced to bite the bullet and go to the gambling table. The situation at the beginning was completely out of his control.

For the next half a day, Jiang Lin endured unbearable pain, watching his blood, corpse poison, and fortune being pulled away.

Especially the fortune of the corpse emperor, which has been with him for many years, has long been compatible with it, and now it is forcibly removed, and the pain is even more severe than cramps and skins.

Wait, wait, wait.

Jiang Lin watched the power of faith gathered from all directions merge with the fortune of his own corpse emperor in the black hole, and continued to endure it.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin almost turned into a mummified corpse, and he also showed the appearance of a hairy zombie.

The blood and corpse poison in his body were almost completely drained, and the fortune of the corpse emperor was not left at all.

"You're done! Mammy, kill him."

King Zhennan was so excited that he asked the old woman to kill Jiang Lin directly.

The old woman nodded, and Haohan's spiritual power gathered in her palm, and bombarded Jianglin on the ground.


At this time, Jiang Lin also ordered Baoyi in the ancient mirror to release the chain of imprisonment on his body.

"do not want!"

But at this moment, Jiang Ting suddenly rushed towards him.

Jiang Lin has been enduring the pain all the time, and Bao Yi is also waiting for Jiang Lin's order, at the same time sensing whether there is a powerful presence within the range of a hundred miles.

Therefore, they didn't realize that Jiang Ting actually ran over.

As for the old woman and King Zhennan, they also did not find Jiang Ting here.

The old woman needs to concentrate on maintaining the great formation, and King Zhennan has long since turned away the guards around him. After all, Wang Dijian's existence and everything here are not suitable for others to know.

Therefore, it was not until Jiang Ting spoke out that they discovered that someone had come over.

Jiang Ting was originally sealed in the firewood room by the old woman, but she was worried about Jiang Lin's safety, so she actually used the firewood chopping axe in the firewood room to chisel the ground and dug a tunnel under the palace with both hands.

After running out, she rushed straight to the prison, where Dr. Wei told Jiang Lin to be taken to the big square where the enthronement ceremony was held, and she rushed here immediately.

Dressed in a dirty red wedding dress, Jiang Ting, whose hands were almost bare, immediately stood between the old woman and Jiang Lin, blocking the old woman's attack for Jiang Lin.

For a time, her chest and abdomen collapsed directly.

"Jiang Ting!"

Jiang Lin didn't expect such a situation at all. He immediately used Baoyi's immortal power to break free from the restraints on his body, and then quickly caught Jiang Ting, who flew like a broken kite.

After catching Jiang Ting, Jiang Lin threw the gold bracelet from his arms almost at the same time, causing it to shoot at the old woman.

"You can still move? Huh? This is..."

The old woman was taken aback when she saw Jiang Lin broke her Chain of Separation. Just as she was about to throw out her spiritual force to bombard Jiang Lin's throwing object, she saw the object shot at her, and then, She found out that it was the bracelet that once belonged to her.

"This bracelet belongs to my old ghost. How could it be in your hands? How could it be in your hands! Unless he dies, he will never lose it!"

The old woman seemed to be severely stimulated and was in a state of confusion.

At this moment, Bao Yi rushed out of Jiang Lin's arms in an instant, then pierced her heart with a sword, and clamped her wrists with both hands.

"You two, I will let you pay your debts with blood!"

At the same time, Jiang Lin let out an angry roar, and immediately condensed all the spiritual power in his body with his crippled body, and quickly formed a seal with his hands.

A three-legged Golden Crow manifested behind it almost instantly, and then spread its wings and flew towards the old woman.

The three black feet of the three-legged Golden Crow decapitated Baoyi and the old woman who was pinched by it, and they gathered their wings together, forming a huge fireball together with the body of the Golden Crow.

Baoyi is wearing protective fairy clothes, even if Jiang Lin uses the strongest means, it will not cause any harm to him.

After all, the old woman is a cultivator at the level of god transformation, even if Baoyi's cinnabar sword carries his immortal fire and sun fire, it cannot immediately make her lose her mobility.

In addition to her terrifying cultivation, this old woman also has the corpse poison of Wangtianjian in her body, which is not so easy to deal with.

Therefore, Baoyi was instructed by him to clamp it, waiting for him to recover the blood essence and corpse poison in the black hole, as well as the improved fortune of the corpse emperor, and then continue to deal with this old mother together.

"How is this going?"

King Zhennan didn't react to these sudden changes for a while, but he also knew that the situation had definitely changed, so he wanted to escape immediately.

"You have to die too!"

Jiang Lin directly released all the Yang Yan in his body, trapping King Zhennan in place.

Although King Zhennan is protected by a powerful vest, Jiang Lin can't do anything for him for the time being, but he can still be trapped by Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Ting!"

After restraining the old woman and King Zhennan, Jiang Lin went to see Jiang Ting, who had been vomiting blood in her arms.

"'re not dead, too...great."

Jiang Ting stroked Jiang Lin's dry and ugly cheeks with her bloody hands, and continued intermittently: "Yes... I'm sorry, it's all because... because you met me, you will suffer such a catastrophe. If you can... marry To you, I'm really... very happy."

After saying this, Jiang Ting's palm fell weakly.

Xiangxiaoyu died.

The killing intent in Jiang Lin's body almost turned into substance, sweeping in all directions.

He will take Jiang Ting away today, and he will treat her as his real wife in the future.

But now, Jiang Ting was killed by the old woman!

After Jiang Ting placed a soul-locking spell on Jiang Ting's forehead, Jiang Lin sent Jiang Ting's body into the ancient mirror.

Now, even if his body has suffered great trauma, he does not dare to use fairy treasures to recuperate his body, let alone use material treasures to save Jiang Ting's life.

Now, he can only take in his own blood essence, corpse poison, and the fortune of the corpse emperor, quickly solve the problem here, and take Jiang Ting's body out of Liang before rescuing it.

Chapter [*]: Blood Debt and Blood Repayment! (Down)

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Lin rushed towards the black hole not far away.

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