Next, he will definitely make King Zhennan and the old woman pay a thousand times the price.

eye for eye!

Even if it is an old woman whose cultivation base exceeds his two levels, he will use it as a fan!

After Jiang Lin rushed into the black hole, everything that belonged to him and was forcibly pulled away was reabsorbed back into his body by him.

After the corpse emperor's fortune mixed with the power of faith entered the body, the momentum of Jiang Lin's body soared by geometric multiples in an instant, but he still resisted the impulse and did not break out the corpse roar that could shake the earth.

His body became full at a very fast speed, and the corpse poison and corpse gas that returned to the body also quickly condensed into corpse pills in his throat.

That's not all, the blood essence and the corpse poison of the generals that were originally refined in his body were all attracted by the fortunes of the corpse emperors that had been improved, and they were re-condensed.

Two strange projections appeared in Jiang Lin's eyes. One was golden, and it was an alien monster with a pair of huge bat wings and a humanoid body. Wings.The latter also has a human-shaped silhouette, but it is more slender and has a more prosperous front chest, which seems to have a gender difference with the former.

These two strange projections are the special-shaped primordial spirits of the generals and the dry scorpions, and they are just one projection.

These two strange shadows projected in front of Jiang Lin, merged with each other, and finally formed a new phantom.

It was an alien monster with a dark green body that resembled an Egyptian jackal.

In the end, the newly formed alien monster overlapped with Jiang Lin's body.

If Jiang Lin becomes a Taoist corpse in the future, if the corpse condenses into an alien soul, he will see this alien monster just now.

After Jiang Lin walked out of the black hole, the corpse energy in his body leaked out, and together with the massive power of belief, he formed a nearly transparent tall jackal-shaped monster.

At this time, Jiang Lin only felt that he could even fight against the previous drought and the current generals in a very short period of time.

It can even compete with the terrifying corpse evil like Wangtianji.

However, Jiang Lin was not impulsive. He knew very well in his heart that this power far beyond his own was only attached to him for a short time. Once he fully recovered, such power would immediately disappear.

At most, the corpse pill has a strange outline like smoke and dust, and it will be of substantial help to him when he advances to the corpse level in the future.

However, even for a very short time, it was enough for him to kill the old woman and King Zhennan who owed him blood debts.

Jiang Lin faced King Zhennan who was trapped by Yang Yan. King Zhennan saw the illusory alien monster formed around him, and his teeth were shaking.

Being stared at by this monster's scarlet eyes, King Zhennan's mind became completely blank.

As soon as Jiang Lin moved, he instantly appeared in front of King Zhennan.

A pair of his corpse claws drove the claws of the alien monster, and the protective vestment on King Zhennan was torn open like a piece of paper.


In the blink of an eye, King Zhennan's whole body seemed to have been cut by a laser, and his whole body seemed to be a portrait made of eraser-sized tofu blocks.

These "tofu blocks" slid down one by one, and finally turned directly into cinnabar-like powder.

In this instant, King Zhennan turned into a piece of powder.

At this time, the old woman who was restrained by Baoyi had already broken through the confinement of the Three-legged Golden Crow and flew straight into the sky.

Jiang Lin's current state is much more terrifying than the owner Wang Dijian she has seen before. She doesn't even have the courage to fight against Jiang Lin.

Not only did she flee into the sky, but the old woman also used several life-saving escape techniques one after another, and she was hundreds of miles away in the blink of an eye.

"Want to go?"

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand and took Baoyi directly in his hand. Then he just jumped lightly and reached the height of a thousand meters. He bent his knees, and he caught up with the old woman in an instant. Leap, flew to three thousand miles away.

And the old woman behind her, her body disintegrated automatically and turned into ashes.

An old woman who turned into a god, in the hands of Jiang Lin at this time, let alone resisting, she didn't even have a chance to escape, and she was completely turned into ashes.

Just like King Zhennan, both body and spirit are destroyed, and not even the scum is left.

In this country of Liang, Jiang Lin has always been cautious like a coward, but this was still calculated, and he was tortured by the old woman and gritted his teeth.

What made him even more angry was that Jiang Ting actually died at the hands of the old woman.

Such a blood debt, according to Jiang Lin's character, must be paid back thousands of times, and the blood debt cannot be repaid.

However, time did not allow him to smash the old woman and Zhennan Wang into the soul, otherwise, he would never let them die so easily.

However, even if Jiang Lin quickly erased the two due to time constraints, the old woman and King Zhennan were a hundred times more painful than dying quickly.

Before they died, their consciousness had not dissipated, and they watched their bodies turn into ash and dust little by little.

"Jiang Lin, did you become like this?"

After Jiang Lin paused, Baoyi looked at the phantom of the monster on his body, and suddenly felt uneasy.

Jiang Lin's eyes were scarlet, and it seemed that he had lost his rational existence. What was even more terrifying was that the power on Jiang Lin's body was extremely terrifying, even if it was to kill an immortal directly.

She was really afraid that Jiang Lin didn't know her anymore, so she squeezed her to death with a force of her hand.

"I picked the peaches planted by Liang Guo's two peaches. If I didn't pick them, Liang Guo might have two Wangtian peaches. My power is only temporary. I was in the imperial city just now. We have burst out of momentum, and it will not be long before that Wang Tianqi of Liang Kingdom will notice it, so now we must leave this place as quickly as possible."

Jiang Lin explained to Baoyi a little bit, and then shoved her into the ancient mirror in his arms.

Now the power in him is about to fade, and it must be used.

With both hands linked together to cast spells, Jiang Lin sent the corpse pill from his throat, and at the same time, he left with the corpse qi and corpse poison around him.

He used the telekinetic incarnation technique to combine these powers that have not dissipated, and let this power attach to his incarnation and quickly fly towards another direction.

Jiang Lin himself quickly withdrew all his breath, fell back to the ground, and ran towards the nearest border of Liang Kingdom.

Not long after Jiang Lin turned into an ordinary person and ran away quickly, a strong earthquake suddenly occurred in the capital city of Liang Kingdom. Residents were directly shocked to death.

Afterwards, Wangtianjian, who was underground in Liangguo, rushed out, reached an altitude of [*] meters, and shot towards the direction of Jiang Lin's avatar.

Chapter [*] Before there are wolves and then there are tigers

This Wangtian is really roaring wildly. Today, the Liang Kingdom's Imperial City has gathered a lot of faith, and it knows this.Because the layout of the entire Liang Kingdom was laid out by it, in order to benefit himself and his heir.

Not only the belief of Liang Guo was concocted by it, but every time, when Liang Guo's fortune was in full swing, its descendants would choose a rebel, beguiling him to kill the monarch and seize the throne, thus causing the Liang Guo emperor to change. Then, transfer the separated imperial energy to the two of them.

The heaven outside is very jealous of corpse evils like them. There are as many as they want to get rid of. Therefore, Wang Tianyu can only practice secretly in this way.

Under normal circumstances, it is hidden deep in the ground, and some things that need to be done are handed over to its descendants-that is only to be handled by Emperor Ji.

Even the two necromancers adjacent to Liang Guo didn't know that Liang Guo had a more terrifying Wangtian, in addition to Wangdi.

Today, when the old woman activated the magic circle and the people of the Liang Kingdom on the ground shouted long live, Wang Tianjian didn't take it seriously at all, thinking that everything was the same as before.

And, hilariously, it's still waiting underground.

Although it does not need the gathered royal road luck, the power of belief is useful to it.

However, it never imagined that it would be a silly dog ​​waiting for sheep's eggs under the ground.

The peaches have been picked by others, and they are still waiting there stupidly.

When Wang Tianjian noticed the abnormality and inspected the Liang Kingdom's imperial city, there were only some remnants of aura and fortune left there.

The one who grabbed the peach was actually a corpse emperor.

This can make it explode with anger.

A Corpse Sovereign, when it arrived at its realm, it didn't even notice it. That's not enough, and the Corpse Sovereign was on top of its head, stealing their harvest for nearly a thousand years.

How could Wang Tianjian expect that Jiang Lin has not been exposed since he arrived in Liang State, but he was worried that the two undead mothers would come looking for him. Later, when he learned that he was in Liang State, Jiang Lin fought even more. They were careful and cautious, so they were never discovered.

At this time, Jiang Lin didn't know that Wangtian was about to explode with anger. He took advantage of the cover of the night to quickly shuttle between the mountains and forests.

Before, with the help of power that did not belong to him, he ran rampant for thousands of miles. Now, he is not far from the border of Liang Kingdom.

When he was running with all his strength, his incarnation gradually disappeared because the power it was attached to gradually dissipated. Finally, when the corpse pill hidden in it exploded, only a mass of corpse energy remained.

But when Wangtian arrived, there was nothing left.

That night, Wang Tianjian kept roaring furiously, flying around in the sky above Liang Country, that damned guy stole his peaches and hid it so he couldn't find it.

Will this work?

However, it really can't be found.

Jiang Lin turned into a human-shaped pangolin again after hearing the faint whistle, but this time, he took the shovel that he had prepared in the ancient mirror, and dug the passage more than ten meters below the ground. .

It was not until two days later that Jiang Lin left the extremely dangerous Jedi of Liang.

He has already arrived at the nearest neighbor of Liang State - Sword State.

However, Jiang Lin still did not dare to speed up his journey. First, it was because Wangtianjian had been searching for his traces for the past few days, and his crisis had not completely passed, and secondly, the accumulation in his body belonged to Wangtianjian. Corpse poison has become a problem.

He must solve it first before he can use normal means.

At the beginning, in order to restrain his corpse emperor's aura, he took the initiative to deposit the corpse poison in his body due to his diet and breathing, so that his physique became the same as that of Liang Guoren.

At that time, he had to do it as a last resort, but the actual situation was that he drank poison to quench his thirst.

Now that he has left the country of Liang, these corpse poisons in his body may become coordinates, allowing Wang Tianjian to find him.

Now, he can only solve the problems in his body first, and then think about other things, but he has already sent those corpse poisons into the secret place in his body, and then he wants to cook, it is not an easy thing.

After all, the corpse poison of Wangtianjian can get along with the people of Liang. It has undergone thousands of years of precipitation, and the adaptability of the human body has automatically adjusted this corpse poison in the most reasonable way.

Therefore, even if Jiang Lin has the true sun fire and immortal fire, as well as his own corpse poison, it will take considerable effort to completely deal with the situation in his body.

Therefore, Jiang Lin's primary problem now is to find a very safe place, hide for a while, and then move on after the limelight has passed.

This is the safest.

But in the center of the sand sea in the northern region, it is not an easy task to find a safe area.

In the past, he had been walking carefully, but he still encountered many dangers, which made him wonder if there was any safety in the center of the sand sea in the northern region.

It was because Jiang Lin didn't use his spiritual power after leaving the Liang Kingdom that he escaped the catastrophe.

Liang Guo has two 犼, one Wangtian 犼, the other Wangdi 犼, the former is in the Liang country and the latter is not, although Wangdi 犼 is not in the Liang country, but - it is in the sword country.

If Jiang Lin knew that he had escaped from the Liang Kingdom and came to the Sword Kingdom with all his hardships, but there happened to be a Wangdi on the road ahead, he would be so angry that his mouth was full of fragrance.

Grass mud horse!

Hopeful Heaven in the back, Emperor Hope in the front, what the hell is this shit!

Jiang Lin had the experience of escaping from the tiger's mouth and entering the Longtan before, but this time, he had another wave of wolves and tigers.

"How good is that."

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