He glanced at it and found that there was a large mural on the side wall of the main hall, and, strangely, there was a faint fairy spirit escaping from it, giving the whole mural a hazy feeling.

Jiang Lin walked over to check it out.

If he can use a sufficient amount of immortal energy to drive the immortal fire in his body due to overload, it may allow him to solve his own problems as soon as possible.

Before arriving at the mural, Jiang Lin could see clearly the content on the mural. The pictures on it were all kinds of girls, and there were also many Qionglou Yuyu. However, it was a little strange that the mural itself was not very beautiful, but his His eyes fell on it, and he seemed to be able to see the appearance of those girls.

"Brother Jiang, what are you looking at?"

At this moment, Zhu Xiaolian saw Jiang Lin staring at the mural and came over.

"It's okay, just take a look."

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, and reached out to touch the mural. Apart from a slight fairy spirit, this large mural seemed to have a little spatial fluctuation, as if there were caves in the painting.

Just as Jiang Lin's fingers were about to touch the mural, under his fingertips, a girl on the mural suddenly opened her eyes, and suddenly let out a soft exclamation from behind the Buddha statue not far away.

A girl in a white dress fell to the ground, Jiang Lin followed the sound, then turned to look at the mural, and found that a girl in the mural was missing.

The girl in the white dress not far away actually ran out of the mural.

And behind it, there is a door of light.

The girl in the white dress glanced at Jiang Lin, then got up and entered the gate of light.

"Brother Jiang, this... what's going on?"

Naturally, Zhu Xiaolian also discovered this scene, and was as surprised as if he had seen a ghost.

"I don't know either, I'll go take a look."

Jiang Lin chased after him, and also walked into the door of light. What he found just now was not wrong. There was indeed a spirit of fairy in the mural, and the door of light also overflowed with spirit of fairy, and it seemed that it should be connected. To the inside of the fresco cave.

Now, Jiang Lin Zhengchou wants to find a place to avoid it. The cave inside this mural is full of fairy spirit, and the girl in the white dress just now has pure and innocent eyes, which shows that the world in the painting is not evil. He could just go in and hide.

As for whether he can come out, he is not worried. Since the girl in the white dress can come out of the mural, it means that there must be some way to get in and out.

Jiang Lin didn't think too much about it, so he followed him in. The main reason was that he had to remove his own hidden dangers and treat his wife Jiang Ting with the corpse poison that had accumulated in her body as soon as possible.

He really doesn't have much time.

When Zhu Xiaolian saw Jiang Lin entered the Gate of Light, he followed.

"Why did you follow up?"

After they both entered the Gate of Light, they went to a cave and found Zhu Xiaolian following him. Jiang Lin was a little speechless. This Zhu Xiaolian is a good person, but he couldn't understand some of the brain circuits.

First of all, not afraid of making trouble, chased Meng Longtan with a knife and slashed wildly, but now, regardless of what was ahead, whether there would be danger, he followed him into the Gate of Light.

"Go back quickly."

Jiang Lin asked Zhu Xiaolian to go back the same way. If he went to an unfamiliar place, he still had some ability to hide or protect himself, but Zhu Xiaolian was just an ordinary mortal scholar, and following him might lead to bad things, and he might even become his burden.

However, when he turned his head, Jiang Lin realized that the door of light behind him had disappeared, and there was only a cave wall in its place.


Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, and now he can't do it without Zhu Xiaolian.

At this time, some golden light spots floated from the other side of the cave. These light spots were all transformed by the rich fairy spirit. Jiang Lin's eyes lit up and looked into the depths of the cave.

The girl in the white dress was squatting in the corner of the cave just now, and those golden light spots escaped from her body.

Chapter [-] Thousand Flowers Forest

Is it a fairy?

Jiang Lin was very surprised. When he saw the girl in the white skirt before, outside the Gate of Light, the latter did not have any spiritual or fairy power, but when he arrived in this cave, the girl in the white skirt turned into a ghost. Fairy.

It's just that the power of the fairy spirit in her body is dispersing from the body at a fast speed.

This also caused the girl in the white skirt to squat in the corner with her knees in her arms, looking weak and helpless.

Could it be that this girl left the place where she used to be, causing the power of the fairy to quickly lose?

Jiang Lin had such a guess in his heart, and then he walked over and asked the girl in the white skirt, "Girl, what is this place?"

The girl in the white dress blinked at Jiang Lin with a pair of star eyes, then shook her head slightly, and said, "I don't know."

Then, her pair of willow-leaf eyebrows frowned slightly, and the power of the fairy spirit lost in her body made her feel very uncomfortable.

"That girl, do you mind if I help you?"

Jiang Lin wanted to use the spiritual power in his body to help the girl, but he didn't know how to get to the cave that contained the spirit of the fairy, so the girl had to lead the way.

It's just that he was worried that his action would be too abrupt without permission, which would arouse the disgust of the girl in the white skirt, so he asked first.

"Can you help me?"

The white-skirted girl's eyes flashed like butterflies, and then she nodded.

Jiang Lin put his palm on her back and injected the spiritual power into her body.

Now this is an independent space, and the connection to the outside world has been closed, so Jiang Lin is not worried that he will be locked by Wangtianjian.

While injecting spiritual power, Jiang Lin also sent out the fairy fire in his body, forming a thin layer of fire around the girl's body, blocking the leakage of the fairy power in the girl's body.

After being touched by a large palm of Jiang Lin's back, and with spiritual power and immortal fire entering her body, the girl in the white dress suddenly let out a soft moan, feeling that her whole body was warm, and her whole body became peaceful.


The expression on Jiang Lin's face was a bit strange, and the girl in the white dress didn't seem to know that her voice was a little strange.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Zhu Xiaolian walked over by the glimmer of light brought by those golden light spots, and looked at Jiang Lin and the girl in the white skirt inexplicably.

What are you two doing?

"Okay, you're fine."

Jiang Lin retracted his palm, stood up, and restrained his spiritual power and Yang Yan.

After injecting spiritual power into Peony just now, the corpse poison in his body from Wangtianjian erupted without warning, forcing him to suppress it with all his spiritual power and Yang Yan.

"you two……"

"To shut up."

Jiang Lin glared at Zhu Xiaolian, what are we doing and what does it have to do with you?

"Thank you so much, son, what's your name? My name is Peony."

The girl in the white skirt stood up and thanked Jiang Lin solemnly. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's help, she might have been weak and dangerous.

"Xiaosheng Jianglin, this is my friend Zhu Gongzi."

After Jiang Lin introduced himself and Zhu Xiaolian, he asked, "You don't know where this place is, so how did you appear here?"

"I really do not know."

Peony still shook her head, she really didn't know how she got to Zhantan Temple.

Jiang Lin pressed his eyebrows. He originally thought that if he followed Peony, he would be able to enter the cave in the fresco, but now this girl is better. After asking three questions, he didn't know, and the door of light behind him had long since disappeared.

If you can't go to the cave, there is no way back.

"There seems to be some light over there, let's go and take a look first."

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes and found that there seemed to be some light in the depths of the other side of the cave, so he was ready to go over to take a look.

"I'm afraid of the dark."

As a result, Peony's words almost made him lose his footing.

A fairy, afraid...afraid...afraid of the dark?

"Then you pull my sleeve, and I'll take you there."

Jiang Lin stretched out his arm and let Peony pull on his sleeve. Originally, he was able to use his own yang flames as lighting, but now there is chaos in his body. is impossible.

So, Peony pulled Jiang Lin's cuff and followed behind.

After a while, she simply grabbed the hem of Jiang Lin's gown.

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at Peony and smiled slightly. No girl had pulled his clothes like this for many years.

The last time was when the silly white sweet girl Nianying liked to follow him like this when she was not married to him.

It didn't take long for the three to reach the end of the cave, but the end of the cave was not a hole, but a door with a window lattice.

Seeing the scenery outside, Peony immediately ran to the door and said to Jiang Lin, "You can't go in here, you should leave quickly."

Jiang Lin felt a little baffled and asked, "Don't you know where this is?"

"I didn't know it was in the cave before, but here, I know. This is Ten Thousand Flowers Forest and my home. You can't go in anyway. Men, men can't go inside."

After Mudan explained it to Jiang Lin, he took his hand and led him back the same way, but before he took two steps, the original cave was gone.

There is only a thick stone wall, exactly the same as when the door of light disappeared before.

"Okay, now you can't go back even if you want to, you'd better take us in."

Jiang Lin shrugged, expressing helplessness.

Don't say that the way back is gone, even if there is, he won't leave.

He came here to find this cave to hide, and then use the spirit of the fairy here to solve his own hidden dangers. Now that he has arrived at the door, he has returned without success. How is this possible.

However, what Peony said just now made him a little puzzled. There is a strong fairy spirit here, and there are almost no impurities. It is indeed not a dangerous place. Logically speaking, the creatures inside should be similar to Peony. The heart is quite pure, but Peony said that men can't enter the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest outside the door.

Looking at Peony's appearance, if a man enters the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, he may be in danger.

What does this mean?

"That's fine, but you must not walk around randomly, you must follow me, and it is best not to talk."

The way to come is gone, even if Mudan is unwilling, he can only bring Jianglin and the others into Wanhualin.

After opening the door, Peony pulled Jiang Lin to trot all the way, and Zhu Xiaolian followed behind them.

Only then did Jiang Lin realize that this Ten Thousand Flowers Forest was really like a palace of a fairy family, the Pearl Palace Bequequette, and the Langyuan Qionglou, which were extremely beautiful.

Moreover, all kinds of flowers are planted around, such as peonies, peony, cloves, etc. too many to list, the fragrance of flowers is overflowing and refreshing.

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