Countless Yaocao Qihua, the pavilions set off as if sitting on the sea of ​​flowers,

This Fangdongtian is so beautiful that it is comparable to the immortal mansion in the Yungong Heavenly Court.

What a forest of ten thousand flowers, is this the imperial garden of heaven?

Jiang Lin was very surprised. Except for Yungong Heavenly Court, he had never seen such a beautiful scene.

Chapter [*] Is it a sin for a man to live?

There was a huge open space in front of those buildings, and there were many futons placed in the open space, which seemed to be used for meditation.

"Don't look, just follow me."

Seeing Jiang Lin glancing around and walking slowly, Mudan dragged him and brought him and Zhu Xiaolian under the eaves of the pavilion, walking along the wall, as if for fear of being discovered by them.

Just at this moment, girls like flowers and jade came out of the attic around the square, and they all gathered towards the square.

I'm going!

All fairies?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but widen his eyes. This cave is actually a place where fairies live. All of those fairies are not weak, and the one with the highest cultivation can be compared to his wife Yu Canhua's peak.

Peony also saw this scene, and was even more anxious.

She took Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian to an exit, and said to Jiang Lin: "You guys hide over there, there is a bamboo forest there, I will find you."

"Okay, Miss Peony, go and do your work first."

Jiang Lin nodded. The bamboo forest not far ahead contained a strong fairy spirit, and he could use it there.

"Hurry up."

After pushing Jiang Lin, Peony hurried back to her room, put on a floor-length dress, and went to the square.

At this time, there were already many girls in the square sitting on the futon, and a fairy in a long moon-white dress at the head had already begun to call their names.

This fairy is slightly older than the peony, and is the peony fairy who presides over the practice and in charge of many affairs in the Wanhua Forest.

Peony said to Fairy Shaoyao who was taking the call: "Sister Shaoyao, I'm late."

"where did you go?"

Shaoyao's nose moved slightly, and when she smelled a little demonic energy in Peony, she frowned.

But Peony just lowered her head and said nothing. She didn't ask any more questions and let her sit down to practice.

On the other side, Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian also went to the bamboo forest, Jiang Lin sat down directly, and began to concentrate on absorbing the fairy spirit in the forest and supplying the fairy fire in his body for consumption.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin suddenly heard a noise not far away, and squinted to look at the source of the sound.

Then he found out that Zhu Xiaolian ran over there...

This guy wasn't with him, he didn't know when he ran into the pile of women.

I'm so...

The blue veins on Jiang Lin's forehead burst out. Just now, his energy was basically focused on cooking the corpse poison in his body, so he didn't realize that Zhu Xiaolian was so funny.

This stuff sucks!

Jiang Lin really wanted to beat someone up. At this moment, he even felt that it was an extremely wrong decision to go on the road with Zhu Xiaolian.

Peony sent the two of them here in such a hurry to avoid being discovered, but Zhu Xiaolian, the idiot, took the initiative to run over.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin left the bamboo forest and went to the square. Zhu Xiaolian didn't know that the girls were fairies, and if any of the actions were a bit frustrating and angered the host, it would be bad.

Not only would that cause him to deal with his planned abortion, but it would also affect Peony.

If he wants to get out of this cave, he has to land on Peony.

When Jiang Lin arrived at the square, the fairies screamed again.


"There's another man here!"


No way?Haven't seen a man?

Jiang Lin twitched the corners of his mouth. When these fairies saw him, it was like seeing an extinct creature.

"Fairies, Xiao Ke and his friends have no intention of offending and disturbing you, and I am very sorry."

He clasped his hands together, Jiang Lin bowed deeply to the fairies, and then he stepped forward and pulled Zhu Xiaolian down, clenched his fists, and said to him, "If you run around again, believe it or not, I will move on you. thick?"

"Hey, this man is very polite."

"Yeah, unlike that idiot who stared straight at Sister Shaoyao."

"That idiot, he introduced himself to Sister Shaoyao when he came up, and also asked Sister Shaoyao's name. It's like someone else, don't look down on evil, and apologize very sincerely."

Jiang Lin heard the discussions of the fairies around him, and finally knew what Zhu Xiaolian had done just now.

You are a real beer.

He took this Zhu Xiaolian, these are fairies in the square, but Zhu Xiaolian was good, and he came up: Hello, Miss, please leave your contact information.

Fortunately, these fairies have never seen a man before, and their curiosity is too heavy, otherwise problems will arise.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to take Zhu Xiaolian away, there was a sudden sound of a gong in the distance.

At the source of the sound, two columns of honor guards composed of women came over, and in the middle of the honor guard was a graceful lady.

"Bad, here comes my aunt!"

Seeing that the lady was walking from a distance, Peony panicked for a while, and the other fairies were so frightened that they immediately returned to their respective positions.

Shaoyao looked around and found that there was no place for Rong Jianglin and the others to hide, so he kicked Zhu Xiaolian's back knee, made him kneel, and lifted up the dress of the fairy next to Peony, covering him .

Afterwards, she wanted to kick Jiang Lin up again, but Jiang Lin dodged and ducked.

Shaoyao frowned, and said, "No outsiders are allowed here, especially men. If you don't hide, your aunt will find out, and you will only have a dead end."

"Quick, quick, squat down."

Mudan was so anxious that Jiang Linfen couldn't help but press down on his shoulders, causing him to squat down, also covering him with his skirt.

When a man arrives here, there is only one dead end?

Jiang Lin felt weird again. This Ten Thousand Flowers Forest didn't allow men to enter, but it was understandable. After all, it seemed that the people living here were all fairies.

But when the man entered here, there was only one dead end, which made him a little puzzled.

Men are not welcome, and the order is to evict the guest, but you still have to stay?

However, doubts turned into doubts, Jiang Lin still endured it for the time being, that fairy peony's cultivation base was not low, her aunt's cultivation base could only be higher, and he was not able to fight against it.

The lady came to the square and sat on the throne in front, and the fairies bowed to her.

As soon as she sat down, the lady's nose moved, and then her face suddenly turned cold, and said, "What kind of strange smell is this? Is it... a man? The smell of a man!"

Glancing at the peony, peony and the fairies, the lady said coldly, "Who brought the man in? Who is it! I've already said that men are superfluous creatures in this world, and it is a sin for men to live! Among you How dare someone bring a man in? Do you want to rebel!"

Jiang Lin almost squatted when he heard the lady's words.

Men are superfluous creatures in this world?

Is it a sin for a man to live?

He really had never heard of such a thing, not even some scarfs in later generations or female boxers in the forum had ever made such absurd remarks, at least, he had never seen it.

Only yin does not grow, only yang does not grow, there are males and females, and human beings can thrive.

But in this ten thousand flowers forest, such a man has become a superfluous creature, and it is a sin to live so much!

Grab a grass!

Could it be that the aunt of Peony and Shaoyao is an immortal female boxer?

Chapter [*] Thanks to a scapegoat

No wonder Peony is so nervous, it turns out that her aunt is jealous of men.

Only now did Jiang Lin figure out why Peony kept him from entering Wanhualin, and he was worried that he and Zhu Xiaolian would be discovered.

Listening to the tone of the lady in front of her, she really wanted to see a man, so she would cramp his skin and smash his bones into ashes.

The funny guy next to him, don't give me a reason to argue.

Jiang Lin is not too worried about himself now. From the current point of view, the lady hadn't found them yet, but only smelled a little smell.

Just now, Peony secretly released some immortal power and wrapped him. There was also a little immortal power fluctuation in the fairy Cuizhu next to Peony.

Therefore, as long as the lady does not come to check carefully, he and Zhu Xiaolian should not be found.

Even if he comes, he has a certain ability to hide and protect himself.But if Zhu Xiaolian crawls out at this moment and comes with a sage, or something like that, then he will vomit blood.

Fortunately, Zhu Xiaolian didn't dare to move. Although this funny guy didn't know that Peony and Shaoyao were fairies, there were many female guards in front of them, and they all carried weapons. Even if they were women, they were enough to stab him to death.

"Who of you saw the man?"

The lady stood up, walked down the steps, and glanced at the fairies.

But none of the fairies said a word.

Although they called the lady as aunt, they also knew that once Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian were handed over, they would have nothing to do with them.

These fairies are pure and kind-hearted fairies, and they can't bear to see such a result.

"Did you see that?"

Seeing that none of the fairies said anything, the lady asked about the peony at the front, and Shaoyao just shook her head.

The lady snorted coldly, and then her eyes swept back and forth. After a while, she laughed and said, "Come out."

Jiang Lin frowned, he should not have been discovered, could it be Zhu Xiaolian?

Just when he was puzzled, stones and gravels suddenly rolled out from under the futon beside the fairies.

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