Then a demonic aura erupted.

The stones and gravel rolled together to form a human body made of rocks.

Under these futons, there is actually a stone monster hidden.

Jiang Lin sensed the demonic energy outside, and felt a little stunned. He didn't even realize that there was a demon hidden in the square.

Peony and Cuizhu were even more surprised. As for the peony, the expressions on their faces did not fluctuate much. The lady was still some distance away from where they were before. You can see that she was not even a step away from the nearest futon. Far, of course, also found.

It's just that this stone demon has something to do with her sister, so she pretended not to know.

"I thought you were going to hide forever."

The lady looked at the stone demon coldly, and the latter divided into countless stones and gravel, and flew towards the outside of the square.

A fairy vine slipped out of the cuff, and the lady flew out. With a wave of the fairy vine, a wall of light appeared before the stone monster escaped, and the stone monster could not escape and turned back. stone man.

What is this scenario?

The expression on Jiang Lin's face was a bit exciting. Just now, he thought it was a lady who discovered him and Zhu Xiaolian, but he didn't expect that it was not the case at all.

In this case, it seems that someone, no, there is a demon who topped the tank for him and Zhu Xiaolian.

Holy crap, it's so nice!

Jiang Lin covered his mouth and didn't let himself laugh out loud. At this critical moment, a scapegoat appeared.

Thanks to a scapegoat!

He breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Lin was very fortunate, if it wasn't for the scapegoat that appeared, if the lady really looked for it carefully, he would be in trouble.

Once the lady makes a move, then Peony and Shaoyao will also have to make a move. At that time, no matter how high his ability is, he will not be able to overcome such difficulties.

A crowd of gods surrounded him, even if he tried his best, he couldn't do it.

When Jiang Lin was fortunate to have a scapegoat, the guards who had guarded the lady rushed out. At the same time, an owl statue on the lady's throne also came to life, spread its wings and flew out, transforming into Formed into a golden-armored warrior, he rushed towards the stone demon.

Jiang Lin felt the turmoil outside, so he said to Peony: "Miss Peony, I need to communicate with you, but if I transmit the sound, I will reveal where I am. I have to touch your body, just hold your ankle. Now, is this possible?"

There is chaos outside now, which is the opportunity to solve the problem of hiding himself and Zhu Xiaolian. Jiang Lin needs to ask Peony something to make a plan.

Peony didn't answer, just lifted one foot back.


Seeing Peony's little feet, the word "three-inch golden lotus" suddenly appeared in Jiang Lin's mind. Peony's feet are about the size of a child's.

But this was not the time for him to think wildly, he grabbed Mudan's ankle slightly, and at the same time cautiously used his soul-searching ability, with the help of Mudan's eyes, to see the situation outside.

"Okay, Miss Peony, now you don't have to speak out, just communicate with me in your heart. I want to ask you when your aunt was there when you were practicing? You all need to do something. what?"

Jiang Lin passed on his thoughts, and Peony responded immediately: "Sometimes when my aunt is here, when we practice, we just meditate, and there is nothing else to do."

"Okay, you ask the fairy next to you to take my friend away while the chaos is taking place."

"how about you?"

"I have some means of my own, and if the two leave, the goal is bigger, and the risk of being discovered is not small, Miss Peony, do as I say."

The reason why Jiang Lin asked Peony to ask someone to take Zhu Xiaolian away was because he couldn't understand this funny brain circuit, and he might come up with some more nonsense.

As for him not leaving for the time being, it's the same as what he said to Peony. If the two of them leave together, maybe neither of them will be able to leave.

Now that there is a scapegoat, the possibility of the lady finding him again is much lower, and there is really no need to take the risk of being discovered.

But Zhu Xiaolian had to go.

Not for anything else, just because this stuff is funny.

"Understood, I'll let Cuizhu take him to my room. By the way, you can just call me Peony, you don't need to call me a girl."

After responding to Jiang Lin in her heart, Peony whispered softly to Cuizhu next to her, and Zhu Xiaolian, who was under her dress, took advantage of the chaos and went to the place where they stayed not far away.

Chapter [*] People are under the eaves, how can they not bow their heads

Fortunately, the lady's attention was focused on the stone demon, but she didn't notice the green bamboo who left with a bulging bag behind her.

Others didn't even pay attention to the situation here.

It didn't take long for Cuizhu to turn back and make a gesture to Peony.

Doubi Zhu Xiaolian was arranged, Jiang Lin was relieved, and he asked Peony some information from his heart.

The stone monster in the square is estimated to be doomed, so he has to make some calculations for what he may encounter next.

At this time, the battle situation in the square had reached a fever pitch, and Jiang Lin could see it through Peony's eyes.

The stone demon cultivation base has reached the level of a demon saint, but in the hands of the golden armored warriors, it has been repeatedly defeated.

In the end, after Shi Yao used the life-saving secret, he was ready to forcibly break through the light wall set up by the lady, but before he was allowed to fly close to the light wall, the lady came first and stood in front of him.

With a finger of the fairy vine in the lady's hand, the stone demon was unable to move immediately, and then a raging fairy fire rushed out of the fairy vine and rushed onto the stone monster.

After a while, the stone demon was burned by the immortal fire and could not even maintain its human form, and turned into a pile of rubble and fell to the ground, only a stone head with a round outline.

"Just to see a friend, don't be so nervous, right?"

The head of the stone monster on the ground uttered a loud voice.

"I'm so nervous, haha..."

After sneering, the lady's face changed, and she said coldly: "You are a monster, and you are not qualified to be friends with our fairies."

Shi Yao continued: "But, we are already in love, even if you stop me from letting me see her, you can't stop us from falling in love."

I'm going, that's what happened.

When Jiang Lin heard this, he knew why a scapegoat appeared so coincidentally.

It turned out that this stone monster was in love with a certain fairy here, otherwise it would not have broken into the Wanhua Forest where the fairies gathered, and even hid under the futons of the fairies.

"In love? Haha..."

The lady laughed again, as if she had heard a joke.

"However, it seems that you really love her very much, otherwise you wouldn't risk your death to come to this Thousand Flower Forest. Am I right?"

As the lady spoke, the chill on her face gradually grew stronger: "Who fell in love with you? Who—falls in love with you?"

With a cold face, the lady glanced at Shaoyao and Peony, and all the fairies lowered their faces and dared not look at them.

The lady strictly ordered them not to touch the feelings of men and women, otherwise they might be beaten to the core.

After taking two steps, the lady raised her foot and stepped on the stone demon's head into a pile of rubble. A demon saint was trampled to death by her.

The lady focused her gaze on the fairies not far away, and shouted, "I killed some of your lovers, so some of you are sad, right?"

Among the fairies, except for Shaoyao and a young girl, Yunmei, who was drunk by the lady, she immediately knelt down. Shaoyao pressed Yunmei next to her, and made her kneel.

I said that this stone demon cultivation base is not too high, how can it hide under the futon.

Jiang Lin saw the details of the peony through Peony's eyes, and knew what was going on in his heart.

It seems that this peony is not as sad as the peony described.

And that fairy Yunmei should be Shi Yao's lover.

However, what happened to these fairies and what they had to do with the stone monsters was not something he considered. The stone monsters were gone, and then he would have to take precautions to prevent accidents.

Seeing a group of fairies kneeling down, the lady paced and said to them: "I told you a long time ago that love is a game for men, but to us women, it will only cause harm. So, I don't allow you to touch it, I have told you many times, everything here is arranged by me! I said that it is a sin for a man to live, and once you have love between you and a man, after they play, the crime will be On our women!"

You lacked calcium when you were young, and you lacked love when you grew up!

Jiang Lin really couldn't listen anymore.

This lady didn't know if she was seriously lacking in love or had met some scumbag, and then she completely became a resentful woman.

I'll go alone and hate all men.

At this time, Peony was worried, and now her aunt was angry. If Jiang Lin was discovered, then Jiang Lin would really have no good end.

But fortunately, the lady is very angry now, and she has no mood to accompany these fairies to practice here.

"I don't practice today, I'm not in the mood."

Taking a deep breath, the lady passed through the fairies, and the honor guards, guards, and golden-armored warriors followed her and left the square together.

Jiang Lin and Peony both breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Peony, I ask you one thing, can you let your sisters surround you? I have some means of stealth, but I may expose my own aura, just release your immortal power to cover my aura. "

Jiang Lin asked Peony to help him in a pleading tone.

This is the first time he has lowered his posture and sought help from others since he began to cultivate.

People are under the eaves, how can they not bow their heads.

Jiang Lin finally understood the meaning of this folk proverb.

In this forest of thousands of flowers, there is an old grudge who is jealous of men, and now there are many young guards around to clean up the square. Once found, his condition is very bad.

Not only will he be in danger, but the hope of saving Jiang Ting may be gone.

"It's not difficult."

Peony responded in her heart, and then called her and several fairy sisters, surrounded her, and released the immortal power in her body at the same time.

Jiang Lin used his invisibility ability, came out from under Peony's skirt, and went with Peony to the lodging pavilion of the fairies not far away.

When they arrived in Mudan's room, Jiang Lin showed his real body, and then the five or six sisters of Mudan, Cuizhu and the others, looked up and down Jiang Lin with their eyes.

It's like looking at extinct creatures.

"Quite good looking."

"Yes, much stronger than those men in the painting."

"Sister Peony, I didn't expect you to be so bold and dare to bring a man in. Do you want to be his wife?"

"I can't believe that Peony's sister is not young, and she is very courageous."

Cuizhu and the others talked a lot, some praised Jianglin for being handsome and mighty, and some ridiculed Peony that she wanted to be Jianglin's wife.

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