Chapter [*] She is not dead!

When Jiang Lin heard these words, a little blue vein appeared on his forehead.

Why is your aunt's warning so serious, and I haven't seen you see a man like a tiger.

Seeing that one or two fairies looked like they were going to eat him, Jiang Lin could only stand aside.

Some of these fairies don't know how old they are, they have never seen a man, and they are psychologically suppressed by the twisted lady.

Now seeing a man with good looks and temperament like him, his nature of attracting opposites makes them look like little witches.

Peony was teased with blushing cheeks, and quickly pushed Cuizhu and the others out.

"Miss Peony."

After the rest of the fairies left, Jiang Lin bowed to Peony and gave a solemn salute.

Peony waved her hand and said, "You don't have to thank me, you helped me when I was in the cave, and I should repay your kindness."

"I'm not talking about this. Jiang Lin followed you to enter the gate of light. In fact, it has a purpose. You have a spirit of immortality here. I really need it, so I entered the world behind this mural with you. However, Now your aunt regards men as enemies, and she can't wait to kill a man like me, so I need your help, and I want to stay here. If you help, Jiang Lin will be grateful when you leave!"

Jiang Lin expressed his request. Although it is dangerous here, it is fortunate that Mudan and the others are not like that lady who wanted to kill a man when they saw a man. Not only that, but Mudan and the others were also pure-hearted and would not report him and Zhu Xiaolian. go out.

Therefore, Jiang Lin wanted Peony to help him again.

However, he will not let Peony contribute in vain and take risks. When he leaves, he will leave a lot of immortal treasures for Peony and Cuizhu.

It's just that these immortal treasures can only be taken out before he leaves, otherwise he may be guilty.

Now, Jiang Lin really needs to stay here, at least for a period of time, he has to stay here, the cave behind the mural not only has abundant fairy energy, but more importantly, it is extremely safe and isolated from the outside world. Find a way to get in and out, there's no way to get in or out at all.

Staying here can not only allow him to manage his own hidden dangers but also avoid Wangtian's search, and more importantly, it will allow him to treat Jiang Ting with peace of mind.

It's just that there is a resentful woman outside who is jealous of men, and her cultivation base is far beyond that of ordinary angels. Without the help of Peony and others, he really can't stay at ease.

"Anyway, I didn't know how to get out before. If I want to find the entrance to the outside world, I guess I have to trouble Cuizhu and the others to check some books. It also takes time. If you go out and don't get discovered, there's no problem."

Peony nodded, even if Jiang Lin didn't want to stay here, he still couldn't get out. In that case, she could still help with this little task.

"Thank you."

"You are so polite, you can stay with me from now on, it's not safe to be outside, but, your scholar friend, I don't want him to come over, so let him stay at Cuizhu. ."

Peony's impression of Zhu Xiaolian was not very good, so the joker didn't listen to her advice, and went to their practice square to introduce herself to Shaoyao.

If Shaoyao were to agree with their aunt on this matter, it would directly implicate Jiang Lin and her.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, although it was inconvenient for him to stay in the peony boudoir, but now there is no other better way.

Then he went to the corner of Peony's room to sit cross-legged, and continued to use the energy of the fairy spirit, urging the fairy fire to cooperate with the sun's real fire to strengthen the corpse poison in the body.

Peony sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Jiang Lin with both hands supported.

She really couldn't see that Jiang Lin, a man, would be as ruthless and unrighteous as her aunt said, a sinner whose life is a sin.

Although she didn't get along with Jiang Lin for a long time, Jiang Lin gave her a very reliable feeling.

Perhaps because he was rescued by Jiang Lin in the cave, Peony had a very good impression of Jiang Lin.

It seems that this man who has known her for a while is not the same kind of creature as the man her aunt said damn it.

After a long while, Jiang Lin exhaled a cloud of turbid air. After absorbing a large amount of immortal spirit energy to supply immortal fire, he finally removed all the corpse poison hidden in the depths of his flesh and blood.

Without delay, he borrowed a quilt from Peony and spread it on the ground, released Jiang Ting's body in the ancient mirror, and made her lie on the quilt on the ground.

"You... why are you still carrying a woman with you?"

Peony saw Jiang Ting in Jiang Lin's arms, her eyes opened like glass beads.

But then she realized something was wrong. The woman in Jiang Lin's arms was no longer angry.


"She's my wife, and I'm here for her."

Jiang Lin didn't hide it from Peony. Peony had already tried his best to help him, so he didn't need to hide such a thing.

"Your... your wife?"

Peony got up and walked over, looked at Jiang Ting, and said, "She is so beautiful, is the dress on her body a wedding dress in the outside world?"

After taking a closer look, Mudan looked at Jianglin and said cautiously, "But...she's dead."

"She...she's not dead, I'll wake her up. When we got married, she blocked an attack from a female nun in order to save me."

Jiang Lin held Jiang Ting in his arms and closed his eyes, the expression on his face was helpless, bitter and worried.

Now Jiang Ting's situation has deteriorated very seriously, and even he is not sure whether he can save her.

If Jiang Ting was only injured by a Wangtian, and was deeply poisoned, she would be smashed by piles of immortal treasures, and Jiang Lin would also wake her up.

However, Jiang Ting was originally from the country of Liang. Not only Jiang Ting herself, but also her parents, her grandparents, and even the eighteenth generation of her ancestors had the corpse poison of Wangtianjian in their bodies.

This kind of corpse poison can be said to have penetrated into her bones and soul. I don't know how difficult it is to remove it. What's more, Jiang Ting is a dead person. Ten years of corpse poison broke out. In such a situation, it is not an exaggeration to say that immortals are hard to save.

Even if Jiang Lin took the next step and planted his own corpse poison on Jiang Ting, it would be useless.

Not to mention his corpse poison, even the corpse poison of drought and generals is equally useless.

Peony squatted down in the past, pressed her slender fingers on Jiang Ting's wrist, and sensed it.

Then an expression of pity appeared on her face, Jiang Ting was dead, but her soul was sealed in her body.

Moreover, Jiang Ting should have been dead for a long time.

"Jiang Lin, she... she's dead, you mourn."

Peony felt a burst of grief in her heart and persuaded Jiang Lin.

"She's not dead!"

Jiang Lin's expression suddenly changed, and he was cold, as if his own scales had been touched.

Chapter [*] Break the defense, collectively break the defense

Mudan was taken aback by Jiang Lin's sudden change of expression, and he stepped back.

Jiang Lin noticed his gaffe and apologized: "Miss Peony, I'm sorry, I'm gaffe. I treat you as a friend, so, in this case, I hope you don't talk about it anymore. No matter how much it costs, I will try my best. , save her."

With a wry smile, Jiang Lin felt that he had indeed lost his temper just now.

In fact, he can't blame him. Some people say that his wife is dead. It's like touching the wound in his heart and rubbing salt on it. Even if he has always been as calm as him, he can't control his emotions.

Jiang Lin apologized to Mudan again. If it was someone else, it would be okay for him to have a bad face, but Mudan had just helped him, and this girl was simple-minded and didn't know much about the world, so he was easily hurt by his abnormality.

"It's nothing."

Mudan shook her head, she really didn't expect Jiang Lin to have such a big reaction, but since Jiang Lin had apologized repeatedly, she didn't care anymore.

"Oh! You... are you staying here just to wake her up?"

After a while, Peony realized that Jiang Lin had so solemnly begged her for help just now, probably for the sake of his dead wife.

Thinking of this section, Peony's eyes fixed on Jiang Lin.

Before, although she felt that Jiang Lin was not like a sinner, she still had doubts in her heart about the matter that was not related to the relationship between a man and a woman.

If Jiang Lin also had a relationship with a woman, would it become as her aunt said, ruthless and ruthless.

But now, these doubts have completely disappeared.

Jiang Lin's actions gave her the answer directly.

Not only that, but at this moment, Peony's inherent cognition began to be loosened.

For a long time, noblewomen have instilled in them the idea that men are ruthless and ruthless, treat women as playthings, and treat feelings as games.

They have accepted this concept since they were young. Although Peony and Cuizhu did not express it intuitively, in their hearts, such thoughts still took root. It is not enough to contact them with men, but if they really want to show affection, then they must be There are great concerns.

Even if the fairies in the past joked with Peony, saying that she was going to be Jiang Lin's wife, it was a pure joke.

But such a cognitive foundation was like being pulled up by Jiang Lin at this time.

"What aunt said is not right at all."

Peony murmured, and now she has begun to doubt her aunt's admonitions and teachings from the bottom of her heart.

Because what Jiang Lin did and what she told her aunt were completely two extremes.

The latter said that men were ruthless, but in order to save his wife, Jiang Lin sincerely begged her to help her stay in Wanhualin.

This would risk death.

Once Jiang Lin was discovered by her aunt, the consequences would be known without thinking.

But Jiang Lin still wanted to stay here regardless of his own safety.

Just to save his wife.

Where's the indifference.

As for treating feelings as a game and women as playthings, that is even more than a thousand miles away from this man Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's wife was dead, and she had been dead for a long time, but he still refused to admit the fact and kept his wife by his side, trying to do everything possible to bring her back to life.

Where is this plaything?Are there any men who play with the feelings of dead women?

Wife is dead, still love does not change, love even after death.

Even if people die, what if they don't die?

I have to say, knowing that Jiang Lin stayed in Wan Hualin to save his dead wife had a great impact on Peony's cognition.

There shouldn't be many such men, right?

It would be great if I could meet one. When I die, I don't want to leave me, and I still love me deeply.

At this moment, Peony's heart deeply envied Jiang Ting in Jiang Lin's arms.

The lady would never have thought that she had inculcated wrong thoughts for so many years, and cast a heart defense for Peony and the others, but now, Peony has been broken by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin didn't know Peony's psychological activities, and he was now concentrating on trying to use the immortal fire and the real fire of the sun to help Jiang Ting pull out the corpse poison from his body without causing serious harm to her.

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