"Peony, that Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu is gone!"

Just when Peony sat back on the bed again and looked at Jiang Lin quietly, Cuizhu came in from outside and told her that Zhu Xiaolian could not be found.


Peony hurriedly made a silent gesture to Cuizhu, for fear that Cuizhu would disturb Jiang Lin who was treating Jiang Ting.

"Why... how come he has another woman?"

Cuizhu saw Jiang Ting, and there were some question marks on his head.

So, Peony told Cuizhu that Jiang Lin wanted to stay in Wanhualin and the purpose of his stay.


Cuizhu also broke the defense.

"Woooooo~ There is actually such a man, doesn't it mean that men are all big hooves and sinners who play with women's feelings?"

The funny thing is that Cuizhu was moved to tears.

Even when his lover dies, he still does not give up, he is not willing to believe the facts, and he risks his life to ask to save his lover.

It was so moving.

Afterwards, Peony asked Cuizhu what was going on, and where did Zhu Xiaolian, the long-legged guy, go.

Jiang Lin was risking his life and death. If Zhu Xiaolian was discovered, Jiang Lin would be implicated, and Jiang Lin would be even more dangerous at that time.

But Cuizhu shook his head again and again, saying he didn't know what was going on.

In fact, it's still her fault.

When she brought Zhu Xiaolian back to the pavilion where the fairy stayed, she was nervous and took him to the wrong floor and took him to Shaoyao's room.

At that time, Cuizhu didn't even look into the room, so he didn't realize that he was leading the wrong way.

Later, on the way back to the room, they were called away by their aunt for questioning. It was not until they returned that Cuizhu realized that Zhu Xiaolian was gone.

Coincidentally, after the lady left the square, Shaoyao found Yunmei, asked about the Shi Yao, and wanted to comfort him, but was greeted with a cold face, and was also called by the lady behind, and she was also trained. a game.

After Shaoyao returned to the room, because she was in a bad mood, she didn't realize that there was someone hiding in her room.

Zhu Xiaolian could have squeaked and let Shaoyao know, in this case, even if he entered the wrong room, Shaoyao would send him to Cuizhu.

But he was thinking about how to talk to Shaoyao, but Shaoyao was unnoticed. He changed his clothes and felt sorry for Jing Gu Ying, talking to himself, saying that he had no friends, and Zhu Xiaolian listened.

If Zhu Xiaolian hadn't been thick-skinned and praised Shaoyao once, Shaoyao would have driven him out, and he would have brought Jiang Lin with him.

"We must find him quickly."

Peony realized that the situation might not be good, so she asked Cuizhu to call a few close sisters to discuss how to find Zhu Xiaolian, and how to tell a lie if Zhu Xiaolian was caught.

Then, the fairy sisters who came behind Peony also found Jiang Ting who was out of breath.

And then, this group of fairies, because of Jiang Lin, who still loves after his wife died, were collectively defeated.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin, they wouldn't even know that there was such a man in the world, someone of the same kind who was completely different from the man in their aunt's mouth.

Chapter [*] is helpless

"what happened?"

After Jiang Lin spent a little effort to curb the deterioration of the corpse poison in Jiang Ting's body, he realized that Peony and Cuizhu were all gathered together to discuss in a low voice, and asked aloud what was going on.

Then after listening to Peony's explanation, the blue veins on his forehead appeared again.

What's more, it's that Zhu Xiaolian again.

I'm going big!

Jiang Lin was really convinced.

If you don't support the wall, just serve that Zhu Xiaolian!

three times.

It's been three times!

Does this guy have four legs?Can you run like that?

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead, he was really about to jump because of Zhu Xiaolian.

If Zhu Xiaolian ran into the gate of light, it would be fine, but this guy doesn't know, but what about the training plaza of the fairies?

After the accident happened in the cultivation square, he didn't have a long memory, and after being hidden, this guy ran away with his seventh uncle and grandfather.

Just when Peony and the others were about to go out to find Zhu Xiaolian, Shaoyao brought Zhu Xiaolian over.

It's just that Zhu Xiaolian at this time, dressed up is too shocking.

Very hot eyes.

women's clothing.

An old man like Zhu Xiaolian put on fairy clothes.

In Shaoyao's room before, after Shaoyao didn't bother with Zhu Xiaolian anymore, she asked why the latter was hiding in her room, and Zhu Xiaolian explained to him that he was taken by Cuizhu and didn't know anything.

Therefore, Shaoyao made Zhu Xiaolian wear women's clothes to avoid the eyes and ears of the guards, and took him to Cuizhu's room, but Cuizhu had already come to Peony's place, and they fluttered.

After that, Shaoyao came to look for the peony that has the best relationship with Cuizhu, and this scene happened.

"Who brought the two of them? Don't you understand aunt's rules?"

After taking Zhu Xiaolian to Mudan, Shaoyao questioned Mudan and the others.

Wanhua Forest prohibits men from appearing. Once discovered, the stone monster will be borrowed.

"Sister Shaoyao, the two of them entered here because of me."

Peony confessed the cause and effect to Shaoyao, and Cuizhu and others also explained.

They can only explain the ins and outs clearly, if they do not explain clearly, they will make Shaoyao mistakenly think that they are in love and report it to the lady.

A group of fairies, including Peony, begged Shaoyao not to leak the story of Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian. Jiang Lin risked his life and death in order to rescue his deceased wife and bring her back to life, which is so worthy of sympathy.

Jiang Lin naturally begged Shaoyao to conceal the existence of him and Zhu Xiaolian, and also made a promise to her to thank each other in the future.

After Shaoyao learned the truth, like Peony and the others, she also felt a wave in her heart. Looking at Jiang Ting lying in the corner of the room, she finally nodded.

However, she would not provide assistance for superfluous matters, just concealing the fact that Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian stayed in Wanhualin.

At that time, she saw Jiang Lin and the rest of the fairies in the training square, and she would go over to say hello, but she would not be responsible for other things or the consequences of their discovery.

"Brother Jiang, I didn't expect you to be such an infatuated man. You are really a role model for my generation and a man's poster."

After Shaoyao left, Zhu Xiaolian praised Jiang Lin and even wrote a poem about an infatuated man for him on the spot.

Jiang Lin's eyebrows jumped wildly, who the hell needs your praise here?

Second uncle, you just need to take care of your legs!

"Brother Zhu, this is the last time I warn you, you'd better be honest with me when you go to Cuizhu girl, otherwise, don't blame me for disregarding the feelings of acquaintance, I can beat you even your mother. do not know you."

Jiang Lin warned Zhu Xiaolian very seriously, that if something like this happens again, he will really be merciless.

In order to let Zhu Xiaolian understand his current situation, he told Zhu Xiaolian that peony, peony and green bamboo were fairies.

"Do you know what situation you and I are in now? You'd better take care of your legs, no matter what, I will help you interrupt it and give you a discount!"

"Understood, I am actually..."

Zhu Xiaolian laughed dryly and explained why he was brought over by the peony.

Jiang Lin is not interested in any misunderstandings between them, as long as Zhu Xiaolian doesn't give him bad things.

"Several sisters, we need to help Jiang Lin hide now, but they will leave later, but I don't know how to leave Wan Hualin and go to the outside world. So, I have to rely on a few sisters during this time. In your spare time, help to check Wan Hualin's classics to see if there is a way to the outside world."

Mudan asked a few sisters to help them find the way out of Wanhualin. Now Jianglin and the others are temporarily safe, as long as no one informs them and is not discovered by outsiders, but the two of them definitely cannot stay here for a long time, and they still need to leave in the end.

Moreover, in the event of any accident, Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian's Xingzang were discovered, and if there was no way to escape by then, they would only have to die.

Cuizhu and the others agreed and left, and Zhu Xiaolian was also taken away by Cuizhu.

After Zhu Xiaolian realized that he had entered the fairy world, he also restrained his curiosity, and he didn't fix any more moths for the next time.

The most important thing was that he was really afraid that Jiang Lin would break his legs. When Jiang Lin said these words to him, he was very serious.

"It still doesn't work."

On this day, Jiang Lin shook his head tiredly. He couldn't handle the situation in Jiang Ting's body.

Now Jiang Ting's problem is not only the corpse poison in the body, but also the soul is gradually invaded by the corpse poison. When he was dealing with the corpse poison in Jiang Ting's body, the corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian entered Jiang Ting spontaneously. In the soul of Jiang Ting, and when he dealt with the corpse poison in the soul, the corpse poison flowed into Jiang Ting's body again.

This really made him careless. For several days, he has been tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

If it is dealt with at the same time, then he cannot guarantee that Jiang Ting will not suffer irreversible damage.

"What to do with this!"

Jiang Lin clenched his fists and punched the wall.


It was the first time Jiang Lin felt this sense of loss since cultivating Taoism.

In Jiang Ting's situation, even though he racked his brains, he couldn't think of a good solution.

In the past, although he was able to fight against immortals and fight against immortals, it was only a battle. In terms of other abilities, he could hardly compare with immortals.

Today, such shortcomings have been completely revealed after facing the deteriorating condition of Jiang Ting's body.

Even immortals are difficult to save, how can he be saved?

Immortal treasures and the like don't have much effect, even if there is immortal spirit energy that can be used, it still hardly changes.

Seeing Jiang Lin slamming her fist at the wall because she was helpless, Peony also felt quite uncomfortable. During these days, Jiang Lin was very honest in her room. Except for trying to save Jiang Ting by all means, almost nothing happened. Not doing anything, not even talking.

But even so, Jiang Ting's situation remained basically unchanged, and it was still no different from a dead person.

The first thousand six hundred and twelve chapters

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