At this time, Jiang Lin didn't know that the danger was approaching.

And Peony is impossible to know.

After using immortal power to remove part of the corpse poison for Jiang Ting's soul, Peony stopped.

She took a peek at Jiang Lin, and then she rolled her eyes and let her thoughts merge into Jiang Ting's soul.

Normally, she doesn't need to do this, she just needs to infiltrate Jiang Ting's soul with immortal power and remove the corpse poison for her.

She did this purely out of her own curiosity.

Even if his wife dies, Jiang Lin will never leave. In Mudan's view, this is really the most beautiful thing in the world, although the current ending is not very good.

Therefore, she wanted to know what happened between Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting.

After the mind was integrated into Jiang Ting's soul, Peony began to search for Jiang Ting's memory. She didn't know how to search for her soul at first, but since Jiang Lin's magic made her a vessel to carry Jiang Ting's soul, then she wanted to It is very simple to read Jiang Ting's memory.

An hour later, Peony's thoughts returned to her own. What she didn't expect was that there was no special story between Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting, and the past between the two was quite dull.

Although it was a little unexpected, Peony thought about it for a while, and felt that Jiang Lin cared more about Jiang Ting because of the lacklustre relationship between them.

Between Jiang Lin and the others, there is only a husband-and-wife relationship based on their status in the outside world, but even so, Jiang Lin still wants to save him regardless of the consequences.

After knowing Jiang Lin and their past, Mudan also knew that Jiang Lin was a demon corpse, and she couldn't help staring at Jiang Lin. In her cognition, there was no good label for corpse evil, and it was extremely evil.

But her understanding of the corpse evil was changed because of Jiang Lin.

Looking at it, Mudan didn't know what was wrong, so she replaced herself as Jiang Ting. She imagined that she became Jiang Ting, and imagined the scene when Jiang Ting woke up in the future and raised her eyebrows with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin, who was treating the corpse poison in Jiang Ting's body, didn't know that the flower fairy, Peony, not far away, was already sprouting, and the object of sprouting was still him.

Chapter [*] After all, the paper can't wrap the fire (below)

After a while, Jiang Lin was ready to rest for a while after dealing with the corpse poison in Jiang Ting's heart. He looked at Peony and asked, "How is it? Did the corpse poison of those corpses do any harm to your fairy body? "

"Ah? Ah!"

At this moment, Peony with a sweet smile on her face suddenly screamed out, she really didn't expect Jiang Lin to suddenly talk to her.

Realizing that she was fantasizing about the "married life" with Jiang Lin, or the kind of life that even had children, Peony immediately made a big red face.

"what happened?"

Jiang Lin walked over quickly. He had never met a flower demon or a flower fairy before, so he thought that Peony's reaction was because Wangtianji's corpse poison was beyond his expectations.

"No...nothing, I...I need to ask Cuizhu and the others how to purify the toxins of corpse evil to be more effective."

As soon as Jiang Lin came over, he made Peony run out of the room in a panic, like a child who stole something and was discovered again.

When they got to Cuizhu, Mudan talked about Jiang Lin's grafting of Jiang Ting's soul into her, and asked about the method of purifying toxins, and also asked the former's progress in finding a way to leave Wan Hualin.

Fortunately, Cuizhu and the others searched Wan Hualin's scrolls and found a way to leave Wan Hualin to the outside world.

After Mudan remembered the method of leaving Wan Hualin, he continued to ask: "Cuizhu, I don't know what's going on today, my heart is always pounding."


Cuizhu looked at the flushed Peony, then frowned and asked, "Apart from the pounding heart, are you still in a panic, and your heart always feels throbbing?"

"Yeah, what's going on? Is there something wrong with my cultivation?"

Peony's head twitched like a chicken pecking at rice. This has never happened before, and it just appeared today.

"Yoyo, oops, my little sister Peony, you are so excited, are in love with Jiang Lin, come, tell me, did your heart skip a beat when he looked at you? ?"

Cuizhu's aunt smiled and looked at Peony with great interest.

In this situation, Peony obviously fell in love with Jiang Lin.

"I... you mean I'm in love with Jiang Lin?"

Peony covered her hot face, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Of course, it's all said in the book. However, you don't have to be afraid. Jiang Lin is different from what Auntie said. If you two get married, he doesn't know how he will spoil you. ."

Cuizhu calmed Mudan's emotions. If Mudan had such a situation before Jiang Lin appeared, she would definitely be worried, but now that the object is Jiang Lin, there is nothing to worry about.

Jiang Lin's actions have proved that he is not a man who treats women as playthings and feelings as games.


Peony's face was ashamed, and the coy didn't look like it.

She only now understands why she replaced Jiang Ting with herself in her mind.

It turned out that that was what she was thinking, but she didn't know it before.

Ashamed, ashamed.

Thinking of his fantasy of living with Jiang Lin and having a doll, Peony's face has become almost the same color as the petals of the body.

"Do you want to take the initiative and tell Jiang Lin that he is thinking about his dead wife now. If you don't take the initiative, he won't think about it."

Cuizhu teased Peony and urged her to confess to Jiang Lin.

"If you make fun of me again, I will ignore you."

With a resentment from Cuizhu, Peony ran out of the room and returned to her residence.

As soon as she opened the door, she heard footsteps lined up in the square outside, and Wan Hualin's guards were rushing towards the attic where the fairy was staying.


At this time, Shaoyao floated into the corridor from mid-air and said to Mudan: "Those two men, take them away quickly, my aunt has already found them and asked me to come and arrest them, the guards will come soon, if they give them If you find it, it means you can’t go even if you want to go.”

Shaoyao's expression was a little anxious. She didn't expect that Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian didn't make any troubles these days, but they were still found out.

If the lady hadn't asked her to oversee the arrest, she wouldn't even know.

In fact, Shaoyao came to inform Peony for her own reasons. Since she met Zhu Xiaolian, she confided her feelings without being noticed and was heard by Zhu Xiaolian. These days, Zhu Xiaolian's figure always appeared in her mind.

Therefore, when she learned that the lady was going to arrest Zhu Xiaolian and Jiang Lin, she immediately came back to inform them.

"How could this be?"

Peony was stunned in place, and Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian were discovered.

Hasn't it been fine before?

"Fairy Shaoyao, thank you for coming to report. These are Jiang's thank you gifts, please accept them."

Jiang Lin came out of Peony's room and took a few immortal treasures from the ancient mirror.

He has already heard what Shaoyao said just now, no matter how unwilling or unwilling to believe it, it is already a fact.

Now that the guards outside are coming, the lady may be behind, and she will arrive soon, and he can't stay any longer.

At least not for now.

"Peony, is there a way to leave?"

"Yes, I have found it, but Jiang Ting she..."

"I'll find another way."

Jiang Lin shook his head, Jiang Ting's soul had already resided in Peony's body, and it could be taken out, but it would take time. If it was taken forcefully, Jiang Ting's soul would be so weak that it would probably be lost.

But now is running out of time.

Once he falls into the hands of the lady, there is no chance for him.

Fortunately, the matter of Jiang Ting's soul being carried by the Peony Immortal Body should not have been discovered, and it is still safe for the time being.

For today's plan, only after he goes out, he will find a way to come in, and then he will find Peony and retrieve his soul.

As for taking Peony away, it is even more impossible. Everything in Wanhua Forest is in the hands of the lady, including Peony's life of course.

The last time Peony went outside was an accident. Now the lady wants to arrest him and Zhu Xiaolian. If Peony leaves with him at this moment, it will harm Peony instead.

He couldn't bear it.

Back then, the Heavenly Court's Wutian was able to control the Heavenly Court's immortals by special means. If the lady in Wanhua Forest didn't have the same means, then she would not be the master here.

In addition to this reason, Peony's stay in Wanhualin can also use the environment here to ensure that the situation of Jiang Ting's soul will not deteriorate.

Therefore, Jiang Lin gave up the idea of ​​taking the peony along with him.

Chapter [*] Something happened!

"Hurry up, it's too late."

Seeing that Peony was hesitant, Shaoyao hurriedly urged.

In the end, Mudan could only hold back and drag Jiang Lin downstairs. After Cuizhu learned about the situation, he brought out Zhu Xiaolian from the arranged cubicle, and Mudan took them away together.

After the three arrived at the door and window where they originally came to Wanhualin, Mudan said to Jianglin and Zhu Xiaolian: "You recite these few mantras silently, and concentrate on imagining where you want to go, and the gate of light will appear."

After teaching Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian the spell to leave, Peony grabbed Jiang Lin's wrist again and asked, "If you say I'd like to go with you, would you like to take me away? I...I...I'm in love with you. is you."

Jiang Lin was stunned when he heard Peony's confession. He looked at Peony and said, "I am willing to take you away, but not now, you have the soul of my wife in your body, and the corpse poison of hopeful heaven in you. When you go out, the immortal energy on your body will dissipate, and your cultivation will drop greatly. Then your body, as a container, may suffer greatly increased damage. And if you leave, your life may be in danger. Wait for me. , I will come again, and then I will find a way to solve your hidden dangers and take you away."

If it wasn't for Mudan's safety and Jiang Ting's situation, if Mudan was willing to go with him, he certainly wouldn't have any idea of ​​refusing.

During the time he spent with Peony, his impression of this flower fairy girl was still very good. People were willing to go with him, why didn't he?

It's just that the situation is special now, and he really can't take Peony away.

After receiving Jiang Lin's response, the smile on Peony's face couldn't be hidden at all. Since Jiang Lin had already made a promise, he would definitely keep his promise.

She had no doubts in her heart.

"Peony, thanks to the help of you and Cuizhu and the other fairies during this time, Jiang Lin is very grateful. You keep these fairy treasures and let them take them later, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

Jiang Lin took another storage device containing immortal grass and immortality from the ancient mirror in his arms and gave it to Peony.

This time, he asked others for help, and Cuizhu and the others stood by their side, so he wouldn't let them take any risks in vain.

"Brother Jiang, here we come, here we come!"

At this time, Zhu Xiaolian hurriedly reminded Jiang Lin that the guards had already rushed in this direction.

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