"Peony, if you have any guilt, you will always put it on me. If your aunt looks for you, you will say that you are threatened. I will leave some wounds on you, so that you can explain it, and you will use it later. The immortal treasure recuperates and will recover soon. You hurry up, I will go first."

After explaining to Peony, Jiang Lin stuffed the magical storage tool into Peony's arms, and slammed her shoulder with another palm, sending it flying.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin imagined the destination Zhantan Temple according to the method that Peony had taught them before, and Zhu Xiaolian also gathered his spirits.

Not long after, a door of light appeared in front of them, and the two walked in.

Suddenly, Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian appeared behind the original Buddha statue in the main hall of Zhantan Temple, where the gate of light appeared.

To the surprise of the two of them, in the main hall, Zhu Xiaolian's book boy and the mountain bandit Meng Longtan were still there.

Moreover, Zhu Xiaolian's luggage and book basket were placed on the wooden pier in the hall.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Lin frowned, it seemed that the time here did not pass long, and even said that only a short period of time had passed.

But he and Zhu Xiaolian have been in Wanhua Forest for half a month.

"Young Master, Young Master Jiang, what are you looking at over there? Do you want steamed buns?"

When the book boy saw Zhu Xiaolian and Jiang Lin appear, he took two steamed buns from the book basket and asked them if they wanted it.

Jiang Lin took the steamed buns and asked, "Have you been there all the time?"

The book boy replied, "What's been there all the time? Didn't we all just get here? Master Fufu just went to pick up the fast food, why don't we eat some steamed buns first?"

After listening to Shutong's words, Jiang Lin really confirmed that the time flow of the cave world behind the mural is fundamentally different from that of the real world.

"Brother Jiang, look at the mural over there."

At this time, Zhu Xiaolian pointed to a mural of hell on the opposite side, whose painting style was completely different from the mural of Wanhualin here.

However, the point is that there is only one girl in the mural, and that girl looks very miserable in the endless sea of ​​fire.

After Jiang Lin saw the picture of hell, his heart tightened. The girl inside was exactly Peony!

He quickly turned around and looked at the mural behind him, and found that the peony, the green bamboo, and the cloud plum were all there, but there was no peony.

not good.

problem occurs!

Something happened to Peony!

Jiang Lin realized that the situation was out of his expectation, so he hurriedly used the method that Peony told them to try to see if the door of light could be opened.

But the fact is not as he intended, the method provided by Peony is only to leave Wanhualin, but not the way to enter Wanhualin from the outside.

"The fasting meal is here, and several donors will do it themselves."

Just when Jiang Lin was in a anxious mood, the immovable monk brought a food table with a few vegetarian dishes on it.


Jiang Lin hurriedly bowed to the immortal monk, and then said: "Can the master tell us how the gate of light will appear? The gate of light leads to the world behind the mural here, and there are many flower fairies in it."

Knowing the difference between the time of Wanhualin and the real time, it was too late for him to find a way to enter Wanhualin again, so he could only ask this immovable eminent monk from Zhantan Temple.

Since Ten Thousand Flowers Forest exists in the main hall of Zhantan Temple, it is impossible for the immovable monk to know nothing about it.

Now that he and Zhu Xiaolian have come out, according to the mural content of the picture of hell on the opposite side, it should be some time has passed in the forest of ten thousand flowers at this time.

If you let him find a way to enter, I'm afraid Peony is long gone.

Jiang Ting's soul will also be destroyed.

"With many flower fairies, isn't that a fairyland?"

Meng Longtan laughed when he heard Jiang Lin's words, feeling that Jiang Lin was joking.

"Yeah, benefactor, are you fainting from hunger and having an upside-down dream?"

The immovable monk smiled and shook his head, ignoring Jiang Lin's words.

Zhu Xiaolian, who was on the side, explained: "It's true, there are indeed flower fairies in it, there are many, and there is also a huge dojo."

"Master, I beg you, monks are merciful, I need to go in and save people."

Jiang Lin once again bowed deeply to the immortal monk, and now he can only count on this Buddhist Arhat.

"Okay, you wait."

The immobile monk nodded, then went to the side and picked up a stick.

After that, he tapped Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian on the back of their heads.

Zhu Xiaolian's beating was nothing, but Jiang Lin didn't dodge it, and was suffocated on the back of his head.

The first thousand six hundred and sixteenth chapter, the weasel gives New Year's greetings to the chicken?

"Master, how can you beat someone!"

Zhu Xiaolian clutched the back of his head and screamed.


Jiang Lin's heart also exploded, his head was harder than steel, and even this was swept away by the immovable monk's eyes.

"The Dharma is boundless, Amitabha."

The immovable monk chanted the Buddha's name and continued: "Let the poor monk come and wake you up."

This short-footed Arhat had to use a stick to swipe Jiang Lin's foreheads.

This time, not only Zhu Xiaolian, but also Jiang Lin retreated.

However, just after taking a few steps back, out of the corner of Jiang Lin's eyes, he found that the door of light had originally existed, and the door of light appeared again.

"The door of light, the door of light is out!"

Seeing the reappearance of Guangmen, Jiang Lin hurriedly saluted and thanked the immovable monk.

It turned out that this Bantam Rohan really helped.

"What light door? Why can't I see it?"

The immovable monk chuckled lightly and shook his head slightly, pretending that he didn't know what Jiang Lin was talking about.

"Thank you, Master."

Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to why the high monk immovable pretended not to know, and quickly turned around and entered the gate of light again.

"Brother Jiang, wait for me! Miss Peony suffered a catastrophe in order to let us out, and I will rescue her together with you."

After Jiang Lin disappeared, Zhu Xiaolian shouted, followed closely behind him, and also entered it.

This time the book boy and the others were watching, so after Zhu Xiaolian passed through the gate of light, the book boy also carried his luggage and book basket and ran in.

The remaining Meng Longtan took a bite of the steamed bun, pointed to the Guangmen, and asked, "Master, can't you see there is a door there?"

"Oh? Can you see that too?"

The eminent monk couldn't help but glance at Meng Longtan, and then said, "Go in if you want, maybe there is another way to do it."

"That's daring."

Meng Longtan raised his brows and rushed into the gate of light after a few steps.

He didn't take Jiang Lin's words seriously. He thought there were many beautiful women behind the gate of light. As for the flower fairy, he also thought it was Jiang Lin's metaphor for beautiful women.

"It seems that there should be hope."

After Meng Longtan entered the Guangmen, the eminent monk smiled slightly. In fact, he knew everything about Jiang Lin and the others in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest. This time, he also specially helped Jiang Lin, even if Jiang Lin did not ask for it. , he will also make the door of light manifest.

The purpose is to change the lady's view of men.

He has a long relationship with the lady in the Thousand Flowers Forest.

"This is where?"

In the cave world behind the murals, Jiang Lin had already been teleported in by the Gate of Light, but this time the place where he stayed was no longer behind the doors and windows, but a rocky beach.

After sensing the aura of the place where he was, Jiang Lin confirmed that the place he was in was the space where Wanhualin was located.

It's just that his current location is far away from Mudan's palace.

"Brother Jiang."

Just as Jiang Lin was about to go to the highland not far away to check the direction of Wanhua Forest, blue veins appeared on his forehead again.

This guy, Zhu Xiaolian, actually followed him again!

Are you [*] meters tall with long legs?

"Why did you come in again?"

Jiang Lin looked at Zhu Xiaolian angrily, and what made him even more speechless was that Zhu Xiaolian's book boy also followed.

After that, even the bandit Meng Longtan appeared.

Second uncle, I really thought it was a vacation in the fairyland!

"Brother Jiang, Miss Peony suffered a catastrophe in order to let us go back. After all, I have read the book of sages and sages. How can I watch it and be indifferent? I came here to do my part."

Zhu Xiaolian explained to Jiang Lin, and he did think so too.

Although this guy is funny, he can still distinguish right from wrong.

Although he came here again, he also had some different thoughts, and wanted to see the peony fairy that he fell in love with at first sight, but the overall proportion was still dominated by righteous words.

"Don't say that there are some of these, I will convey your thoughts, hurry back, this is not a place you can come. And you, all leave."

Jiang Lin didn't listen to Zhu Xiaolian, even if Zhu Xiaolian really had such intentions, he couldn't stay here.

Next, when a war is about to break out, ordinary people stay here, even if they are not qualified to be cannon fodder.

He asked Zhu Xiaolian to tell Shutong and Meng Longtan how to leave, and asked the three to go back to Chantan Temple.

"Why did you let us go as soon as we came in? I'm not going, I still have to see those flower fairies."

Meng Longtan didn't take Jiang Lin's words seriously, and expressed his unwillingness to leave.

Jiang Lin ignored him, he said the warning, and if someone didn't listen, then it was none of his business.

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