However, even if Zhu Xiaolian listened to his words and followed the method provided by Peony, he found that he could not go back at all.

Spreading his hands, Zhu Xiaolian looked at Jiang Lin helplessly.

It must be the wrong location.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin guessed the reason, and he didn't force it any more, he could only bring these fuel oil bottles to the highland not far away.

As soon as he climbed to the heights and found the palace, Jiang Lin felt a strong aura suddenly appear behind him. He turned around and found the lady in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, the golden-armored warrior and a group of guards. in a clearing behind them.

"Oh, it turns out that there is a guest here. It's still a man. There hasn't been a man here in Wanhualin for many years."

Just as Jiang Lin was waiting, the lady suddenly smiled and looked at them with enthusiasm.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, wondering how the lady could have such an attitude, he thought for a while, then bowed and said, "You don't have the master's permission to trespass this place, please don't blame the master."

"It's no wonder, it's not too late for me to be happy. It's just right. My daughters have reached the age to be married. I wonder how many of them would be willing to go to my house with me to choose a sweetheart?"

As if she didn't know Jiang Lin at all, the lady showed her master's bearing, and asked them to go to the palace with her to choose a bride.

How is this going?

Weasels give New Year's greetings to chickens?

Jiang Lin was a little confused. Whether it was the guards who went to arrest him and Zhu Xiaolian before, or the Shi Yao before, it all showed that this aunt of Peony and the others was definitely a woman who wanted to kill a man with a thousand swords.

That is to say, as long as they hadn't received the notice from the peony last time, they might have been killed by the lady long ago, and there would be no bones left.

But now this lady has met a few of them, not only does she not have any hostility, but she has to match them.

It's really weird.

Is the sun coming out of the west?

I'll see what tricks you play.

Jiang Lin thought for a while, and decided not to turn against the lady for a while to see which play she was going to sing.

He didn't believe that the weasel would sincerely wish the chicken New Year's greetings.

Moreover, even if he turns his face now, it may not have any effect. Besides, he has no idea where Peony is now or what his situation is.

"That's alright, the guest is the host."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then made a look at Zhu Xiaolian.

"That's great."

The lady clapped her palms, as if her daughter had found a good husband.

Chapter [*] I believe him!

"Brother Jiang, she didn't want to take us there and murder us, right?"

Jiang Lin and the others followed the lady and guards to the Wanhualin Palace, and Zhu Xiaolian leaned closer to Jiang Lin and asked in a low voice.

He also didn't know why the lady would change her previous attitude and treat them as guests. Before, the lady wanted them to die.

Moreover, he learned from Cuizhu's mouth that the stone monster that appeared at the same time as them was crushed by the lady's foot.

How could they possibly end well.

"As soon as she comes, she can be at peace. If she wants to be unfavorable to us, she can stay here, and she doesn't need to take us back at all."

Jiang Lin shook his head. At least for now, the lady won't be bad for them for the time being. It's just that the lady must have something in her heart, and what purpose he has, he really doesn't know.

After listening to Jiang Lin's analysis, Zhu Xiaolian felt a little more relaxed, but it was only temporary.

When everyone arrived at the building area of ​​Wanhualin, the lady asked the guards to take Jiang Lin and the others to the reception hall to entertain them. She also explained that the golden armored warriors called Shaoyao and all the fairies to the hall.

She herself went to the detention center in Wanhualin.

There, is the place where the peony is imprisoned.

After Jiang Lin and the others left, Peony was called away by the lady and asked about the specific situation.

Originally, Peony could put all the blame on Jiang Lin as Jiang Lin explained, saying that she was forced. After all, the lady would never know the level of Jiang Lin's cultivation, and Jiang Lin has been hiding it very well. .

However, Mudan didn't say that, she had fallen in love with Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin was willing to take her away, so she didn't want to speak ill of Jiang Lin and call him a bad person.

Therefore, she told the lady truthfully, and she also contradicted the lady in public, refuting her, saying that there are men who will truly love women, and men will fight to the death for their lovers.

In the end, Peony even said that the lady was wrong, her cognition was completely wrong, and they should not be instilled with such thoughts.

It is also because of this that Peony completely angered the lady, and was then entered into the seventh heaven.

"Peony, my good boy, did you admit your mistake?"

After getting down to the seventh-layered prison like a flame hell, the lady walked to Peony, who was lying on the stone platform, and persuaded her in a good voice.

As long as Peony admits her mistake and no longer doubts her, she will let Peony go, and use Peony as a template for admonitions to completely strengthen the hearts of all fairies.

In addition, she asked Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian to come over so that the fairies could see the real face of the man.

"I'm not wrong."

Peony supported the table with her arms, sat up slightly, and responded to the lady neither humble nor arrogant.

If she hadn't met Jiang Lin, she would have thought that all men in the world said the same thing as a lady, but when she met Jiang Lin, she would no longer think that way.

"You are wrong! Men's promises are all false! They will only deceive women with lies. It's gone!"

When the lady saw Peony's "stubborn" appearance, it was like a cat was stepped on its tail.

Peony smiled slightly, stared at the lady, and said, "Why are you so angry? Oh, I see, he's here, the man I love is here, he's here to fulfill his promise to me, even if he comes back again, he It will be life-threatening, but he still came, he has me in his heart, and he is willing to risk his life for me. So, you are angry, you are angry, because of him, you broke your lies and made all your words come true A castle in the sky."

Even though the whole body was suffering from unspeakable burning pain, Peony still smiled, and the smile was very sweet.

She had already guessed that the lady came here because Jiang Lin came back.Moreover, the lady has a slight smell, which belongs to Jiang Lin. She has been with Jiang Lin for a while, and she is too familiar with this smell.

"Yes, he's here, but what if he's here? You'd rather give up your life for him, but what about him, would he? He definitely won't! And I've brought a few of them in, I Just let them choose a bride, and when the man you love chooses someone else and is in a relationship with another woman, he will forget you, just wait! You give up your life for a man, stupid women are like this, You are cheap, and so are they!"

The lady was so angry that she scolded Peony.

"He won't, I believe him! Even if I die, I will believe him!"

Peony still didn't listen to the lady's words and chose to trust Jiang Lin.

"You will regret this!"

Leaving this sentence, the lady left here.

"I just believe him."

After the lady left, Peony murmured softly and fell down.

If she didn't know the past between Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting, she might really have doubts, but knowing everything between Jiang Lin and them, she was sure that Jiang Lin would never forget her.

Just as after Jiang Ting's death, Jiang Lin was still obsessed with it, and he had to go to great lengths to bring her back to life.

"It seems that these children of mine are here, how is it? Do you like it?"

After a while, the lady arrived at the reception hall. She changed the coldness on her face and greeted Jiang Lin and the others warmly.

"We are a country of daughters. There is a clear spring on the mountain. We can have children after drinking the spring water, but we can only give birth to girls, and the probability of children being born is extremely low, so as long as you are willing to stay here and help us have children, Whatever you want, we'll have it."

After that, the lady looked at Jiang Lin and the others, and continued: "If there is someone you like, just choose, and none of them will disagree."

"Can you choose anyone?"

Before Jiang Lin and the others said a word, Meng Longtan stood up. He had already found a few fairies and wished to take them away immediately.

The lady nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then I choose her."

Meng Longtan pointed to the peony standing at the top of the fairies on the other side.


Zhu Xiaolian jumped up immediately as if being pinched to a sore spot.

"It's really not possible. She is my heir. If you marry her, who will do things for me in the future? So, choose someone else, except her."

The lady also shook her head, she wanted to sacrifice some children, but not the peony she trusted most.

Meng Longtan snorted, glanced again, and selected Yunmei among the fairies.

"That... a scholar, I still have to go to Beijing to take the exam. I haven't finished my career and I don't want to get married for the time being."

At this time, Zhu Xiaolian directly told the lady that he didn't choose, what a joke, all the fairies here, Meng Longtan didn't know it was fine, but he did know, he didn't dare to think about how much he wanted to marry a fairy. He still knows how much.

The book boy also shook his head, indicating that he was the same as his own son.

So, the lady looked at Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*] I don't want anyone except her

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Auntie, I want to know if all the fairies are here? I want to choose, but I have high vision, and none of them can make me fancy."

"I'm going, your eyes are too high, right? There are so many beautiful women, none of them are in your eyes?"

Meng Longtan almost stumbled upon hearing Jiang Lin's words.

What Jiang Lin said was too special.

How high does the vision have to be so that no one can see it?

The fairies on the side also frowned slightly, not to mention whether they were willing or not, but Jiang Lin is now openly returning them.

were collectively returned.

Jiang Lin ignored other people's reactions and looked at the lady quietly.

The lady laughed and said, "Is that so? There really isn't one there. It's a man named Peony. She made a mistake and was imprisoned by me in the prison."

Jiang Lin nodded slowly and said, "Oh? Really? What does she look like?"

Haven't you seen her before?

And what does she look like?

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