The lady didn't know why Jiang Lin asked, but she didn't care, she waved her hand directly, and the face of Peony appeared on the wall.

"Beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful. I chose her. Is she a peony? It's just her. I don't want anyone but her."

Jiang Lin looked at the picture on the wall, and directly named him to marry Peony.

No matter what drama the lady is going to sing, he makes this request now, and he must see Peony before he can rest assured.

The lady's face twitched, Jiang Lin's dress was too fake, he glanced at it, it was a beautiful three-column, and then it was not necessary for Peony.

"Are you sure you want to marry her? She is my prisoner. You can choose any of my children here. You can choose as many as you want. You can choose all of them."

The lady narrowed her eyes and looked at Jiang Lin. She still didn't believe that Jiang Lin would not be at all tempted to face such a temptation.

"Hey! I think so too, but once the sea is difficult, except Wushan is not a cloud, I saw this girl Peony, and the other girls are indistinguishable in my eyes. I still say that, except for her, I am not a woman. don't want."

Jiang Lin shrugged and said again that he only needed one peony.

Where can a lady think of Jiang Lin's home, whether it is Daluo Immortal World or Middle Earth, there are a lot of wives, [*]% of them are more beautiful than the fairies here.

It is impossible to attract Jianglin with quantity. Jianglin is not lacking in quantity, and there is no shortage of quality.


A smile suddenly appeared on the lady's face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but glance at the lady. He didn't expect the lady to agree to his request.

However, even if you think about it with your toes, you can see that things are definitely not that simple.

Jiang Lin is still very clear about this.


The lady paused and looked at Jiang Lin, and then the smile on her face increased again, she continued: "It's not impossible for you to marry Peony, but she is imprisoned, if you want to marry her as a bride, I have nothing to disagree with, after all, you are the guests, but I won't let her out. If you really think she is so beautiful, and if you like her so much, go find her yourself. "

After stating her conditions, the lady seems to feel that she has a chance to win, not to mention that the Seventh Layer is extremely dangerous, and even the past may vanish into thin air. Even on the way to the Seventh Layer, it is a place of death without life. .

If you push hard, no amount of lives will be enough to die.

"Ah? This..."

When Shaoyao heard the lady's words, she was taken aback. Even if she didn't have a headband to pass through and force herself into the seventh heaven, she would have to end up in the end.

The lady asked Jiang Lin to go to Qizhongtian to marry Peony, which was a clear sign that he wanted him to die.

Cuizhu and Lilac, who had a good relationship with Peony, were also nervous. They already knew about the relationship between Jiang Lin and Peony, and they were no strangers to Qizhongtian. Naturally, they didn't want Jiang Lin to die.

"Shaoyao, this Young Master Jiang may not know what kind of place the Seventh Heaven is, you tell him."

The lady sat aside and asked Shaoyao to introduce to Jiang Lin their Seventh Heaven in the Thousand Flowers Forest.

Shaoyao nodded and said: "The seventh-level heaven is like a hell of flames, and there are many terrifying Xingtian beasts in it. If anyone enters without authorization, they will basically be torn apart by Xingtian beasts, and this is all close to the seventh-level genius. Okay, on the way to the seventh heaven, there is a whirlwind zone, where the whirlwind, even the soul of the gods will be torn apart, and behind the whirlwind zone, there is a weak river, unless you have a pass certificate, you can't swim. , A drop of the river water there is enough to turn a person's bones and flesh into a pool of pus and blood. On the banks of the Ruoshui River, there is a measuring pillar, which is so heavy that it is impossible to get through if it is not removed."

"I see."

Jiang Lin nodded, no wonder the lady would agree to his request, daring it would make him seek death.

"So then, isn't aunt going to give me a pass certificate?"

Afterwards, Jiang Lin looked at the lady, who nodded slightly and said, "That's... naturally. Do you want to marry her? There's only one small life."

"Hey, hey, I said this brother Jiang, there are so many beauties here, you don't choose whoever you choose, it's the same when you cover your face, listen to my advice, don't harm your own life."

Meng Longtan came over and patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder. Although he was a mountain bandit, he was not the kind that did all evil, and it was Jiang Lin who loosened the rope that bound his hands and let him escape. How much hostility, and now that he heard that there was so much danger, he persuaded Jiang Lin to cherish his life.

"Brother Jiang, why don't we think of another way?"

Zhu Xiaolian also came to Jiang Lin and persuaded him in a low voice. It was good that he was willing to go to danger for the sake of righteousness, but it did not mean that he wanted to die in vain. Judging from what Shaoyao said, if Jiang Lin was really aggressive, he would obviously be disgusted with his life. To die alone.

"Yeah, why bother? It's not a choice who to choose."

The lady also spoke at the right time, as long as Jiang Lin gave up Peony and chose someone else, then her purpose would be achieved.

Even if Jiang Lin was unwilling to give up, he had to give up if he did not give up in the face of the dangers and calamities ahead, as well as his inability to do anything.

"Xia insects can't speak ice, and well frogs can't speak the sea. Don't you know that life is precious and love is more expensive? If I choose her, I have to marry her. No one can talk. That's it."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, and his attitude was very clear.

He doesn't like other fairies.


The lady's face was flushed by Jiang Lin's remarks. She was the dignified Lord of the Thousand Flowers Forest and held the power of life and death for many fairies.

"Hmph, then I hope Young Master Jiang doesn't talk too fast, otherwise I will feel worthless for my child Peony."

"Don't worry, Jiang will do what he says."

Jiang Lin smiled casually, his expression quite calm.

Chapter [*] Am I like a person to die?

"Come here, prepare wine, sing and dance to celebrate."

The lady no longer had a pointless debate with Jiang Lin. Whether Jiang Lin is not afraid of all kinds of difficulties and dangers as she said, we will have to wait until later to find out.

However, the lady was very sure in her heart that Jiang Lin would not be willing to die for the peony.

The last time Jiang Lin appeared and stayed in Wanhualin was only half a month. Even if he really fell in love with Peony, he would never die for it.

Peony does that because she is stupid and willing to pay, but men don't.

However, the lady didn't know that Peony still had Jiang Ting's soul in her body, so no matter how dangerous it was, Jiang Lin would definitely make it.

Even if there is a life-and-death crisis.

When some fairies changed into dance costumes and danced in the hall, the lady chatted with Meng Longtan and deliberately got closer to him.

She could see that Meng Longtan was the most unreliable man among the four of them. Therefore, she had to let Meng Longtan let go of the shackles in her heart and do what she wanted to do, so that the shortcomings and hatreds of men should be considered. fully displayed.

Only in this way can it bring the role of teaching to these fairies whose hearts are not shaken.

In order to prevent the fairies here from not giving Meng Longtan a good look and causing him to be timid, the lady also specially gave him a fairy knife. With this fairy knife, as long as Meng Longtan holds it, he can have the strength close to the gods. , with the help of the fairy knife, it is no problem to deal with a few fairies.

Sure enough, Meng Longtan was warmly received by the lady, as if he had liberated his nature, and looked at those fairies with unbridled eyes.

Seeing Meng Longtan's demeanor, the lady nodded slightly, and then said to Zhu Xiaolian, "Young Master Zhu, since you are going to Beijing to take the exam, I will not leave you."

What she needs is a man who can be a negative teaching material for these fairies. Zhu Xiaolian, who has read some sage books and knows no evil, certainly doesn't want him to stay here.

"Auntie, this brother Zhu is my good friend. If I get married with Peony and don't have a friend, it doesn't look like it."

Jiang Lin wrapped his arms around Zhu Xiaolian's shoulders, not ready to make the lady happy.

In fact, he did this because of his own considerations. He and Zhu Xiaolian didn't have any life-threatening danger for the time being, and since the lady was willing to let them go, it would be fine sooner or later.

He saw that Zhu Xiaolian and the peony fairy seemed to like each other, so he still needed Zhu Xiaolian to do something to help him.

Ask Zhu Xiaolian to ask Shaoyao what things to pay attention to and the specific situation when going to the Seventh Heaven.

Jiang Lin felt that it would be more convenient for Zhu Xiaolian to ask than he used to ask. First, Shaoyao had some interest in Zhu Xiaolian, and secondly, he might be watched by someone sent by the lady.


"Aunt, don't you think I can't marry Peony? My wedding is set, and he has to be my best man."

"Oh? Is that so? Well then, Mr. Zhu, let him stay."

The lady raised her brows, and was agitated by Jiang Lin's intimidation, but she did not let Zhu Xiaolian and her book boy leave.

After the singing and dancing were gone, Meng Longtan didn't ask the lady to hold any wedding, and just took Yunmei away, just kidding, it's a waste of time to have a wedding, there are so many fairies waiting for him to choose, all of them have weddings, this is not a good idea. Are you delaying the bridal chamber?

After the lady instructed the guards to entertain Jiang Lin and the others, she also left the reception hall. Except for some of Peony's good sisters, everyone else left.

"Brother Zhu."

Jiang Lin Fuer explained a few words to Zhu Xiaolian and asked him to go to Shaoyao to find out more information about the next Qizhongtian.

"Jiang Lin, why did you promise Auntie? You're going to die."

"You can't go to the seventh heaven. Shaoyao said it, why do you still have to go?"

"Think of other ways to save Peony."

After Zhu Xiaolian and Shutong left, Cuizhu and the others rushed to Jiang Lin, basically blaming Jiang Lin for being impulsive.

"You don't have to worry, do I look like someone who sent me to death?"

Jiang Lin laughed, of course he heard what Shaoyao said, and he naturally knew how dangerous it would be to go to the seventh heaven, but he still had to make a foray.

If it was said that before he arrived in Liang Kingdom, he might not have made such a decision and would have taken a long-term view, but now, he does not need it much.

Because of Liang Guo and his party, the fortune of the corpse emperor on his body has been improved. Today, he still has great luck.

As long as he didn't want to die himself, or encountered a strong man who couldn't even protect him from the fortune of the Corpse Emperor, he would have a chance.

This is a layer of protection. In addition, there is also the weak water river in the whirlwind zone that Shaoyao mentioned, and he also has a certain way to deal with it.

After he is corpse, his soul will be locked in the corpse. As long as his body is immortal, his soul can be preserved.

In other words, the threat to him from the whirlwind zone was not as serious as Shaoyao said.

As for the Ruoshui River, if he used the immortal treasure to smash it, he should be able to swim across it by consuming the immortal treasure without money, but the torment would be more severe.

These were all considered by Jiang Lin, and even if he hadn't weighed them carefully, there was no other way.

When they returned to Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, they had already been discovered and targeted by the lady. In that case, it would be impossible for him to rescue Peony unwittingly.

What's more, once the lady finds out, the lady will definitely turn her face, and the situation will take a turn for the worse.

That being the case, it's better to make it clear.

"Are you not, but what you do is obviously the same."

Cuizhu said angrily, and up to now, Jiang Lin still doesn't care.

"Don't worry, it won't take long for you to know what I'm going to do, and it's not a death sentence. I will definitely save Peony. She has love and righteousness towards me, and I can't bear her."

After a little explanation, Jiang Lin didn't bother with the topic of death or not, so he asked Cuizhu and the others about the Seventh Heaven.

It's always good to know more.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin asked the reason why Mudan was imprisoned, and learned that Mudan did not do what he said, but instead fought with the lady, and he didn't know what to say in his heart.

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