It's really unwise for Peony to do that, but he can't do it if he is asked to tell others that his wife is a woman full of evil.

"If you really want to go, choose night, at least the cyclone in the cyclone zone is a little less powerful at night. We will also help you, Peony is our good sister, and we can't just watch her. Die, watch Auntie break up the two of you."

In the end, Cuizhu had no choice but to suggest that Jiang Lin would choose night time if he wanted to go to Seventh Heaven, and she, Lilac and other sisters would also go there.

Jiang Lin bowed to Cuizhu and the other fairies: "Then I will thank my sisters for myself and Peony."

He is also polite. At present, if he wants to rescue Peony, he does need some help.

It's just that Cuizhu and the others chose to do this, and they were already risking their lives, and they might end up in the same fate as Peony.

Chapter [*] A good man is me, I am a good man

Immediately, Jiang Lin said goodbye to Cuizhu and the others, and was taken outside the hall by the guards to the temporary residence that the lady had arranged for him.

As expected, there were guards outside, and the golden armored warrior was standing guard at his door.

This is of course the meaning of the lady. As long as Jiang Lin intends to escape and leaves Wanhualin, he will be caught, and then the attitude of the lady toward him will be completely different. If not, he will be executed directly.

Not long after, Zhu Xiaolian, who got some information from Shaoyao, came to Jianglin.

To Jiang Lin's surprise, Zhu Xiaolian really brought him some useful information.

For example, Xingtian Beast, this exotic beast has a powerful flame, and has a special sensitivity to some strange fires. The last time he was exposed, it was because his own Sun Fire and Immortal Fire were sensed by Xingtian Beast.

This time he was going to save Peony, and he must have been discovered by Xing Tianbeast before he arrived.

If it wasn't for the information that Zhu Xiaolian brought, he would have suffered a lot.

"Thank you, Brother Zhu."

Jiang Lin thanked Zhu Xiaolian and let him go back first. He still needs to make some plans. Even if he has the fortune of the corpse emperor to protect his body, everything is in case.

The next day, the lady sent someone to invite Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian to the reception hall again.

The lady still didn't give up, and since Zhu Xiaolian and her bookboys also stayed, she planned to prepare beautiful songs for them every day, just to grind their bottom line and let them indulge in it.

When Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian arrived at the reception hall, they found that Meng Longtan was already there, and his face was rather stinky.

"I don't want this woman, why should I be angry with her, I can only cry but not laugh."

Meng Longtan was lying on the wide-backed chair, pointing at Yunmei to lose his temper.

It's also his back. The fairies of Wanhualin have only seen men in paintings and books before, and basically don't know what the relationship between men and women is like. If you choose another fairy, they will be born to Wanhualin. Children are basically still willing.But Yunmei fell in love with Shi Yao before and didn't like him at all. This guy still expects Yunmei to laugh often, so that's impossible.

"On the first day of marriage, can a man treat a woman like this?"

Shaoyao looked at Meng Longtan coldly. She knew about Yunmei and Shi Yao before, and she was very sympathetic to Yunmei. Now that Yunmei was abandoned by a man as soon as she got married, she really couldn't bear it.

The lady smiled and said, "Men can treat women like this, of course."

Then she said to Meng Longtan: "Do you want to divorce her? You can do it anytime."

"It's over, I'm not angry with her. Then... can I choose another bride?"

"of course can."

The lady promised with all her might, that's what she wanted.

It turned out to be the case.

At this time, Jiang Lin, who had been watching, finally understood what was going on.

The noble lady asked them to come and choose a bride, just to use them to prove that their remarks were correct.

Let them verify the so-called fact that men are ruthless and treat their feelings as a game.

"Stinky man!"


"Men really don't have a good thing."

Shaoyao and Cuizhu didn't look good at all. Other fairies didn't know Jiang Lin, and they even had thoughts of hating men in their hearts.

When Peony said in public that the lady was wrong, many fairies were not present.

If that's the case, then I'll be thick-skinned.

Knowing the lady's purpose, Jiang Lin was ready to disrupt the situation.

In fact, the conflict between him and the lady was because of gender. The lady hated and vilified all men, and wanted to kill all the men who came in.

However, the fairies in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest are basically grass, and their attitude towards men is not as extreme as that of a lady.

Otherwise, he and Zhu Xiaolian would not have stayed in the Thousand Flowers Forest for so long.

If it wasn't for the peony, the lady's admonition to the fairies was challenged, she would never have come to such a play.

Knowing this, Jiang Lin planned to pave the way for the situation behind him.

If he destroys the noble lady's purpose and let all the fairies know that men are not only like Meng Longtan, but also like him, then when he and the noble lady turn against each other, these fairies will naturally not be because of expensive. The wife killed him and Zhu Xiaolian.

By that time, these fairies no longer hated them, and there was no contradiction between them at all. He and Zhu Xiaolian did not pose any threat to Wanhualin at all, so why did they have to kill them.

Without these fairies, even if he really fell out in the end, or the lady repented, with only one lady or a few guards, his situation would be much better.

After all, at that time, Cuizhu and the others should have stood by him and Peony.

Jiang Lin said loudly: "It is indeed a stinky man, but you don't have to say that men don't have a good thing, there are still good men."

"And a good man?"


The fairies who had a better relationship with Yunmei looked disbelieving. They didn't know much about Jiang Lin. Now that they saw Meng Longtan like this, of course they would doubt it.

"Of course there is. It's me. A good man, of course, is like me. A good man is me, and I am a good man."

Jiang Lin was serious and gave himself the title of a peerless good man.

Meng Longtan: "..."

Zhu Xiaolian: "..."

Shaoyao and Cuizhu: "..."

Even Cuizhu and the others, who knew that Jiang Lin was a very good man, were speechless at this moment. How could anyone boast about themselves in front of so many people?


The lady burst into laughter, Jiang Lin's words really made him unable to bear it.

Since she was alive, she has never seen a man put such a hat on herself.

good man.

self boasting?

The lady held back her smile and asked, "Then how are you?"

"Fortunately? Fortunately, I am willing to take risks to save the future bride. If I am not a good man, who else is?"

Jiang Lin asked back.

No, it's so funny.

The lady raised her hand to cover her mouth, smiled and said, "Then have you rescued her?"

Jiang Lin spread his hands and said, "Cough cough... Well, not yet."

"Haha... I applaud you! Yes, you are a good man."

The lady clapped her hands and gave Jiang Lin a hat.

She didn't think Jiang Lin would desperately save Mudan, which meant that the condition for Jiang Lin to be a good man was simply not true.

Later, as long as Jiang Lin is timid and doesn't dare, at that time, she will be able to use Jiang Lin as a perfect negative teaching material. In addition, she can give men another shameless label.

"Yeah, when I bring the future bride back, I will not only be a good man, but also a peerless good man."

Jiang Lin was not polite at all, and put on the hat of a good man. As long as he brought back Peony, he would be a good man in everyone's eyes.

Gender aside, he's a good guy.

At that time, even if the lady wants to be against him, how many people are really willing to obey.

Chapter [*]: Forcing the Seventh Heaven (Part [*])

"Then Young Master Jiang, when are you going? I really want to see you become a peerless man with my own eyes."

After laughing for a while, the lady asked Jiang Lin when he would act, and she couldn't wait.

"Well...I have to wait for me to burn incense, take a bath, and change clothes. After doing this, I will go after I adjust my state."

Jiang Lin was talking nonsense in a serious manner. He was ready to act at night, but he didn't want the lady to know the specific content and time of his actions.

Otherwise, if his success is imminent, the lady will surely obstruct him.

This lady spent all her efforts to stage such a drama to prove that no man is a good thing, how could he be allowed to break it.

"That's fine, that's fine, I'm looking forward to it."

The lady nodded, she really wanted to see Jiang Lin fled after seeing the crises on the road to the Seventh Heavenly Heaven with his own eyes.

Many fairies were booing, really thinking that Jiang Lin was there selling melons and boasting.

After that, the lady stopped paying attention to Jiang Lin, so she followed Meng Longtan and asked him to choose a few more brides.

After Meng Longtan's re-election of the bride was over, there was still singing and dancing in the hall, and the lady still entertained Jiang Lin and the others with good wine and fruit.

After the banquet, the lady looked at Jiang Lin and the others and said, "Young Master Jiang, Young Master Zhu, we have not had new guests in Wanhualin for many years, and we have banquets and dances every day after that. This is our enthusiasm for hospitality. Appreciate your face."

The lady did not say it explicitly, but her words implied that Jiang Lin and the others had better come to the reception hall every day to receive the reception from Wanhualin.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "The host is so enthusiastic, of course we will not be absent."

"So good."

The lady was quite satisfied, so she left first. She planned to go to the Seventh Layer and say hello to the guards guarding there. Although she did not believe that Jiang Lin would die, it was related to the stability of Wanhualin in the future. Be careful.

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