"Jiang Lin, are you going to save Peony? She can't hold it anymore. Why are you burning incense and bathing? What are you doing?"

After the irrelevant people left, Cuizhu and the others surrounded Jiang Lin again. Since Jiang Lin had already entered the seventh heaven to save Peony, they also persuaded him. Jiang Lin still insisted on going, but he could go, and What's dragging here?

What are you doing incense bath?

What do you mean?

"What incense and bathing, I'm bullshitting, do you really think your aunt will let me rescue Peony smoothly? Even if I'm desperate to save her, she has to be a ghost. Did I tell her that I'll act tonight and watch it Waiting for her to wreak havoc?"

Jiang Lin explained to Cuizhu and the others, and then told them why he had to wear a good man's hat. "It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect you to be very thoughtful."

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Cuizhu and the others understood what was going on.

After that, Jiang Lin asked them to get ready tonight and set off with him at that time.

That night, Jiang Lin used the telekinesis incarnation technique in the room to leave a stand-in. After confusing the sight of the golden armored warrior, he hid his figure and slipped out of the window quietly.

To Jiang Lin's surprise, Cuizhu and the others actually joined a few sisters, grabbed the peony, and brought it over.

Moreover, the special Zhu Xiaolian and Meng Longtan also came.

It's just that Zhu Xiaolian appeared, after all, Shaoyao is this funny sweetheart, and it is reasonable to worry about the safety of her sweetheart.

But what is Meng Longtan doing?

Jiang Lin asked, only to know that Meng Longtan was more funny than Zhu Xiaolian. He has now become a winner in life, and he is very grateful to Zhu Xiaolian.

If it wasn't for Zhu Xiaolian, who chased and chopped him with a knife and drove him to Zhantan Temple, he would not have been a winner in life in this forest of thousands of flowers.

In the same way, he also had a lot of gratitude towards Jiang Lin, so when he was chatting with Zhu Xiaolian, he came to know that Jiang Lin was going to save Peony tonight.

He also came with his few fairy wives.

"Brother Jiang, in fact, Shaoyao is also very sympathetic to Peony, and, I think, if it wasn't for her will, Cuizhu and the others wouldn't be able to hold her."

Zhu Xiaolian came to Jiang Lin and explained it in a low voice. Only then did Jiang Lin know that Shaoyao also had the intention of saving Peony, but he did not dare to implement it.

"Don't count on me too much. My headband is not authorized by my aunt, nor can I pass those difficulties on the road. At best, it can only provide you with a small amount of protection in the whirlwind."

At this time, Shaoyao opened her mouth to explain the situation to Jiang Lin and the others. Even if she came over, she really couldn't provide much help.

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin nodded. In any case, with the peony to follow, it would solve a lot of his troubles.

Right now, Jiang Lin did not delay, and flew to the seventh heaven with Cuizhu and the others.

His telekinetic incarnation technique could not be kept secret from the golden armored warriors guarding the door for a long time, so the time was still relatively tight.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin saw a cloudy area ahead, and the roar of the wind came from within.

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in the dark cloud, and more than ten flower demon guards flew out.

"Cuizhu, Lilac, they will be handed over to you. Time is urgent, so I will talk about it first. Shaoyao can't shelter so many people through the whirlwind zone, so I don't need to shelter."

Jiang Lin left this sentence and rushed out first. Not all the fairies here are Peony's close friends, so it is better not to expose the fact that he has a lot of fairy treasures.

Therefore, he must distance himself from them when he needs to use the fairy treasures.

Jiang Lin directly chose to corpse, using both stealth and teleportation abilities, and rushed into the whirlwind zone after a few times over the obstacles of the guards.

After entering the whirlwind zone, Jiang Lin's body was torn apart by various whirlwinds. For a time, even the soul locked by his body felt a powerful pulling force.

mental torture.


No wonder the lady is so confident.

Jiang Lin finally understood why the lady thought he was afraid to rescue Peony.

Now that he is in a state of corpse, he can't bear the pain that even the gods can't bear. When others come, I'm afraid they can't stand it as soon as they enter this whirlwind zone, and they have to turn back.

Taking some immortal treasures that are beneficial to the soul from the ancient mirror, Jiang Lin directly stuffed it into his mouth, and then galloped forward at extreme speed.

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-two chapters forcibly enter the seventh heaven (middle)

The deeper he went into the whirlwind zone, the more severe the pain Jiang Lin felt. With his temperament, he couldn't help but let out a low growl.

Even so, he has been taking the fairy treasure that nourishes the soul.

"Why did he go in? Where can he enter directly! Isn't he courting death!"

Outside the whirlwind zone, Cuizhu was very anxious. She didn't expect that Jiang Lin would not wait for them and rushed directly into the whirlwind zone without the help of peony.

That's not even the angels can enter directly.

"Quickly solve it!"

Cuizhu asked the surrounding sisters to speed up, don't wait for them to go in, Jiang Lin was already in a state of disarray.

"Brother Zhu, they... who are they?"

Meng Longtan came to Zhu Xiaolian's side, trembling in his heart. When he saw Cuizhu and the others flying to the sky with their men, he felt that something was wrong. Now he saw his bride and those guards fighting an incomparable battle. He was completely bewildered.

"They are all fairies, they are fairies, that is, gods, what? You don't know yet?"

Zhu Xiaolian looked at Meng Longtan with a foolish look. It was the next night, so he didn't know anything?

I don't know that the one who shares the bed with you is a fairy?

Meng Longtan's face turned green when he heard what Zhu Xiaolian said. He originally thought that this was a special country for daughters, but it turned out that all the fairies were here.

He is a mortal, and he also divorced a fairy.

Meng Longtan really didn't know what was going on. Although the lady gave him a fairy sword to make him extremely brave, he still thought it was a magical weapon, and he didn't even know it was a fairy weapon.

"Don't be stunned here, Shaoyao said that the knife in your hand is an immortal knife, which can give you the power to be close to an immortal, but you should go up and rush."

Zhu Xiaolian pushed Meng Longtan, and there were still many guards blocking the way.

"It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided! I rushed!"

Meng Longtan roared and rushed up. Now he already knows that he is not only a winner in life, but a major event. He can only hope to show more performance and save himself the possibility of not being shot to death.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Shaoyao and the others finally resolved the flower demon guards who were guarding the whirlwind zone, and then the group entered the whirlwind zone under the shelter of Shaoyao's headband.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already rushed to the depths of the zone and had walked halfway.

It's just that there is blood all over his face now, all because his soul was torn by the whirlwind and flowed out of his seven orifices.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had been nourishing the fairy treasures, I'm afraid even his corpse would not be able to protect the soul within him.

This whirlwind zone is indeed a Jedi.

The whirlwind here is very strange, and it does not cause much physical damage, but it can ignore the physical body and directly act on the soul. Even if it is a fairy body, it is difficult to protect its own soul.

"My God, can he really cross this whirlwind zone?"

Cuizhu and the others saw the galloping Jianglin, their eyes opened like a calf.

They all had to rely on the peony to push the headbands of the pass, and they all felt more serious discomfort. Jiang Lin was able to support it on his own, and even ran a long distance.

When they caught up with Jiang Lin, they realized that Jiang Lin was not able to hold on as they imagined. The bloodstains on Jiang Lin's face and the corners of his mouth indicated that he was definitely not going well here.

"My mother, how did he do this?"

Meng Longtan saw Jiang Lin's corpse, and his legs went weak with fright.

"It turns out that you are a corpse evil, no wonder the whirlwind here failed to tear your soul."

As Shaoyao and the others were close to Jianglin, they naturally found out that he was different from ordinary people, and recognized his other identity.

Jiang Lin smiled and said to them, "You won't want to kill me just because I'm a demon corpse?"

Cuizhu said: "You have been in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest for a while, I think Peony must know it, but she still chose you. How can we be sisters, so how can it be bad for you?"

"However, even if you are a corpse evil, it is difficult to resist such a whirlwind, so come with us."

Cuizhu was worried that Jianglin would be in danger. Even if it was a corpse, it was not an easy task to overcome the terrifying whirlwind in this whirlwind zone.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "No need, Fairy Shaoyao has already struggled to protect your party, and I can still stand it here."

He could see that even with the protection of the power from the headband of the peony, the power of the whirlwind here still penetrated a bit. If the peony protects one more person, it is estimated that he will not be able to take care of it.

He needs these fairies to retain their fighting power as much as possible. Once he rescues Peony, he will have to rely on their strength later, and there may be some Xingtian beasts that he can't deal with in the future. They also need Cuizhu and Shaoyao to contribute, so , he chose to stick with it for a while.

After taking many immortal treasures, although his soul has been tortured, it is generally not in danger.

After saying that, Jiang Lin endured the severe pain in his soul and spirit and accelerated his run.

Although Cuizhu and the others couldn't bear it, they really had no choice but to watch Jiang Lin groan and hiss softly.

Peony's ability to protect is limited, and there are other obstacles ahead that require their concerted efforts, so they can only follow Jiang Lin's back.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin and the others finally walked out of the whirlwind zone and reached a stone road surrounded by river water.

Around the stone road is the weak water river that Shaoyao said, and there is a strong corrosive steam floating on the river surface.

At the end of the stone road, there is a huge stone pillar with a diameter wider than the road and a height of more than [-] feet.

Under the stone pillar, there is also a spirit turtle.

This stone road is not directly connected to the stone pillars, and several sections in the middle were submerged by the Ruoshui River.

If you want to get close to the stone pillar, you have to cross the river first.

"Is there a way for your headband?"

Cuizhu looked at Shaoyao, hoping that Shaoyao would bring a positive answer.

But unfortunately, Shaoyao could only shake her head, the whirlwind zone was fine, but here, she really had no choice.

"How can this be good? Above the Ruoshui River, no immortal power can fly above it. The middle sections can still be passed. How about the back? How about the stone pillars?"

Cuizhu suddenly didn't know what to do. What he experienced in front of him was danger, and here, he was simply beyond his power.

Jiang Lin looked at the stone road in front of him and took a deep breath. The suffering he was about to experience was not over yet.

Chapter [-]: Forcing the Seventh Heaven (Part [-])

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