"You rest here for a while and regain your strength, I will go there first."

"You... how did you get there?"

"Of course it's swimming."

The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth moved slightly, revealing an extremely reluctant smile.

Before Cuizhu and the others could react, Jiang Lin ran over. At the same time, he took out a small medicine bottle from the ancient mirror, and put the bottle and can directly into his mouth.

After that, he cut a hole in his abdomen with his corpse claw and directly stuffed the ancient mirror in his arms.

This weak river is highly corrosive, and if the ancient mirror is still in his arms, it will be seriously damaged.

When he reached the interruption of the stone road, Jiang Lin made a "thump", and a fierce man got into the river.

His whole body exudes roaring sun flames, forming a layer of fire cover to resist the invasion of weak water.

But even with the protective cover formed by Yang Yan, the steam formed by the transpiring river water also broke through the flame protection, causing Jiang Lin's skin to fester at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jiang Lin's body was not that strong in terms of corrosion resistance, not to mention the corrosiveness of the river water in this weak river, which far exceeded the upper limit that his body could withstand.

Therefore, even some steam, directly blurred his body.

When the skin on his body festered, Jiang Lin immediately used the remaining Yang flames in his body to frantically refine the corpse poison in his body.

At the same time, he also used these yang flames to destroy the medicine bottles in his stomach, leaking the immortal treasures such as immortal wine elixir, and refining them quickly to heal the rot on his body.

With the help of Immortal Fire's refining, Immortal Treasure's medicinal effect is extremely fast.

This time, Jiang Lin completely smashed the fairy treasure.

But even so, the speed of his tonic is not as fast as the speed of being eroded by weak water.

On the stone road side, Cuizhu and Shaoyao were stunned once again.

Jiang Lin said another word, and then... he went through the barrier.

In the whirlwind area in front, Jiang Lin can just go. After all, he is a corpse evil, and the effect of those terrifying whirlwinds on his soul will be reduced a lot.

But this Ruoshui River is different, but it can ignore the body of the demon corpse.

But Jiang Lin went alone.

Looking at Jiang Lin, who was about to turn into a bloody man, Cuizhu sighed: "I really envy Peony now. If I had confessed to him at that time, he would have saved me like this. This man is really good."

"This is a good man."

Meng Longtan's several fairy brides are all looking at their husband, who is also a man, why are they so nice?

Why are they not stinky men?

Now, they no longer need to know the past between Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting, and like Cuizhu and the others, they have changed their views on men from the bottom of their hearts.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to reach the end of the stone road. Next, he would remove or push down the Tianzhu. He could indeed cross the Ruoshui River, but if there were no Cuizhu and the others behind him, he would still be the same. Can't save peony.

At this time, Shaoyao and the others also thought of a way to bombard the river on both sides of the stone road with immortal power, causing the river water to fluctuate. With the help of the short time when the tide receded, they spent a lot of immortal energy to pass the stone road. where it breaks.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already used his bloody corpse claws to start frantically digging at the root of the Tianzhu.

Countless sparks and blood droplets from friction splattered everywhere.

This amount of Tianzhu may weigh tens of thousands of tons, and it is not an ordinary stone pillar itself. Even if Shaoyao and the others work together, they cannot lift it, so Jiang Lin can only choose to push it down.

Using the corrosive effect of weak water, it is possible to soften the cylinder of the Quantity Pillar.

If this amount of pillars are torn down, they can be pressed on the Ruoshui River, shortening the swimming distance.

The water density of the Ruoshui River is quite high, not to mention stone pillars, even iron pillars may be able to float on it.

However, in order to corrode this amount of Tianzhu, the weak water needed to be used must be deep below the river surface. Jiang Lin can only use his extended blood arm to form a spherical container to contain the weak water.

I lost your seventh uncle and grandpa. When I rescue Peony, you better don't do anything to me, you mother-in-law!

Jiang Lin had accumulated a lot of anger in his heart. His corpse claws had been cracked many times because of digging the Tianzhu, but he had the treasure in the ancient mirror in his body and kept sending it to the immortal treasure for him to consume. , so it didn't cause his nails to collapse.

It just healed and cracked, and then healed and cracked again. This kind of pain made his palms keep shaking.

Even if weak water is used by special means to sprinkle on the Tianzhu, this Tianzhu is not so easy to catch.

This is still a pain that can be endured, but the pain of corrosion brought by the weak water brought up by him can be said to be something he has never experienced.

That's why he hates the lady so much, everything is fine, otherwise, he will definitely find the lady to vent his anger.

"Don't be stunned, cut a big gap in the root of this amount of Tianzhu, and then knock it down."

When Cuizhu and the others arrived, Jiang Lin commanded them out loud. He couldn't make the work happen immediately by himself.

The fairies such as Cuizhu and Shaoyao did not delay, and immediately began to work. Meng Longtan also used the immortal sword to slash hard at the place where Jianglin had dug.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin and the others cut a big gap in the root of the Tianzhu, whose diameter was wider than the road.

"Fairy Shaoyao, Cuizhu, you gather all the power in your body, go to the top of the Tianzhu, and bombard it. I will cooperate with you to knock it down."

After Jiang Lin explained Shaoyao, Cuizhu and the others, he floated up and rose vertically.

When he reached the height of Liang Tianzhu, Jiang Lin sent a sound transmission to Baoyi in the ancient mirror, causing him to send out the fairy clothes.

After Xianyi left the ancient mirror, he directly blessed him.

Then, he turned around, turned his back to Tianzhu, and began to gather all the spiritual power in his body.


When Cuizhu and the others were ready, Jiang Lin snorted, and at the same time, seven or eight terrifying immortal powers burst out from the fairy palms and bombarded towards the Tianzhu.

Jiang Lin, on the other hand, expelled his palms, and with the help of the powerful reaction force of the spiritual light beam, he was like a Gong Gong who angered Buzhou Xianshan, and collided with the Tianzhu.


At the moment of the bombardment and impact, Jiang Lin's body and Liang Tianzhu made a sound at the same time.

The root of the pillar under the Quantity Pillar was broken, and Jiang Lin's bones were shattered.

With a sound of "Boom", Liang Tianzhu fell down.

The huge tortoise that was originally pressed by the Tianzhu also gained its own possession. The tortoise nodded to Jiang Lin and others, then climbed into the Ruoshui River and burrowed into it.

"I'll go to your second uncle, don't run so fast!"

After Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, he just wanted to swear.

It turned out that the tortoise could withstand the corrosion of the Ruoshui River. If so, it would be able to carry him and Shaoyao to the seventh heaven.

However, the tortoise actually dived directly into the river and disappeared.

"Jiang Lin, who are you?"

Seeing that Liang Tianzhu was really pushed down, Cuizhu and the others stared at Jiang Lin as if they were looking at a monster.

Even if they are fairies, facing the whirlwind zone, Liang Tianzhu and the Ruoshui River behind them, they can say nothing.

But now, with little effort from them, Jiang Lin passed the whirlwind zone, passed the interruption of the stone road, and finally brought down the Tianzhu.

Now, the hope of saving Peony is growing.

Chapter [*] The last stop

While Cuizhu and the others were rejoicing, they were also filled with emotion. Although there was hope of saving Peony, the price Jiang Lin paid was too great.

Jiang Lin's tragic situation, it is true that none of them did not feel distressed and sympathetic.

The current Jiang Lin has no human form at all, not even the skin, and the outline of his body is severely deformed, which is caused by the impact of the Tianzhu just now.

Although Jiang Lin didn't lose his life when he broke into this place, the pain that he experienced might not even be able to endure even an immortal.

I'd rather die than suffer like that.

"Hurry up and get on the road, and take turns to rest on the stone pillar. Otherwise, if the Tianzhu is corroded into ash by the Ruoshui River, it will be impossible to swim across the Ruoshui River."

Although his physical condition was extremely poor, Jiang Lin did not intend to rest and stay, and the time was still very urgent. Liang Tianzhu had to drift back and forth on this weak river.

Otherwise, even if Peony is rescued, he will still be trapped in the seventh heaven.

Shaoyao and Cuizhu nodded, and hurried up to the stone pillar.

Jiang Lin and Shaoyao stood at one end of the Tianzhu, expelling spiritual power and immortal power to the rear, as the driving force for the floating of Tianzhu, while Cuizhu and the others took a short rest to restore the immortal power in their bodies.

A quarter of an hour later, Cuizhu took over Jiang Lin's place, and Jiang Lin sat down and concentrated on refining the remaining medicinal power in his body.

Now, there is the last stop left, which is the Seventh Heaven Prison, which is the most dangerous place.

Now, his existence may have been sensed by Xing Tianbeast.

If he doesn't adjust his physical condition as soon as possible and hide his aura completely, once he is blocked in the weak river by Xingtian Beast, the situation at that time will be very bad.

Originally, the situation was quite satisfactory. With Liang Tianzhu, he could carry Jiang Lin and his party to the other side of the Ruoshui River.

But things did not make Jiang Lin and the others wishful.

It’s good that Liang Tianzhu is only floating on the river. The rate of erosion by the river water is not very fast, but after floating, the river water flows along the draft of the stone pillar, causing the rate of erosion of the stone pillar to increase exponentially.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Lin scolded the bad luck in his heart. If it goes on like this, let alone Liang Tianzhu drifting back and forth, it is still unknown whether he will be able to reach the other side.

In the end, he really had no choice but to go into the water again. While swimming in the water, he cooperated with Shaoyao and the others to release the immortal power and use the means to make the Tianzhu slowly rotate.

Allowing the Tianzhu to accept corrosion evenly, this will allow the Tianzhu to extend the bearing time.

"I really don't know why, but I suddenly hated my aunt very much."

Another hour passed, Jiang Lin's whole body was corroded by weak water, only his skeleton and internal organs were left. When Cuizhu saw Jiang Lin, he almost turned into a bloody skeleton, and he couldn't bear to look at it at all.

Not just her, but everyone else too.

Male silent female tears.

On the stone pillar, Zhu Xiaolian, his book boy, and Meng Longtan were all silent, and Lilac among the fairies and several fairies also wiped the tears from their faces.

In their opinion, if it wasn't for the lady who insisted on letting Jiang Lin die and breaking up Jiang Lin and Peony, Jiang Lin would definitely not end up like this.

Even the flesh and blood have been corroded by weak water.

This kind of pain, even what Paolo and Ling Chi can't do.

Not to mention them, Bao Yi, who has been staying in the ancient mirror, has an inexplicable sadness in his heart at this time.

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