She had known Jiang Lin for many years, and she always knew that Jiang Lin was very kind to her woman, but she never thought that Jiang Lin would endure all kinds of torture and suffering in order to save his wife. .

Just when everyone was silent, waves suddenly appeared in the Ruoshui River, and then two spirit turtles floated out from under the water.

One of the tortoises was the one that Jiang Lin and the others had rescued by knocking down Liang Tianzhu, and there was an even bigger tortoise beneath it, a tortoise mother.

The tortoise on the back of the tortoise mother saw Jiang Lin and others, and raised his head and called out.

"Finally a turnaround!"

Jiang Lin was overjoyed and jumped from the water to the Tianzhu. He was really approaching the moment when the oil was running out. No matter how many immortal treasures there were, his refining efficiency was limited. In the river, the river water is corroding all the time, even if he uses medicine to make up, he will not be able to slow it down.

Cuizhu and the others cheered when they saw the savior coming.

After the tortoise mother and the spirit tortoise approached, Jiang Lin and the others did not delay.

"Jiang Lin, don't worry, if you rescue Peony, Auntie still wants to tear you apart. If it's not good for you and her, we will fight against her even if we risk our lives."

Cuizhu assured Jiang Lin that once Peony was rescued, if the lady objected, they would rebel.

Afterwards, she explained to several brides in Meng Longtan why the lady let Jiang Lin and the others stay and let them choose the bride.

"Too hateful!"

"Just to prove that the concept she instilled in us is correct, just direct such a scene."

"And us, if Auntie repents, we will also oppose her!"

Meng Longtan's several fairy brides also made promises to Jiang Lin that after returning home, they would tell many sisters about these matters. If the lady stopped, it would be fine, otherwise they would turn Ten Thousand Flowers Forest into heaven.

Big deal.

"Thank you, and I hope things will go well."

After Jiang Lin expressed his gratitude to the fairies, he began to recuperate from his injuries with peace of mind.

Now, with the help of the tortoise and the tortoise mother, there is only one last stop left.

After reaching the final site, after clearing the Xingtian beast there, Peony can be rescued, and they can leave safely.

The turtle mother carried the swimming pool on the back, and after a stick of incense, Jiang Lin and the others arrived on the other side, the place where Wanhualin was being held, Qizhongtian.

It's a hell of fire.

When they got to the shore, Jiang Lin looked ahead, feeling a little more anger out of thin air.

This Seventh Heaven is in the center of a magma field, and the temperature of the magma is many times hotter than the volcanoes outside.

Even if he was suffering from Yang Yan, he could feel the scorching pain brought on him by the high fever.

But Peony and the soul of Jiang Ting in her body have been suffering here for a long time.

Chapter [*] is full of punching bags

This seventh-layer prison is not only with endless flames and magma, but also because the flow of time in the Thousand Flower Forest is many times faster than the outside world, resulting in the existence of these magma and flames for a long time. Very powerful fire poison.

Jiang Lin has Yang inflammation in his body, and he still feels the burning pain, not to mention Shaoyao and Cuizhu.

Although these fairies became immortals, because they were flowers, they were quite afraid of the fire poison here. In addition, the headbands of peony could not be used, so they could only keep exuding immortal power to protect themselves.

Jiang Lin originally wanted to release Yang Yan and Yin Fire to protect them, but he also thought that the Xingtian Beast here has a strange sense of fire, so he dismissed this idea.

Now as long as Peony is rescued as soon as possible, at that time, he no longer needs to hide his existence.

"Peony is in the underground lava cave in front of these pumice stones. Go down the spiral staircase in front, and you can see the cave door that is sealed on the ground. It's just that there are Xingtian beasts that can fly, and there are more than one or two. , so, it's best to be careful. It's the safest way to rescue Peony first, let her recover first, and increase our manpower."

Shaoyao pointed to the stones floating in the magma area ahead, and explained the specific situation to Jiang Lin and the others.

"Understood, then hurry over."

Jiang Lin nodded, and led the way with Shaoyao to a circular magma waterfall. He followed the spiral staircase arranged in the magma waterfall and descended to the ground.

Fortunately, the Xingtian Beast mentioned by Shaoyao did not appear in this section of the road.

Shaoyao pointed at the circular hole in front of it that had been scorched to red by the high temperature, and said to Jiang Lin, "Jiang Lin, there is the sealed cave door, we are the body of Hua Xian, we can't touch it, we can even practice immortal power. It will all be blown, and it is up to you. I see that you have a good flame in your body, and you should have a certain resistance to high temperature. "

"no problem."

Jiang Lin took two steps in three steps, walked to the edge of the hole cover, grabbed the handle on it, and pulled it hard.

Even with the protection of Yang Yan, Jiang Lin's palms were burned with black smoke, and he was burned in the eyes.

In fact, it wasn't a burn. Jiang Lin's body was still able to resist such a high temperature. It was just that the fire poison of this flame hell had accumulated on his hands for thousands of years, causing Jiang Lin's palms to be injured.

After opening the cave cover, Jiang Lin saw the peony lying on the stone platform in the lava cave, and at the same time, there were many alien beasts gliding in the air below.

It turned out to be the punishment beast.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes. The Xingtian beasts in the lava cave had the same name as the ancient god Xingtian. They had no heads, and their eyes were all grown on their stomachs.

There are also magma-like patterns on the abdomens of these Xingtian beasts, and each of them has a very strong fire poison.

It seems that these guys seem to feed on magma, which is a relatively alternative fire spirit.

It's just that the eyes of these Xingtian beasts are tightly closed, and they seem to be dozing off, but their bodies keep gliding with the airflow caused by the high temperature.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately signaled to Shaoyao and the others, telling them not to make a sound and stop in place for the time being.

And he himself hid his figure, jumped in, and landed at a slower speed.

"Peonies, peonies."

Jiang Lin landed on the stone platform, touched Peony's forehead with his hand, and transmitted his voice to him.

The space of this lava cave is not too big, which is not conducive to fighting. It would be more troublesome if the punishment beasts were awakened, so Jiang Lin did not make a sound.

After a while, Peony opened her eyes and woke up.

"Peony, it's me, I'm here to save you, don't make a sound, I'm hiding my figure now, I'll take you up first."

Jiang Lin was afraid that Peony would make a sound, so he sent another sentence.

"Jiang Lin, is it really you? I finally waited for you!"

Peony's face was very excited, and she communicated with Jiang Lin with her heart.

"It's me, I've suffered you, my peony."

After Jiang Lin responded, he picked up Peony and led her up slowly.

I hope you guys don't get in the way, otherwise...

Looking at the Xingtian beasts floating and gliding around, Jiang Lin's eyes shone with a cold light.

Peony's situation is very bad. Although he hasn't checked it carefully, it can be seen from the surface that Peony has lost a lot of vitality.

If everything goes well, he will immediately rescue Peony after he gets to the top, otherwise, once these Xingtian beasts obstruct, then don't blame him for killing.

Jiang Lin brought Peony out of the mouth of the lava cave, and there was a light cry in the cave below, and all the Xingtian beasts were awakened at this moment.

Jiang Lin quickly sealed the hole cover and withdrew with Peony in his arms.

"Fairy Shaoyao, Cuizhu, and Xingtian beast have been disturbed. You should resist for a while."

After putting the peony on the ground, Jiang Lin asked Shaoyao and Cuizhu to stand by. He needed to check the peony's condition first, and use the fairy treasure to help it heal and restore it.

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, the red hole cover was washed away, and one after another Xingtian beasts flew out screaming.

"Sisters, come on!"

Cuizhu drank, and Shaoyao and the others met the Xingtian beast rushing over.

After Jiang Lin investigated Peony's situation, he discovered that Peony's immortal body was attacked by fire poison very seriously, and Jiang Ting's soul in her body was also damaged.

After manifesting his body shape, Jiang Lin opened his abdomen with his fingernails, took out the ancient mirror, and took many immortal treasures from the ancient mirror, and said to Peony: "Quick, take it quickly, you are very weak now."

"Ah! Jiang did you become like this?"

Although Jiang Lin has refined a lot of immortal treasures, the corrosive power of weak water has not completely faded away. Therefore, there are still many parts of his body that have not grown strong, and he still looks rather scary.

" forced your way into the seventh heaven to save me?"

Seeing that some parts of Jiang Lin's body were corroded, Peony realized what was going on, and felt like being stabbed by a silver needle.

"Yes, but these are all over, at least you have been rescued. You can rest assured that the refining and medicinal power will recover, and I am very angry."

Jiang Lin comforted Peony a little, and then took out the fairy robe from the ancient mirror and put it on Peony. This fairy robe was taken off when he was going up and down the Ruoshui River from the Tianzhu, for fear of being damaged by the river water.

After that, he looked at the Xingtian beasts who were fighting against Shaoyao and the others.

"Jiang Lin, that is Xingtian Beast, even we are not easy to deal with, you don't want to go there."

Seeing that Jiang Lin wanted to join the war, Mudan hurriedly stopped him.

Although she didn't know how Jiang Lin forced his way here, she knew that Jiang Lin's ability was still unable to deal with those punishing beasts.

"Xingtian beasts? What Xingtian beasts, they are all my punching bags."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly and rushed out.

The pain he has experienced along the way has already made him a lot of fire, and now the souls of Peony and Jiang Ting have been hurt a lot. His wife has always been his inverse scale, and now he is inverse scale. Being touched made the anger in his heart soar.

His stomach full of anger, if it doesn't burst out, it will suffocate his body.

These Xingtian beasts are all fire-type beasts, and he has sun fire and immortal fire on his body, and he is immune to most of the means of these things.

In this case, he will use these alien beasts as his punching bag first.

Get out of breath and you're done.

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-six chapters of the mountain people have their own tricks

The Xingtian Beast can spray a magma column containing poisonous fire from its mouth.

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