The next day, when Jiang Lin woke up, he found that Peony had already dressed up by the window. Although he had eaten a lot of fairy treasures yesterday, he was quite tired and slept heavily.

After getting dressed, Jiang Lin went to Peony's side and said, "Come on, I will brush your eyebrows and hair for your husband."

"Mm. Xianggong, you can comb your temples like an aunt's. They have already been with you... and you... and they are embarrassed to say that combing the temples, others will know what's going on."

Peony's pretty face blushed. She also heard Jiang Lin said that her aunt might object, so she wanted to publicize her relationship with Jiang Lin.

But how could she have the nerve to say such a thing.

In the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, once a girl has drank the spring water or is a married woman, her dress will be slightly different from other fairies.

Therefore, she wanted to use this way to hint at the relationship between the two.

"Okay, Peony, you are so beautiful."

Jiang Lin smiled and sat down to dress Peony Thrush.

After a while, the two opened the door together, preparing to go to the reception hall.

The golden-armored warrior at the door saw Jiang Lin and Peony coming out together, and was immediately stunned. Why is there one more person?

"She... Isn't she Peony? Why did she appear in your room?"

After the golden armored warrior saw that many people were Peony, he was even more confused.

When he saw Peony's costume again, he was even more stunned.

Last night, he didn't hear anything, didn't know anything.

"She's my wife, why can't she appear in my room? Don't stop me, my niece-in-law, I have to go and say hello to my aunt."

Jiang Lin smiled, then took Peony's hand and went straight to the reception hall.

"Huh? Why didn't Young Master Jiang come today?"

In the main hall, the lady looked at Zhu Xiaolian and Meng Longtan, and asked about Jiang Lin. Today, she wanted to ask Jiang Lin when he was going to bathe and burn incense.

Until now, she didn't know that Peony had been rescued by Jiang Lin, and she was almost the only one who was present.

"Aunt, niece-in-law, I got up late, so I'm late. Aunt, little son-in-law, you say hello."

At this time, Jiang Lin and Peony appeared at the entrance of the hall, and Jiang Lin greeted the lady in a loud voice.

"You call me aunt, you really treat me as your aunt..."

The lady sneered, but before she could finish speaking, she saw the peony beside Jiang Lin.

"Then why don't I treat you as an aunt? I have to trouble your old man to arrange the marriage between me and Peony."

Jiang Lin smiled brightly, and his voice was a few degrees higher.

"Peony? She? She... Isn't she in the seventh heaven?"

After the lady saw the peony beside Jiang Lin, she was also stunned in place. After she was stunned, her face began to turn blue.

She thought who had released Peony.

"She's in the seventh heaven, but that was yesterday. I rescued the bride. Now, it's up to my aunt to arrange the wedding."

Jiang Lin was still smiling. Now that the promise he made has been fulfilled, the lady needs to fulfill her promise.

Chapter [*] shoots himself in the foot

The idea hit me and made my wife suffer like this. Today, you are shooting yourself in the foot!

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, this lady wanted to use him to prove that no man had any good things. This abacus was wrong from the beginning.

Today, if the lady doesn't do anything wrong, she'll be fine, otherwise, she will use the stone she lifted to smash her feet ruthlessly.

Not only did the abacus fail, but if the lady went her own way, the consequences would definitely be to lose the lady and lose the army.

Maybe they will be united by the fairy of Wanhualin to force the palace together.


At this time, Cuizhu and the others let out a meaningful long oh, listening to Jiang Lin's words, seeing Peony and the girls dressed differently, how could they not know what was going on.

"Humph! It's just you who can save her?"

The lady looked at Jiang Lin coldly. In any case, she did not believe that Jiang Lin could rescue Peony, and she was still unscathed.

Jiang Lin chuckled and replied, "Hey, that's why I rescued her. If my aunt doesn't believe me, she can go and see on the way to the Seventh Layer. The Liangtianzhu there has been pushed down by me. My spirit turtle was also released, and there is still a turtle mother in the Ruoshui River. Besides, I also killed all the Xingtian beasts in the seventh heaven, they stopped me from marrying a bride, my bride is beautiful Don't want it, don't let me marry her, how can I be willing? So, I wiped them all out."

"Xiang Gong~"

Peony gently tugged at Jiang Lin's sleeve and praised her in front of so many people, making her feel embarrassed.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

The lady's face was extremely ugly. Even if Peony appeared now, the fact was in front of her face, and she still didn't want to believe it.

But no matter how she didn't want to believe it, facts were facts, so her first reaction was that Jiang Lin had someone to help.

But this is not right. Without the headband of the peony, it is impossible to get close to the seventh heaven.

And Shaoyao's headband didn't have the power of her immortal power at all, and it was also impossible to help Jiang Lin in the past.

"Come on, check! Check it out for me! Peony, go and check it out for me!"

The lady drank, and at the same time tapped a celestial force towards Shaoyao's headband, and asked her to go to the Seventh Heaven with the golden armored warriors outside the hall.

After Shaoyao and the others left, the lady sat aside and looked at Peony coldly.

It doesn't matter if Peony is rescued, she is already Jiang Lin's person now, and she doesn't know anything.

Jiang Lin didn't care about the lady's face. He took the peony into the hall and sat beside Zhu Xiaolian, happily eating the fruits and vegetables on the table.

"Aunt, the marriage between the son-in-law and Peony can be held tomorrow. Here, the son-in-law wants to ask the aunt for something."

Jiang Lin smiled at the lady. In addition to worrying about the lady's repentance, he was also worried that the lady would be disrespectful and would be detrimental to Peony.

The power of life and death for Peony is still in the hands of the lady.

"Oh? What do you want?"

The lady looked at Jiang Lin with a smile on her face, wanting to hear what else he wanted to do.

"Peony's life card should be on my aunt, right? As the saying goes, if a married girl spills water, she will belong to me, so I will hold the life card. She is a fairy no matter what. , in case, I want to be like brother Meng, hugging from left to right, if she doesn't agree, I haven't ruled her yet."

"Hehe, Young Master Jiang, aren't you boasting that you are a peerless man? What? Are you still threatening your wife with a life card?"

The anger in the lady's heart was so great that Jiang Lin could save Peony without telling her, but now she still wanted to get Peony out of her hands completely.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said solemnly: "Eh~ I said that I am a peerless good man, so I am? Not necessarily. Auntie, you said that I was bragging, so I can't do it? "

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, some fairies, including Cuizhu, almost laughed.

Dare to love Jiang Lin, this is deliberately disapproving of their aunt.

After Jiang Lin rescued Peony at the risk of death yesterday, he put on the hat of a good man, and now he is denying it to their aunt, isn't it a sarcasm?

"I said, you, I want to hug each other in the future, would you?"

Jiang Lin turned his head to ask Peony beside him, and then lightly patted his back.

"Then I definitely don't want to."

Peony immediately understood and pretended to have a change in face.

"Auntie, look, look, if I want to treat her with something, how will I live in the future? You are willing to give me peony, there is no reason for our future married life Discord?"

Jiang Lin looked at the lady again with a helpless look on his face.

"Yeah, auntie, what Brother Jiang said makes sense."

"That's true."

Zhu Xiaolian and Meng Longtan were also at the side of the fire.

"That is."

With a smile on the lady's face, MMP in her heart, she could only say: "As long as you rescued the peony, I will definitely pour the water in the peony."

It didn't take long for Shaoyao and the golden armored warriors to return to the main hall, and reported the situation on the Seventh Layer to the lady.

Exactly what Jiang Lin said.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

The lady Huo Di stood up, glared at Jiang Lin with a gloomy face, and said, "If you rescued Peony, then I have absolutely nothing to say, but you can't rescue her!"

"Auntie, although our Wanhualin is only a country of women, people can't stand without faith. If Auntie goes back, it may be difficult to convince the public."

At this time, Shaoyao spoke up, admonishing the lady, if she repented, there would be chaos.

"Auntie, people know it's shameful to break their trust, let alone us?"

"You keep saying that Young Master Jiang and the others are guests, and you asked them to choose a bride, or you agreed to it yourself, but now, what is this?"

"Does Aunt really want to go back on the promise she made?"

After the peony, Cuizhu and Lilac, several brides of Meng Longtan and other fairies refuted.

At the moment, the lady's face was extremely difficult to see.

What is this called!

Jiang Lin is right, now the lady has a feeling of smashing her feet with a stone.

Her original intention was to use Jiang Lin and the others as negative teaching materials to completely influence the thoughts of the fairies.

But now, things are far beyond her expectations, even with the peony and the others, they have objections.

In the past, there was only one peony, and she was imprisoned in the seventh heaven. Now, is it possible that she should imprison everyone in it?

In that case, it will inevitably lead to her not being supported by anyone anymore, not only these fairies, but even the guards and guards under her will have a lot of criticism against her in their hearts.

Chapter [*] Resentful woman, what can't be done? (superior)

"Aunt doesn't believe it, so I'll let aunt see it. If aunt really wants to go back on it, then the son-in-law has nothing to say."

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