As he said that, Jiang Lin took out a piece of drawing paper from the ancient mirror, cast a spell, and then the picture burst into light and projected onto the wall on one side.

This is what he secretly explained to Bao Yi in the ancient mirror, and recorded some scenes of his breakthrough. Of course, there are no figures of Shaoyao and Cuizhu in the picture.

He had long expected that the lady would not fulfill himself and Peony so easily, so he left behind early in the morning.

The picture has been projected on the wall, and many fairies are completely stunned. Although they heard Cuizhu and others talk about Jianglin's rescue of Peony last night, there is still a gap between what they heard and what they saw.

Seeing that Jiang Lin was corroded into blood skeletons in the Ruoshui River, almost none of them did not feel the pain.

At the same time, they were also deeply impressed by Jiang Lin's feelings for Peony.

Even the lady frowned, she could tell at a glance whether this picture was true or false.

"Aunt, shouldn't you say that these are all fake? My son-in-law is a little puzzled. How can I save Peony? Is it important?"

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and looked at the lady. It's not a matter of talking back in public. Now, can the lady be able to call a deer like a horse again?

"Humph! I am the dignified Lord of Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, can I still confuse black and white? I will hold a wedding for you tomorrow!"

The lady's face was ashen, even if she didn't want to recognize it now, she would lose face.

Jiang Lin bowed slightly and said, "Thank you so much auntie, auntie, will you give me the Peony's life card as well?"

The lady flicked her sleeves, and a jade card with a peony pattern flew out of it.

After Jiang Lin took the jade card in his hand, he said to Peony: "You, just accept your fate, you can't meet so many good men, but you met me, remember later, marry a chicken, marry a dog, marry a dog. ."

When Cuizhu and the others heard Jiang Lin's deliberate remarks, they raised their hands to cover their mouths and let out a slight laugh.

The lady's face was red and white, and she never stayed in the hall again, and left angrily.

After the lady left, Cuizhu and the others gathered around and congratulated Peony. This time, Peony really came after all the hard work.

After that, Peony was taken away by them, and they wanted to be her bride, Xia Pi.

Jiang Lin went to Zhu Xiaolian's side. Just now, the joker gestured to him, as if he had something to say.

"Brother Zhu."

"Brother Jiang, I really envy you."

Zhu Xiaolian looked at Jiang Lin with a look that any man could understand. Jiang Lin's matter was accomplished very quickly.

"Don't put it there with envy, jealousy, and hatred. If you have something to say, say it directly."

"I... I just thought, can we stay in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest for a while longer?"

Zhu Xiaolian rubbed his hands together. Meng Longtan always wanted to run away after knowing that his bride was a fairy. If Jiang Lin left again, he would have no reason to stay.

"What are you doing, if you're going to chun, take action, a slender lady and gentleman. Do you think you are me? If you stay here, there will be a bride sleeping?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, he knew what Zhu Xiaolian was thinking, it was just for the peony.

But now the lady's abacus has failed, and she will definitely not let them choose a bride like before.

If Zhu Xiaolian didn't take action, he could only dream with the quilt every day.

There is nothing in the dream.

Zhu Xiaolian: "..."

Jiang Lin ignored Zhu Xiaolian's speechless expression and continued: "Marriage is a normal thing for a man and a woman to marry. If you are interested, take action. I would like to stay in this Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, but the truth is probably not so good. "

What Jiang Lin said was indeed his own thoughts, because Jiang Ting's soul still needed time to deal with, so he planned to stay in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest for a while longer.

This is also the reason why he asked the lady to marry him and Peony.

But this idea of ​​his is estimated to be dead.

"What? Why can't you do it?"

Zhu Xiaolian was stunned for a moment, wondering why Jiang Lin said that.

"You Shaoyao and my Peony's aunt, she is a grudge, do you understand? What can't be done? She asked us to come here instead of murdering us as soon as she saw us, just because she had an calculus in her heart. Well, now that the calculus has failed, do you know that she has not hurt our hearts anymore? She has worked so hard for so many years to convince these fairies that there is nothing good about men, but this hard work was wasted because of our appearance, you can think for yourself. "

Jiang Lin didn't tell Zhu Xiaolian too much. According to his intuition, it was impossible for a lady to let it go.

After that, Jiang Lin gave Zhu Xiaolian another suggestion to act as soon as possible. Now all the fairies, including Shaoyao, have changed their impression of men because of him. This is Zhu Xiaolian's chance.

It didn't take long for the news of Jiang Lin and Peony's marriage to spread, and Wan Hualin began to work on their wedding tomorrow.

Everyone felt this festive atmosphere, and even the guards heard that Jiang Lin went to save Peony, and they were also happy that the two of them were finally married.

Except for one person - the lady.

Her lungs were so pissed off.

If she hadn't insisted on not believing the fact that Jiang Lin rescued Peony, Jiang Lin would not have released the recorded video.

This is great, everyone saw it.

Even if you don't see it, you will listen to other people's comments.

This is an upright thing, everyone saw it with their own eyes, and she couldn't order the ban on everyone's mouth.

However, even if she wanted to break her head, she couldn't think of how a little cultivator like Jiang Lin could reach the Seventh Heaven and rescue Peony. She knew the power of Ruoshui River very well.

So, she went to Ruoshuihe in person to find out what was going on.

On the stone road of Ruoshui River, the lady used her immortal power to retrace what happened here, all the way back to the scene last night.

"There's no such thing! It's really unreasonable!!!"

In the retrospective scene, the lady found out that when Jiang Lin went to rescue Peony, there were actually Cuizhu and the others to help her, and what made her even more angry was that there was also peony, which made her anger really like real fire. , burning hot.

"Get married, I'll let you get married! Tomorrow I'll make your marriage a funeral!"

The lady screamed almost hysterically. She couldn't bear to be betrayed. Even her most trusted peony, along with others, betrayed her.

For many years, the fairies in Ten Thousand Flowers Forest have never doubted her words. Now, everything has changed. These fairies will become stupid women who fall in love with men in the future.

Chapter [*] Resentful woman, what can't be done? (Down)

Jiang Lin, Peony, and Cuizhu still didn't know that things were just going in a good direction, and this happened again.

"Xiang Gong, it's really, really like a dream. I, like Sister Ting, put on a phoenix crown."

In Jiang Lin's room, after Peony tried on the bridal makeup, she looked at her beauty in front of the mirror.

She really felt that this period of time was like a dream. Before, she just longed for the outside world and wanted to know what the girls outside were like. She didn't have too many ideas about her future.

However, after meeting Jiang Lin, her life changed. Until now, she is wearing the bridal attire that she only dreamed of and waiting to marry.

Moreover, the person she wants to marry, in her heart, is still a good husband who may not be found anywhere in the world.

Jiang Lin hugged the peony from behind, sniffed the faint fragrance of peony flowers in her hair, and said, "It's not so good in your dreams, these days, you've suffered hardships, and the flow of time outside is different from here. , I came in as soon as I went out. I didn't expect you to suffer so much. In the future, I will never let you suffer any more. "

Peony smiled slightly and said, "What's the matter of suffering? God gave me a good husband, and I earned it."

"Peony, although we are about to get married, I think I need to tell you that after getting married, I have to focus on saving Jiang Ting. After that, I have to find a woman who has a relationship with me and marry her. As a wife. Besides, I am not only Jiang Ting's wife."

Jiang Lin told Mudan what he needed to do later and his own situation. In fact, he could talk about it after leaving Wanhualin, but Mudan had suffered so much, and he still wanted Mudan to be mentally prepared.

"Xianggong, I don't mind, people fall in love with you, or because you are so affectionate to Sister Ting, you have me, do I want you to forget her? As for you will have other women, I already knew it in my heart. A man like you is even tempted by fairies, let alone other women? In fact, as early as when you sent Sister Ting's soul into my fairy body, I read her memory, The relationship between the two of you is actually very plain, and you are desperate to save her from waking up, then no matter what, can you still abandon me and forget me?"

Mudan picked up Jiang Lin's hand and rubbed her face. Before she knew Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin already had Jiang Ting as a wife, and she still fell in love with Jiang Lin. Since this is the case, there is one and two Yes, she doesn't care.

After a pause, Peony coughed twice, and continued: "Xiang Gong, people just said that fairies are tempted by you, Cuizhu and Lilac, they seem to want... and want to be the same as me, do you want it?"


Jiang Lin was really speechless when he heard Peony say such words.

Among his many wives, he really didn't ask him if he wanted a close friend in his boudoir.

In this forest of thousands of flowers, marrying a bride is still like a clearance sale, how much does one get for one?

How many wives will he spare?

"I don't want it. Let them wait for other men. I have no feelings for them."

Jiang Lin shook his head. He and Cuizhu and the others didn't have much emotional foundation. If it was about appearance, he didn't like it much. These weren't the most important things.

The most important thing is that next, he may not be able to stay in Wanhualin any longer, and he wants to go out, and once Peony and the others leave Wanhualin, they are almost like ordinary girls.

He didn't know how many dangers there were in the road ahead, and he really didn't have the confidence to come over.

If he really doesn't pick up his mouth and wins all of them, then any one of them is dangerous and suffers an accident, it will be purely gouging out his heart.

"Get along with each other."

"You girl."

Jiang Lin flicked Peony's forehead lightly and said, "This Wanhualin, after we get married, maybe we have to leave. Where do I have time?"


"I also told Zhu Xiaolian about this today. I'm afraid your aunt will not give up so easily. You think, she is a resentful woman with deep malice towards men. Can you imagine what she can do? Let me put it this way, if she didn't have her own purpose, she would have been poisoned by her when we entered Wanhualin for the second time. I want to stay here for a while for Jiang Ting and myself, but the fact is It definitely didn't go so well."

Jiang Lin explained his concerns to Mudan, but he wanted to stay here, not only to heal Jiang Ting, but also to live the life of a fairy couple with Mudan to relax his nerves.

The flow of time here is much faster than the outside world, and he can stop here for hundreds of years.

More importantly, in this Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, he was able to avoid the outside world Wang Tianqi's search for him.

With so many advantages, he is not a fool. If he can stay in Wanhualin, of course he wants to stay.

But these are all later stories. He and Peony made the lady's face green, so they can live happily as a couple?

"She... She's really going to be bad for you? But you're already married to me, so you'll call her auntie."

Peony is a little unbelievable. After tomorrow, Jiang Lin will officially become her husband, and she is also related to her aunt. Is her aunt still unwilling to let her husband go?

"You think too much. I'll call her auntie, but it's still a distant relationship. How many years have you been calling her? Did you send you to the seventh heaven and almost wiped you out?"

Jiang Lin took a deep breath. Now, it seems that only soldiers will come to block it, and water will come to cover it.

At least Cuizhu and Shaoyao, as well as the many guards of Wanhualin, have no ill will towards him.

If the lady insisted on going her own way, she could only fight one more time.

Hearing Jiang Lin's explanation, Peony felt heavy in her heart.

Jiang Lin was right. She was still close to the lady, and they were both treated like that, let alone Jiang Lin.

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