On the morning of the day, the reception hall of Wanhualin is decorated with lanterns and festive, and the wedding of Jianglin and Peony will be held here.

"Why haven't I seen my aunt yet? It's auspicious time."

Shaoyao glanced around outside the hall. From yesterday to now, the lady has never appeared. If the lady doesn't come, how can the newlyweds worship?

Just as she was about to look for it, a large group of guards rushed up from around.

And the lady also appeared, with a murderous look on her face.

"Capture Jianglin and Peony, as well as those stinky men, and execute them on the spot! Cuizhu, Lilac and others, arrest them all!"

The lady gave an order and immediately silenced everyone in the reception hall.

"Xiang Gong, she...she!"

Hearing the voice outside the hall, Peony lifted her hijab, with a very surprised expression on her face, as if she didn't want to believe it was true.

It was exactly what Jiang Lin said.

"Oh my god, there's really nothing that this resentful woman can't do! It's really fucked up!"

Zhu Xiaolian, a scholar, is swearing. Jiang Lin only said those words yesterday, and today, this matter has come true.

Or at the time of the wedding.

It is to make red things white.

The first thousand six hundred and thirty-one chapters are reversed, they are all reversed

"Go out."

Jiang Lin's brows twitched into a Sichuan character. Even though he had guessed that a lady would not give up so easily, he never expected that things would change today.

When the group walked out of the reception hall, they saw a lady with a sullen look.

Jiang Lin looked at the many flower demon guards beside the lady, smiled, and said, "What? What aunt only promised yesterday, will you regret it today?"

"Ha ha……"

The lady looked up at the sky with a long smile, then glared at Jiang Lin fiercely, and said, "I regret it? What am I regretting? I said at the beginning, if you save Peony, then the marriage will naturally not be a problem. But she is you. rescued?"

After saying that, the lady looked at the many sisters around Peony, and said coldly: "Cuizhu, Lilac, and you, Shaoyao! You dare to help him secretly, it's really outrageous!"

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes. How did the lady know about this?

Even though Cuizhu and the others promoted this, they didn't say anything about their involvement.

However, it is meaningless to entangle this issue now, the lady already knows.

"Yes, someone helped me, but that's just a little help. The main difficulties are still relying on me to get through. Presumably, aunt will choose to ignore these facts? I really can't think of you. Once you come out, what is it for? Or is it to prove that men have nothing good? I'm sorry, you can't prove it with me here. Your absurd remarks can no longer dominate the consciousness of the fairies here. If you insist on dealing with us, you will have nothing to do with it. Does it make sense? Does it make sense to Wanhualin?"

Jiang Lin didn't explain much, it was meaningless. Now, it's better to say everything, anyway, the reason is with them.

If the lady goes her own way, it will be a big fight.


The lady was speechless by Jiang Lin's words, and she couldn't find anything to refute.

"If they betrayed me, they must die! You must die too!"

In the end, the lady simply stopped fighting Jiang Lin, and ordered the golden armored warriors and guards to take down Jiang Lin and others.

"Auntie, your food looks really ugly!"

"It's good for us to help Jiang Lin, but why should we help him? It's because you are wrong!"

"Yes, there are indeed stinky men among men, but there are still good ones. It's okay if you call a deer a horse, and you have to break up the affectionate and loving mandarin ducks. Don't say we betrayed you, even after thousands of years, it is still because someone betrayed. you!"

Cuizhu, Lilac, and several brides from Meng Longtan all stepped forward to criticize the lady. What the lady did was too chilling.

"Sisters, do you want to continue like this? We are all sisters who grew up together, our aunt, in order to prove her own ridiculous remarks, she put Peony into the seventh heaven for no reason, and deliberately put our The sister is pushed into the hands of the stinky man, just like Yunmei, what did she do wrong? Does she deserve to be divorced by the man? Auntie, she has never treated us as human! If you don't obey her absurd teachings, you will be in the future. How can her end be better than Yunmei and Peony? Reverse her!"

Cuizhu shouted to the surroundings, encouraging all the sisters to resist the lady together.

"I hate her!"

Yunmei came to Cuizhu first to seek justice for herself.

Then one after another, the fairies came over and stood on the same front as Jiang Lin and the others.

Big difference.

"Auntie, although Jiang Lin has our help, we didn't provide much help. He doesn't know how many deaths he has survived. Do you have to kill them all?"

"Shut up for me! I can tolerate others betray me, but you, my heir, actually do something like this, it's unforgivable!"

The lady listened to Shaoyao's words and reprimanded her sharply.

"Golden Eagle, go forward and take down this traitor!"

The lady pointed her finger and asked the golden-armored warrior to capture the peony and let her send it.

The golden-armored warrior jumped up, raised his sword and stabbed at the peony, but just halfway through the charge, he turned back on the same path, and the tip of the sword stabbed at the lady's heart.

The Golden Armored Warrior has always had a love for peony, but no matter what, he could never pass the stage of the lady. Now, Jiang Lin's appearance has given him hope, but now the lady wants to obliterate all this. In this case, he still has no chance in the future.

Moreover, now the lady also asked him to deal with the peony, which is absolutely impossible, so he simply reversed.

"You're going to rebel too? You're all going to die!"

The lady flew back, then waved her long sleeves and blasted the golden-armored warrior far away.

"You're all going to die!"

With red eyes, the lady waved her sleeves and scattered dozens of jade cards, all of which were life cards to control the life and death of Cuizhu and Lilac.

At this moment, Jiang Lin shouted loudly, and a strong light erupted downwards from his body. Like a fixed-point light source, the blazing strong light shot towards the lady's face.

After the lady's eyes were stimulated by the strong light, Jiang Lin teleported out with lightning speed and wrapped all the jade cards into his sleeves.

If they can't take down these life cards, Cuizhu and the others are basically pure cannon fodder. Now that he and these fairies are in the same boat, naturally they won't let the lady like this.

"It's all set."

Jiang Lin threw the jade card from his sleeve and told Cuizhu and Yunmei to put it away.

At this time, Shaoyao also came to Jianglin and the others. Since the lady was unwilling to let them live, she could only resist.

"Take them, take them! What are you waiting for!"

The lady did not expect that the life card in her hand would be snatched away by Jiang Lin, and she couldn't suppress the endless anger in her heart, and roared at the guards behind her.

But these guards are usually managed by Shaoyao, and they regard Shaoyao as their sister. Now they are asked to deal with Shaoyao. For a while, they are not willing.

"Reverse, it's all reversed!"

The lady made a sharp cry, and then she waved with the fairy vine, and all the guards turned into a rain of flowers in an instant.

Chapter [*]: Runaway, wrong advanced (on)

"Peony, put on this fairy clothes, Brother Meng, someone wants to kill our wife, fuck him!"

Jiang Lin took out the willow leaf fairy knife and winked at Meng Longtan.

Although the fairies in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest have immortal power, they are basically not good at close combat, so he wants to take the lead.

And Meng Longtan has a fairy sword in his hand, plus his own kung fu is not weak, but he can cooperate with him.

"Yes, fuck him!"

Meng Longtan didn't retreat. Since he helped Jiang Lin save Peony, his bride's attitude towards him has changed a lot, and he has no hatred anymore, which makes him very happy.

He has become a winner in life again.

And now the lady is going to kill them all, even if he doesn't come out.

"Xianggong, good work, I didn't expect you to have such a heroic side."

"As long as this disaster is over, we will take you as the head of the family."

Meng Longtan's several brides are all cheering for their men. At present, their life cards have been withdrawn. As long as they unite, it is not impossible to force the palace to the noble lady.

"I'm also a great hero!"

Meng Longtan let out a roar, and joined Jiang Lin in a tug of war, attacking the lady.

At the same time, the golden armored warrior also flew behind the lady, and together with Jiang Lin and the others, surrounded the lady.

However, the strength of the lady is extraordinary, far from what Shaoyao and the others can match. Jiang Lin and the three of them are surrounded and attacked together, and they can't pose any threat to the lady.

Even the peony and the peony were still making long-range attacks from a distance, but they were blocked by the fairy vine in the lady's hand.

"Old resentful woman, come and taste the bitterness that Peony has eaten!"

The color of lava appeared in Jiang Lin's eyes, and two streams of magma shot out from his pupils.

This is the poisonous fire that has not been refined in his body. The lady is also the body of flowers and plants. Although there is a flame in the ivy that can be used, the lady herself is restrained by this flame.

Jiang Lin's ability was originally the best method for sneak attacks. The lady was unprepared, and when she saw the poisonous fire, she was about to rush to her heart.

At a critical juncture, she could only use her arms to protect her heart, and it was because of this that her wrist was hit by the poisonous fire, and the fairy vine in her hand was thrown out.

Jiang Lin seized the opportunity, took a move with the palm of his hand, and took the fairy vine away, causing it to fly to the peony.

"Auntie, we have no intention of being your enemy. If you don't go your way, we will still be a family."

After Shaoyao took over the immortal vine, she advised the lady to stop, and the lady restrained them. In addition to holding their life card, it was the immortal vine that could release the immortal fire. Now their life card has been taken by Jiang Lin took it away and gave it back to them, and Xian Teng fell into their hands again, and the lady no longer had any advantage.

"I said, you're all going to die, you're all going to die!"

The lady screamed, and then three balls of fire suddenly appeared in her palms and above her head, rushing towards Jiang Lin and the three of them.

Meng Longtan and the Golden Armored Warriors never thought that the noble lady would still be able to use the immortal fire without the immortal vines. They were all hit directly by the fireball, and even their immortal knives and long swords were destroyed by the fireball's momentum.

And Jiang Lin, who also did not expect the lady to have such a hand, was also hit by the fireball in the face, spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew out.

Although Meng Longtan had an immortal sword by his side, he originally had no cultivation. After being hit by a fireball, he rolled a few times and lost his breath. The golden-armored warrior was also seriously injured, almost dying.

If Jiang Lin hadn't had a strong resistance to flames, he would have been in danger this time.

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