"How can she have immortal fire in her body?"

Jiang Lin grabbed his chest and got up from the ground with a look of stunned expression. Although the lady and the peony were all flower immortals, they were still in the Five Elements. The flames of strange fire and immortal fire still make them very jealous.

It is even more impossible to say that it is cultivated with flames.

Jiang Lin would not have thought that the lady's body is also a good flower, but it is an extremely rare plant - the flame flower of the fire tree.

This kind of fire smelting tree can only grow in a high temperature environment, and can only produce flowers in a flame. Therefore, compared to peony and peony, she is not afraid of flames.

Not only that, the immortal vine is the branch on the fire tree, which contains the fairy fire that the fire tree absorbs endless flames.

Not only did Jiang Lin not know this, but also Shaoyao and the others, who had been with the lady for many years, also did not know.

Before Jiang Lin could react, the lady turned into a huge flower surrounded by flaming flames. The incomparably blazing fairy fire was like a dragon, spraying towards the peony and the others.

Shaoyao immediately used the fairy vine to spray out fairy fire to resist the attacking fire dragon.

"Take my fairy vine, can you exert its power!"

The flower that the lady turned into made a sound, and then another wave of incomparably violent fire rushed out again.

Cuizhu and the others could only touch each other with their palms, concentrating all the immortal energy on Shaoyao, forming a protective wall of immortal energy.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin didn't even have time to breathe, his palms gathered all the spiritual power in his body and bombarded the huge flower.

But, it's still too late.

The incomparably violent fire broke down the protective light wall that Shaoyao and the others had maintained almost in an instant, and then the brilliant immortal fire rushed towards them like a beast.

A rain of flowers.

All the fairies, including the peony, became a petal with flaming ashes.

The fairy clothes on Peony can indeed protect her, but this is also limited.

Even if the fairy fire erupted from the lady's fairy vines, the fairy clothes could block it, but the lady manifested her body, and the power of the fairy fire sprayed in the flowers was comparable to that of several fairy vines working together.


Jiang Lin's eyes were full of bloodshots as thick as wool.

Eye canthal cracked.

His wife Peony, as well as Jiang Ting's soul in her body, turned into ashes.

At this moment, Jiang Lin only felt that his heart was beating ten times or even dozens of times faster, and his body automatically showed the appearance of a hairy zombie, and his mind was directly occupied by Wu Yu's anger at this moment.

This was the first time in his life that Jiang Lin was extremely angry.


"I want you to die!"

An eardrum-shattering roar erupted from Jiang Lin, and the windows of the surrounding palaces fell off directly because of the terrifying sound wave.

Jiang Lin's eyes were blood red, bursting with a blood-red light that made his soul tremble. His face was quickly covered with dragon-scale epidermis, and the stiff hairs on his body also began to fall off rapidly, and were also replaced by abnormal epidermis.


If Jiang Lin moves from being stiff to being stiff again, then the hair on the corpse will become the kind of fine fluff on the chicks, that is, feathering.

But now, he is not a feather, but a sane that has lost all reason.

Then, Jiang Lin's body began to stoop down, showing the appearance of a beast.

A massive amount of corpse gas erupted from Jiang Lin's body, and even the lady who had transformed back into a human form felt terrified when she saw Jiang Lin's appearance at this time.

Chapter [*]: Runaway, Error Advancement (Part [*])

"Wang...Wang Di?"

The lady stepped back again and again. During the previous battle, she discovered that Jiang Lin's monk status had the body of a demon corpse, but she didn't care much.

But now, Jiang Lin has lost his mind because of his anger, and broke through in the direction of Wang Dijian.

If Jiang Lin really became Emperor Wang, he would definitely be with her forever.

Even if she can kill Jiang Lin in the end, she will suffer irreversible serious injuries.

Although the lady is not afraid of flames, her body is still a flower. In terms of vitality, it is a bit worse than other immortals. In addition, Jiang Lin also has strange fires and immortal fires in her body. She is immune to her methods. In the case of war, it can be said that the results are really unpredictable.

At this time, Jiang Lin is indeed approaching the level of Wangdijian. Before, he had the experience of dehydration. Before in Liang, he accepted Wangtianjian's corpse poison and the power of belief. , Although those corpse poisons were finally dealt with by him, his corpse pills already had the prototype of the alien soul, which was equivalent to the transformation of the soul.

Now, Jiang Lin has completely entered a state of berserk, and there is not a trace of clarity in his mind. The Lingtai is completely occupied by hatred, causing the corpse to automatically move in the direction of Ji.

Wangdij, although on the same level as Fei Zong, a Wangdij has the strength to challenge the corpse ancestor.

Although there is a real life-and-death fight, Emperor Wang may still be killed by the corpse ancestor, but he can definitely bite off half of his body.

The strength of the lady is even higher than that of the fairies like Shaoyao, and even the flying stiffness can't cause any harm to her.

But Wang Dijian was different.

At this moment, the alien primordial spirit in Jianglin Corpse Pill rapidly enlarged and overlapped with his body, and then the indigo alien monster also began to bend down, completely conforming to his corpse.

After that, Jiang Lin completely lost his human form, just like a Saiyan turned into a gorilla, with one face protruding forward, and finally, one of his corpse mouths took up most of his face.


Jiang Lin let out a loud roar, and then his body disappeared. The next moment, his body appeared in front of the lady.

The two claws grabbed the lady's shoulders with lightning speed, and Jiang Lin bit the lady's neck with a bloody mouth.

After that, the entire Ten Thousand Flowers Forest was like a strong earthquake, and one palace after another turned into ruins in an instant.

It was all the result of Jiang Lin's rampage with the lady in his head.

In the blink of an eye, the once graceful and luxurious lady turned into a crazy woman with disheveled hair.

A few moments later, I don't know how many ravines appeared on the ground, all of which were torn by Jiang Lin, dragging the lady, and using the lady's body to plow out.

In this short period of time, the lady was almost desperate. It wasn't that she never resisted, but Jiang Lin was really like a mad beast, all of which was fierce.

Even if she used all the immortal fire in her body, she couldn't stop the monster in front of her from colliding and biting.

After the transformation, Jiang Lin threw the lady out, spewing corpses one after another from his mouth. Every time it passed, a hole would appear in the lady's body.

The lady vomited blood again and again, and used all kinds of life-saving techniques and powerful means, but even if there were pools of black and green bloodstains under Jiang Lin's feet, his fierceness was still unabated.


Just as Jiang Lin rushed forward again, ready to bite off the lady's neck with one bite, a radiant Buddha's light suddenly appeared in the air.

Then the Arhat in Zhantan Temple, the eminent monk without moving, slowly descended.

Jiang Lin's pair of scarlet eyes stared at the immobile monk in midair, causing the short arhat to frown.

He had never seen such a vicious beast since he cultivated Buddhism.

Even Wang Dixian, who had met once before, couldn't compare to Jiang Lin in front of him.

The fact is also the case. Jiang Lin, who was in a state of extreme berserk at this time, was the Emperor Wang of Liang.

Jiang Lin now only has the idea of ​​destroying everything, and his desire to survive has been deceived. If he really wants to see him, he has to retreat for the time being.

The immovable monk glanced at the lady and sighed. Whose fault is it when things have gotten to this point?

He recited the mantras of the Dharma in his mouth, and a nirvana flame appeared around the monk's body. Immediately, the Buddha's light filled every place in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest.

Jiang Lin's vicious aura was gradually purified under these Buddha lights.

However, even if the eminent monk does not move to Nirvana automatically, he cannot completely remove Jiang Lin's ferocity.

Afterwards, a miraculous wave appeared on the body of the immovable monk, and with the mantra, it swayed out.

At the same time, his eyebrows began to gradually turn white.

This was to return Jiang Lin's body to its previous state at the expense of his lifespan.

It didn't take long for the blood-colored light in Jiang Lin's eyes to weaken, and his spiritual platform finally regained a trace of clarity.

"It's you? Are you going to save her?"

After Jiang Lin regained some consciousness, he stared coldly at the immobile monk in midair.

He had long known that Monk Fudo must have something to do with Wanhualin, and now if this dwarf arhat wanted to save the lady, he would definitely not agree.

Never die!

"Donor, if you trust the poor monk, don't resist for the time being. Otherwise, if you really become Wang Di, all your minds will be swallowed up. By then, everything you have will be meaningless."

The immovable monk smiled slightly and persuaded Jiang Lin with good words.

"Wang Di?"

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes. He had already discovered his current situation. If he couldn't regain his sanity, he would really be the same as what the eminent monk said.

"She doesn't die today, don't say you are an Arhat, even if the Buddha is here, it won't work!"

"Actually, there is a better outcome. She doesn't die, and others live. I am here in Nirvana, and I cast spells with mantras. You may be able to believe me."

The immovable monk still had a smile on his face and didn't care what Jiang Lin said.

others live?

Jiang Lin's eyes suddenly widened, and only now did he realize that this Arhat seemed to make his body return to a stiff state.

That is to say, it is equivalent to backtracking on him with the power of time.

If this is the case, then Mudan and Jiang Ting are really likely to be rescued by the immovable monks by the same means.

At the moment, Jiang Lin also cooperated with the mysterious power in his body to suppress the extremely restless corpse poison in his body.

If everything is as the monk said, then there is still a discussion. After all, killing the lady will not help. Except for revenge, Peony and Jiang Ting will not be able to come back.

But if the result didn't satisfy him, he would have accepted the lady's life, even if he paid a huge price.

Chapter [*]: Collective Resurrection

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin's body to return to its previous state because of the magic of the immobile monk.

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