This also eliminated the hidden danger of his corpse.

In terms of Jiang Lin's corpse level, there is still some gap to advance. If he hadn't been so angry this time, he wouldn't have been able to advance.

Doing it forcibly will not only make his corpse foundation unstable, but also have a big impact on his future path.

What's more, he made a mistake this time, and moved in the direction of Huahua.

Now that the corpse has returned to its original point in time, it will naturally be of great benefit to him.

At this time, the immortal monk has become very old, his eyebrows are completely gray, and there are many wrinkles on his face.

"I'm waiting."

Jiang Lin looked at Senior Monk Fudo, and his face gradually turned cold. Now the cultivation base of Senior Monk Momo had almost disappeared. He really couldn't imagine how this short and fat Arhat would fulfill his promise to him.

"Donor, please wait a moment."

Monk Fudo was still very calm. He floated down from the air, looked at the lady, and said, "What do you think? You have eliminated all those who disobeyed you. Are you happy?"

"Did you come back just to laugh at me?"

While recuperating her injuries with immortal power, the lady looked at the immovable monk with a cold face and resentment.

"Didn't you say you want to become a Buddha? Why did you come back? Why did you come to save me?"

"I'm still attached to you in my heart, and I'm worried, how can I become a Buddha?"

The eminent monk walked over to help the lady, and continued: "I have been watching you and guarding you for many years, but you just don't know it."

Hearing what the eminent monk said, the lady immediately burst into tears. If what the eminent monk said was not true, then it would be impossible for him to appear in time when she was facing death.

It turned out that this dwarf Arhat and this lady have such a relationship.

Jiang Lin was a little surprised. He had speculated that the monk Fudo had a relationship with Wanhualin, but he didn't expect that this dwarf arhat and the owner of Wanhualin were lovers.

To tell the truth, this lady's eyes are really not very good.

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, the lady was graceful and luxurious, and her temperament was also good. Young things were estimated to be as good as Peony, but she fell in love with a short monk.

However, he doesn't care about the relationship between the two, he cares about Peony and Jiang Ting.

The eminent monk did not continue to talk to the lady about unimportant things, and said: "You took anger on all men because of me, and finally all your descendants and children disappeared. This is the cause I planted. I will bear it. I will nirvana and save them. What you want in the future, right or wrong, that's all."

"No, don't leave me again, it's my fault, it's all my fault."

The lady couldn't hear that the eminent monk was going to be completely nirvana, so she panicked and dragged him to stop him from casting spells.

If the spell is forced again, without the support of the immortal power, the immovable monk will really be in nirvana.

With a sigh, the eminent monk made a seal on his hands and placed it on the lady's forehead, drawing away the immortal power in her body. After that, he threw a small mountain from his sleeve.

This mountain is Fudo Peak, a powerful immortal weapon given to him by his teacher many years ago. Without this immortal weapon, he could not have made Peony and Shaoyao come alive.

With the support of immortal power, the high monk Fudo continued to display his magical powers, and Fudo Peak also bloomed with Buddha light, and bursts of Brahma chants came out from it.

Then, countless tiny light particles scattered from the immobile peak.

When Peony and the others were robbed, the eminent monk Fudo used his supernatural powers at the Chantan Temple outside the Wanhualin, and collected the ashes that the Peony and the others had dissipated into the Wanhualin.

It's just that Jiang Lin's mind was blank at that time, so he didn't notice the fluctuations at that time, and the lady was hit by Jiang Lin's attack and didn't notice it either.

Not only the fairies like Shaoyao, but also Zhu Xiaolian, Shutong, and Jinjia warriors who were affected and died were also taken in by this Fudo Peak.

The Sanskrit sound continued, and the Fudo Peak exuded a power of great compassion and compassion, as well as the retrospective power formed by the nirvana of the Fudo monk.

After a while, those tiny particles of light converged and finally formed a human-shaped silhouette.

At this time, Jiang Lin's heartbeat was very fast, and it was really possible for the eminent monks to make Mudan and Jiang Ting come alive!

After a few blinks of an eye, the figures of Peony and Peony appeared in the open space not far away.

Many fairies and Zhu Xiaolian, Meng Longtan and the others were all resurrected collectively.

For a while, these people didn't know what was going on.


Jiang Linfei rushed over and hugged Peony.

Over the years, he has gone through a lot of life and separation, but his farewell is only this time. Even if Jiang Ting died before, he still has a way.

But before, the souls of Peony and Jiang Ting instantly turned into a rain of flowers, making him unable to save them.

"Xiang Gong, people are out of breath."

Mudan was held tightly in Jiang Lin's arms, and it was really hard to breathe.

Jiang Lin let go of his arms and put his forehead on the peony's head again, exploring the soul of Jiang Ting in his body.

After finding that Jiang Ting's soul was still the same as before, and he was not damaged by these changes, he was completely relieved.

"Master, what's going on? Who is he?"

"Yeah, Brother Jiang, what the hell is going on? We should already be dead."

Peony and Zhu Xiaolian asked Jiang Lin, and the twists and turns really made them a little confused.

"You are resurrected, that monk is your uncle, and he saved you."

Jiang Lin explained a little to Mudan and the others, so Mudan and Shaoyao knelt down to the immortal monk and thanked him for his resurrection.


Jiang Lin also bowed to the eminent monk. Now that Mudan and Jiang Ting are back to life, his hostility to the eminent monk has naturally dropped a lot.

Moreover, now that he thinks about it, he also guesses that I am afraid that all this is intentional by the immovable monk, including the first time Peony left Wanhualin for no reason, and he and Zhu Xiaolian entered Wanhualin and everything that happened after that, maybe All are under the control of the immovable monks.

The eminent monk still smiled and said to Jiang Lin, "I know, although I rescued them, you still don't want to let go. It's better that the female donor who is in the heart of the donor, the body of the female donor who is in the heart of the donor, I will use The last mana treatment, and you, the donor, just give up, how about it?"

"Do you have a solution?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows, what the eminent monk said was true, even if the latter resurrected Peony and the others, the grudge between him and the lady was not over yet.

After all, this lady made Peony and Jiang Ting die once. Even if they were resurrected now, she still had a grudge against him for killing his wife, tore off his scales, and put them back. This matter is not so easy to pass.

However, since the high monk Fudo has put forward conditions, things are different.

In order to make Jiang Ting come back to life as soon as possible, he can let go of the grudge against the lady in his heart.

Chapter [*] Qiankun Lock

As for how Senior Monk Fudo knew about Jiang Ting's situation, Jiang Lin didn't have any doubts. I'm afraid from the very beginning, Senior Monk Fudo was already an outsider, observing everything in Wanhualin from the outside.

"Rong poor monk give it a try."

The immovable monk didn't say too much. He still knew a little about Jiang Ting's situation. Moreover, the sword country was adjacent to the Liang country, and the direction of Jiang Lin should be the Liang country.

Therefore, he also knew that Jiang Ting's problem was very difficult, and he could only try his best.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Since Master has a solution, Jiang Lin is naturally willing to let go of the entanglement."

"What about you? Do you want to be like before?"

After Jiang Lin agreed, the eminent monk moved to look at the lady again.

If the lady is still unwilling to stop, then he has no choice but to reconcile.

The lady shook her head slightly and said, "I won't take care of the affairs here. In the future, I will go wherever you go."

Then the lady looked at Shaoyao again and said, "From today, everything in the Thousand Flowers Forest will be handed over to you, whoever wants to get married, who wants to leave, who wants to come in, has nothing to do with me anymore. ."

After this change, the lady also looked away, even if she didn't look away, in her current situation, she couldn't do anything.

After that, she made a seal with her hands, stripped all the immortal power in her body, and even the foundation of her cultivation, and sent it into the body of the immovable monk.

In the future, she will leave Ten Thousand Flowers Forest with Senior Monk Fudo, and her cultivation will gradually dissipate. It is better to adopt it to Senior Monk Fudo now, at least to prolong his lifespan.

"Then the matter here is completely over."

Monk Fudo was very satisfied with the lady's answer, and then he recited the incantation spell to make Fudo Peak turn into a huge mountain and fly out.

Where Fufufeng flew over, the palaces and grounds that had been destroyed by Jianglin were restored at an extremely fast speed, until finally they were completely restored to their original state.

It's still the same as before.

"Today was originally a festive day, so the donor should do a happy event first."

If the lady hadn't made this move, today would be a great day for Jiang Lin and Peony to get married.

Therefore, Monk Fudo is still a little apologetic in his heart. After all, the relationship between the lady and him is not ordinary. Of course, he wants to make up for the wrong thing the lady did.

"You go, he and I also bless you both."

The noble lady couldn't see that the eminent monk found her a step down and let Jiang Lin and Peony continue their marriage.

Although Jiang Lin was eager to know whether the eminent monk Fudo could save Jiang Ting, he also knew that this matter was not in a hurry, and that Peony's status was not yet there.

Under the blessing of everyone, the two continued to complete the marriage process in the reception hall.

After the marriage was over, Jiang Lin took out Jiang Ting's body in the hall.

The lady saw Jiang Ting's corpse and asked Shaoyao again, only to find out what happened between Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting.

At the beginning, Jiang Lin stayed in Wanhualin regardless of the danger, just to save his wife, hoping to make her come back to life.

Knowing this, the lady began to understand why Shaoyao and Cuizhu were willing to help Jiang Lin.

When the other fairies saw this scene, they were also very emotional. They knew it happened, but they saw Jiang Ting's icy corpse with their own eyes.

After the immovable monk checked Jiang Ting's situation, he frowned. The problem was much more serious than he imagined.

"Master, if you need anything, just tell me."

As Jiang Lin said that, he took out some of the magic tools in the ancient mirror that he had, and told the monk Fudo what methods of detoxification he knew, and if there was any need, he would do his best to cooperate.

"Huh? This lock..."

At this moment, the lady saw the longevity lock Jiang Lin took out, and with a light snort, she took it in her hand.

"Why is the Qiankun lock here with you? No, this is not the Qiankun lock, it's a fake."

After checking the longevity lock in her hand, the lady originally thought it was an immortal weapon she knew, but after a closer look, she found that it was not.

The immortal monk took the longevity lock from the lady's hand and moved it a little with his immortal power, and a purifying power appeared in it, so he said to Jiang Lin: "Donor, to be honest, the poor monk is very fond of this woman. There are not many ways to deal with the donor's situation. Although my retrospective power can help him to a certain extent, it is not a way to cure the root cause. My supernatural powers, for the living beings in the three realms and six realms, still have Not a small effect, but for the toxin of the corpse evil, it is somewhat beyond the reach. However, if the purification power in this silver lock is more, the poor monk can guarantee to fully restore it. Of course, this is only For the body of this female benefactor."

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