By the way, longevity lock!

After listening to the words of the lady and the immovable monk, Jiang Lin realized that he had always ignored this magic weapon.

When he was in Liang Guo, it was because Jiang Ting wore this longevity lock that he discovered the clue of Liang Guo.

At that time, the power of purification radiated from the silver lock.

But what is the Qiankun lock?

Is this longevity lock a fake of Qiankun lock?

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. He knew nothing about the origin of the Longevity Lock, let alone the Qiankun Lock.

"However, where did I get more purification power? I got this silver lock by chance. I didn't ask its origin."

Jiang Lin shook his head, then he looked at the lady and asked, "Auntie, just now you said it was the Qiankun lock, and then you said it was a fake, what's going on?"

The lady looked at the longevity lock in her hand and said, "It turns out that you saw it by accident. This is actually an imitation, imitated from the fairy weapon my sister owned. However, the purification The power is of the same origin as the Qiankun lock, and it can purify all the magic power, including the power of the corpse."

"Your sister? Is it in Wanhualin?"

Jiang Lin hurriedly asked, if the Qiankun lock can be found, then the immovable monk can use the Qiankun lock to cooperate with the magical power to completely solve the problem of Jiang Ting's body.

Even if the Wangtian corpse poison in Jiang Ting's body can only be solved first, the situation will be much better.

After all, Jiang Ting's body is considered a disease, and the problem of the soul can be solved by other methods.

The first thousand six hundred and thirty-six chapters do not move the monk's suggestion

The lady responded: "Naturally, she is not in Wanhualin. She is the God of Flowers, in charge of Huaxian Pavilion. Similar to this Wanhualin, she is also in the Sword Kingdom in the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, but it is above the triple heaven."

"Flower Immortal Pavilion?"

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled, even if there were so many flower fairies in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, why is there still a flower fairy pavilion?

In the sand sea of ​​the Northern Territory, is it possible that there are flower fairies gathered together?


The lady told Jiang Lin about the origin of Wanhualin and Huaxian Pavilion. It turned out that a long time ago, when Wutian was still the lord of the heavenly court, he established the position of flower fairy in the heavenly court, so that the flower demons from the lower realms could become immortals in the heavenly court.

However, Wutian's move is not at all good-natured. If flowers are cultivated to adults, most of them are women, and most of them are very beautiful. Many flower immortals have been selected by Wutian and many immortal officials to become concubines or concubines. , The status is not as good as that of a Taoist companion.

Therefore, after the lady and her sisters arrived in the heaven, they didn't want to be in heaven, so they stole two treasures of space in the heaven, and turned it on. In the end, they fled to the sand sea in the northern region. A place where heaven is difficult to control.

The two treasures of space, one is the mural of the Tantan Temple, the interior space was transformed into a forest of thousands of flowers by a lady, and the other is the Huaxian Pavilion.

Many years ago, because Heavenly Court wanted to recover the two treasures, the lady got the news and separated from her sister to live in two places, so as to keep a piece of pure land for many flower demons.

However, the two sides are not too far apart. Once one of them is discovered, the other is relatively safe.

The most dangerous places are naturally relatively safe.

"That fellow without the sky, he established himself in the Heavenly Court. I thought he could really manage the order of the Three Realms. I didn't expect it to be a piece of shit. However, that fellow has already died in my hands."

Jiang Lin sneered. According to the description of the lady, even if Zhong Kui didn't lead the ghost soldiers and ghost generals in the ghost town to rebel, it was absolutely impossible for that guy to sit safely.

Sooner or later someone will oppose.

However, he was also a little strange. Since Wutian raised the flower fairy, how could he kill the jade remnant of the year.

In terms of appearance, there is no fairy in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest that can compare with it.

In fact, Jiang Lin still doesn't know people like Wutian very well. For Wutian, everything else has to be in the back row compared to his own seat.

Back then, Yu Canhua and the Eight Immortals were exposed early, otherwise Wutian would definitely have other thoughts.

"What? You said Wutian died? Or was he killed by you?"

After the lady heard Jiang Lin's words, she was shocked, which was too incredible.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Do I have to speak up here? Not only did Wutian die, but the court of heaven was also destroyed. I was an important person who participated in the war against heaven. I killed that scumbag myself. ."

Oh my God!

The lady's eyes widened, she could see that Jiang Lin wasn't bragging or lying, and Jiang Lin didn't need it at all.

Now, she is really glad that she listened to the reconciliation of the immovable monk, otherwise the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

"It turns out that the Heavenly Court has been destroyed, and Wutian is also dead. In this case, I need to inform my sister. I'm afraid you should go to Huaxian Pavilion, right? I will write a letter to inform the changes outside. To her, I also mentioned that you want to borrow the Qiankun lock, and when you find Huaxian Pavilion and send the letter, she will not embarrass you if you come."

Now that Shaoyao and the others have died and were reincarnated, the knot in his heart has been untied, and the lady's mentality has also changed, and she also wants to leave a way out for the many fairies in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest.

And Jiang Lin participated in the anti-sky war and made military exploits. If Wanhualin and Huaxian Pavilion return to the outside world in the future, they may need to use Jiang Lin's face.

That's why she found an excuse to write a letter. In fact, she also wanted to help Jiang Lin.

"Then thank you aunt."

Jiang Lin also knew the real intention of the lady, but it was just a pretense to write a letter. Since the lady was willing to help, he didn't hesitate to say thank you.

"Master, please use your magical powers, and I will cooperate on the side so that Jiang Ting's physical condition will not worsen."

Jiang Lin turned to look at the immovable monk. The latter nodded slightly and sat down cross-legged. Together with Jiang Lin, they used the purifying power emitted by the Longevity Lock to detoxify Jiang Ting's corpse.

With the combined efforts of the two, Jiang Ting's body was treated by the power of retrospect, the power of purification, and the real fire of immortal fire, and the deterioration trend in her body was finally stopped.

After that, Jiang Lin cast a spell to release Jiang Ting's soul in Peony's body, but there is no good way to deal with Jiang Ting's soul if he doesn't move the monk.

Jiang Ting's soul was damaged by the poisonous fire, and it was very fragile, and it had been attacked by the corpse poison for so long.

What's more, the corpse poison in Jiang Ting is not the poison of ordinary corpse evil, but belongs to Wangtianjian.

Ordinary corpse poison is easier to deal with, but the corpse poison of Qian is rare and cannot be more rare.

If you don't move the monk, you can only do nothing.

"Master, since that's the case, what can be done?"

Jiang Lin asked the immortal monk, Jiang Ting's soul is the last city defense, and there must be nothing wrong.

Even if the worst situation occurs, and the flesh body as the focus cannot be treated, he can still use the body of lotus root or flower fairy to let Jiang Ting revive his soul.

Once Jiang Ting's soul can't be rescued, nothing will be left.

However, before the last moment, Jiang Lin was unwilling to give up the treatment of Jiang Ting's body.

"If there is a way, there is no poor monk, but there may be outsiders. Over the years, there have been many people staying in the poor monk's Chantan Temple. I have also heard them say that the sword country seems to be no longer stable. There is an organization that claims to be a demon sect, specializing in refining corpses and medicine people from living people, and these organizations seem to be related to Liang Guo. There may be some records of research there, which may be helpful. "

The eminent monk Fudo talked to Jiang Lin about the current situation of the Sword Kingdom. Since decades ago, the good and evil sides of the Liang Kingdom have begun to be out of balance, and the evil side should be brewing a conspiracy related to the corpse evil.

In addition, he also mentioned to Jiang Lin that he had met Emperor Wang in the Sword Kingdom, and the Demon Sect of the Sword Kingdom probably had some connection with Emperor Wang.

Therefore, the advice that the eminent monk Fudo gave Jiang Lin was to ask him to find some research materials. Perhaps the study of this kind of corpse poison by the Demon Sect of the Sword Kingdom was much more thorough than that of some senior monks.

Jiang Lin nodded. No matter whether he was an eminent monk or an immovable monk, he knew too little about Ji, especially the corpse evil at the level of Wangdi and Wangtian, which was extremely rare.

Now that I want to completely get rid of Jiang Ting's corpse poison and bring her back to life, there is no way to do it, so it can be said that there is no good way at all.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a moment, but decided to go first to find the Demon Sect of the Sword Kingdom. At present, it is really difficult for him to do both. If he wants to take care of his body and soul, he may not be able to.

Once he leaves Wanhualin, the time flow here is different from the outside world. It may have been a long time since the past few days outside.

At present, the deterioration of Jiang Ting's body has been controlled. Although it is the focus of the disease, at least she has the sustenance of the fairy treasure.

It is more important to solve the problem of the soul first.

Chapter [*] Interesting Sword Country

"Aunt, can the flow of time in Ten Thousand Flowers Forest be changed? If I leave, it will take at least a month to start. In this case, it may take decades or even hundreds of years for this world to pass."

"The time of Wanhualin is related to the master's cultivation. Now I have lost my cultivation. The time here should be almost the same as outside. When Shaoyao replaces me and truly becomes the master here, it will not be so fast. It's probably dozens of times that of the outside world."

"That's great."

After receiving the lady's reply, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Since the flow of time can be reduced a lot, it would be perfect.

When Shaoyao completely replaced the lady and became the master of Wanhua Forest, he stayed here for a few years, then left, and when he found research materials and came back, there would not be much change.

Now, Jiang Lin does need some time to cultivate himself.

When he was cooperating with the immovable monk just now, he felt something was wrong with his body.

Although the immovable monk retrospected his corpse, it did not really turn back time, so the sequelae of his advanced transformation were still there.

In the past, he had noticed that there would be mental problems after he was transformed, so even if he could greatly enhance his combat power after the transformation, he seldom chose to do that.

But before, he was in anger and desperate, which caused him to have sequelae.

This requires time and Xianbao to cook.

"Master, are you leaving now?"

Mudan walked to Jianglin's side and hugged her man's arm reluctantly. She just got married, and before she could feel the sweetness of love and married life, the man was about to leave.

"Don't worry, I won't leave until a few years later."

Jiang Lin comforted Mudan, not to mention that there was a problem with his own body, just to avoid Wang Tianqi from the outside world, he couldn't leave immediately.

In terms of the time spent evading, several years have passed in the Thousand Flowers Forest.

"Donor, there is a poor monk's temple outside. When the donor takes the Qiankun lock, there are still some records. At that time, the poor monk will come in again."

The eminent monk Fudo announced the Buddha's name and left the guest hall, and the lady also explained the peony and left Wanhualin with the eminent monk.

Letters or something, when Jiang Lin goes out, he can naturally ask her for it.

Immediately, Jiang Lin cast a spell to let Jiang Ting's soul return to Peony's fairy body, and hugged Jiang Ting's body again.

Jiang Lin and Peony have become husband and wife, so Zhu Xiaolian, Meng Longtan and others did not make any bridal chambers.

Back in the wedding room, Jiang Lin let out a groan, and now he really has a splitting headache.

Moreover, his character has also become violent, and the urge to kill and destroy always wants to dominate his body.

After taking some immortal treasures, Jiang Lin quickly sat down and calmed down his body and mind.

In the next few years, I am afraid that he will let his corpse and the corpse poison in his body quiet down, so as to avoid his tendency to become poisoned again.

In this way, Jiang Lin and Peony lived a peaceful life in Ten Thousand Flowers Forest for several years. During these years, Jiang Lin did not go out for anything, just meditating in his room.

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