As for Meng Longtan and Zhu Xiaolian, they stayed in the Thousand Flowers Forest for a year and then left together.

As a winner in life, Meng Longtan decided to change his past, so he took a few wives out to pursue a career, raising his wives and children. He came back to win the peony, and as for his book boy, he took a deal and developed a relationship with Yunmei. After Zhu Xiaolian passed the test of fame, he returned with him to marry.

"Xianggong, you have to come back earlier."

On this day, Peony reluctantly cuddled in Jiang Lin's arms, her man was about to part with her today.

"I'll rush back as soon as possible. Those immortal treasures left behind, you have to take them regularly. It's good for you and Jiang Ting."

Jiang Lin kissed Mudan on the forehead, and he was very affectionate. In the past few years, his sequelae have often troubled him, and some evil thoughts in his body cannot be eliminated unless they are vented out. During this time, Mudan suffered because he couldn't pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. A lot of suffering.

After saying goodbye to Peony, Jiang Lin went to the entrance and exit of Wanhualin and left.

And outside, just over a month has passed.

Jiang Lin took the letter written to the pavilion master of Huaxian Pavilion from the lady, and embarked on the road of adventure again.

Although this time, he was going to explore the traces of the Sword Kingdom Demon Sect first, but if there is any chance to find the entrance to Huaxian Pavilion, he will be able to accomplish it in one battle.

After leaving Zhantan Temple, Jiang Lin went all the way north to the central area of ​​Sword Country.

"It turns out that this sword country is quite interesting, and it has an alliance leader."

On the way, Jiang Lin muttered to himself, and he learned a lot of information about the Sword Kingdom from the mouth of the immovable monk.

The origin of this sword country is interesting to say.

The reason why the Sword Kingdom is relatively harmonious is because a long time ago, there were two sword immortals who came here. The two sword immortals, one good and the other evil, were very powerful in cultivation, but because the strength of the two was equal to each other, no one could defeat the other. , and reached an agreement to jointly occupy the land.

But one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and one country cannot tolerate two masters. After all, there are problems with such an agreement.

Therefore, the two sword immortals set a rule, so that the monks or new practitioners who came here later were divided into two factions, the good and the evil, and they fought each other. Govern the sword country, and be able to call all domestic resources.

Therefore, Sword Kingdom as a whole is similar to the martial arts novels Jiang Lin has read.

Because of this, the environment of Sword Kingdom is different from that of Da Luo Xianjie, and there are many monks who guard the righteousness and ward off evil spirits.

In the Sword Kingdom, there are two powerful Sword Immortals, each of whom also has a group of forces under their command. Although they fight with each other, they can be regarded as harmonious as a whole.

If the outside world invades, the good and evil sides will temporarily cooperate to protect the outside world together.

A hundred years ago, the two sword immortals clashed again and fought against each other. In the end, both sides were injured.

According to Jiang Lin's inference, the reason Wang Dijian appeared in the Sword Kingdom may be to take the opportunity to make the Sword Kingdom appear in the same situation as the Liang Kingdom.

Although there is no lord in the Sword Kingdom, the leader of the alliance is the same. It can make the subordinates surrender. As long as they surrender, there will be luck. Once the monks of the Sword Kingdom are infiltrated by the corpse poison, they can still give Wangdi and Wangtian. Provides the power of fortune and faith.

Chapter [*] Righteous Boyun Tianjiang Hero (Part [*])

I don't know whether the current sword country is in charge of the famous and upright or the crooked and evil.

Jiang Lin still wasn't quite sure about the specific situation of Sword Country, so he had to inquire about it.

In the Sword Kingdom, there are knights that are not found outside, and this is what makes the Sword Kingdom different.

Moreover, most of the practitioners in the Sword Kingdom focus on swordsmanship, and most of the knights are swordsmen. Jiang Lin's own swordsmanship is quite extraordinary. Now, his cultivation has reached the level of golden elixir, and he can already do it without relying on swordsmanship. Flying with a zhengbone sword is just a bit tasteless. His zhengbone sword is of low quality, and it is far less convenient than directly driving the golden wheel.

So, disguised as a swordsman, he has no obstacles at all.

It's just that whether he is a sword country knight or a villain remains to be discussed, which is related to his later plans.

In Sword Country, as long as the camps are different, it is unreasonable to fight. The righteous people take pride in eradicating the evil people, while the evil people kill the righteous knights, it is commonplace.

If he's on the wrong side, it's trouble.

If evil is in power now, and if he calls himself a hero, he will have to go wherever he goes, and where will he be troubled.

vice versa.

It's right and wrong. For Jiang Lin, there is no need to deliberately disguise it. If it's right, he is Jiang Daxia, a swordsman who has a strong sense of righteousness. If it's wrong, he is Li Yangzi.

However, this so-called full of evil is not that kind of thing, as long as he kills more people, some secretly ignorant of conscience and treachery, if he kills casually, he will have a bad reputation.

After walking through a few cities, Jiang Lin found out after some inquiries that the Sword Kingdom is still in charge of the righteous people. However, the actual situation is that the Dao eliminates the devil, and the right does not suppress the evil. Although the position of the leader of the alliance is in the hands of the right, but For some acts of the evil way, there is no way for those famous and decent people to stop them.

If the two sword immortals were still there, the current situation would not have happened, but unfortunately, the two sword immortals have been closed, resulting in the current situation.

Hearing such news, Jiang Lin decided to be a hero for the time being. At the very least, in name, his identity as a hero had been said in the past, and there were still people who were willing to help in inquiring about the Demon Cult.

This can be regarded as justifiable, not only practitioners can provide assistance, ordinary people will also have officials, they can provide some convenience, and it is also good for him to find Huaxian Pavilion.

After making this decision, Jiang Lin also did a few chivalrous things on the road, leaving behind his chivalrous name.

Three days later, Jiang Lin was on his way at night, and when he arrived in a forest, he suddenly heard some movement in front of him.

He jumped a few times, stepped on the treetops, and approached the source of the sound.

As they got closer, Jiang Lin landed on a luxuriant tree branch, only to realize that a group of evil cultivators were chasing after a dozen children.

Moreover, what surprised him was that the ten or so children actually had a little medicinal power and corpse poison in their bodies.

Hey, just in time to make a name for myself.

Right now, Jiang Lin was ready to take action to save these children, and he could also inquire about what was going on by the way. Unfortunately, it was the evil cultivator of the Demon Sect who was chasing and killing them.

Just when he was about to move, there was another movement in the distance. A girl in black and veiled with a black veil was stepping on a branch and rushing forward.

The black-clothed girl fell behind the children, and with a wave of the long sword in her hand, several evil cultivators died under her sword in an instant.

"Hurry up and run forward, and my sister will catch up with you later."

After the black-clothed girl temporarily killed the pursuers, she told the children to continue to run for their lives, and then she held the sword in front of her and said coldly to the evil cultivator on the opposite side: "You evil sects, how old are you? The children are not spared, it is simply maddening!"

Yo, what a coincidence, it's really a magic sect.

Hearing the girl's scolding, Jiang Lin raised his brows. Along the way, he was also inquiring about where the Demon Sect's old nest was, but to no avail. Unexpectedly, when he was on his way, he encountered an evil cultivator belonging to the Demon Sect. .

"Hmph, now that the Sword Immortals have entered the gate, the Dao has eliminated the demons, our demon sect is a rising star, and it will be a matter of time to rule the world. You people of the righteous way can turn a blind eye, otherwise, it will hinder our demon sect. The great cause of unification, beware that the whole family will be destroyed!"

"Say more nonsense to her and kill her!"

"It's okay to take it back and refine the corpse."

The few evil cultivators of the Demon Sect didn't say much, and swarmed up, preparing to surround and kill the black-clothed girl.

This black-clothed girl's cultivation was just a short while ago when she condensed the golden elixir, and among the evil cultivators opposite the girl, there were only four of them at the light-clothed elixir level. It didn't take long for the black-clothed girl to fall into a hard fight.

At this time, Jiang Lin was still watching the battle below from the tree. The reason why he did not act immediately was because after observing the girl in black, he found that the girl also had some traces of corpse poison in her body. escaped.

This made him a little confused about what was going on.

Those children have corpse poison and medicinal power, which is reasonable. After all, it seems that they were caught as experimental objects, and those evil cultivators also have them. It is not difficult to understand. The demon organization is suspected to have a relationship with Wang Dixian.

But since this black-clothed girl chose to save those children and became an enemy of the demon cult, it shouldn't be the right way.

How could he also have corpse poison on his body?

Could it be that this is some kind of trap?

When Jiang Lin was wondering, the black-clothed girl below was out of control and suffered some injuries. Jiang Lin found that the evil cultivators were planning to kill them everywhere, so he temporarily suppressed the confusion in his heart. , rushed out directly from the big tree.

Neither the black-clothed girl nor the demon cultivator discovered Jiang Lin's existence. With such a surprise attack, one of the cultivators at the core formation level was killed by him, while the other was directly seriously injured.

"This young man, thank you for your help."

When the black-clothed girl saw that someone was helping, she immediately withdrew from the entanglement of the two evil cultivators, retreated to Jianglin's side, and thanked him.

"You don't need to thank them. Everyone gets them and kills them. Hoeing the strong and helping the weak is the foundation of chivalry. What I do here is just like you, the heroine."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, saying that he was a hero who saw injustice and drew his sword.

Chapter [*] Righteous Boyun Tianjiang Hero (middle)

The black-clothed girl glanced at Jiang Lin and did not doubt his words at all.

Jiang Lin exudes a sense of righteousness. Over the years, although almost all of the things he has done are selfish, the things like subduing demons, subduing demons, and beheading invaders are real, and he also scattered countless family wealth and disaster relief. Help the weak, and over time, there will naturally be a sense of righteousness in the body.

"How dare you!"

Seeing that their companions were attacked and killed, the two Jiedan evil cultivators were immediately furious, and rushed towards Jiang Lin with their severely injured companions and many minions.

"Woman, the one who was seriously injured will be handed over to you."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he raised his sword to meet the two evil cultivators.

"Be careful, the methods of demon cultists are tricky and ruthless."

The masked girl hurriedly reminded Jiang Lin, and at the same time she rushed away, facing the evil cultivator who was seriously injured by Jiang Lin just now.

Although Jiang Lin has not deliberately practiced superior swordsmanship, his own strength is incomparable. He can break through all methods with one force. In addition, his reaction is extremely fast, even if he only uses a bone sword to fight against evil cultivators of the same level. He also suppressed the opponent's retreat.

Just as Jiang Lin and the black-clothed girl were fighting fiercely against the demon cultivators, another young man approached the battle circle.

The young man hid in the tree and observed the battle below.

"is her?"

When the young man saw the brows of the black-clothed girl, he immediately frowned, and then he took out a black cloth from his arms and covered his face.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already sensed the existence of the young man. He pointed a little in the direction of the latter's hiding, and the Zhengbone Sword rushed towards him like a sharp arrow from a string.

At the same time, Jiang Lin's palms also transformed into Yang Finger Swords, attacking and killing the two evil cultivators.

Today, Jiang Lin has stayed in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest for a few years, and Xianhuo has always been supplied with fairy energy, which has led to a lot of improvement in the quality of Yang Yan in his body.

The two Yang-fingered swords twisted towards each other, and the two demon cultists on the opposite side were cut off by Jiang Lin.

Seeing this, the injured evil cultivator who was glued to the black-clothed girl immediately stepped back and looked at Jiang Lin with a pair of fearful eyes.

This young man who was killed halfway was so powerful that he even killed the three of them after a while.

At this time, the young man hiding in the tree was also forced out and landed opposite Jiang Lin and the others.

"Protection of the law, it is not good for your subordinates to do things."

The only remaining evil cultivator saw the young man's back and clothes, recognized it immediately, and half-knelt down to apologize to him.

The demon cultists behind him also knelt down together.

"Guardian? Is he a magician?"

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